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[GAME] Half-Life 2 Orange Box


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So either way the ps3 is the cheaper investment, maybe not for the power you get, but then again with all the features its still a deal...

restrospectively however, the power of a gaming pc, and that of a ps3 at this point in time, are negligable. In about 6-10 months though the pc will be so far beyond the ps3 its almost funny. But within that same time frame we' should start seeing games like MGS4 and FFXIII on the horizon, and those games LOOK awesome, for the power that that console has to show.


You are leaving out one rather important cost here: 360 and PS3 games are twice the cost of a PC game.




If you are a serious gamer, than that fact alone will obliterate any apparent 'advantage' the consoles have over the PC in price. If you buy say one full-price game a month, then in the course of one year you will save £360, which is ridiculous. Add in the fact that every major 360 game will also come out on PC (albeit with delays) and most major PS3 games will also be out on PC (again with delays), and the PC emerges as the clear victor. Of the major console games doing the rounds, Mass Effect, GTA4, Halo 3 and Gears of War are already being ported to the PC and MGS4 will almost certainly be as well (unconfirmed but all previous MGS main-sequence games have been ported), leaving only Gran Turismo and the Final Fantasies. And given that the PC has driving sims which wipe the floor with GT already, that really only leaves FF as the sole PS3 flaship exclusive game. And given the PC has Dragon Age, which will almost certainly be better (by simply analysing the pattern of quality BioWare releases versus Square releases BioWare wins out, although admittedly only from not having an FFX-II clunker on their resume), this is not a major problem.


That said, if I have £300 spare on the day GTA4 comes out, the urge to buy a 360 in order to play the game immediately rather than wait 6-12 months for the PC version will be strong ;)

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I don't know where YOU buy games at but....

PC games cost $49.99, and Console games cost $59.99.



(Cheaper games that are ether older, or not complete packages, so to speak, cost about $39.99 which = $40)

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I live in Ireland but buy most games over Amazon UK (as the cost-in-euros of a new PC game is pretty poor in comparison).


In the UK PC games are £29.99 but drop down to £19.99-£24.99 within about six weeks of going on sale. Console games are about £49.99-£59.99 depending on the title.

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  • Community Administrator

I live in Ireland but buy most games over Amazon UK (as the cost-in-euros of a new PC game is pretty poor in comparison).


In the UK PC games are £29.99 but drop down to £19.99-£24.99 within about six weeks of going on sale. Console games are about £49.99-£59.99 depending on the title.


we talking about "New" games or games that have been out for 6 months?

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Ok I bought this over the weekend.  I have only played Portal... well 5 minutes of the other games but mainly Portal.  So far, I think Portal is worth the purchase alone.  The few minutes I played of Half Life were....ehh.


When you play half-life 2, you have to get out of the frat boy, halo attitude. you have to explore it like you would a fine sexy sci-fi Lady with green skin, and 3 boobs, with a tentacle for hair (like that lady from star wars). :P

The plot is far more complex! Would have helped if you played HL1 though, you can read the wikied version of it to at least get an idea whats going on.

About 20-40 minutes into the game though, you'll be run full bore into action, the first 5 minutes starts out the same way as the orginal game, slow. But once the action hits in HL2 it runs straight to the end, with barely any 'stops'. "Unless you count the stops at checking out Alyx's ass." :P

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I was never much of a fan of HL, though that being said, TF is entertaining, and portal seems fantastic.  Having played it at my buddy's house I'm sold, now I just need to budget for it. :P


When you play half-life 2, you have to get out of the frat boy, halo attitude
  Oy gevault.  ;)
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