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Had Star Wars Marathon


was bored for the first 6 hours, then commenced to have an awesome time


a shame I only have the remastered whatnots o_o


Still awesome!


Star wars episode I : 6,5/10

II 5/10

III 7,5/10

IV 8/10


VI 9,5/10


Then. Slumdog millionaire, which was just a lovely lovely film, beautifully shot with a nice emotional story and awesome music on top. 9,5/10!


Then, over the course of a weekend on ze mountain, Wall-E, 10/10, because it's awesome and awesome, then iron man, 8/10, which is also, pretty much, awesomely entertaining, and it has the dude in it.

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So, I finally finished up The Wire Season 1 a few days ago, Pretty damned good show! I especially liked how they wrapped it all up! I also never expected them 'actually' kill of some characters...

Oh, and Whats his name, 'is it omar?' is kick ass!


I also saw, the Incredible Hulk.

WOW it was 10000% better then the other 'blob' that was the Hulk.

Anyone else notice the orginal Hulk was a guest star in the movie?

Oh what? You didn't cause you suck so much you never even saw the orginal tv show that was awesome and horrible at the same time? Yea, thats right, you suck!


Anyways, I saw one last movie tonight, and its definately a 10/10 in my books, infact I believe it should get some kind of oscar/whatever nomination.

What movie you ask?

Traitor (2008) starring Don Cheadle, Awesome performance imo, it kept me entertained, and guessing through-out the movie. And the ending... I loved it.  ;D

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Anyone else notice the orginal Hulk was a guest star in the movie?


He was a security guaaaard!


Anyhoo, saw the wrestler last night, it was fabulous. 10/10. Rourke deserves an oscar for this, and yes I've seen Milk.


Also saw a short film called Sic Shooter from the director of In Bruges, which was quite nice. Filled with cooky Irish dialogue and an interesting story. 8,5/10.

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Omar only gets more bad ass as the seasons progress.  Seriously bad ass.


Wow, I have so many movies to review...



The Reader


Something was off about this movie.  I think it could have delivered more of a powerful punch.  I maybe fell into the old trap of expected the top of the line acting and instead got above average acting.  Sure Kate will probably get a best supporting nod for her role as it was good... but I don't think she will win.  It fell a little flat somewhere.  I did like the movie though.  I mean... the first half was Kate Winslett showing off her body... and you can't go wrong there.  But seriously.. the movie had a very European feel to it.  It made it into my top 10 of 2008 but then again 2008 so far had some weak movies.  I highly expect Doubt or Rev Road or Frost/Nixon to knock it out.  Lets go with 3.5 out of 5 empies.



Curious Case of Ben Button


I expected a Forrest Gump type movie.  I forgot that Tom Hanks was not the lead actor I guess.  It was a pretty good movie... well somewhere between pretty good and very good.  I was entertained throughout but was not blown away.  I give it 4 out of 5 empies.


The Incredible Hulk


Like Sinister, I expected something like the first movie.  Edward Norton can act though and Tim Roth is always a good villain.  I was really entertained throughout until we got to the end CGI fight and the movie lost me.  It was still a pretty good movie to watch though.  Lets go with 3.5 out of 5 empies.


Friday Night Lights Season 2


I was scared they were jumped a shark when they had the whole murder thing.  But the acting is great and I constantly gripped by the stories.  It feels like I am watching real life instead of something scripted and I greatly enjoy it.  I already have season 3 DVRed for its premiere on NBC on the 16th. 


Seven Pounds


Will Smith and Christmas go together like peas and carrots.  The movie was good.  I felt it could have been edited a little better but overall I was entertained.  3 out of 5 empies.

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Saw Taken last night, an okay-at-best action/thriller whatnot starring the always awesome Liam Neeson. Sure, the action was cool and I must confess I sat there giggling like a schoolgirl as he deftly crushed arms and legs and throats and other bodyparts at will, but the plot was paper-thin at best and the acting so-so, except for mr. Neeson, that is, who came across as menacing and professional


5,5/10 rawrs

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Two movie I watched.


History of the world pt1(by Mel Brooks):

Classic mel brooks comedy some fantastic gags and so not politically correct

Favorite joke:How do you make a venetian blind.... Poke his eyes (corny yes but delivered with very good Mel Brooks timing)


Noise: Aussie film very strange and fractured between the storyline of the lead (Brendan Cowell) and the plot line of someone shooting 8 people dead in Melbourne's inner east, with the side story of the witness of the first murder (7 shot dead in train) I would recommend to watch it, not sure how to rate it though it was confusing on occasion

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saw vertigo last night, and despite all the claims of "best film ever" I found it somewhat... boring o_o If there are any Hitchcock fans here, please don't kill me, I really liked north by northwest? I just found it dragging on at times, but hey, maybe I didn't get all the subtle undertones or something. But the ending was excellent, and so was a dream sequence about halfways in. 6,5/10!


After that I saw forgetting sarah marshall, which i expected to be a somewhat dumb comedy, but I liked it quite a lot actually : p Lots of lovely humour to end my day. 7,5/10.

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Dunbar - You summed up my feelings on FSM as well.  Plus I got a little crush on that female lead as well.  And the songs....


