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  On 3/2/2025 at 2:19 AM, dicetosser1 said:

the link gives you a countdown to the nearest deadline  theres currently over 43 hrs left


we dont HAVE to go to deadline but day 1 its often better to.



do you want to talk thru things or ask any questions to help you get a better idea of what ure thinking?


Yes, please no hammer on D1, or really ever. I would heavily discourage it unless there's a lolcatting wolf (a wolf who is clearly caught and just posts memes and jokes and such)


Given time restrictions I feel like I'm not going to be super helpful this game, but I would love to hear more from @Gudrean especially, and @Donchadh and really everyone. 

Best way for any of us to get a read on any other is like Dice said to challenge them to show their work, so for any of the newbies, if you want to go back and specifically look at the posts of one or more players that you want to solve, and then give us your thoughts in a summary, then it'll be easier to start a discussion with you on your thought process, and in turn you'll get a read on those who are asking you questions and so on and so forth. That's generally how you play this game.

  On 3/2/2025 at 9:36 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

So it was me saying hello that gave me away. 


And I would have gotten away with it without you pesky kids. 


Still for now think coordination is going to be the tell on the wolves. So, so far for me that is Zander, Andy and Cairos. Of course if I'm wrong and the real mafia bump me off in the night... Well, just a risk I have to take I suppose. This game is layered lol. You got show your suspicions or Turin will think you are mafia but if you are right you become a target. And if you are wrong you become a red herring target. If that makes sense. I think I could have worded that better. 


First bit, it was you suggesting that both Sooh and you were town together.  You can't know that yet. Sooh hadn't posted much of anything at that point.  So it looks like your are trying to "buddy up" to her. Then if she dies and flips town, you try to say "well she was town so I'm town too." 


Ruh roh, shaggy. A good Scrooby reference is always appreciated. 


Last point. Sometimes mafia will all push on one thing together.  They might be in this game even. More likely they will not all be on the same lynch train unless it secures their victory.  They will also rarely all push the same narrative.  The reason is that links them together.  It is more likely they will push someone they don't really think will get lynched, or be all on different trains. 


I definitely want to see your suspicions. It tells me how your thinking and helps me determine if I trust you or not. As a personal preference, I would prefer not to have the lite RP stuff as I find it an additional filter needed to sift through.  I can deal with it if people want to do it, but it does make my solving more difficult. 


Some of your posts are coming off as a bit "I just can't win with you people ", it does cause me to wonder if you are:

A. Just new and truly confused 

B. Playing confused for effect 

C. Just looking for jokes


That last bit about becoming a target, even as a red herring is possibly the best thing you've posted to date. All you can do as town though is make your thoughts clearly known with whatever reasoning you have to support them. Then if you should die, people can look at your thoughts knowing you were being honest. You could be wrong but knowing intent is helpful.  


Cairos scum


million like scum.


Not sure where you are on your reread but heres my posts


  On 3/2/2025 at 12:47 AM, dicetosser1 said:


HATE this


Unvote Vote Cairos




Hey Mills   do me a fava? my names one word  writing it that way could lead zander to bad humour...


All the newbies... just call me Dice









Iirc you started off in an advanced game didnt you? jumped straight in the deep end


but yeah that does tend to happen if you claim d1 lol  Mafias eyes light up and they dance a jig when that happens




I didnt give the explanation because of anyones post other then Ithis. It was meant as a teaching type thing.



  On 3/2/2025 at 12:59 AM, dicetosser1 said:


Give mills the stink eye


right now id vote Cairos or Mills



  On 3/2/2025 at 10:32 AM, dicetosser1 said:


This is cairos post i said i hated.  it didnt show in the quote for some reason


Yeah, I see your reasoning there. Mills though. Why is he likely scum?

  On 3/2/2025 at 12:48 AM, Millon said:

I’m not sure who to vote for at this point. I hate to use this as I am by far NOT a seasoned player. Not played that many mafia games but sometimes things stick out to me. 

