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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Personally i was a bit disapointed with the premier. Instead of growing from the end of the last season, it seems more as if they are attempting to reset the entire piece and begin anew from a blank slate. Yes, the positioning of the new stories has some connection to the old--the Company with Suresh and Noah being the most obvious--yet still, the entire piece has a feel of 'that story is ended, now we move on to this story' instead of 'the characters have survived this story, yet their lives continue'.


But, that being said, i like that we are getting into the previous generation of heroes. The Nine, for instance, intrigure me (though i disliked the immediacy of their introduction and Kaito Nakamura's death). As far as we know, we have only met five of the Nine... being Mr Petrelli (well, we havn't met him, but we know of him), Angela Patrelli, Kaito Nakamura, Linderman, and Charles Deveaux.


Beyond that though, was i the only one in thinking that there were similarities in the way the mysterious assasin looked, and the way Sylar looked early on? Unless there is some connection between the two (and no, i don't believe them to be the same person) ill be fairly disapointed. Repition beyond repition. Also, was i the only one disapointed with the final showdown between Kaito and that person... i mean Kaito wigs out about how dangerous the Nine are, yet he himself, one of the Nine, does nothing to protect himself, and the attacker does nothing but tackler him. Where is all this power he speeks of. And for that matter, why is he so sure that himself and Angela are going to be the victims if all of the Nine are so 'powerful'?


Maya and Alejandro seem obvious. Maya kills with her mind, whilst Alejandro seems to have some ability to stop her if they are close. West annoyed me. We already have a flyer, and as the outcast he comes an appalingly boring second to Zach, even if he's playing a straight love interest. In truth Claire's scenes depressed me. At the end of last seasons she seemed to have reached a new level of self--standing up for her position against Angela and Nathan, connection anew with Noah... the whole thing felt too artificial... weaken the character so we can have a dramatic arc rather than create an arc for that character.


Matt and Molly were boring. We already knew pretty much everything they displayed, and whilst i get that it had to be reiterated... still, a non-event.


For a season premier it seemed too much a prologue.



Nathan needs to lose the beard, asap. Or at least, should trim it down short. The wildman look does not work for him.


Unless the beard has something to do with his perception of himself with burns. As in he can't touch himself, or something. Thats assuming the burns are a result of his guilt--i cant see how he could be hiding them with an ability, but that is possible.


Kensei is amusing. I look forward to seeing Hiro turn him into a hero.


Yeah, i liked Kensei too. Especially since the buildup in season one.


Nakamura's nemesis, could he be a boogeyman?  Also do you think they may be a mimic?


Molly refered to Sylar as the boogeyman, and certainly they looked similar, though Sylar would not have tackled Kaito of the roof--he would have died, and he has so many other methods, plus he was never one of the Nine. But as to wether he is the person who is worse than the boogeyman... I doubt it. Just from the way the first season played, the reveal would not be so obvious.



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Guest Far Dareis Mai

I enjoyed it. I didn't find myself bored through it. Claire's scenes were a bit slow, and the Matt and Molly scenes were meh...but I didn't go into it with any sort of expectation, so I can't say I'm disappointed. Nathan's beard was made of fail, and I wish I knew what Angela's superpower is...because it's really driving me nuts. Other than that, did Peter have that orb throwing ability before, or whatever it was he was doing in that cage thing?

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We actually have only seen 2 of the nine.  Sulu (sorry can't stop thinking of him as that) and Mrs Petrelli.  Nakamura told Mrs Petrelli that after the deaths of Deverou (sp), Mr Petrelli, and Linderman there are nine remaining.  Though now it seems like there are 8 remaining.  I'm sad to see Sulu bite the dust.  He was a rather cool character and I'm still wondering what his power is.


I'm surprised to say I actually like the Kensei character.  I was quite upset when I first heard of the casting, but one you find out how he really was and that the stories are probably only great because of Hiro's contributions.  It was great.  Nice to see how they are taking into account how history tends to gloss over certain things.


I was laughing at the Claire and Mr Bennett arcs.  It was funny seeing them at the dinner table looking and sounding so bored and visibly frustrated with their lives.


Can't wait until next week.  Hope to see Sylar and what he's been up to.

