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High Time for Tea (Attn: Novices & Accepted who want to play along)

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Loraine hummed as she pushed the last pin in her hair and checked to make sure the elaborately twisting knot was secure on the back of her head. Content that it was, she brushed her hands down her dress, pressing a few small creases from her skirts. Jaydena had put her in charge of this tea and she had little intention of presenting anything less than a...


She smirked at her reflection and shook her head. Who was she kidding? She'd been trapped behind reports for most of the winter and she was sick of trying to figure out the rough codes that some of her contacts used when penning their messages. It made her eyes cross some days. Kyn said she sounded rather Brown for complaining about it, which usually earned a book tossed his way. Needless to say, that did little to alleviate the Brown references. No, she just needed to see something besides these walls, her desk and her warder. She tried to take a walk as often as possible, but it was only now, with the flowers blooming in her little corner of the garden that she found her reason to step outside of her place as a Sitter and enjoy an afternoon.


She grinned as she wrapped her long-fringed Green shawl around her shoulders and moved out the door. She was still smiling as she made her way out into the garden, where a table, chairs and High Tea were laid out waiting for her guests. All that was left were the Novices and Accepted to appear, so she wandered around for a few minutes to check on her collection of flowers.




Ray-ray wrinkled her nose at the huge bunch of flowers she held in her hand. The Cook had gotten them for her, saying it was always good to surprise Aes Sedai with gifts. She had also try to dump a whole pound cake into Ray-ray's overladen arms, but she gave up after Ray-ray dropped everything for the seventeenth time. Also, some of the Sweetblooms were making Ray-ray's eyes water, and every so often she had to pause and sneeze, or wipe her nose. At this rate, she was going to need Healing by the time she reached Loraine Sedai's little high tea soiree thing.


Some of the Buttonflowers were starting to droop, Ray-ray tucked them closer to her, staggered slightly as she fought to gain her balance and tried her hardest not to drop anything in the process. Behind her on the floor trailed forlorn leaves, forsaken petals and an odd caterpillar who had taken a nap and woken to find itself on the move. Her arms were starting to itch and her hair was slightly disheveled from having to blow stray strands away from her face. This was not looking to be a good day.


But Ray-ray didn’t care. She had been told Loraine Sedai was a legendary beauty. Something about willowy necks and beautiful hair and a figure that could make the toughest sailor swoon in absolute delight. Ray-ray had plans to make her pick something off the floor. Perhaps a stray flower. Or a pencil. Or her dress. Possibilities, possibilities.


She giggled softly as she approached the doors to the Gardens. Light, whoever heard of High tea in the gardens. Cook would have SUCH a fit. The doors opened eventually after much grunting and swearing as Ray-ray struggled to maneuver flowers, leaves, her hair and the door handles with little grace and much impure thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she mentally and physically adjusted herself before advancing the table where an Aes Sedai was sitting.


“Good afternoon, Loraine Sedai, my name is Regalia Frantelle. You can call me Ray-ray and I brought you flowers.” She said as she curtseyed lowly. Then raising her head she set the full force of her sweet smile upon the Aes Sedai and waited.



Rasheta had promised the other Sitter, Loraine, that she would be present at a tea that was being sponsored by the Green Ajah. She had told Dante and Visar to not bother her all day but she wasn't sure how long that would last they liked to annoy her. They called it teasing, she called it bothering. She was running late however and needed to find her shawl and the garden where the tea was being held. Dante appeared at her side holding up the shawl she grabbed it gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out the door.


Rasheta walked quickly when she got out of the Green Halls and looked throughout the gardens for the tea. She found it and saw Loraine and one girl already there. She walked up and nodded to her fellow sitter and said "Good day Loraine." She turned to the girl and gave her a smile as well. "Good day child." She sat down and poured herself some tea. It was not her favorite drink but it would do for now. "What have you two been talking about?" She asked with a smile.


Ray-ray bopped a quick curtsey to the newly arrived Aes Sedai. She looked relatively pretty as well. Light, if every one of them Aes Sedai are this good looking... Ray-ray shook herself mentally. This was not the time to act butterheaded, as the Cook called it. Besides, she could hardly feel up an Aes Sedai, could she. Could she? Not now anyway. Maybe there's a weave to...




