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The person above me game! >Xtra Newbiefriendly!


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The person above me went easy on the person above the person above me, who, quite apart from being tasteless, doesn't appear to realise that whatever rules may or not exist in this thread are quite beside the point! And the point is this: I made a jam slice last week and it was nice. Phear my newfound culinary prowess! *bakes the person above the person above me into a meringue and offers to share*

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If the person above me had used as an ingredient anyone other the the previous person above me, I might have been tempted to sample her meringue (lessin' it were loki cause ain't no amount of baking can burn off his cooties)

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Once my sister made brownies with cocoa that was ten years out of date. I'm not exaggerating by even a day. They tasted like vomit. Actually they tasted like the aftertaste of vomit. Anyway to cut a long story it turns out the artificial sweetener was the problem so the cocoa might even have been okay.


And will you please have a taste of my meringue? It needs eating.

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