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As the Freelanders RP Consultant, Arlow is a staff member in a position to help the new members find their way and begin their RPing, among other things. As such he has been approved to have a trainer character to be able to help new members with doing their progression RPs.


Kathleen is right. One of the perks of being the RP Consultant is that they can play an NSW Trainer. This character belongs to the Freelanders and is not someone's personal character. The privelege of writing with it is part of the 'pay' contributing members in staff positions get. As we are short on a many number of NSW characters in each Guild, I am allowing the people that gain that privilege to write the bios of the NSW characters themselves.



All Freelanders characters are recorded on a Google.com document which you can see here. Click on the various tabs on the bottom to see the members of the different Guilds.




You can find the details on how to progress to becoming a trainer there but essentially, when you complete the Welcome to Your Society RP, have a WS of 12 and can meet the requirements of being a trainer you can PM Mystica with a link to your character's record thread on the Training Ground to become part of the Aiel Training Staff.


Training Staff Requirements


As a Training Staff member you need to:


be an active member of the Guild for at least 3 months

be able to RP at least once a week for the Guild

be willing to update your student's records on the Training Ground board

be willing to be an active and contributing Training Staff member in the FL Group


Added note and clarification:



Becoming a Trainer is not an automatic process. People have to APPLY for it and the FL Staff reserves the right to review each application based on the needs of the moments and each applicant will be considered based on how ready they are at that moment to take on that responsibility.


There are two ways in which a person can become Staff:


1. Perk for being Staff.


Some Staff positions come with the added privilege of RPing one of the Freelanders' NSW Training Characters. When we don't have enough NSW Training Characters for a given Guild that the Staff member wants to RP a trainer for, the Staff member can write the bio for that NSW Character themself as an added bonus for being one of the first to step up to help that particular Guild. But that Character does not belong to them, it belongs to the Guild (and consequently to the FL Group). Should the Staff member in question become inactive or leave, the FL Staff can allow someone else to continue playing this Character.



2. Your personal character reaches a certain level


Each Guild has a moment in the progression system where the character reaches a certain level. Weather by reaching a certain Weapon Score, a certain Rank or something else still. Reaching that level does not automatically make that player Training Staff but gives them the right to APPLY to become Training Staff with their Character. For the Aiel, for example, Warriors can apply for it the moment they reach WS 12. Wise Ones can apply when they reach the rank of Wise One.


See the progression systems for both Warriors and Wise Ones on the Aiel Site.







In each case, the FL Staff reserves the right to decide on Training Staff based on the needs of the moment and on the individual applicants as they would with any job application. Becoming a Trainer is a responsibility and requires certain skills and commitments. It is important that the FL Staff can rely on the Trainers to guide their trainees in the right way. That includes FL Group rules, RP guidelines and Guild culture. Some people may need more time to acclimatise themselves (in the FL Staff opinion) with the way things go here while others may have shown that they are ready long since. As with any application, that is the FL Staff's task to consider and decide on.




If there are any more questions concerning this, please post them here.

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