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WoT Computer Game

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Guest TigerToe

I have never played it, i read a couple of reviews and looked at screenshots...



World of WARCRAFT!

  • Community Administrator

Just download the demo and save your self the cash. It's basically an FPS type game, that is EXTREMELY off from the books... Ie you play as a white tower Amryin, who for some reason has to take buisness into her own hand.. She also can't channel at all, and has to sue Ter'Angrael for anything called "attacks" the only thing she can do, that doesnt require a ter'angrael is the blasted air bottom smacking thing....

  \ said:
Just download the demo and save your self the cash. It's basically an FPS type game' date=' that is EXTREMELY off from the books... Ie you play as a white tower Amryin, who for some reason has to take buisness into her own hand.. She also can't channel at all, and has to sue Ter'Angrael for anything called "attacks" the only thing she can do, that doesnt require a ter'angrael is the blasted air bottom smacking thing....[/quote']


I loved the game, although now, it's pretty old. I think it was from 97. That being said, it was way ahead of its time.



It was certainly ahead of it's time, it got extremly good reviews. But it has little to no connection to the books. Basically as Sinster said you play as an Aes Sedai who's collecting the seals so that the Dark One doesn't break free, and this way it gives the Dragon time to be reborn. This would almost work, and you could consider the game to be like a proluge to the entire series, BUT Padan Fain is in the game as your "big bad guy" and he's trying to collect the seals too, so that he can break them. The graphics were ahead of it's time, it's rather fun, it's short, but if you're getting it from ebay try not to spend more then $10 or $15 for it.

  \ said:
It was certainly ahead of it's time' date=' it got extremly good reviews. But it has little to no connection to the books. Basically as Sinster said you play as an Aes Sedai who's collecting the seals so that the Dark One doesn't break free, and this way it gives the Dragon time to be reborn. This would almost work, and you could consider the game to be like a proluge to the entire series, BUT Padan Fain is in the game as your "big bad guy" and he's trying to collect the seals too, so that he can break them. The graphics were ahead of it's time, it's rather fun, it's short, but if you're getting it from ebay try not to spend more then $10 or $15 for it.[/quote']


I don't think it was *actually* Fain, although you were supposedly supposed to think it was. I think there were issues with using characters from the books...It was a long time ago, though, and I may not be remembering clearly.


  \ said:
It was a peddlar named Padan Fain' date=' so unless it was Padan' father, and Padan is really Padan Jr., I think it was the same guy.[/quote']


Well, there goes my faith in my memory...oh well. It's just that I thought he was affected by SL already, and that didn't happen til the books.


  • Community Administrator

The graphics were most certainly not ahead of its time. The engine and graphics were from Quake... I don't think it came out in 97' but I may be mistaken.


Just did some research, came out in 99.

In some cases, EverQuest, has better graphics then That game..





Guest cwestervelt
  \ said:
The graphics were most certainly not ahead of its time. The engine and graphics were from Quake... I don't think it came out in 97' but I may be mistaken.


Just did some research' date=' came out in 99.

In some cases, EverQuest, has better graphics then That game..






Were they from Quake? I thought it was the Unreal engine they used. Either way, you are correct in the assessment that they were not ahead of their time.


I went and got the game back when Columbia House tried doing there video game club. Didn't realize I was just getting a shooter or I wouldn't have gotten it.

  • Community Administrator

Yea, may have been unreal.. All I know is it's one of the two. :P *Maybe they use the same engine? Quake = unreal engine?* gah, dun care, never played those games, they were crap! :P


It wasnt the amerlin. It was some chick that was some kind of a pet trusted with weird things kinda like what suian and moraine were when the other amerlin was alive. She couldnt channel any more than morgaize can. Also there is some guy called the hound. No other name given. Amaizing simalarity to fain but wasnt. He uses ter angreal also. Get to see ishmail if you play it far enough.

  • Community Administrator

Hmm, coulda swore you played as a bad channeling amyrlian.. but o well.. Either way, what kind of amyrlian has a barely able to channel person hunt down darkfriends?!

It wasnt the amerlin. It was some chick that was some kind of a pet trusted with weird things kinda like what suian and moraine were when the other amerlin was alive. She couldnt channel any more than morgaize can. Also there is some guy called the hound. No other name given. Amaizing simalarity to fain but wasnt. He uses ter angreal also. Get to see ishmail if you play it far enough.


I *knew* it...it wasn't Fain.


  • 3 months later...

As far as I can tell, gaming magazines and the like consider Wheel of Time to be one of the most underated games of its generation. The reason seems to be that WOT fans give it bad reviews because it doesn't tie in well enough to the WOT boooks. Yet if I remember correctly, the reason this game takes place before the series and doesn't involve any of the characters was because RJ himself didn't want any video game publishers messing around and contradicting his story.


Back before the game came out I was very excited about it and looked for updates on IGN on a weekly if not daily basis, and I seem to remember reading that this was the case.


