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Declaring a War against the Shadow


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Over the first few weeks after her Raising, Annais is going to meet every Sitter personally and discuss with them about their views of the Last Battle and the measures they feel the Tower should take in preparing for it.


Exactly two weeks after her Raising, Annais summons the Hall to sit and calls for Declaration of War against the Shadow.


She will not tell the Sitters the exact implications of the Law for the Amyrlin and the Hall and since the Law of War is so obscure, only the Gray and Brown Sitters might know about it. The Gray Sitters likely will not tell but the Brows might bring it up during the discussion.


What it means is this:


'As one set of hands must guide a sword, so the Amyrlin Seat shall direct and prosecute the war by decree. She shall seek the advice of the Hall of the Tower but the Hall shall carry out her decrees with all possible speed and for the sake of unity, they shall and must approve any decree of the Amyrlin Seat regarding prosecution of the war with greater consensus.' - tPoD, ch. 19



So basically in all matters regarding to the War, the Amyrlin's word is the law. Of course there could be debates about what matters exactly pertain to the War but Annais is not going to abuse the right and would make her Decrees only about really important matters.



So the question here is: What does your character think that needs to be done in preparation for the Last Battle?


Will your Sitter stand for the Law against the Shadow? (11 Sitters are needed so 10 can oppose)


Again, this Law is something that will be passed because of OOC demands of moving the Plotline forward but we want to give your character as much space to act as they would ICly.


Current tally:


Against (max 10 allowed): Shevara & Raeyn


For (11 needed in total, 2 more please): Maegan, Tatiana, Adrai + 2 other White Sitters, Jaydena, Oriella, Sada & Sarita


Future events after the Law has been approved:


- Commanding all Sisters to start practicing battle weaves and tactics in unison with the Tower Guards


- After meeting with the representative of the Dragon, Annais will declare that the Tower is allied with the Dragon Reborn in preparation for the Last Battle


- WT & BT practicing Linking and working in unison in battle

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Shevara wouldn't stand for the declaration.  Honestly, other than an impetus to avoid Hall RPs on major decisions ICly, it seems rather nonsensical.  I mean, isn't the WT by definition at war with the Shadow, in that they oppose them at every turn? :P  It smacks of rhetoric rather than substance.  Like the War on Drugs or the War on Terror. 


I do think it would be interesting to see Annais try to enforce any of her decrees, given that Egwene has a huge problem doing that in the books, and her War is a specific one to depose Elaida.  Have y'all talked to Owen about allowing all the Ajahs to take multiple Warders?  More power to ya on that one, but I can't see him going for it.  And again, I just can't see the need for it myself.  The other three suggestions have merit, and it would be interesting to see the IC reactions from them.

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I have spoken with Steve about the Warder thing and he will pass it on to Owen fairly soon. I asked him to wait on it until we get the Law of War thing sorted out.


other than an impetus to avoid Hall RPs on major decisions ICly


The lenghty discussions and who stands and who does not is not RPed out. I am going to blatantly steal what Russ' WT does and have you declare your stances and major comments here and I will make a summary post as Annais.


That can conclude the whole RP but it is done ICly. But if someone wants to post their character's reactios and eloquent speeches, you are welcomed to do it. We just will not be waiting on you to post.


it seems rather nonsensical.  I mean, isn't the WT by definition at war with the Shadow, in that they oppose them at every turn? Tongue  It smacks of rhetoric rather than substance.  Like the War on Drugs or the War on Terror.


This may be as it is but what concrete has the White Tower done to forward the preparations for the Last Battle? Not a jackshit.


All they have done is made bad diplomatical decisions (Dumai's Well and Watchers) that have alienated necessary allies.


Rhetoric or not, that is a declaration that the White Tower needs to make to the whole world and then act on it. Annais is going to see about it with greater zeal and hopefully better success too than even the previous two Green Amyrlins (who really didn't do much about it).

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Guest Arie Ronshor



DL Intervention. I am putting my foot down and Removing the arguement for Multiple Warders. This will be held as a seperate matter and be addressed when the timing is more appropriate. Any arguements on this can be directed to me, but all in al, my foot is down. :) Sorry Ree.

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*nods* It is quite separate matter.


But lets get back to the original topic :) I repeat:


What does your character think that needs to be done in preparation for the Last Battle?


Will your Sitter stand for the Law against the Shadow?


Current tally:


Against (max 10 allowed): Shevara & Raeyn


For (11 needed in total, 2 more please): Maegan, Tatiana, Adrai + 2 other White Sitters, Jaydena, Oriella, Sada & Sarita

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Guest Arie Ronshor

What does your character think that needs to be done in preparation for the Last Battle? - will get to this later


Will your Sitter stand for the Law against the Shadow?


Maegan will be for but probably wait for the last minute to vote. She never was a hasty to vote sister.


My other sitter, Tatiana (NSW), will be on the fence. She will stand eventually. It is a Gray asking for a decliartion of War. A Gray. A peacemaker. If it inevitably is a Gray that is stepping up and setting the records straight and not the Greens, than there is seriously something wrong with the Tower and in the end will support the Amyrlin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What does your character think that needs to be done in preparation for the Last Battle? She thinks that the Tower needs to be united in it's most coheise form. (really tired here so please ignore spelling). She also believes that her ajah as a whole needs to be training as much as possible and working with the Tower Guards, they are the ones protecting our backs after all.


Will your Sitter stand for the Law against the Shadow?

