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Some STARWARS questions

F Horn of Valere

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WARNING... for the very very very few of you out there who have NOT seen Starwars but DO plan on watching them someday.. move on to another topic! To quote our favorite bartender in Mos Eisley, "you're kind aren't served here!"


In my quest to watch, or rewatch, all of my Sci-Fi series/movies, I have recently begun starwars and just finished Episode III. Watching these has reminded me of some questions I had that I never had answered, so I am hoping some of you here who are as nerdy, or in some cases far nerdier than I am can help me! So please, if you know the answers, post them!


1. R2D2... why does he not use his jetpack booster things in IV-VI? Is it because he has run out of fuel and the Rebellion can't afford to get him more? What about when he was serving the Organa family on Alderaan... they had money, and they had him up until just into IV.


2. Anakin and "the Prophecy" that he would bring balance to the force. Did he... a) Bring balance by bringing the number of Jedi down to equal that of the Sith, b) Bring balance by killing the emporer at the very end, bringing an end fo the Sith, or c) he never fulfilled the prophecy. Perhaps Luke did though...


3. Did any Jedi survive besides Obi-Wan and Yoda? (I know that if any survived past Episode V, Yoda didn't know about them...)


4. The Sith Lord that had "mastered death" was killed by his Apprentice (referred to by Palpatine in Episode III). Was Palpatine that apprentice?

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1. You should ignore most of the prequel movies as they bring up many questions like this.  Why doesn't C3PO know who Luke Skywalker is when Anakin Skywalker created him?  Etc, etc....


2. I thought he brought balance by killing all the jedi, therefore making the Sith (Palpatine, Vader) = (Yoda,OB1). 


3. Yes... well sort of.  For those of us that read books 7-9, you know a few other Jedi survive.  Most notable this crazy clone guy that lives on this world that has animals that block the force and the Emperor's Hand... I think her name was Mara.


4. Ummm Emperor didn't die... well not really.  His soul took over a new hand and revealed himself 6 years after the Endor Battle.  He also planned for his death by having clones made of his body because the dark side was killing his old body.  He eventually moved his soul from his Hand into a clone body. Sith Tavion figured out a technique to bring back Sith Lord Marka Ragnos in the Game Jedi Academy and is probably what Palpatine is referring to in the movie.

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It really depends on how far into the Expanded Universe you go.


1.  The droids were given over to Captain Antilles at the end of Episode III.  C-3PO's memory was to be wiped and maybe they deactivated all the cool gadgets R2 had.


2.  I don't think they ever explained what part of the Force he was to balance.  We know there were two Sith Lords and Yoda and Obi Wan survived, but so did other Jedi's.  General Rahm Kota and Shaak Ti survived the Order 66 purge as well Kyle Katarn's father according to the Video game history that are considered "canon".


3.  It was said that fewer than one hundred Jedi—approximately one percent of the entire Order—survived Order 66. However, it appeared that that was incorrect, as the number seemed to actually be above one hundred (close to two hundred). Nonetheless, many of these Jedi were killed over the following years during the Great Jedi Purge.


    * 4 unnamed Jedi on Dellalt

    * Several Jedi combatants in the Battle of Shumari[3]

    * Aqinos

    * Klossi Anno

    * Koffi Arana[4]

    * Darrin Arkanian

    * Beldorion

    * Ood Bnar[5]

    * Ashka Boda

    * Niebur Boton

    * Empatojayos Brand[5]

    * Maris Brood

    * Drun Cairnwick

    * Caryn

    * Bol Chatak[1]

    * Tsui Choi[4]

    * Roblio Darté[4]

    * Ameesa Darys

    * "Death Star prisoner"[6]

    * Lexi Degarienne

    * Denia

    * Ekria

    * Neth Enasteri

    * Fable Astin's mother

    * Jastus Farr[4]

    * Minos Fel'Kona

    * Siadem Forte

    * Fy-Tor-Ana

    * Geith

    * Gran Jedi on Shumari[7]

    * A'Sharad Hett

    * Kai Hudorra

    * Human Jedi on Shumari[3]

    * Ikrit

    * Ylenic It'kla

    * Darrus Jeht

    * Dass Jennir

    * Jerec

    * Drakka Judarrl

    * Judarrl's Master

    * Taj Junak

    * Bardan Jusik

    * "Justice" Jedi

    * Kai Justiss

    * K'Kruhk

    * Danaan Kerr

    * Obi-Wan Kenobi[2]