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We actually have only seen 2 of the nine.  Sulu (sorry can't stop thinking of him as that) and Mrs Petrelli.  Nakamura told Mrs Petrelli that after the deaths of Deverou (sp), Mr Petrelli, and Linderman there are nine remaining.  Though now it seems like there are 8 remaining.  I'm sad to see Sulu bite the dust.  He was a rather cool character and I'm still wondering what his power is.


Ah, I see. So there are seven who remain a mystery. It occurs to me that the guy that recruited Suresh might be one of them, though they havn't been big on being personally involved in the past.


And yeah, I was annoyed by Kaito's death... he could have at least tried to protect himself... and death by tackle?


It does bring me to another point though, that was very reminiscient of the way Claire attempted to deal with her would be rapist. Is it possible that he is a reginirator. Given West and his ability to fly it seems the creatores are not overly concerned about repeating abilities--which i think is clever. I mean, it has to happen, one would think.


I was laughing at the Claire and Mr Bennett arcs.  It was funny seeing them at the dinner table looking and sounding so bored and visibly frustrated with their lives.


Lol, i know eh. And it looked like Lyle has a secret too, which should be cool--he's been left in the shadows, but he's a solid actor.




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I was laughing at the Claire and Mr Bennett arcs.  It was funny seeing them at the dinner table looking and sounding so bored and visibly frustrated with their lives.


That was probably my favorite scene from the episode. It was a visually unusual scene compared to most of the rest of the series, but the odd camera angles just added to the sense of (amusing) wrongness. I chuckled.



Personally i was a bit disapointed with the premier. Instead of growing from the end of the last season, it seems more as if they are attempting to reset the entire piece and begin anew from a blank slate. Yes, the positioning of the new stories has some connection to the old--the Company with Suresh and Noah being the most obvious--yet still, the entire piece has a feel of 'that story is ended, now we move on to this story' instead of 'the characters have survived this story, yet their lives continue'.


I think the idea from the beginning was to do almost completely different chapters, and from what I remember of talk last season, they made it sound like we would be seeing mostly new characters. Now, of course, we're actually seeing mostly the old characters, which makes me think they tried to find a halfway point between starting over like they originally intended and continuing the safe storyline that already had viewers hooked. I'm trusting it will turn out well, since I was not super interested in season one until episode 4 or 5, at which point I was completely hooked.  ;D


But, that being said, i like that we are getting into the previous generation of heroes. The Nine, for instance, intrigure me (though i disliked the immediacy of their introduction and Kaito Nakamura's death). As far as we know, we have only met five of the Nine... being Mr Petrelli (well, we havn't met him, but we know of him), Angela Patrelli, Kaito Nakamura, Linderman, and Charles Deveaux.


It seems we've met 5 of 12, as Whitestar pointed out. Daddy Nakamura said "and then there were 9", indicating that the three who died (Daddy Petrelli, Linderman, and C. Devereaux) are not included in those who are left. Anyone have guesses as to who the unknown 7 may be??  Do we think Thompson is one of them? He's the company man/boss that Daddy Bennet kills in the hallway in season 1 finale.


Beyond that though, was i the only one in thinking that there were similarities in the way the mysterious assasin looked, and the way Sylar looked early on?
In my  mind, I remember early Sylar wearing a black baseball cap and a long black/dark coat. I guess they are similar in that we can't see their faces, but I actually thought the new bad guy (NBG) looked more like Peter Petrelli than Sylar.


Also, was i the only one disapointed with the final showdown between Kaito and that person... i mean Kaito wigs out about how dangerous the Nine are, yet he himself, one of the Nine, does nothing to protect himself, and the attacker does nothing but tackler him. Where is all this power he speeks of. And for that matter, why is he so sure that himself and Angela are going to be the victims if all of the Nine are so 'powerful'?
. I assumed the power discussed was not necessarily a superpower, but political, financial, criminal, etc. Daddy Nakamura may not have had a power that would have saved him from NBG, such as mind reading or healing/growing(Linderman, not Claire).  It IS too bad we didn't get to see or know his power before he died. If we don't ever find out, I'll be disappointed, since it seems like a cop out on the part of the writers.


