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Wii will rock you!


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OK, so I don't know how many of us here are Wii-diculously cool enough to be nintendo fans, but there has to be a few.  I mean when the Wii is outselling PS3 3-1 world wide, and 6-1 in Japan, you've got to have done something right.


My library (so far) is

Super Swing Golf (8/10)

Mario Party 8 (9.5/10)

Zelda (haven't played enough to rate yet)

Wii Play (6/10)

as well as a few classics off the virtual console

The Legend of Zelda,

Super Mario Bros. (NES and SNES vers.)

StarFox 64,

and Super Mario 64.


Oh, and I have a Mii of the Doctor who rocks!!

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I don't own any gaming stuff, and probably never will unless I merge assets with a husband who likes it, but I have played Wii, and I really like the sports! I have no button-pushing skill, but it's great to be able to play with my friends who game, when I can just swing my arm to bowl or hit a tennis ball.  :D

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*puts on salesman uniform*




Seriously, with the newly demo'ed Wii Fit, and the various golf iterations, Wii is right up your (not all thumbs) alley.  Why even Mario Party is mostly flailing and goofy arm waggling.  Not to mention the occasional "accidentall" smashing of your opponents head with the hammer like Wii-mote.

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The Wii is nothing more then a fad system, Soon that will fade away, as people begin to reliase that all the games are 'party games' and with out a 'party' the games get boring, or they get tired of having there friends over all the time...

To top it off... Nintendo is milking the once great mario games into something horrible. :(


Btw, I have this theory concerning the wii....

First they make wii-sports... So those gamers who suck at sports, can now finally 'play' sports. Slowly excercising there one arms into something that resembles this...

So they go from excercising that one arm, to both arms (Boxing?) now they are slowly working down, to the feet. Eventualy, they are going to run out of ideas, and slowly transform your stereotypical fat lazy gamer into a fit, killing machine.....

Then the machiens take over and...



Anyways, I'm pretty sure, Nintendo could poop in a paper bag, and label it 'mario' and they could sell it for $59.99. >_>

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dose anyone remember the 3d game system that nintendo came out with a while back? i cant remember what it was called, and only played it twice at blockbuster.  thought it was kinda cool but not worth the 400 doller price tag.  bet wii will be kinda like that

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Yeah a lot of Wii games are party games, and thats part of the draw for it. 


I would like to point out though that Harry Potter on the Wii smokes PS3 and 360 versions in general fun because really, the spell casting rocks.  I think the immersion factor makes the game more enjoyable over the difference in graphics.  Manhunt I suspect will be the same way assuming they keep the format I've seen similar and find a way to ditch that AO rating. 


If Manhunt finally makes into the Wii library more or less intact, we will see a huge shift into adult/mature games into Nintendo products.  It's more than overdue and with the control capabilities of the Wii games like The Godfather, will become perhaps not the bread and butter, but a sizable portion of the Nintendo selection.


Additionally Tiger Woods and Madden were excellent on the Wii.  SD; Paper Mario is actually very good, although Mario Party is as pointed out a collection of mini-games and board games.  Concerning your theory, games like manhunt, godfather, and red steel are the combat training which will take effect once the fitness training is complete.  The nunchuck cord is practice for a garrote cable, so watch out.


Ironcross, I don't know the system you are talking about, but the wii is the cheapest of the big three, granted its the least technologically impressive of the three system wise.

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Well, I for one, am a bit 'above' children games at this point in time. And I wasn't to impressed with paper mario by the least. (the newest one)


As for tiger-woods wii-controlls, I found them annoying and glitchy.

(Ie, you go to swing, and the controller screws up and releases before you even finish your swing, killing your shoulder.) >_>

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I've heard rumors that LucasArts is working on a wii game with lightsaber capabilities, although I fear that it may be another Lego's game.  I haven't heard anything to definite yet though so I'm not holding my breath.


The only David Wong I've read is JDATE, all the way through.  OMFG.

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oh god, a Starwars RPG or FPS on the Wii would rock


and the Wii is fun. though i don't have many games for it yet. only 'real' game i have for it is Zelda and it is so good. remember, Wii is all about fun factor



admittedly, i do want a 360 as well. very nice system there

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You just made me vomit in disgust. Disgust.


Some guy who thinks he's funny because he can impersonate Maddox and make horrible jokes about the gaming industry. He's taking what is to the very far extremes, both of those were in fact.


Chilli is displeased with these articles.



Anyways, my library;


Wii Sports

Wii Play

Super Monkey Ball; Banana Blitz

The Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess

Call of Duty 3

Rayman Raving Rabids

Eledee's (Elebits)


Super Mario Strikers Charged


I'm in complete agreement that the Wii is focusing far too much on the party games. I wish they'd actually, instead of going for the family market which they're doing very successfully, give the hardcore gamers something to smile about. Give the people who got the Wii for the innovative gameplay and not just the "oh, this console has something for me AND my son". We do have Zelda, we do have Red Steel(lol crap game), we do have Metroid coming out, and some more.. But to be quite honest they havn't got many serious games lined up and well.. Yeah. It doesn't make me happy. They've shown they're quite capable of a graphically acceptable game with Zelda, which looked very nice. VERY nice for a  Wii game. They've shown it's capable of things other than a game compiled solely of mini-games.


We all know that Nintendo are aiming at getting a Wii inside everyone's home ALONGSIDE a PS3 or an Xbox360. My intent is to get a PS3 so that i can indulge the more hardcore gamer side of me. The part that loves the constant action and the beautiful graphics. The one that loves actual RPGs and REAL games. I'm not taking shots at Nintendo. I love the Wii. I think it's a blast when you've got some friends round and want a few rounds of this game or that game.. But it just can't stand up to the other consoles in the respect of playing on your own with what it has and what's coming out.


Oh, and Nintendo aren't ruining Mario. Wait until you play Galaxy to say that. It looks pretty cool. No, you can't say it's not real Mario. In essence, it's just Mario 64 in SPACE! SPACE MAN! SPACE!



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just looked around and the game is called Heatseeker. very mediocre/bad ratings. seems to be an arcade game, unlimited ammo, killing wave after wave of enemies. supposedly bad voice acting and bad graphics :/ fun in small doses

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Talking about a quality made game which is focused for adult audiences, Godfather is better than Redsteel, and has much better controls, though I can't say anything about the later parts of the game, I only rented it.


Aside from that.  MANHUNT 2!!!1!11111!one!11one!!    I am still riled that they banned it outright in the UK, and killed it here in the states with the death that is an AO rating.  They sure as hell better come up with some distribution model to sell the AO version.  With the wii acting out the horror in that game?!  PURE GENIUS, bloody genius but still brilliant.  I think the review called it "charades of murder".

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