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ok now we all different so please validate and respect that, even if you dont agree with someone as opinions on things that may be reflected in their posts - ongoings in the world can obviously be something that can block peoples inspiration.

However this is not a debate tread, its about what personally block us, and how we deal with it or sugestions from others if they have ideas on how you can deal with a particular block...independant of the reason for the block


so keep that in mind when posting, because DM is a diverse place and there is room for everyone as long as they keep within the PG-13 and CoC regulations


ok now i had issues because between being sick myself, covid restrictions and ongoings, as well as the world needing fixing its all i guess a bit overwhelming ...i am a dooer and fixer but this isnt something i personally can fix persay...so i felt just extremely frustrated and it bared me from thinking and being creative as such for a period of a couple weeks now


what draged me out of it was when we got words on the arts guild, because systemizing is something so ingrained in me i didnt need to think straigth...and just sitting down and doing something, having a focus to put my attention too very quickly got me in a creative mood, if you seen my tutorials..my aproach to making stuff is very technical and systematic, bit by bit by bit...so just needed something to get me going and that was enough that i also started to find enjoyment in looking in pictures and seeing their potentials and breaking them up into pieces that could be rearranged into something new


I may be new enough to the art gig (less than two years) that I haven't had any problems finding inspiration. Often I'll get an idea while still finishing up my latest painting, and I have to resist dropping the work-in-progress to get started on the new idea. 


It also helps that I only paint part-time. Even if I only put in five minutes for a day, I go to bed with a clear conscience. 


Not have a routine gets in my way. I got some great advice that if you tie your new activity with an old, preformed habit (say brushing your teeth, etc.) it makes it easier to remember doing the activity, even if for a short time. Then it becomes a habit, and so on.


With covid, I definitely feel lethargy creep in, hard to fight off, but one foot in front of the other is what I tell myself ?


My problem is work and kids..... and having lots of other hobbies as well.  For photography its one thing to go out and take some snap shots.  Its another thing to investigate good landscape areas, plan to be there sunrise or sunset, drive, hunt for that perfect angle, shoot, and then process.  So.... I don't do the landscape stuff so much right now.  Since my kids are really into sports I have focused on trying to become a better sports photographer.  The problem is I want to watch their games too much, and as they get holder, things get a whole heck ton faster! 


That and I am just a lazy bleep.  Haven't figured out how to deal with that yet. ?


This is SUCH a great topic. For me, I have NO idea what it is. In painting, choreography, anything creative I do, if I'm not in the mood, I usually won't do it. And I have no clue what determines if I'm feeling motivated or not. That is not to say I can't, because I've choregraphed many a numbers without being in the mood, but I usually don't like what I've come up with, it's like pulling teeth to get it done, and takes twice as long to do. I typically end up changing it. With painting...my canvas will sit there, and I'll stare at it. I find if I have a set completion date that I need to get it done by, it helps. For instance, I'm working on an oil pastel for my sister. I have yet to set a time of when I want to give it to her, so it has sit and stared back at me for the last 18 months ?.


For me it's because I'm a perfectionist. The last year has been a catastrophe for my fam, a person close to me died and another has been very sick, and I myself is disabled but had to step up cause there's no one else, I'm so exchausted I often get dissy spells and once some weeks ago, I even had to go to hospital for checkup cause passed out.. I feel like a muted banchee with the scream stuck in her head, and need to create to get out of my headspace but my fingers ofcourse cant hold the pencil still and all my muscle memory are gone..I hate starting on scratch doing worce than I know I could, so I just end up not doing it at all...


maybe do a smaller piece so it wont be so much to finish


like just a flower petal or something or an eye or whatever you feel like doing, but not like a huge complete pic, just a part pic to get into it and practise technique



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