Maya and Alejandro seem obvious. Maya kills with her mind, whilst Alejandro seems to have some ability to stop her if they are close.
. Or, her (seemingly mental) power becomes lethal to those around her when she's especially upset or scared, and having her brother there helps keep her out of situations where she might freak out? When I was watching I assumed the drivers tried to rape her once her brother was gone, and in her struggle she let out power she doesn't have control over, which killed EVERYONE around, not just the would-be rapists. I hope one or both of their powers turn out to be something new and interesting.


West annoyed me. We already have a flyer, and as the outcast he comes an appalingly boring second to Zach, even if he's playing a straight love interest. In truth Claire's scenes depressed me. At the end of last seasons she seemed to have reached a new level of self--standing up for her position against Angela and Nathan, connection anew with Noah... the whole thing felt too artificial... weaken the character so we can have a dramatic arc rather than create an arc for that character.


I agree about West being more boring than Zach, and that it would have been nice to see more of Claire being strong than we did, but I think it was clear enough that she still has that, even though she's trying to supress the urge. She did stand up to the bitchy cheerleader before she remembered the greater threat facing her and her family and scaled back.


Nathan needs to lose the beard, asap. Or at least, should trim it down short. The wildman look does not work for him.


Unless the beard has something to do with his perception of himself with burns. As in he can't touch himself, or something. Thats assuming the burns are a result of his guilt--i cant see how he could be hiding them with an ability, but that is possible.


My comment meant only that he was more physically attractive without it. I absolutely think it's an important sign of his current mental state.


Molly refered to Sylar as the boogeyman, and certainly they looked similar, though Sylar would not have tackled Kaito of the roof--he would have died, and he has so many other methods, plus he was never one of the Nine. But as to wether he is the person who is worse than the boogeyman... I doubt it. Just from the way the first season played, the reveal would not be so obvious.


Actually, some of the sources Empy posted earlier say that we will see the NBG in the first episode, so I am assuming that WAS him, and that they will develop something more interesting as we go.

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My bad about the bogeyman mistake.  Who thinks that the man who killed Kaito Nakamura is the subject of Molly's warnings though?  And what might his powers be?  Yeah his death is more than a bit disappointing.  Script wise it frees Ando up to freelance for Hiro's sister and the other heroes.


Its interesting that in his amnesia Peter is still able to use other people's abilities, or could he be using one of the thieves abilities?


I agree that the repetition of abilities makes sense, and works.  I also suspect that certain abilities will be more rare than others. 


I doubt Thompson is one of the nine, but I suspect there is at least one of the nine behind the company/Primatech.



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Well, Daddy Nakamura was high up in the Company at one point, which we gather from the scene where he gives Claire to HRG. So it would make sense that at least one other of the 12 was involved as well. It seems they all worked together at one point, but have split into different factions with different beliefs about what should happen. So far we've basically seen two different factions - the Linderman political section (Linderman, Petrelli's, perhaps Deveaux), and Nakamura behind the scenes section (the Company/PrimaTech).


I do think Nak Senior's killer is the same one that Molly dreams of. The spoilers say we'd see the worse-than-boogyman in episode 1, and the only bad guy we've seen is NBG. He clearly has some sort of power that kept him alive after the tackle and ensuing fall (if he actually fell the whole way), but I don't think it's any one thing we've seen before, since flying and regenerating aren't dangerous enough to create a scary bad guy. He also has whatever power it takes to see Molly when she looks for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he has the ability to use multiple powers like Peter or Sylar, but I hope it's something new and different.

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If I recall correctly, Sylar was NOT the boogeyman, because Molly was willing to point him out in the finale I think (though she may have pointed out Peter instead), where she wouldn't even consider pointing out the boogey man.


And you have to remember, Peter absorbs the powers of everyone he comes into contact with. That means he has all of Sylar's powers, as well as a lot of other ones that he likely doesn't know about. The Orb would be a prime example of this, and in his current state, throwing out the orb was probably an instinctive reaction to his being attacked. Its possible that Peter has never used that orb attack before.

