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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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*passes Gwampy the brownie plate*


Ex-Lax brownie or 1970's brownie?



* compares the two brownies *

* can't see any difference between them *

* sniffs both of them *

* can't smell any difference, either *

* takes a nibble of both *


* disco ball appears above the First Fool's head *

* fool's outfit is replaced by disco duds...not much change at all *

* sudden urge to pass gas *


* just a little one *

* ex-lax brownie really kicks in *




* Gramps wheels around and races for the john *

* fast as a Gwampy fool can hobble *

* makes it to the crapper just in time *


That was a close call!!!

* ponders while waiting for the brownies to exit *

* considers offering her majesty the left over ears from the coronation *

* reconsiders *

* puts ears back under the newly re-formed fool's cap *

* can hear again! *


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The wife just yelled that my oatmeal and toast are getting cold.  >:(


She wants me to enjoy my Sunday digging in the dirt with her...new trellis in the back yard for her trumpet vines to grow on.  Such fun.  :-\  Oh, well...at least we won't have to shovel snow to get to the lawn...it's finally all melted!!!  :)


Have a lovely weekend! ;D

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Got the bush transplanted that was in the way of the new trellis...then she spied my brush pile on top of the compost pile that has been there forever...just had to be taken care of at once!  A winter's worth of twigs lying on the grass under the trees had to be picked up, broken up, and put into boxes to start campfires with...an entire wheelbarrow heaped to twice it's capacity...broken limb removed from the garage roof...broken limb under the big maple had to be cut up.  In short, no trellis.  Oh, well.  Someday I'll be old and will wish that I could still do that stuff, huh?  I still don't know what her design idea is for the trellis.  I'm sure it will be just wonderful until all of the family has seen it then it will have to be replaced.  >:(


In the WOT series, Mat quite often observes that women hate to see him with any idle time on his hands.  Thom agrees with him.  Then they wonder why we try to avoid them!!!  ??? 



Gotta go get ready for work.

Wait...wanna see me juggle?

No?  Don't blame ya.

Bye.  :)

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