Yes, I am a Green. *winks*

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Being one of the Darker Sisters in the Hall, I'm going to not stand for it, but on the premise that it's a ludicrously unnecessary step - as someone here said?  We're always at war with the Shadow ;)  That should be significant enough cover/excuse for the fact I'm probably going to turn on all of you... someday ::giggles::



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with time all beeing a lil fuzzed h ow do this relate to the whole borderland war thing


i belive the nsw i play would stand, if its after the borderland then rather fastly as well as she would see that wheter we want to or not we are at war the shadow moved out into the world

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Guest nephitess

What does your character think that needs to be done in preparation for the Last Battle? Sada is a brown so would feel knowledge and intelligence would be needed. Gathering more info about what the shadow is doing that sort of thing.


Will your Sitter stand for the Law against the Shadow? She would feel it funny to declare something that has been declared everyday since the founding of teh tower...but inthe end she would stand to support the hall and the Ammy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry.. just realized I hadn't posted. 


Well, Aramina is no longer a Sitter, but she will certainly be quite happy with the declaration.  For those that say it's silly because the Tower is already at war... it isn't.  The Tower certainly stands against everything the Shadow stands for, but that doesn't make it a war.  Nor does it mean that the rest of the World sees them as being at War.  The White Tower declaring war means that they will begin actively perparing for the Last battle, and who but the Greens actually are ? (and I mean that as an Ajah in the whole, not specific Sisters who already see the Battle coming).  A Declaration of War tells the world that the White Tower sees the Last Battle coming and is prepared to lead the way in the fight.  It's a political move, yes, but a necessary one in the world we're playing in.


Oriella.. well as jaydena so aptly put it... she's a Green :P  She'll stand immediately.

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  • 1 month later...

Sarita will stand in support of the law maybe not so much because its how she feels, but because of what her HoA tells her to do.  Being Shaneevae.  ;D


Shaneevae is not a Sitter, but she will try to influence her Sitters to do so, which will obviously be successfull with Sarita and moderately so with Sada. 


*points at Raeyn*


I can't do anything with that cranky old woman. ::) :P


I just noticed all the S's in this post. :o

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Yes, this RP is set after Kandor RP. About 2 months after, I think. I am not quite certain how the Arafel RP relates to the Kandor RP but I assume that it is fairly close. Annais might already be an Amyrlin by then.


So far I have gotten response from the following Ajahs:


Browns 3 (Way to go! :) )

Blues 0 (*snaps fingers* Alyssa, get at it)

Grays 0 (Ditto to you Lie)

Greens 2 (Thanks to you, Jenny and Crista. Who was your third Sitter again and who plays her?)

Reds 3 (Well done! It is much appreciated)

Yellows 0 (*tsks*)

Whites 3 (Thank you, James)

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with time all beeing a lil fuzzed h ow do this relate to the whole borderland war thing


i belive the nsw i play would stand, if its after the borderland then rather fastly as well as she would see that wheter we want to or not we are at war the shadow moved out into the world


the arafel-shienar war is started before the kandor war is over, how soon after the kandor it starts is another question, that is still up to discusion. Basicaly waiting for some answer from the WT and warders before setting it in stone



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honestly, I don't think Corrine would support this.  She'll likely see it as a redundant statement and a ploy by Annais to exert more control over the Hall



and as of right now, I don't have any more Sitters.  Pretty much my entire Ajah has picked up and moved to the WT site and while I'm getting loads of activity from them there (or was before NaNo :P) not so much here.  Serena's still semi-active on DM but already has a sittership on WT and doesn't want another one. last time I brought up the subject, Rossa was still RPing at DM as well but she's only got a handful of RPs going with the char and all of them have stalled out.  I can try to convince Ingo to come back with Aeveryn and take a Sittership but he hasn't been around a lot lately so I haven't been able to talk to him.  Which more or less leaves me as the only active Blue.


besides Claire, Carly and Ingo, it's highly unlikely I'll be able to convince any of the other WT Blues to come back to DM.


*sigh* once I get my inspiration and energy back up I'll get at brainwashing Novices

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  • 1 month later...

Assuming there is any point to saying where my sitter character would have stood:


Keeping in mind that all of us aren't stupid (obscure law or not) Espara will be suspicious (as others here seem to be) of asking the Hall to essentially re-declare what is "bloody obvious to the whole flaming world", hell, during the debate of the matter she'd comment that,


"This sounds about as reasonable as selling dirt to a farmer, sure he needs it to grow stuff but no one would call him a farmer if he wasn't already growing things.  Frankly, I'm bet my shawl and shoes that there is some obscure gray thing that will come up after the fact here... but I'll be bloody coated in sugar and burned before anyone will find me sitting on my butt when asked if we should be at war with the shadow.  Of course it's redundant, but a woman's got to wonder ... not just about the person asking us to stand for a redundant statement, but also about those not willing to stand up for what they claim to already represent."


... but in the end she'll be standing for the Amyrlin's Declaration of War.  :D  She's a gal who stands up for what she believes in but hates being seen as stupid (meaning she can be about as suspicious as a Cairhienen with a guilty conscience at a noble's party, at times LOL)


Truthfully, and not to rock the boat here, the situation with Egwene was the reason she pulled off what she did ... had she been in the tower I somehow doubt that the hall would have been as quick to stand with her.  The DRPSW world has the sitters sitting comfortably in their Tower, relatively unpanic'd by the events of the world (unlike Egwene's camp who was the minority and out in the world by themselves, with everything to prove and almost nothing to lose.)


Of course, if Espara being her normally bold and nearly rude self isn't cool for the purposes of rp/tower history... I can tone her down.  :)


/end rambling

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Diona is a good little mistress and will probably stay seated, now that i think about it.. Unless she gets a nasty look from the First Selector..

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