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I think the idea from the beginning was to do almost completely different chapters, and from what I remember of talk last season, they made it sound like we would be seeing mostly new characters. Now, of course, we're actually seeing mostly the old characters, which makes me think they tried to find a halfway point between starting over like they originally intended and continuing the safe storyline that already had viewers hooked. I'm trusting it will turn out well, since I was not super interested in season one until episode 4 or 5, at which point I was completely hooked. 


Where as the place the show loses me is the over-grandiose nature of some of the character lines which detracts from being able to get into the characters--if they'd done as they'd intended id likely have stopped watching... but thats just me.


It seems we've met 5 of 12, as Whitestar pointed out. Daddy Nakamura said "and then there were 9", indicating that the three who died (Daddy Petrelli, Linderman, and C. Devereaux) are not included in those who are left. Anyone have guesses as to who the unknown 7 may be??  Do we think Thompson is one of them? He's the company man/boss that Daddy Bennet kills in the hallway in season 1 finale.


Yeah, I know now. I think it's possible that the golden spoon guy may be one of them, but I doubt that Thompson was. Kaito would have mentioned him.


In my  mind, I remember early Sylar wearing a black baseball cap and a long black/dark coat. I guess they are similar in that we can't see their faces, but I actually thought the new bad guy (NBG) looked more like Peter Petrelli than Sylar.


You see, to me, the stance the character held was entirely reminiscient of Sylar, even after they stopped hiding him away.


. I assumed the power discussed was not necessarily a superpower, but political, financial, criminal, etc. Daddy Nakamura may not have had a power that would have saved him from NBG, such as mind reading or healing/growing(Linderman, not Claire).  It IS too bad we didn't get to see or know his power before he died. If we don't ever find out, I'll be disappointed, since it seems like a cop out on the part of the writers.


Agreed. Still, as the only thing reminiscient of a climax in this episode i was disapointed with the confrontation. And if he knew the type of threat he faced, why didn't he call in his own goons. Nakamura was far from without political or financial power, and given NBG didn't use any great aggressive power, four bodyguard WOULD have made the difference.


I dunno, it just seemed sloppy writing to me.


Or, her (seemingly mental) power becomes lethal to those around her when she's especially upset or scared, and having her brother there helps keep her out of situations where she might freak out? When I was watching I assumed the drivers tried to rape her once her brother was gone, and in her struggle she let out power she doesn't have control over, which killed EVERYONE around, not just the would-be rapists. I hope one or both of their powers turn out to be something new and interesting.


Where as my interpretation was that she was freaking out because they were pulling her away from Alejandro. She said 'please, you arer making a mistake, you don't know what you are doing'. To me, that seemed more suggestive of the fact that the threat, from her point of view, was not the would-be rapists, but the removal of her brother.


It occurs to me that Alejandro may be like the Haitian, which would be cool when we see him start interacting with others who have abilities. And if Maya gets her ability under control, she might have a part to play in this virus... though nothing suggests that aside from the method of death.


I agree about West being more boring than Zach, and that it would have been nice to see more of Claire being strong than we did, but I think it was clear enough that she still has that, even though she's trying to supress the urge. She did stand up to the bitchy cheerleader before she remembered the greater threat facing her and her family and scaled back.


Mmm, actually having thought about it, maybe they are playing Claire very well... strength restrained, and the way she has seemingly been seeking out pain--i.e. the bunsen burner and what not.


They'll have to be careful, if she becomes to cliche as a teenage cutter... meh.


Actually, some of the sources Empy posted earlier say that we will see the NBG in the first episode, so I am assuming that WAS him, and that they will develop something more interesting as we go.


Well, to be fair, we did see him through Molly (or at least encounter him). I dunno, the guy that killed Kaito seems to me to be a red-herring, much like HRG was set up to look like the bad guy at the beginning. Not that this guy wont be a bad guy, i just dont think he'll be the new Big Bad.



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Here's a wild thought about Maya and Alejandro.  It was mentioned in by Mr Golden Spoon about what would happen if the virus affecting the specials were to mutate and spread to the general population.  What if that's what her ability is?  There's some holes in this theory you can drive a semi-truck through, but if she were releasing the virus and it was potent enough to kill normals on transmission, maybe Alejandro is releasing the cure at the same time.  I thought I read a spoiler somewhere that said their powers are linked.  Can't be much more linked than that.

