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UK'ers now have a reason to use AOL...


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AOL is giving away a 40GB Playstation 3 with a copy of Ratchet and Clank Future and a wireless Sixaxis controller to customers who sign a two-year contract for AOL Broadband Wireless Plus.


The 24-month contract also requires you to sign up for AOL Talk call plan (not sure what that is) and runs £19.99 a month. Once you stick around for 24 months you can keep your PS3 forever. The only catch, besides the ironclad two-year contract, is that you have to pay a deliver charge of £14.99 for the console, controller and game. Not a bad Christmas present, especially since it comes with Ratchet and Clank.


Judging by the price and location of the source, I suspect this is a UK only deal.


Considering your paying about $19.95 for a ps3 for 2 years, its not a bad price considering... Now if only you can justify the cost of AOL. :P ;)

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Considering your paying about $19.95 for a ps3 for 2 years, its not a bad price considering... Now if only you can justify the cost of AOL.


Actually, £19.99 a month is just over 41 US dollars.  So, you're paying almost $1000 (about £480) for a $400 (£192) console (OK and a decent game), and truly terrible internet.


Since my current High Speed Internet only adds about 10 dollars per month to my bundled services package (so, 240 dollars over 2 years)... this doesn't seem like a good deal at all.

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Robert, if you're going to take the words right out of my mouth, please be sure to wash your hands first.  ;D


One pound is worth more than one US dollar right now, so while $19.99 appears to be a reasonable price to us Yanks, it's actually quite a bit more pricey than other options may be. And yeah, it's AOL.  :P

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  • Community Administrator

Considering your paying about $19.95 for a ps3 for 2 years, its not a bad price considering... Now if only you can justify the cost of AOL.


Actually, £19.99 a month is just over 41 US dollars.  So, you're paying almost $1000 (about £480) for a $400 (£192) console (OK and a decent game), and truly terrible internet.


Since my current High Speed Internet only adds about 10 dollars per month to my bundled services package (so, 240 dollars over 2 years)... this doesn't seem like a good deal at all.


Well, consider what you would have to pay if you rent to owned a ps3... Thats something like... oh... $40 a month for 2+ years?


Now, if your cable ISP's offered the same deal, would you not take it? :P

Mind you, I'm paying around $34 a month for cable Internet....

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Well, consider what you would have to pay if you rent to owned a ps3... Thats something like... oh... $40 a month for 2+ years?


If you rent-to-own a 400 dollar console for 40 dollars a month over two years (960 dollars total) then you deserve AOL.


Lol, I never said it was a 'smart' thing to do. :P

But Rent-To-Own isn't exactly a small industry. I can probably name about 20 places in my city/town that offer such services... And those places are a major rip off your paying upwards of 10x what it would cost you to buy from the actual store... But people who don't want to spend $600 bucks upfront think its a 'great' deal.

By comparison, WoW, your paying $15 a month. Thats $180 USD in 1 year! vs the $239.4 or something around $350 in USD. (Euro/pounds is about 2 to 1 usd?) And I believe the basic Aol Package is about the same or $25 but definately not $40 usd in america...


Eitherway, if you already have AOL, this would be a great deal, spending 2.5x what hte actual console would cost is definately more then what your getting out of AOL internet...

(AOL, don't you already have to get internet from your cable/dsl to even use AOL? so your really just paying for a glorified browswer?)

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But Rent-To-Own isn't exactly a small industry. I can probably name about 20 places in my city/town that offer such services... And those places are a major rip off your paying upwards of 10x what it would cost you to buy from the actual store... But people who don't want to spend $600 bucks upfront think its a 'great' deal.


Oh, believe me, I know.  In my younger days I was a repo/collection man for Rent America (ye gods, the cockroach infested couches I've seen ... and lifted ... its almost worth calling Mike Rowe ...)


Anywho ...


I personally think WoW and other paid-subscription on-line games are idiotic ... but people have almost always been free to waste their money as they see fit, never more than today.

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