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Okay. Sorry. I didn't mean anything to be personal.  


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  On 3/3/2025 at 8:36 PM, Donchadh said:

Well, you and Cairos seem the most experienced. And you both throw some shade at each other while also laying out very good reasons for being innocent as well as others not.  As both of your strategies seem similar ... it seems like you are working together.  

As for Sooh being confused ... I just got a sense of random musings from them.  Nothing concrete....like as if they were still confused, although, perhaps undecided is a better term here.  Given their experience, I weighed that more towards Town than either Sus or Mafia.

Honestly, I'm grasping at straws here (hence the comment about using an intuition modified).  After catching up by reading "way too many pages" (my own damn fault).  This was the best assessment that I could make.

And now, I'm getting called to a meeting that will last past the timer.  So I will vote. 

Vote: Cairos


Well now I am confused. Re: the part about me. But that's ok I guess. This was in response to Turin, I believe? Do you still think they were working together and that Turin is scum?

  On 3/3/2025 at 9:28 PM, Zander? said:


Sexy af


Again Z liking Turin's posts.

  On 3/6/2025 at 12:54 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Or let's follow this further. If I'm lynched, will Turin come back to his massive post of Zander suspicion and say oops, but I'm sure Zander is mafia? 


Why lynch "the sidekick" first?most of Turin's suspicions seem to be based on Zander and me interacting. If Zander flipped town that would remove a lot of suspicion from me. Really feel like this is a ploy to lynch me then Zander... Or maybe give Zander town cred. But I don't think it makes sense to take Turin's position then push me. Why not coopt my suspicion of Zander for that train? Feels very lupine. 


Why would Z being lynched remove suspicion from you? For Turin you mean? Is that true, Turin? Are your suspicions on Heavy based on Z and Heavy being town/town?



  On 3/3/2025 at 10:35 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Wolf chat obviously told Cairos to switch votes. Who else was trying to get votes changed? Z, Turin and to a lesser extent Dice. 


Now Sooh could have been distancing herself from Cairos but in general looks to me like a Turin, Zander, Cairos wolf chat. But we'll see. My suspicions of the quiet people has been really torn given Cairos being mafia. 


But I did say Turin would look bad if Cairos was town... Bluff or double bluff? From Sooh or Turin? Or both? 


I hate this game, lol. 


So Cairos being town both incriminates and relieves the suspicion of everyone. Dagnamit. 


Bold is what I'm struggling to understand what your thoughts are. Maybe it has been expanded upon, but quoting this to remind myself. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 10:38 PM, Zander? said:


Lol I applaud your desperate attempt to try and flee from Cairos distancing vote but ...




Noting Z's stance on Heavy which has been the same for a while, but that's not where he's voting.

  On 3/3/2025 at 11:01 PM, Zander? said:


My world view right now says


One of You Dice Sooh


One of Heavy Andy Mills.  Maybe tho it's 2 from one of them.  I think I'd it's 2 it's most likely Heavy and Mills or You and Dice 



Mills vote coulda been that they were quite sure Cairo's was dying so voted to try for Town cred tho exact same applies to you lol .


It has been a while since I was interpreting Zanderposts™. It takes way too long and way too much headscratching to comprehend. Geeze. 


You illustrated a few scenarios here, but they were very noncommittal. Are you thinking the mafia team is exactly Turin/Heavy, or is your thinking more complex on that?


I said Cairos flipping town would incriminate Turin as he had controlled the narrative that was leading to him get lynched... So lynching a townie, sus wolf. But when Cairos flipped wolf, did that give Turin town cred? Or was it deliberate? Would he have preferred to get another train going, saved Cairos and then always had the fall back position that he had pushed Cairos from the beginning? Everything changes when you assume someone is town or mafia, or if it is exactly as it seems, a ploy or a double bluff. 


Anything that happens can fit into nearly any narrative


Currently I'm feeling so strong for Heavy so might vote might be changing, problem is I'm not sure who the wolves are but have a strong feeling Z and maybe Turin. This is primarily from going back and reading the early pushes. I don't know how to multiquote but might be able to just spam post some quotes later when I'm not driving kids to school and work.

