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Appaloosa: To be fair, I watched this movie while working on Friday.  I was kind of excited about this movie because I had heard some good things about it before it was released in 2008.  But the movie was overly complicated.  Renee Zellwigger, usually such a great actress, just did not get it done in this one.  The western parts were good but not the best I have seen. 




A Mighty Heart:  Eh!  Good story I guess but feel like I have seen it 100 times before.  I hate to say that about a true story though.




The Counterfeiters:  Best Foreign Film of 2007 and I can see why.  Certainly not as powerful as say Schindlers List but still very good.  I really liked the main character.



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While the wife is away, Emp will play.  I have been busy watching movies.


The Ruins


I just watched this last night.  I actually didn't think it was that bad.  I guess I had pretty low expectations for the film.  I actually wouldn't mind reading the book sometime as I would like more details about the main plot monster.


I give it my average rating of 3 out of 5.


Vicky Christina Barcelona


SJ.... mmmm.... 


What?  I got lost in thought.  A pretty well done movie by Woody Allen that I actually enjoyed.  I was intrigued by the characters and see why Penelope won the best supporting Oscar. 


I would give this one 4 out of 5.




Don Cheadle can act.  Why is it that any movie dealing with the Mid East is a bomb?  Especially one that somewhat identifies with the terrorist mind.  I liked this movie and will probably watch it again when it comes on TV.  Even though I don't agree with bombing innocent people to stir up a government... it is what America was founded on.  Anyway, not going to get into a politic discussion in this thread.  I give this one a 3.5 out of 5.




Not as funny as I hoped it would be.  This movie was actually pretty dark and reminded me that I kind of hate Tea Leoni... or whatever her name is.  When she laughs I want to cry.  But the movie was sound and I liked it enough to give it my average rating of 3 out of 5.

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Role Models


A fun film, which was just what I needed last night, fast paced comedy, lots of sarcasm and dry wit, nicely delivered from Sean William Scott and Paul Rudd, nice acting from the pair as well as the two child actors who share the screen with them and an ok story to tie it all together



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Traitor & Ghost Town are two that I actually want to see - also, Vicky Christina Barcelona


I finally got around to watching the '98 version of Les Miserables with Liam Neeson & Geoffrey Rush.


Quite frankly, I thought the casting was wonderful - Liam Neeson is such a talented, subtle emotional actor, and I loved him as Valjean. Geoffrey Rush could have played a bolder Javert, although I still may not have noticed because I kept hearing his Barbossa accent peeping through. Especially when he said "apples" *facepalm* Cosette & Marius didn't have the most plausible chemistry, but they weren't the main focus, anyway. All in all though, it was a good version of the movie with a solid cast, and I really did enjoy it.

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Rachel Getting Married


Basically you are watching an entire rehearsal, ceremony and reception with Anne Hathaway freaking out about being a drug addict.  I mean.. some of the scenes were a little too long for my taste.  I did get the feeling I was peeping into someone's real life.  The acting was top notch and what eventually won me over.  I am giving this one 3.5 out of 5.

Role Models


The first time I started watching this I fell asleep.  On my next attempt I made it through.  I really enjoyed them making fun of LARP *eyes a few people* because I can imagine some of my friends doing that.  But otherwise this movie was not a winner with me.  I just don't think Stifler is funny... except maybe as Stifler... the first Stifler... not that 14 other Stiflers in the sequels.  The kids were funny the first time I saw them but after that first laugh I got tired of them.  I am giving this one a 2.5 out of 5.


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Saw Valkyrie the other day


Was anjoyable, if historically incorrect, but did a good job of building tension although everyone knows how it ends (Hitler gets killed in that blimp accident <.<)


Tom Cruise wasn't too bad neither, I'd like to see him start doing stuff again and not just jumping around on Oprah


I say 7,5/10

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I am not a fan of Bush.  You would think a movie that made him out to be an idiot and tried to blame all of America's problems on him would be right up my alley.  It isn't.  I just don't think Oliver Stone's made up conversations happened that way.  The cheesy music in the background was awful.  The acting, with the exception of Josh Brolin, was lousy.  The dialogue was bad. If Uwe Boll made movies that weren't based on video games, I would have sworn this was by him.


I stopped the movie midway through.  That earns this movie a 1 out of 5. 

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Saw  Sukiyaki Western Django  yesterday, which was... a very weird experience, to be sure. A somewhat failed homage to the epic western films, with all the japanese actors reciting veeery western-y lines with far too heavy japanese accents, making it all feel quite absurd. After watching the trailer I was looking forward to some heavily awesome, slo-mo choreographed action, in the least, but even there the film let me down, with only one, very brief, scene to fulfill that one basic need. Quentin Tarantino makes a decidedly odd cameo as a gunslinger, and then an old guns salesman in a makeshift wheelchair. Weird, weird film that I didn't find myself enjoying all that much. 5/10

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