Old as Ancient Skies

I'v had these wondering

And you took me by suprise when you let me inside of you


Inside of you

Inside of you

There's got to be

Some part of me

Inside of you

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How often you watch movies demi? ::)


Far too often




I try to squeeze in one a day, two if I've got time and friends that are willing!


Saw Kagemusha day before yesterday (was working yesterday, so no film :( ), an most epic japanese film about war and honour. Lovely use of colour, especially, and a good story! I give it 8,5/10!


Also, I'd probably pay to see the dracula muppet musical in FSM

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saw    The Man From Earth    (I Like Using Capital Letters When Naming Films) which was ok. The story was interesting and somewhat thought-provoking, but nothing too deep. Production qualities were somewhat low, b-movie style. Acting was okay. 6,5/10.

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saw    The Man From Earth    (I Like Using Capital Letters When Naming Films) which was ok. The story was interesting and somewhat thought-provoking, but nothing too deep. Production qualities were somewhat low, b-movie style. Acting was okay. 6,5/10.


That movie was only made on a $200,000 Budget (most going to the actors, which isn't much money all things considered, and that one fat guy happened to be in Walker Texas Ranger, another was in Star Trek, so your basically talking about 15k to each actor, + camera + film + Editing... Its not a super low budget film, like that time travel one I wathced, and I think Empy thought was good to... But it definatley wasn't AAA... What didn't you like about it? (I know alot of people hated a section of the movie that happened about 1/2-3/4s into it...

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I didn't hate it, or dislike it or anything, I just didn't find it too.. fascinating, I guess. Yeah, it was an interesting premise, and I was intrigued by it, but the whole Oldman being you know who (I'm trying not to spoil here) I found a bit silly, to be honest, and the biology teacher just plain annoyed me at times o_o. But yeah, it had a really interesting story, but I just didn't find it exceptionally awesome. What I did start thinking of was how awesome a series of films about his (or someone like him's) life. In hindsight I'll raise it to 7/10!


Also, I saw the birds just now, with some friends, one with acute and quite paralyzing fear of birds. It was... quite an experience. Also, the film is quite amazingly creepy, 8/10!

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Hostel Part 2: 


Ummm... I am not even sure why I began to watch it but after the naked woman started bathing in the blood of the other naked woman I was done.  I give this a no rating cause I didn't watch more than 30 minutes.




Cute, original and smart.  My favorite part spoke to how lazy people are as they got all fat and rode around in a daze on their hover recliners.  Even though the only dialogue consisted of "Wall-E" and "Evaaaa", the expressions of Wall-E were great like you would see from a dog.  I disagree with Cads that the first part of the movie was slow.  I thought it was well done.  I give this movie a... well... 4.5 out of 5. 




This movie is about the CIA's policy to secret extradiate terrorists back to countries where people can be tortured without falling under US law.  So this movie had a lot of torture in an Arab country.  In this case, the Arab that was taken off his plane in the US was legit and married to a US citizen, so the movie is spent showing how torture doesn't really work and how the wife goes about trying to get her husband back.  Overall not a bad film and it will get my average rating of 3 out of 5.


Coming soon:  The Countifiters and Edge of Heaven

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Saturday: Saw


The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra: i give thee 7/10, for thy at times hilatious references to olden monster movies and over the top acting. It got a bit mich towards the end, but was still rather enjouable.


Shoot 'em up Woo, shooting, over the top violence, sex AND guns simultaneously, and some dry (...) carrot related humor. 6,5/10


Anger management. Jack Nicholson is pure awesome, concentrated into a manly shape. Otherwise fine, 7/10. It has some funnies *nod*




Glengarry Glen Ross, superb acting and quick and witty dialogue makes this a good movie! 8/10!

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I disagree with Cads that the first part of the movie was slow. 


Never seen it, you're confusing movies or members. *nod*




I watched Cashback, a british indie flick starring that cute boy who played Wood in the first couple HP movies. He's gotten taller and thinner, but his eyes are still adorable puppy dog sad. Also, the bionic woman plays his ex-girlfriend. Anyway, it was a pretty decent flick, a little talky, as the lead character had a voice over throughout. The voice over was a little excessive in the beginning, but it either became less noticeable, or less frequent as we actually got around to the core of the plot. College-age artist breaks up with girlfriend, becomes insomniac, takes night shift at supermarket, learns he can stop time (though it is not treated as a big deal, or some sort of sci-fi element, it's blended very smoothly into the storyline without being the main focus) to focus in on any particular moments he likes. New romance ensues.


Available on NetFlix Watch It Now, and recommended for anyone who likes indie flicks or non-flowery romances, or for anyone who likes to see attractive, naked female bodies (but you really only have to watch the first 30 minutes for that).  ;D





I've also been watching Kim Possible, which is entirely age inappropriate, but I still kinda like it. >.<

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Yea, I saw cashback awhile back. And you know what? I bet now that cads gave it an A+ Empy's gunna be over that like a fat kid... empy, all over a chocolate cake! :P



Anyways, I made it through 3 disk of the Wire friday night. Man this show is just getting better and better!

And McNulty! Wow, talk about pissing off his boss! ;)

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