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New to the World of Dragonmount


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Greetings All.


I am new here and I wish to make this the most pleasant of experiences here. I am glad that I found this place in order to keep up with my favorite series and with those who know what I am talking about when I talk about the books.


May you shelter in the Light and in the arms of the Creator.


Shade and Sweet water.



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Welcome to DM!


This is a great place to keep up with the series.  There are great discussion boards here and a podcast and many other features that can help you with that.


On a more relaxing side DM also has a great Community side.  In particular, I would like to mention the Wolfkin.  We're a fun loving bunch that loves to see new people.  If you're up for a good bowl of chilli or stout drink, tequilla, then come on by we'd love to see you!


Secondly, the boards have recently added an gaming board, Organized Games.  ARe you familiar with the game Mafia?  If so then come on by, even if you aren't we havea  newbie game that can get you accustomed to it.  Also we're looking for new games to introduce, so if you have any ideas bring 'em with you!


Most important of all, have fun!

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Hey welcome to DM,


Looks like my favs have been mentioned, though I do get to say the Seanchan for all your Film, TV and games addiction, you can talk about them to your hearts content.


As Boyo, 12th and Nrphi says for the rest though.


But have fun where ever you go.

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Hello Hanacho!!


Welcome to Dragonmount! Dragonmount is a wonderful community place where people from all over the world really enjoy coming together. I’m Aleita and am an Initiate of the Aiel Org. The  organisations are a really wonderful way to get to know other members here. So please pop by and say hello to us! We’re a very friendly bunch.


Aiel Link


If you have any questions or queries about the Aiel or Dragonmount in general please feel free to send me a PM. :)


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