Ray-ray snapped out of it, slightly startled at the Aes Sedai's concerned look. "Yes, Aes Sedai. Loraine Sedai and I have definitely been talking about things. The weather. The birds. How the flowers are really blooming this year. I even brought some for the party." She pointed to the bunch of sad flowers in a vase in a corner of the tea table. She winced as another petal gave up hope and spiraled to the table. "Also, I have been telling Loraine Sedai about the Novice Quarters and how life there is... invigorating. Especially when the day is over." Ray-ray glanced to Loraine Sedai. Her cool, serene face betrayed nothing.


Ray-ray wiped her brow. It was a hot day. And so were the Aes Sedai with her. But it was all good. There were cakes and biscuits and… tea. Ray-ray did not quite like tea, preferring instead the spiced, dried frog wine the Cook liked to make and store in the cupboard that she thought no one knew about. But tea would have to do now. What would NOT do, was if she got drunk and started doing regretful things to the two Aes Sedai with her.


Her bum could only take that many spankings.


She wondered if any of the other Novices or Accepted would be turning up soon. It was pretty intimidating being in the presence of two Aes Sedai. They kept trying to study her! Or something. Cool, calculating stares regarded her over porcelain cups. And she, could only sit uncomfortably, trying desperately to engage in what the Cook had called “small talk”.


And resist the urge to make the Aes Sedai pick something off the floor.



Salandrian wished that she knew the Aes Sedai trick for not sweating. It definitely was not a weave, for she felt no Power being used, nor could she see the weaves around the sisters. Was it perhaps something to do with being Raised? Or would she have to discover it for herself? Perhaps they taught a class on it. Light, how much more was there to learn! Worrying about it made her sweat even more. And she was late for the Green Tea Party. As if being around Aes Sedai would make her less nervous. Light grant that they left their Warders in their proper quarters.


Switching back and forth between gliding like an Aes Sedai when there were some around, and running like a novice when she was alone, Salandrian managed to arrive before everyone else in the gardens. Do the Greens want to meet with me alone? She imagined being surrounded by a circle of Green sister and their Warders pressuring her to commit to the Battle Ajah.


Except for Frantelle, that dreamy-eyed novice she had taught.  Just when she thought she was liked by a particular sister, a novice threw a stitch in her plans. Her prospects of being Raised soon seemed slim to none right now. She was determined to make this novice suffer. What punishment could she give to make Frantelle fear her? Her mind began to tick.


"Good day, Aes Sedai." Salandrian curtsied the appropriate amount for an Accepted to a sister. "The garden is looking lovely, Loraine Sedai." She turned and nodded at Regalia. "Oh dear Regalia! How good it is to see you again! Be a dear and fetch me a cup of my favorite tea, won't you?" She would make the novice work.


Salandrian Faerhind

Accepted of the White Tower




Favourite tea, was it? Ray-ray bobbed a curtsey with a dazzling smile at the Accepted. Her eyes twinkling in absolute adorability. Her hair swished merrily in the wind and her dress blew around her like a tempest. Favourite tea. Ray-ray had absolutely no idea what the Accepted's favourite tea was. But she knew WHO wasn't her favourite Accepted ever. Bloody mother cuddling monkey. Who does she think she is?


She walked over to the table and checked out the various tea types there were. First, fruit or floral? Fruit it is then. Next, what fruit? Persimmon sounded intriguing. What next? Oh yes, sugar. And honey. And there's this arti'fi'cial sweetener as well. Ray-ray stared at the label. Three spoonfuls of that went into the cup. Whatever THAT was. Must be from the Age of Legends. And what's this? Lemon? I'm sure she'd like some of that. Ray-ray sliced some lemon and squeezed in the juice. Oh, and some milk. Definitely milk. And cream. Let's have some of that. Frooothyyy. Ray-ray was enjoying herself immensely. If only because of the strange smells coming out of the cup. Also the liquid had turned slightly purplish and had the texture of mud. Maybe some of this spice powder then. Ray-ray scooped a spoonful of that in. Now the cup smelt REALLY weird. Oh well.


Ray-ray looked at the cup. And at the Accepted, who smiled at her unpleasantly. Yes, smile, you tumpty tumpty tum. Just you wait. She peered at the cup. It did not look presentable. Picking up a strainer, she removed the bits from it and added more cream. And some chocolate powder. Instantly, the tea turned into something that resembled milk tea. Interesting. Ray-ray tucked aside this information for further experiments.


