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[TV] Journeyman - NBC Monday 10 est


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from eonline:


Cast:  Kevin McKidd, Brian Howe, Gretchen Egolf, Moon Bloodgood, Reed Diamond

Premieres:  Sept. 24, 10 p.m.


It’s Quantum Leap for the 21st century! San Francisco newspaper reporter Dan Vassar’s existence is turned upside down when an unknown force begins transporting him back and forth through time. After much confusion, he begins to understand that the unexpected travel has a purpose: He must alter a sequence of events to save someone’s life. The only problem? While he’s away, present-day events do not stand still. Instead, his wife and boss are left to wonder where in the heck he keeps disappearing to. And to make matters worse, Dan is a recovering addict and gambler whose loved ones aren’t buying the whole “time travel” thing. Imagine that. Further complicating the plot are several “in the past” appearances by Dan’s former fiancée, who was killed years ago. We also learn that Dan’s wife was actually involved with his brother back in the day. Sound complicated? It is. But the various romantic entanglements are intriguing and will likely be the one thing bringing you back week to week.



Empy's review:  Pretty good.  It will probably stay on my radar for a few more weeks. 


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I think I will like this once (if) the story builds a little more. I was not as interested during the pilot as I'd hoped, but by the end of it I had more hope for the future of the show. I feel like this sort of pushed us into things a little too quickly, and there wasn't enough story building behind the couple's problems. We saw so much of him away on his trips that we never really felt what it was like for wife & co. while he was missing, to warrant the marital problems everyone seemed to remind him of every time he returned home. But I'll watch again, and see how it goes.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I'm willing to give it another chance, but I'm with Cads on the whole, "focused too much on his being away too fast"...I didn't get any feeling or connection with his family.

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I must say I'm disappointed. 


I have to disagree with everyone here that they started the whole time travel thing way too fast.  Though I thought it was a good idea to show the family dynamics they way they did it.  You got to see how the relationships came to be without them spoon feeding them to you.


I do think there is definitely something missing with this show though.  I was starting to get bored about half way through.  I'll give it one more chance, but if it doesn't pick up there are a lot of other shows on Monday to watch.

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  • Community Administrator

I've been watching this Religiously since I found out about it.

All I have to say is. WOW, todays episode was just awesome, did not see that coming, I 'knew' she was following him, like he follows others; that much was sorta obvious, but 'where' she was, I did not see that coming!


I'm expecting Sam Beckett to jump out and go "Al, whats the computer gotta say about my chances of leaping out of here?".

I mean, the story is practically seeping of Quantum Leap refrences at this point!

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I've been watching the show weekly as well.  It's been pretty good so far and I was also surprised to see where Livia came from. 


Everythings coming to a head now and it will be interesting to see where they take it.  Though I don't see this show lasting more than a year.  Most of what makes it fun to watch is the interaction between Dan and his brother as well as how his actions affect his family in the present.  Once the whole counterfit bill storyline concludes (probably with the brother finding out about the time jumps for real) I don't see where else it can go.  But then of course I've been wrong about show before. 

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  • Community Administrator

I've been watching the show weekly as well.  It's been pretty good so far and I was also surprised to see where Livia came from. 


Everythings coming to a head now and it will be interesting to see where they take it.  Though I don't see this show lasting more than a year.  Most of what makes it fun to watch is the interaction between Dan and his brother as well as how his actions affect his family in the present.  Once the whole counterfit bill storyline concludes (probably with the brother finding out about the time jumps for real) I don't see where else it can go.  But then of course I've been wrong about show before. 



At the end of that episode, his brother was staring at the $20 bill he had placed on the counter...

I see 2 possibilities.

1) Thats the twenty he stole from evidence back in 95' when he 'saw' his brother.


2) He realized what 'may' have been going on when compared to what the FBI agent had said.

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I couldn't get past the pilot. There were pieces that seemed somewhat interesting (like the ex)...but perhaps I'm just a gal that needs Al n'Ziggy to make it through.


once it's all said and done I might try to watch the dvd :D

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At the end of that episode, his brother was staring at the $20 bill he had placed on the counter...

I see 2 possibilities.

1) Thats the twenty he stole from evidence back in 95' when he 'saw' his brother.


2) He realized what 'may' have been going on when compared to what the FBI agent had said.


I think it's 2).  After all the trouble he's in with the FBI I doubt he would steal the evidence.  He probably doesn't believe yet because I mean who would, but the pieces are starting to come together for him.


Yelenia, I'd definately recommend taking a look when it comes to DVD.  I didn't like the Pilot too much either.  In fact I didn't like the first several episodes, but the last three or four have really picked things up.

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  • Community Administrator

I actually really enjoy the show.  I haven't seen the last one yet, but am really intrigued with the plot.  If I were the main character, I would be asking many more questions about the ex.  Something is up with her. 


Well you 'can' watch them on nbc.com so theres no reason you can't watch it if its not "dvr'd"...


Anyways, this last episode explained the 'where' or rather the 'when' she is at. Its been bugging me the entire season if she's 'still' alive, and 'didn't' die on the air plane, 'where' is she now?

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  • Community Administrator

Well, if it were on an hour earlier, I would probably pay more attention, but at that point I need to start getting ready to go to bed so I'm not up until midnight or later.  :P


Well, you could watch it online at NBC.com... :P

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  • Community Administrator

Nbc.com video quality is SHITE.  :P


Mostly, I just don't care that much. ^_^



Its not horrible, I mean, unless you have a 42" LCD monitor for your computer, just pop it into full screen and its not much worse quality then your standard 480p sdtv... (litterally, the quality on there website is something like 800x600, which is slightly better then 480 which is 640x480 :P

I think NBC can't exactly justify a 720p or even a 1080p resolution for online, I mean your talkinga bout hte difference between 100mbs and 2gbs. :P

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I'm not talking about resolution, I'm talking about the way it tries to save video size by skipping frames of the video that don't change very much, and ends up with a perpetually jerky video instead of a smooth video. Abc.com does a fine job with their online video, I dont' know why nbc doesn't figure out how to do it the same way.  :P

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  • Community Administrator

I'm not talking about resolution, I'm talking about the way it tries to save video size by skipping frames of the video that don't change very much, and ends up with a perpetually jerky video instead of a smooth video. Abc.com does a fine job with their online video, I dont' know why nbc doesn't figure out how to do it the same way.  :P


I don't get that jerkyness at nbc.com >_>

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