  On 3/3/2025 at 11:13 PM, Zander? said:


Who am I kidding I'm now so far down the Heavy tunnel he's gonna be Light Moon Blade lol



  On 3/3/2025 at 11:17 PM, Zander? said:


I will need to see something crazy to take me outta lunching only from Heavy and Mills tomorrow 



  On 3/4/2025 at 12:33 PM, Zander? said:





Distancing mode engaged I see....



  On 3/4/2025 at 12:38 PM, Zander? said:


This feels like a forced narrative.  I have a hard time believing a Town!Turin would come to that conclusion when it's obviously spoken in generality... 


I feel the tide is turning around here. 

  On 3/6/2025 at 1:25 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I said Cairos flipping town would incriminate Turin as he had controlled the narrative that was leading to him get lynched... So lynching a townie, sus wolf. But when Cairos flipped wolf, did that give Turin town cred? Or was it deliberate? Would he have preferred to get another train going, saved Cairos and then always had the fall back position that he had pushed Cairos from the beginning? Everything changes when you assume someone is town or mafia, or if it is exactly as it seems, a ploy or a double bluff. 


Anything that happens can fit into nearly any narrative


That makes more sense. Thank you. I see how you were thinking then.

  On 3/6/2025 at 1:37 PM, Gudrean said:

Currently I'm feeling so strong for Heavy so might vote might be changing, problem is I'm not sure who the wolves are but have a strong feeling Z and maybe Turin. This is primarily from going back and reading the early pushes. I don't know how to multiquote but might be able to just spam post some quotes later when I'm not driving kids to school and work.


So you think Turin and Z are on the wolf team? Z most strongly? When you get the chance, maybe you can go into it in a bit more detail. That would be good.

  On 3/4/2025 at 12:46 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

So 436 posts with follow up posts saying lolololololol is OK but something that adds to the literary richness of the English language is not ok? 


100% Wolf behaviour. 


This completely now has colored my view on Heavy. Twirly mustache, bowler hat, monocle and a cane. There he is.

  On 3/6/2025 at 12:54 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Or let's follow this further. If I'm lynched, will Turin come back to his massive post of Zander suspicion and say oops, but I'm sure Zander is mafia? 


Why lynch "the sidekick" first?most of Turin's suspicions seem to be based on Zander and me interacting. If Zander flipped town that would remove a lot of suspicion from me. Really feel like this is a ploy to lynch me then Zander... Or maybe give Zander town cred. But I don't think it makes sense to take Turin's position then push me. Why not coopt my suspicion of Zander for that train? Feels very lupine. 


Heavy, will try to explain my entire thoughts process. This is me talking so no quote or things, just my remembering and impressions...


In other liking Zander much this entire game for several reasons.

1. Game start he LOCK CLEARS Cairos.  This looks even worse to me knowing  that Cairos was mafia, busy, and self-described not good at mafia.i could easily see Z work to "protect" him (yeah, I don't care about "Z is willing to bus", people have meta so they can break.meta)

2. The argument  with YOU. That it was with you doesn't matter with regard to my take on him. It could have been with anyone and I would not like it in my take on Z. (It does matter in my take on you however)

3. I did not see Zander drive to lynch you. You don't know because you haven't played but this is Zander lite in this game. He is tenacious when he thinks someone really is mafia. That your back and forth with him never seemed to go anywhere felt off to me.

4. His actions at EoD. He put the brakes on @L-2. (On one level this is null as we have many new players, but I think no one was really around. Could be wrong about that). He advocated for Mils as a lynch option along with you when Mills had NO VOTES and there probably weren't 6 people available to vote. To me it again was odd to throw a random person that had some suspicion in along with someone he had been saying was mafia all day. That Cairos ended up voting you could easily be a plan to make you look better and give him an out to switch from you to me(this is actually a good reason for the Millls kill as it establishes that the known mafia  voted Heavy instead of a known townie)

 5. The entire VILLAGELEADER shtick. The purpose of it is to establish a cover that can be used as being non-alignment indicative. But the reasoning for it is something that gives an ample place to hide as mafia. Just the meta gives him the D1 pass from Soo and Dice. This is a small game. We have ONE mislynch before we lose. No one should have a pass. 

That is enough about Z. I put him on the back burner yesterday because there was no way I would get a lynch on D1. Sooh and Dice clearly stated they were not gonna even look there yet. I was asleep when Cairos and Mills both came on nudging I thought they were both bad but Cairos came first so I didn't want to switch. When Z (and then later Dice), called for a halt, I listened because you always want as much info as possible on D1. I know they are both good players so I respect when they ask for things. They also see the game differently than I do so it could be something I missed. Looking back I think Z was trying to see if he could get the lynch of Cairos. I'm not sure if it was a potential bus attempt on you or just trying to lynch Mills.


