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WOT children's names


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So.. I don't know if this makes me pathetic... or a devoted fan, but I named my daughter Avienda (minus the "h" to help non-WOTers pronounce it).  Am I the only one?  Who else here has named a child after a character in the WOT series?


my daughter's named after a character in that cheapass sinbad live-action show that was playing a few years back.


for the record, it was my wife's idea, and she didn't tell me about this detail until after the papers were filed.


turnabout is fair play though; i gave her the middle name justice for "...  and justice for all." 




I've heard so many people say they wanted to name their child, Elora Danan ... from the movie Willow. *G*


funny that; i actually know someone who went through with it.  :P


Want to hear about a funny story about naming a child? My wife always told me she was going to give me my first Harley. My oldest daughter's name is Harli.  :P I'm not complaining though. I'll take her over a motorcycle any day.  ;D


My gawd someone did go through with it, eh? Have to say, it is a beautiful name.... Elora Danan.... Sing it sistahs!!!


My sister was named after Lana Turner's daughter. Cheryl Ann. So see, it does happen.


Cute Story Tiger.


if we'd had a boy, he would have been named james (my idea_.  i have 2 friends named james, but it wasn't for either of them.  my wife thinks i just like the name.  heh heh heh.....  she's so cute in her innocence sometimes.



  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, Alex Grey named his daughter Xena.


I was named after a fictional character.  Tristan from Tristan and Isolde.  I used to not like it as a child.  It was unique and everyone wants to call me Christian or Kristin.  Now Im rather fond of it.  If I have a son, I will probably name him Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes.  In middle school I told my teacher that I go by Calvin, and stayed that way until High School.  Calvin is no where in any of my three names. 


I love the name Moraine.


If i were a mean parent I would name my daughter Freyalise, from the Magic the Gathering series, so as to be slightly less blasphemous than just calling her Freya.  Granted I would call her Freya for short.  It'd make me giggle every time Im sure.


I can assure you that naming your child after a fictional character is not lame or dorky in the least.  "Normal" American parents look in "The Book of Names" for something like 'Jack' or 'Michael' or 'Jonathan'.  Being creative with the naming of your child not only shows devotion to the child, but also gives them a unique label to define themselves, in turn making it easier for them to be an individual.  Though I think you should have left the 'h' in the name just because.


I can assure you that naming your child after a fictional character is not lame or dorky in the least.


      Of course not. I mean culture has only degenerated to the point where we name our prodigy and legacy after false caricatures of images or words burned into reels/paper to entertain us.

      Nevermind naming your child something personal, familiar or trusted when one can inanely name them after a pop culture icon...



Being creative with the naming of your child not only shows devotion to the child, but also gives them a unique label to define themselves, in turn making it easier for them to be an individual.


    On top of expressing a wish for your child to be an outcast. Alienating them from the social norm, and probably opening them for some nice abuse in their youth if one was particularly creative about their surname.


what child isnt an outcast in some way or another?  and if they are persecuted more for having a unique name, or persecuted for any reason, it only makes them stronger.  But yea, lets just let our children be a faceless head in the sea of humanity, without a thought or care of how unjust humans are.  So tell me, were you bullied as a child, or were you the bully?  or were you that faceless head watching from a distance, doing nothing about the incident you are witnessing?


and if they are persecuted more for having a unique name, or persecuted for any reason, it only makes them stronger. 

I am sorry, but I completely disagree with that.


  I've only ever seen people bullied because of surnames, which they, of course, have from their parents. It's not something the parent chooses, far as I know. Where I live, people with unusual first names aren't bullied because of it. People don't really notice, or they like the name.


As for naming children after fictional characters, I think it's quite nice. There are some lovely names in books, like in the Wheel Of Time, and I see no reason not to name children after them, if it's a nice name. 


I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't intended as a debate about whether to give our kids unique or common names. I would love to hear about more people who have named their kids after stories and the like.




I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't intended as a debate about whether to give our kids unique or common names. I would love to hear about more people who have named their kids after stories and the like.


Well, anyone coming up with the idea for this thread would of likey realized that naming children after fictional characters might engender a disussion as to its appropriateness.


That being said, I include the names my father choose for his three offspring:


Vivian "Athena",


Luis "Jesus", and


"Isis" Carridad.


Being Catholic the problems started at the very beginning as the local priests were not thrilled about baptizing two girls with pagan goddess' names.   They had no problem with my middle name, although it raised a lot of eye-brows in grammer school. And, yes my father studied ancient mythology while at University.



mmm.... i don't remember if i shared... but i named my children with different enough names. and they were made fun of for a whole month. then everyone seemed to say how much they liked them. *shrugs* you don't have to go over board. but having 3 amandas in one class really sealed the deal for me long ago.


I have heard the mention of Mara Jade many times. Just wondered who is you are talking about *lol*


i dont know if its what your thinking about but thats the name of luke skywalkers girlfriend after the star wars movies


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