The whole Heavy comment about us “..Towniest of townies….” Just popped out at me. I’m not familiar enough with them yet to know tone but that still really seems like an unnatural way of saying something. Overselling it like. I completely forgot about the comment until Dice brought it up again. 

 Vote Heavy



It was this post   he kinda jumped on with what i said but twisted it to being about towniest towny rather then the linking I was talking about but then made sure to mention me bringing it up 

feels like setup work


Scrooby, lololololol


Sooh, you might just be town yet. I'm hopeful. 


Dice, I was really hoping to wake to more in depth thoughts from you.


Z, I was hoping to get some thoughts from you. I guess wrasslin' knocked you out. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:37 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Scrooby, lololololol


Sooh, you might just be town yet. I'm hopeful. 


Dice, I was really hoping to wake to more in depth thoughts from you.


Z, I was hoping to get some thoughts from you. I guess wrasslin' knocked you out. 



im going to bed in a few mins.  i think ive been pretty clear where i am

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:37 AM, dicetosser1 said:


It was this post   he kinda jumped on with what i said but twisted it to being about towniest towny rather then the linking I was talking about but then made sure to mention me bringing it up 

feels like setup work


Yeeeehhh... I'm liable to think that that post was a bit shady as well. I was thinking about it when I read it in my catch-up. Towniest of townies is hardly reason to vote for anyone, but I don't believe Mills has played much mafia, so I guess I'm on the fence about it being damning. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:41 AM, Turin Turambar said:

And ninja.  Thanks for that Dice. 


I think that our best chances to find mafia at this time are competing trains on Mills and Cairos. 


Not entirely opposed to this idea, but is it a bit early?


What are your thoughts on Z so far? 


Dice seems towny to me so far.


So if we take I'm wrong on Zander and Andy being in cahoots. That leaves Cairo, Millón (Spanish autocorrect cannot tell. I'm not doing duo lingo at the moment) and if I remember right Donnchadh all backing up their vote of Turin. 


So Zander and Andy if they are being unsubtle, Cairos, Millón and Donchadh if they are. 


Or if the mafia are being quiet... 


Turin and Dice both seem towny and big brother showing us noobs how to play. I don't know though if that puts them in the clear, though. Though by far not the most suspicious people so far. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:45 AM, Sooh said:

Not entirely opposed to this idea, but is it a bit early?


What are your thoughts on Z so far? 


Dice seems towny to me so far.


We can talk while we push. I'm not saying we need to hammer them now. I just feel that making people take a position will help us find the mafs.


Zander is the TTT(towniest townie to town). At least on the outside.  I do want to see more thoughts from him. So far it has been mostly braggadocio about being town. Hopefully after he recovers from wrestlemania or whatever it was last night he will be helpful Zander and not just Tom lite.


Dice is giving thoughts and acting on them. Leaning town right now.


And Sooh hasn't said anything suspicious at all so far, not that I remember. But isn't that suspicious in and of itself? 


But again, not the most suspicious thing. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:49 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Turin and Dice both seem towny and big brother showing us noobs how to play. I don't know though if that puts them in the clear, though. Though by far not the most suspicious people so far. 


This is more insightful posting from you. Being helpful to newbies is a way mafia can try to gain trust so it is Good not to clear based on that alone.


You are quite confusing. Sometimes you sound quite sus, and sometimes very authentic and helpful.  I don't know if it has been asked, but is this your first game? Have you researched mafia at all?


This is my first game. No research done. 


The closest is I'm guessing this has a lot of parallels with Among Us, and I've not ever played that but I have been in the room while my daughter watched live action comedy based on the game. Red is sus, apparently. They were quite funny. 


I would change my vote to either at the moment. My only concern is that my main suspicion is Andy at the moment, and if Cairos or Mills turns out to be town that won't satisfy that itch either way. 


But yes, anyone encouraging the early voting is sus at the moment. So I'll wait for now to see where the other votes are cast. 

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