You are implicated in part for your interactions with Z. Again I saw it as 2 mafia barking at each other but not really doing much. It also allows you both to stay out.of the main fray as you were locked on each other. You had your own red flags. My main one was you were determined it seemed to be more sus of me even than the person you thought was so mafia. 


So why vote you now when I feel Z is mafia? We have to catch all of you. I don't really care which goes first. Z and Dice both have you on their target lists  even if their reasons vary. So if they will actually help lynch you then it tells me something about them. Personally,  I don't think Z will. He has come up with many #reasons to avoid pushing for your lynch despite how much he says you are mafia.






Day 2 will end at 10pm Friday 7 March.


TURIN - 2 (Zander, Heavy)

HEAVY - 2 (Gudrean, Turin)

ANDY - 1 (Dice)


Not voting: Andy, Donchadh, Sooh


5 to Lynch


This is a Hammer Game. Majority Lynch will end the day. If no Majority is achieved there will be No Lynch.


End of Day 2 Timer



  On 3/6/2025 at 1:04 PM, Sooh said:

Why would Z being lynched remove suspicion from you? For Turin you mean? Is that true, Turin? Are your suspicions on Heavy based on Z and Heavy being town/town?


I  seeing them as fully W/W based on their interactions from D1, and the Z issues I just posted. Sorry it.is.lengthy.


I do have independent problems with both however. So if one.flips town, the.other is.not clear. But.ifone.flips.mafia, I'm lynching the other the next day barring a red peek.

  On 3/4/2025 at 12:52 PM, Zander? said:

I hate that they took away the ISO feature!!!!!  I can't go back and reread the whole thread with all that idiot Zanders stupidity filled 1000000 posts!!!!!!


It feels good to know that sometimes you get to taste your own medicine. 

  On 3/4/2025 at 2:08 PM, Turin Turambar said:
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I'm interested in seeing how this world view on Dice has changed now Mills isn't around anymore.

  On 3/6/2025 at 1:59 PM, Turin Turambar said:

I  seeing them as fully W/W based on their interactions from D1, and the Z issues I just posted. Sorry it.is.lengthy.


I do have independent problems with both however. So if one.flips town, the.other is.not clear. But.ifone.flips.mafia, I'm lynching the other the next day barring a red peek.


Oki. I'm not clear on people's stance on each other apart from the few things I've commented on, so I'm trying to take in everyone's process, but you absolutely think today should be Z or Heavy? Is that how I am to understand you?


I have to go get kids from daycare. I'll try to muster some energy to go through the last few pages tonight after bedtime. 


  On 3/6/2025 at 2:07 PM, Sooh said:

I have to go get kids from daycare. I'll try to muster some energy to go through the last few pages tonight after bedtime. 



Thanks for the effort you were able to make. As for your questions...


I am pretty much committed to lynching either Z or Heavy today. The whole frenemies thing is too much. I might be convinced of Andy.


The Dice, Mills, Cairos was an early thing. I am mostly looking at Dice as a villager as he has recently begun doing some #work and he has seen some of the same things I did. Like the potential  Andy slip. That he went full Dice on it isn't surprising. 

  On 3/6/2025 at 12:20 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I answered your question but you weren't happy with the answer so I elaborated and now even less happy? 


I am confusion. 



You didn't.


I said one name for each in the format I showed.  No reasons no bs nothing else.  Very good reason for this.  Do it pls 

  On 3/6/2025 at 12:28 PM, Sooh said:

Sidenote: From reading current I gather that Z and Heavy are sussing each other, but they also agree that Turin is scum? Am I getting that right?



I'm sussing Heavy yes.  But there posts you'll see catching up why in not pursuing him atm.

  On 3/6/2025 at 12:34 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

I'd that seems about right. 


Just as a point if I get lynched and then Turin claims this gives Zander town cred as he must have been wrong about both us I think we have our two remaining wolves. Obviously I could just flapping my lips here but once I flip town remember this. That will not Z any town cred. 



I'm already as close to lock a Town as possible but you keep doing ... whatever it is that you're doing lol but also do what I asked you to do correctly please

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