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High Noon

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*shakes her head*


That'll never work on me, Canis! Brew runs in my VEINS!! I'd cut myself and show you but that would be a waste of good brew. :D


*looks at all the brew offenders trying to mitigate their offense by catching the raining brew*




All right... I'll exempt Corki and Danya now as well... BUT AS FOR THE REST OF YOU!!!!!


*looks at her list*


Oh wow! It shrunk a whole lot. Oh well, I still got presents for some of you!!


*pulls out parchments and begins writing out spot fines*


*the first reads:

DancingBlade, for the blatant misuse and abuse of brew, and assaulting a red arm while in the performance of her duty, SPOT FINE!!! You must report to the spot fine board and title a thread Brew Bandit is not what I want to be when I grow up In this thread you will write 10 different reasons why Canis is a bad role model, 10 X's each.*


*the second reads:

Leane, for the blatant misuse and abuse of brew and also for allowing the blatant misuse and abuse of brew, SPOT FINE!!! You will report to the spot fine board and title a thread SuperSoakers are SuperBad In it you will write "Brew goes in my belly, not my gun" 100 times in alternating colors of green and blue.


*starts to write out a third, but considers Jester's actions in the thread a little more closely*


I guess I'll have to exempt Jester as well. He was busy playing the theme music and he even looked it up to make sure it was right.


*looks up at Canis in the clock tower*


Get your spot fine in before I haul you in front of a jury and have them chain up your mule!!! You left it in the tavern!


*giggles to herself*


I bet he got his name by being Black with Envy of all the REAL horses!

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*looks through the happenings of late*


As far as I can tell I guess I have no charges against me...And as for the accusation that no one tried to save brew I will have to quote this:


*holds up a tankard to catch overspray brew*


Hey' date=' more for me. :)


*drinks brew*[/quote']


Not only did I try, but I also DID save brew and used it for my own consumption.


I would also like to add that if merely being in the presence of a crime is a crime itself, the Red Arms truly are going to be busy and I think I will be the first on to join the rebellion against the autonomous oppression. We were here merely as witnesses to make sure that justice could be served when the time presented itself...otherwise it would simply be Helike's word against Canis'.


*whispers to Cads*


I am not sure why everyone was taken away?

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You sure didn't drink it, Leane!!! :wink: I've been over that supposed loop hole. It didn't work for Lazyman, either! :D


And Spacey, I exempted you. I saw you try to rescue some brew, as well as Caddy. Corki and Danya were a little LATE with their resue attempts but I exempted them as well, and jester (cuz I enjoyed the music). 8)


So this is my stand, Canis started this thread to blatantly commit heinous brew crimes and try to get out of his spot fine (given in the Stumbling Soldier). That makes everyone here co-conspirators to brew crimes. Sheli agrees with me and she's the RAL! So there! :P :twisted:

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*starts talking in a spooky tone*


Last night...I was not able to sleep well...I was dreaming.


In my dream I saw a light from the east and when I went to see what it was I found the shire burning and many hobbits sad and being made to work unwillingly and without any games. The oppressiveness was horrific; a once happy people were now bound to many laws and regulations.


They were made to work without having any time to play and they began to work with less and less enthusiasm; you could hear them talking to eachother saying, "This is right depressing it is, 'aving to work all day and 'ave no play. When are we supposed to 'ave fun? When are we supposed to 'ave time to drink back a cool golden brew and smoke some ole Toby. Right deprssing it is I tell you." This was very depressing as all of them were saying the exact same thing...like the writers of the fictional creatures had given up hope also.


Then a cloaked black rider came along and looked into the light, defiant and unmoved. It yelled as its black steed reared on two legs, "Alright copper, enough oppression is enough, I will let these little hobbits know how it used to be before the scourge of the Red Arms." With that he pulled out battle brew guns and soaked the hobbits with the golden liquid.


The hobbits rejoyced in the black riders antics, he was fun and made them feel good and smile. They cheered and laughed as the chase began. They had no care about what laws were being broken, it had been so long since they smiled they just wanted some fun.




Then I was awoken from my tossing and turning, I saw no more....


I think it is an omen Helike, I think it is a warning. The brew should come to the Infantry where we could use it for merriment and fun! We could use it wisely; keeping the people smiling and happy! It is wrong to confine the merryment and try to make people have fun in only certain ways; simple ethics says if you allow one you must allow all.


I shall pass into the day now and ponder my own dreams some more so that I might once again be able to share my opinions with everyone.

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*takes aim and shoots spot fines out of Heli hand from clock tower and yells down*


As I can tell now that you are blind as you can not recognise my horse as the great horse (given to me by our fearless leader I might add) there is no way you could have seen any of this supposed brew being spilt.......



Proving you are inapt to perform your job and should be removed.......


Battle Brew Bandits its time we took the LAW into our own hands.......

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