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Dragonmount Cookbook - Recipe Submissions wanted


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For any of you who missed it, the Illuminators are putting together a DM Cookbook (real, printed, with pictures etc.).  I'm running the project, and we're currently gathering recipes.  I've got about 25 right now, and I need lots more. 


So, please:


Anyone who has a recipe they think other people should know about - your own or someone else's, but if it's someone else's you MUST indicate the source (name of chef, cookbook, magazine - whatever information you have) - PM me or e-mail it to me at Locke000@aol.com


Please put "RECIPE SUBMISSION" in all caps as the subject line, and tell me as much as you can about the recipe (other than just how to make it): What you like about it, when you use it (if its a soup that's great for winter or summer, for example), what your family thinks of it, substitutions you've tried (whether they worked or not), basically anything you can think of that you're willing to tell me.


Thanks, guys!


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good ones, too  :D


And did I mention that each recipe is worth 100 points?  Not that the points are useful for anything.  But I know you org folks like your points and your rankings, so . . . yeah, each recipe is 100 points.  Get enough points, and you go up in rank.  Sure, why not . . .

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Are these recipes (or as my gran wrote 'receipts'!) for modern dishes? Is there a theme to the cookbook, or is it just a collection of our favorite foods? Should they have a WoTness to them? Like 'The Innkeeper's Honey Cakes' or 'Stewed Turnips Cairhienen'.  :)

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1) Recipes can be for whatever you want.  No WoT theme necessary - but WoT themed recipes are equally welcome.


2)Mendorah - I don't think you did. Gimme!


3) No artificial deadline.  When I feel like I have enough recipes to populate a book (probably aiming for a final tally of around 50 or so after whittling down the submissions by having volunteers cook/taste/rate them), I'll let people know.


4) Not sure what we'll do with the book - I think proceeds will go to charity, but I'm not sure what the official decision is.

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Anything the Illuminators do will go to Mayo Clinic for research funding for AM.... however you spell it (what RJ has).  This keeps the profits going someplace useful instead of trying to divide it between authors etc.



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cool, so um what kind of things are you looking for? Can it be recipies we got from the internet? Cuz not that many I have here are in English (read any :look) and though my english is passable, I'm not in on the technical terms of cooking such as things like salt, pepper, basil and the like. Wouldn't for the life of me know what a pinch is or a gallon or some such things... So would be very difficult for me to translate properly.

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cool, so um what kind of things are you looking for? Can it be recipies we got from the internet? Cuz not that many I have here are in English (read any :look) and though my english is passable, I'm not in on the technical terms of cooking such as things like salt, pepper, basil and the like. Wouldn't for the life of me know what a pinch is or a gallon or some such things... So would be very difficult for me to translate properly.


yep - it can be recipes off the net, as long as you've tasted them and are recommending them, AND point me to the source of the recipe

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Did you receive the recipe I sent you a while ago, Kivam?

Could you answer that, please? :) I thought of at least one other recipe I can send, but if I have to re-send the first one, I'd rather do it all at once.


Nope, don't have anything from you.  As a general rule, I send a thank you back to anyone who submits, so if you don't get one, then something went wrong!

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