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[Trailer] Iron Man


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I found this while checkin out the ctrl-alt-del comics 'blog' entry.


Needless to say, (funny, cause i'll say it anyways) Ironman movie, might just be interesting!

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Everything I've seen from this film so far has looked good, and this is no exception. Well, the image quality is terrible, but that's hardly the movie's fault. I remember when the armor photos were first released... boy, did Transformer fans throw a fit about how faithful they were...

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Yeah, Paramount found the link and killed it.  It was footage from Comic Con.  I missed my opportunity to see it but hopefully we get something up soon.


Dang!!  I was hoping to see that!!  The folks at Comoc Con on G4 were talking that movie up so much, I'm kind of excited about it.

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Trailer description: The clip started out with Robert Downey Jr's character, Tony Stark, who told a reporter he preferred the moniker "Merchant of Death" to "The Modern Day DaVinci" because he "doesn't paint." We also saw his transformation into Iron Man after a military convoy he's riding with gets brutally attacked. Mark 1 and Mark III made appearances, both of which are pretty much hella cool looking. A guy tries to shoot Iron Man in the head... and that does not go well for him. There's also a really quick shot of three women wearing bikinis in a pool, so clearly we're going to get a bit of the sexuality with our violence. All in all the footage was great and Iron Man now looks like a movie on the rise (at least to me).


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