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I. Blame. YOU!

Aiel Heart

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Especially if you are Turin, Ley or Mawth. Curse peer pressure!!!!


Allow me to explain: Some of you might have seen one of my threads about my WoT t-shirt that I made (I believe the one here in the BT is called "Lookie Lookie" .....Light, I was hyper.... Or sharpie high... Anyway. Moving on). I was just looking up quotes and such to add to the shirt, and found myself laughing rather maniacally due to the excitement. As if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as I realized I was laughing maniacally and stopped, I muttered "I blame the Taint."


I've been here what 5 DAYS!!!!!


I blame you. All of you horrible influences. Grah! Feel my rage!!!





And now the laughing has started again..... I don't know why.... Is this thread funny?




Heart needs sleep....... 5ish hours isn't enough apparently :P


Love you guys!!! But I blame you!!!!


Pop quiz: what movie is "I BLAME YOU!" from? (not quite what I did but close enough)


Ok. Going to stop rambling now.


Feel blamed


*pours generous serving of the Taint into AH's drink*


I feel left out for not being singled out and blamed for your descent into madness








Why weren't you involved in my caption contest? I think it was kinda fun....


Hey Mawth was it fun? Be honest


I lurked in there, but I've never been good at caption thingys. I end up thinking too hard about it or something.


I did enjoy Maiden's kiss tho :myrddraal:


As long as you can still blame the Taint you do not need to blame anyone else. Since I am already deep into madness in only a few weeks I can feel no regret for spreading the taint for that was our insrtuction from the Lord Dragon. We all had our roles to play. Ley sits there to make us seem harmless. Des uses his mad swag to distract the Maidens. Maw and I make with the funny and pass out the Brownies. Taint spread, poor unsuspecting aiel lured to BT. Victory us.



Bottom line is ... Don't hate the playas, hate the game. :biggrin:


Despo....did you read the whole post?


What kind of siggy do you want? PM me...lets talk.


I do not make siggies. Rhea and Corwinsr and Illi are my siggy makers. Please see one of them if you want a siggy. I don't know how to work the photo magic stuff on my laptop.


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