Other things I remember about it (looking back at previous discussion on this thread) was that it WAS lauded as one of the best looking games graphically at the time. It was indeed based on an enhanced version of the Unreal Engine (it's contemporary was the Quake II engine, upon which Half Life was built - albeit a heavily modified (70% or so of the code was rewritten) version of it.)


Before going on to more in-game topics, let me state that while I played the demo a long long time ago, and picked up the game itself not that long after it came out, the game itself has been sitting unplayed at my house for YEARS. Just two days ago did I finally install it on my PC and play the tutorial. I mention this because I do not as yet know the contents of the game to confirm or deny some of the speculation earlier in the thread (not that anyone cares at this point).


But from back when it was coming out, I thought that this game took place a LONG time before the events of the book... maybe 1000 years or so. But I have also read recently that it takes place right before the events of the book (though that is subjective and couldn't be immediately before the series) and that the character is the Keeper of the Chronicles.


I don't know if that is true or false yet, but I can tell you from the 'Tutorial Levels' (where you walk through the three sided Ter-Angreal) that her use of Ter-Angreal instead of channeling is because she is very weak in the power (Suan Sanche after Nyneave's healing weak probably) and combined with or because of her weakness she has a block with channeling and therefore never leaves the safety of the White Tower.


I hope to start the Single Player game tonight, and will perhaps come back and leave updates of my thoughts on the game.


I have to say though, that while in hindsight an open-ended RPG like Morrowind or an MMORPG would have perhaps suited the franchise better, I think the novelty of seeing the world of the WOT brought to life will be more than enough novelty to enhance my enjoyment of a good, and beautiful game.


And it IS a beautiful game. No, the technology and 3d graphics engine may not be up to date, but that does not change the fact that this is one of the most richly detailed games ever made.

  • Community Administrator

Umm, she was the 'amryilian' in the game.. No Amyrilin*sp* is going to be THAT weak. Generally the amyrilin is the strongest, or amongst the strongest of the aes sedia in the tower.. Now unless every sister in the tower 500 years prior, were exessively weak in the power, or excessively incompotent.. I see here 'weakness' to use the onepower as an exuse because making a 'channeling' system ingame would be 'very difficult', and 'ter'angrael' is just an easy copout.

Hmm' date=' coulda swore you played as a bad channeling amyrlian.. but o well.. Either way, what kind of amyrlian has a barely able to channel person hunt down darkfriends?![/quote']







You start out as the Keeper, but the become the amyrlin ,after the black gets to to first one.


Arrgghh.. I shouldn't have read that.



Either way, what kind of amyrlian has a barely able to channel person hunt down darkfriends?!


What kind of Amyrlin has accepted and novices hunt down the Black Ajah? :P



The opening scenes suggest that Elayna's appointment as Keeper in the tower is controversial, in the the Amyrlin appointed her because they were friends.




Before being keeper, Elayna was Bron Ajah and devoted her life to the study of Ter Angreal. Therefore she knows more about Ter'angreal than any other Sister alive. Her being sent after the darkfriend is very similar to Egwene et al being sent after the Black Ajah, in that the reasoning is that after an attack on the tower, the planning of which suggests the existence of the Black, there is no one else the Amyrlin can trust.




So far the most untrue part of the game is that there are Ter'angreal scattered about all over the place. That and the existence of creatures inside Shadar Logoth when no living thing should be there. Still, you have to expect some things like this. It is only a game, and it is unrealistic to expect every last detail to be 100% true to the story. It is still a fun game. I find it interesting that all of the good reviews on Amazon talk about the game itself, while all the bad reviews have nothing to do with the game, and are just from fans of the series whining about it not being involved enough with the story in the books, even though there was no way RJ was going to let them touch his main story (and I don't blame him).


In retrospect, it would have been better if instead of Ter'angreal they had used a system similar to Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy where you have a force meter that you use. Then you could gain angreal of varying power, and later sa'angreal which give you more power and unlock abilities you couldn't do without them. Maybe a few Ter'angreal as well.


Actually, you can make mods for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. It would be cool if someone made a WOT mod. Replace the lightsabers with swords and force power with the One Power etc. You could make the main character an Ashaman or set it before the series and make him a false dragon...

  • 2 weeks later...

ok SinisterDeath you obviously didn't play the game






The main character was tricked to channel through a terangreal that shielded her from the One Power so the Amyrlin could trust her.





so you see she's not really weak in the power


Whew! I'm glad I'm past that part so it didn't spoil anything. I think I am almost done with the Single Player game. I'm in the Inner Sanctum in the Fortress of the Forsaken.


So far I am very pleased with the game. I don't really understand why WOT fans are so down it (especially since non-WOT fans seem to enjoy the game for itself and consider it underrated). It's been fun seeing an imagining of the world and architecture of 'Randland', and the story has been interesting and satisfying. I have read that the ending is somewhat anticlimactic, so hopefully with that forewarning I won't be disappointed. :)


yeah I just got finished with the part I was talkin about earlier. I am in the second place in the waygate. The Blight was the best level ever!!!!


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