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Random quotes that amused you


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Going through my various KoL sillies, this is the only one I found that isn't so KoL-steeped (humour-wise) -


NEVER trust mayonnaise made by a company that also happens to make condoms.



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Testing the waters; they seem somewhat agreeable, but we'll see :)  I need to try to actually get into reading the current RPs to see if the flavour is one that I would enjoy, or if it's still something I think is poo.


But it is nice to at least catch up with everyone else!


And since this is a quote thread, here is like.. the one other thing I can find on my machine that isn't 500% smut-ridden (though indeed from KoL sources):


NevilDenJacobi: You're dishboy.  Someday, if you work hard, you'll make it up to kitchen-bitch like me!


Feared Al Yankovic: NO!  When I grow up, I will become a dishMAN!

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Hmmm well one that really amused me after I looked back on it happened when my daughter was oh about 2 years old. A man of darker skin walked by and she said, "Oh look Mommy a chocolate man." He laughed and thought it was great but I was horrified at the time, now it makes me laugh.

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*grins* Straight speech, Rae. One of the reasons why I like you :) Personally I like the writing done in the whole of DM currently and I think that it is at its best so far but I am biased.


And Jade, children are the best! One comment my step brother who has dreadlocks got from about a 3 year old was "Look momma, a troll! But where is it's tail?"


A funny movie quote that came up in an RP yesterday:


Biker boss: 'Oh Lord, why did you make other people from the clay but my guys from shit?'

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If there's less pointless snogging ('cause everyone can't be the #$%#$%^#$%$#%#$%ing Wonder Girls, or else it's boring :D) and more pointful plottery, I'll be a happy girl!


And an amusing typo for perusal: 

Luren: I demand the whole internet, on one floppy dick.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Raeyn, You should watch Rory and Lily... cutest relationship ever!!!


And as for quotes, nothing beat me at 5-6 am in the morning when I'm trying to go to sleep.. I tend to say the dumbest things.... I'm sure James has a list somewhere... *can't think of anything off the top of her head*

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I believe I have the quote around somewhere Jenny, here it is.


Jaydena:  don't make me pull you in this chat and lick your ass


And since he hasn't been picked on yet, an old excerpt from years ago.  Can't even remember who we were talking about, though I think it was a discussion about something from Broken World.


James: The trick is to get into a decent conversation with him a few times

Sam: That is against errr...my ethos. :D

James: decent conversation? :P

Sam: Gah. I don't want to talk to you now. :p

James: lol

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This one was hijacked from bungie.net from their description of the shotgun from Halo 3:


“I believe that the sound of racking the pump of a shotgun is universally recognized as ‘kiss your (naughty word) goodbye.’”


“Actually, I think the jury is still out on whether it means ‘STFU and STFD’ or ‘you ain’t gonna make it.'”


And then, yoinked lovingly from an animated clip called "Slaughter Your World," here's this gem: "No, I don't want your baby!  I already ate."

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this one from RPing with Myth a few nights ago


Alyssa: Hey, I'm the one with a dirty, murdering whore laughing manically in my head

Kevin: Ya, but I have to imagine my characters.

Alyssa: Ouch!

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Why wouldn't he? Its priceless..



Should have started a Quote page long ago...



And Sam... it's sad I know what your talking about.. :P

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