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I liked the premire a lot actually, and I while I can see long run that flying boy will be Clair's love interest I can see in the beginning how it will not be quite so plesent. *Spoiler* the spoiler says that HRG has in fact met him before which leads me to believe that flying boy is following Clair to get back at HRG. I think it would be interesting if he pretends to love her as part of the plan to get back at HRG not knowing he's switched sides (or pending what happened, doesn't care that he's switched sides). *Spoiler end*


And so Nathan is off on his own, Peter is with that mob (i.e. alone since none of the previous cast knows where he is), Hiro is on his own, and molly/parkman/sersh/HRG are connected while Clair is connected to HRG.


And we must all take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of Peter emo-locks...




ok now lets party!

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It wouldn't be a great surprise if HRG has met the boy.  After all it was his job to track down and tag specials.  Though I'd be very surprised to find out that flying boy remembers him.  In all likelyhood, the Haitian probably wiped that memory from his mind.  Plus, the last online comic was centered on him and the only Bennett on his mind seemed to be Claire.  She is a hot, young blonde who he thinks might be an "alien" after all.

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whitestar, where are the online comics? I entirely missed them last season and I'm looking for them but can't find them.


oh! and a prediction as crappy as it may be^^


our mystery killer is Nathan! He bumps into Hiro's friend while bringing Hiro's father the paper! then he was right outside the hallway while his mother was in the house right before she went outside and saw it!


The reason he was fine falling off the roof is because he can fly! We've also seen him show extreme angst to his deemed "evil" mother! In season one he wanted his daughters affection which is why he helped Peter, now he's telling her to "stay away from me"? and when looking in the mirror he saw a horrid figure, which btw I said figure because if think the person he saw was not himself but Peter, notice the emo locks on the not burned side? It also looks like Peter's eye as well.

"sylar" was Clair cuz of the bullets and things like that XD. But its fun^^

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Kaito is what, 50? Nathan approx 30? and it seems Mrs. Petrelli and him go way back so i'm sure he knows *ALL* about Nathan.


Especially since Nathan was supposed to become the new world leader following the "bomb". In fact as Nathan saved the day wouldn't it be Nathan who betrayed Mrs. Petrelli and Kaito's plans? After what was offered him it seems it would be unlikely that he would be the one to betray them.


But again I digress, it was likely not Nathan, I see killing his mother as going a bit far (and we know our murderer means to be good on his threat).

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My favorite bit was where Noah put the obnoxious store manager in his place.  ;D


All in all a slow episode with a lot of set-up and nothing much happening.  Being already hooked from last season that doesn't bother me so much, but if I were someone giving the show a chance for the first time after hearing all the hype, I don't think I would be hooked.


And if I can rant for a minute, I didn't get to see it till yesterday becuase my DVR was set to record it on Saturday instead of last Monday as if Saturday was the first run and Monday had been the repeat.  So I manually deleted the recording set up for Saturday and recorded it last Monday when it premiered.  Then, in the middle of the week when I went to watch it, the machine had deleted my recording from Monday and the 'record series' function had set it up to record on Saturday again!  Stupid freaking machine!  (I feel better now.)

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That bit at the very end with Clair, that was cool. That was really cool. And I like Kensai's ability, it'll certainly make him the stuff of legend that Hiro wants.


I knew that Suresh was about to visit the Haitian as soon as it said where he was, although the memory bit was unexpected.


Also, I really liked Peter's ass kicking scene. That was awesome.

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Yes, this episode was chock full of pure awesome^^


The twins abilities are shown at last, and it seems that Maya does indeed hold some "curse" that when she's frightened/separated from her brother takes affect and passively kills those around her except him. And his power seems to be to take that curse inside of himself and distill it/get rid of it.


Clair's parts were all awesome this episode^^, but why didn't West come out with his ability right off the bat? you'd think once he found someone else whose special he would tell them he's special as well. Maybe it could lead for him being all special with her off on their special lonesome selves^^


Same here about the Haitian scenes Barm. second that said Haiti i was like "zomg the Haitian!" my brother who doesn't watch it even remarked that something cool must have happened^^.


The Molly/Parkman scenes were meh this time round but they also didn't get much so nno big deal anyways.


And in true form Hiro kicks ass^^

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