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Some things never change...


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It has been a very long time since I was a member here.  The majority of you won't remember me, and if there are those that do, I would be surprised.  A huge WOT fan and an avid writer I joined Dragonmount.com when it still looked like this: http://web.archive.org/web/19991111013711/www.dragonmount.com/  Truth is, I was never sure why I left.  I was young then, and while most assumed I was older some knew the truth of my lie and didn't mind.  High school and subsequently, college absorbed my life.  Much was left behind as my departure was sudden, unexplained, and left many with questions and even, sadly, an Aes Sedai without the warder she was to be bonded to.  OOC I kept in touch with brief hellos and such, but it was never quite the same.  Currently, I am 22 and the Executive Editor of a technology publication that belongs to the GotFrag Network for which I play my second role as Public Relations manager. 


The site is a thousand times different and better than my last visit.  I joined in 1999-2000 when we existed on ezBoards quite frequently and the community was young.  I suppose that's what I mean when I say some things never change is that the community is still thriving, many of the same staff members still exist, and Jason still leads what I have always remembered as and believe to be a shining example of a welcoming and loving community.  As denoted by my username, my name is Stu.  I would be surprised if anyone recognizes the following character names as I was incredibly inconsequential IC, but I suppose it’s possible as I tried to stay very active OOC.  Matalina, Ben-T, and Alin are more likely than anyone else as Asher Alkhan (stupid name, I know.  I was 14 ;) ) was a Warder studying Daisho al'Dracon.  Perhaps even Kathana, but I believe I only met her once.  Anyway, in the middle of my RP career, I followed a few over to the Brokenworld community and continued to RP within their storyline.  Over there, I played two characters that were brothers.  Kirin Dexsius, Baijan'm'hael and Roland Dexsius, King of Ghealdan.  I am sure all of these characters have been RPed out or slain.  Quite honestly, they didn't deserve to live as I left them without direction for so long, I am sure the only methods of removal was an assassination or a disappearance.  Anyway, for those of you that remember the names and care to say hi, drop me a PM.  I am going to troll around here and perhaps one day return to the RP. 


Truth be told, I started reading the series over again at the beginning for the umpteenth time, was working on an article for my site and remembered the things that made this place special.  So I came around to say Hi and to see how this community still thrives and the site still grows.  I wish you all the best and look forward to hanging around.


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welcome back well alin has disapeared/quit he was the rp admin still when i joined 3 years ago but has later been replaced by white wolf/owen


Matalina is around and so is Ben_T (down in warders org, mat also still in the rp)


welcome back and i do hope to see you back down in the RP, we do have some oldbies around still but yeah the change has been big...the org amerlyn is till Kathana thoug


anyway need help on RP and in specific the dark side of it just poke me *s*


I am in most div's (play a Grandmaster in the warders), and is also the Group Leader for the shadow side of things in the RP



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2 returnee's in a day? Thats a good sign, but then, newbies are always a good sign ;D

I hope you stick around, we've got 2 sides to DM now, the Org side (community) and the RP side (self-explanitory), and lots of great people on both sides.

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