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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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* reaches up his sleeve to get a green juggling ball *

* three blue ones fall out on the floor *


Now I gotta bend over!!!


* bends over to pick up a blue ball *

* seems to be reverse-magnetized so it rolls away from his hand *

* he lunges at the stupid thing *

* it skittles away *

* he looks around for one of the other two *

* sees one under a side-table next to his reclining chair *

* reaches under to get the ball *

* finds the rat trap that he had forgotten that he had put under there several months ago *








* instead of removing the trap, he shakes his hand vigorously hoping it will fall off *

* dances around the room, jumping up and down, shaking his hand wildly *

* steps on the remaining blue ball *

* foot flies straight up in front of him *

* loses his balance and falls backward *

* arms flailing about trying to regain balance *

* smacks the back of his head on a half-opened door *



* the back of his skull pops open *

* Gwampy brain starts to leak out *

* not bad...just a slow oooozzzzzing *


Sorry...guess I won't be juggling for a while.

Need to find an Aes Sedai or a Wisdom or something.

* remembers it's Father's Day *


Everything's probably closed for the holiday!!!

Oh, well.

I'll juggle for ya sometime after my skull has time to regenerate.




All of you dads (and Gwampys) have a nice Father's Day!!!


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* wonders if that could be thunder he's starting to hear *

* realizes it's too close and gaining amplitude too fast to be thunder *

* glances down just in time to glimpse a mighty burst of light *






* lights go out *

* everything is dark *

* faint echo of thunder enters what is left of his ears *

* tries to whisper a final farewell *









* lights out *

* forever *




* or until some caring soul revives him *


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* pops up fully regenerated *

It's a miracle!!!



Crossin' the highway late last night.

He didn't look left.

He didn't look right.

He didn't see the station wagon car.

The skunk got squished and there you are.

You got a dead skunk in the middle of the road.

Dead skunk in the middle of the road.

Dead skunk in the middle of the road.

Stinkin' to high high heaven.

Well you got your dead cat.

And you got your dead dog.

On a moonlit night you got your dead bullfrog.

You got your dead rabbit and your dead racoon.

The blood and the guts are gonna make you swoon.


You gotta dead Gwampy in the middle of the road.

Dead Gwampy in the middle of the road.

Dead Gwampy in the middle of the road.

It's a miracle!

He was playin' possum!!!


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* takes a big ole sip of Red's poison tea *

* gets a HUGE buzz on *

* even more goofy and stupid than normal *


Got a house full of grandkids swarming around my feet in the "other" world...gotta go do the grandpa thing.  Catch ya later!!!  ;D

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* can't wait nine months in Red's tummy *

Can't go without spamming that long!!!


* takes one of the magic growing pills that Alice gave him *

* Red's tummy gets bigger *

* and bigger *


* looks like he's due any day now!!! *

* if he doesn't explode first, that is *






* Red's water broke *

* looks like he's straining to take a dump *

* out drops Gwampy with a nice new golden halo hanging above his head *

Does this mean I get to skip being baptised?


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