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Please, Welcome! :) (Attn all)


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Sam, who has forgone Brendeis to another division and made a new Character called: Cuortam. He'll be our new Quartermaster, in place of the TPC Emanuela and was appointed as CotL staff as well. Avoid him as much as possible *lol*... if you know what's good for you ;)


Wintermist, who has joined us with her 1st Lieutenant, Darin who belongs to the Army of the Light. She's an excellent RPer. I'd even dare say one of the best I've seen in DM. I hope she feels at home with us *g*


Nargbert, who joined us with his character: Ashley. And yes, it is indeed a MALE character. I'm sure you'll learn to enjoy his unique and funny way of RPing. I know he'll fit in wonderfully.


And last, but certainly not least. Lih-Lyh, who has been TPCing Evelyn. Evelyn has been approved and transformed into a PC. She's a 2nd Lieutenant and belongs to the Hand of the Light. Lily here is a magnificent RPer. I love reading her posts and she inspires me to write better.



Thank you all for choosing to join the CotL...and sorry for bugging you endlessly to do so... but I promise, it will pay off! :D


WELCOME!!!  *hands white cloaks and beers and puts on some music*






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