    * Ephaan Kenzon

    * Ydra Kilwallen

    * Rahm Kota

    * Iwo Kulka

    * An'ya Kuro

    * Last Curator of Records

    * Drake Lo'gaan

    * Ma'kis'shaalas

    * Maw

    * Callista Ming

    * Dama Montalvo

    * Garen Muln

    * Noirah Na

    * Deran Nalual

    * Nos'lyn

    * Ferus Olin

    * Kazdan Paratus

    * Jax Pavan

    * Piru

    * Plett

    * Shadday Potkin[4]

    * Qid Proko

    * Qu Rahn

    * Tyneir Renz

    * Ry-Gaul

    * T'ra Saa

    * Joc Sah

    * Corwin Shelvay

    * Echuu Shen-Jon[8]

    * Roan Shryne[1]

    * Ranik Solusar

    * Olee Starstone[1]

    * Morvet Storm

    * Sullustan Jedi on Shumari[3]

    * Bultar Swan[4]

    * Talasea Jedi

    * Tao[3]

    * Dorn Tavers

    * Tholme

    * Shaak Ti

    * Travgen

    * Axton Tredway

    * Twi'lek Jedi on Shumari[3]

    * Urootar

    * Unnamed Padawan

    * Halagad Ventor

    * Vergere

    * Verpine Jedi

    * Vima-Da-Boda[9]

    * Quinlan Vos

    * "Wonder Woman" Jedi

    * Sia-Lan Wezz[4]

    * Yoda[2]

    * Zao

    * Zonder


Taken from Wookiepedia so take it for what it is worth.


4.  Yes even though he wasn't named, Palpatine was the Apprentice of Darth Plagueis.  Darth Plagueis was named as early as the first draft of Revenge of the Sith (April 2003), and possibly earlier than this. Lucas always named his Sith characters in a way that summed up their characters. The name does indeed say a lot, and as a derivative of the word "plague," the name implies his interest in arcane biological experiments. It could also be argued that, in the person of his apprentice Darth Sidious, he had unleashed a plague that proved fatal to the body politic of the Republic and the galaxy as a whole.


Plagueis's identity as a Muun came from George Lucas.[2] again taken from the Wookiepedia.

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I won't comment on the others ... so many people have had a hand in the Star Wars universe that complete integration of all the stories is impossible ... but I would like to comment on number one.


1. The reason that R2-D2 didn't have all his cool gadgets active in episodes IV-VI is that those movies were made before the prequels (episodes I-III), so the special effects (while undeniably groundbreaking at the time) were not as good.  Whatever "justification" is given in the story, thats the real reason.

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2)  I always found this to be rather funny and dimwitted on the part of the Jedi.  I think Order 66 and then Vader hunting down the remaining Jedis (minus Yoda and Obi Wan) was the fullfillment of the prophecies.  The reason I say it was boneheaded is that the Jedi's encouraged it to happen.  I mean the light was clearly in power over the dark side so in order to bring balance one of two things had to happen.  1)  The darkside starts heavily recruiting resulting in a more equal number of Sith's to Jedi's or 2) the elimination of most of the existing Jedi's.  Real brilliant.

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1) See Seg's :D


2)Again see Seg's :P But ye know Whitestar, what does bringing balance to the force mean? ;) Does it really mean eliminating most of the Jedi? Or even the Sith? Or is it balancing the teachings of the Jedi and the Sith? Or was it to merely balance light and Darkness of the force within the galaxy, reguardless of how many there were of each? :) Or is there a light side and dark side? Maybe it means demolishing such false notions of light and dark, and following your conscience instead... ;D And the Sith'Ari isn't even taken into account here... is he or she the same person as the 'Chosen One' indeed their legends are similar... :D But can Anakin even be either of these? ;) One could argue that Plagueis used his power to 'instill' life within Shmi.... so how can this man, who's birth was 'unnatural' be either of these two? No I don't think he was... nor Do i think Luke was... or else he hasn't done it yet...


3)Seg's yet again.... ;D


4) I would say so... ;) its in keeping with the time frame if one believes that Plagueis used his power to 'make' Anakin.... altho, Palpatine could have done that himself... but I find it rather more likely that Palpatine would have taken over his master's plans that were already in motion...

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The only answer that is still lacking here is 2 so I'll take a shot at it.  At the star wars site, you can find all sorts of useful info on characters and the "Expanded Universe" (Outside the movies).  In reviewing htese I came across info about the prophecy.  Don't ask for a quote as I am not going to go digging again.  But, I thought it claimed that neither Anakin or Luke were the actuator of the prophecy.  That event was actually accomplished by one of Leia and Han's children.  Take it with a grain of salt I am going off of memories a few years old.

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