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Accuracy of Min's viewings

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Based on Nynaeve's experience in the ter'angreal in the Tower, it might suggest that there's a future where she and Lan have children and live in a resurrected Malkier.


I believe that Malkier will rise again from the ashes after Tarmon Gaidon, and I also believe that Lan and Nynaeve will be the rulers of the resurrected Malkier nation.


Malkier is dead, let it rest in peace.


TG will see new nations created, not old moldy ones dug up from the grave.


Have a little spirit  ;)


I would love to see Malkier rise...it's a possibility isn't it? Look at how many people are willing to fight for Lan and the Golden Crane.


Yes. The only viewing that looks to be of the past is the one of Lan:


You did read the quote, right?  Its not like I make this stuff up ...


I'm well aware of the quote.


I'm trying to be helpful and point out that the only viewing that smacks strongly of the past is the one of Lan and the baby- unless it's Lan's own baby, and therefore symbolic of Lan-Nynaeve. So no, it doesn't have to be a mistake on Jordan's part.


People need to step out of their damn paradigms.


Malkier is dead, let it rest in peace.


TG will see new nations created, not old moldy ones dug up from the grave.


Have a little spirit  ;)


I would love to see Malkier rise...it's a possibility isn't it? Look at how many people are willing to fight for Lan and the Golden Crane.


If with spirit you mean faith, that's what I have. I certainly don't want to see Malkier brought back from the grave, just as I don't want to see Manetheren or any other long dead nation dug up again. Bringing back dead stuff is the DOs business.


The world is moving on, a new Age is lurking around the corner. It's time to make room for new nations, it is time for great changes.


As for the Malkier riding with Lan, that's a funeral procession. They are riding to get the revenge they were denied when Malkier died, a last glorious battle in Malkiers honour. And they are riding towards Lans funeral, when he dies during the batle, along with a lot of the last Malkier. There won't be enough people left to popualte a city, much less a nation.


I'm tired, of the Inigo Montoyas of the fantasy world, fighting forever for their revenge, getting it, and rolling over and dying.  Lan, must live.


If that quote from RJ is accurate then Malkier or a nation with the seven towers and an unbreakable sword must rise.  I, for one, think the AS will try to ressurect Malkir because of their failure and because if malkier rose or an amalgamation of Malkier then the AS would have two very powerful Aes Sedai queens, not just one


That's my two cents

It wouldn't be the first time that RJ has made a mistake, or even the first time he made a mistake duiring one of his QotW.  So, I'll ask it again.


Do these two viewings reflect the past, and thus a mistake on RJ's part, or will Malkier rise again?  Will Thom visit the White Tower?


Since the question was asked directly about that viewing, I don't think RJ would have gotten his answers confused.


Look, Min didn't give any interpretations with her viewings in that set.  Thom with someone else "juggling fire" could mean any of a number of things.  "Juggling fire" could be completely metaphorical, as in, Thom is with someone doing something very dangerous.  The rescue of Moiraine comes to mind.  RJ had to have that in mind from the beginning.  Reaching into "fire" is symbolically used in Egwene's dream to describe Thom's part of their rescue of Moiraine later. (TFoH CH 15)


And the seven ruined Towers around Lan could be nothing more than the fact that the memory of Malkier would, at some future point, influence him to raise an army under the Golden Crane, and die at Tarmon Gaidon, forcing Nynaeve to give his sword to their son.


It definitely does not have to mean that Malkier is coming back.


Its amazing to me how quickly people are ready to think that the author is wrong, just to support their ideas ... why not try to figure out what he means, assuming he's right about the world that he created, rather than bring your own ideas in, and when they don't match, assume he made a mistake?  Truly confusing.


And, um, Achmed ... Inigo Montoya didn't die ... he probably became the next Dread Pirate Roberts ...

Its amazing to me how quickly people are ready to think that the author is wrong, just to support their ideas ... why not try to figure out what he means, assuming he's right about the world that he created, rather than bring your own ideas in, and when they don't match, assume he made a mistake?  Truly confusing.


I didn't come to this with any specific theories to defend, I was asking some probing questions.  Personally, I think it is a valid question to ask if it is possible that RJ has made a mistake, in the case of something that on the surface seems incongruous.  I missed the part, in RJ's question that specifically mentioned the seven towers, that was my bad, and had I realized wouldn't have asked the question again.  However, there is nothing wrong with asking questions, debating a point, or heaven forbid, disagreeing.  It is the process that brings me back to Dragonmount.  If all I was worried about, was being right all the time, I'd just read the books in my easy chair and agree with myself.


BTW thanks for answering my question. (No sarcasm intended.)


Read a few posts that mentioned the idea of wiether or not mins viewings could affect or even twist events.


As far as im concerned though min views the pattern, she is still caught within it, she doesnt shape it, like everyone else she obeys its flows. The pattern for all intensive purposes has not only taken her ability into account but also woven it into events, mins revealing of certain events was probably included in the weave that caused them. Min isn't just someone who views events, she is, as by the patterns design, the trigger.


I also think that mins ability is generally limited to the viewing of the end of a weave, ie she see's results but never the cause. This all out puts a stop to min being able to interfere with the pattern.


As ive said, min is just another more complicated weave in the pattern such as tavern, not a mediater or someone in a position to change anything. As far as im concerned min is by the patterns design ment to have the views she has.


Further to this, in my opinion min was created by the pattern specificly to aid the dragon reborn by giving said views to rand. Min's sole purpose for existence was to give viewings to rand, and the love between them was just another thread set in place to guarantee min fulfilled her set task.


The more I look into the wheel of time the more i come convinced that no character has any free will at all, every attempt to break away has infact caused the invent which leaves me to believe they were ment to try and run.


Further more, I view ta'veren as convergence points in the pattern rather then manipulators. For all their pulling and supposedly 'changing' of things, they are pretty much being pulled along by the nose kicking and screaming, which again leads me to think that the supposed taveren twists were equally ment to happen as per design as well.


and please, spare me any remarks of 'well course its all planned, rj writes it' :P



  • 2 weeks later...

I think Min can indirectly influence the pattern because of her proximity to Rand. Rand being such a strong ta'varen CAN influence the pattern, so if Min tells Rand something which in-turn changes his mind, I see that as Min's doing.


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