She gracefully settled the cup into a saucer and walked to the Accepted. “Accepted Saladdressing. Please accept my humble tea.” She bobbed and curtsey and watched as the Accepted raised the cup to her lips and took a sip.



Amadine had run all the way from her room. She'd had only enough time to change her soiled novice dress for a fresh one. She had given her hands a quick wash in the basin and run a brush through her hair. She hurriedly tied a white ribbon into her long red-brown hair and stopped just outside of the walled garden and smoothed her dress. She breathed deeply for a few moments to calm herself. She held her head high and stepped into the garden.


To the left she could see two Aes Sedai wearing green shawls and an Accepted standing together and she could see Ray-ray standing with her back to Amadine on the right, muttering to herself as usual.


Amadine walked over to the Aes Sedai and made a deep curtsey.


"Good Afternoon Loraine Sedai. Good afternoon Rasheta Sedai. Good afternoon Accepted Salandrian."Thank you for the invite to Tea today."


Just then Ray-ray made her way over to the small group standing together and handed a cup to the Accepted amongst them, Salandrian.


“Accepted Saladdressing. Please accept my humble tea.”


Amadine stifled a giggle *Saladdressing?!* she thought *Light but that girl had more gall than anyone i have ever met!* The Accepted took the cup in her hands while Rasheta Sedai threw her a disapproving look for the giggle she had let out. When Amadine looked to Ray-ray the girl winked at her, winked! That meant she was up to no good. No good at all!


“Accepted Saladdressing. Please accept my humble tea.” Regalia curtsied and looked at Salandrian as she raised the cup to her lips. She smelled it and felt her stomach was about to empty over her dress. She bit her tongue and forced herself to appear to sip the very milky tea. She certainly did not let the horribly-made tea into her mouth. She looked up and smiled at the novice. "Wonderful. You know me well, Regalia."


Another novice entered and greeted the two Aes Sedai and Salandrian as well. Salandrian winked at Regalia then turned to the new, giggling novice. "Child, you simply must try this. Regalia, make the novice a cup of your tea. And be sure to follow your recipe to the 't'. Simply fantastic!" She took another fake sip and smacked her lips.


She turned to the Green sisters and decided to be blunt. "Loraine Sedai, I am grateful that you've asked me here to tea. You must forgive me for being blunt, but what made you decide to choose the Green Ajah?"


Salandrian Faerhind

Accepted of the White Tower




Loraine smiled at the first visitor, a Novice who offered flowers, though it was obvious they irritated her allergies. She smiled her thanks, though before she could say anything, Rasheta entered. Even then, the Novice filled her Sister in on their conversation. Loraine was content to watch, for the moment. She smiled as two more entered the garden and fought the urge to arch her eyebrow as one asked the first to get her tea. She considered stepping in until she caught the mixture of things the Novice was adding to the cup. She bit the inside of her lip until she tasted blood as the three interacted with each other. Light help, and I was worried about entertaining THEM!, she laughed inwardly.


"Loraine Sedai, I am grateful that you've asked me here to tea. You must forgive me for being blunt, but what made you decide to choose the Green Ajah?" Loraine turned her attention back to the Accepted with the worst tea in the place, her lips twitching.


"It wasn't the tea, I can tell you that!" she laughed. The girl was being rather blunt, so Lor decided to return the favor. "Darkfriends killed my family." She said simply. She smiled and lifted her tea to her lips for a sip as she watched that sink in. "When you're raised around a house full of servants who care little for you and the only one that shows any kindness is also the one training the younger men how to handle a sword..."


She shrugged, her smile never wavering, though the deep green gem dangling on her forehead moved. "I'm afraid when I crossed the threshold, there was little else I could be. Losing so many, enduring so much, just naturally leads you to a place where you can strike back at what caused your pain. I felt the Green Ajah was the best place to do that." There was so much more to it than that, but she held her peace with it. She didn't regret her decision in the least, in fact, she'd had cause to be quite grateful for it in the years since she'd petitioned to join the Greens.


She set her tea down with practiced ease. "What brought you to the Tower? Aside from the obvious talent, of course..."



Sitter of the Green Ajah


ANOTHER cup of tea? What am i? Your tea girl? But of course Ray-ray didn't say that aloud. If anything, the dazzling smile she gave the Accepted made her blink in surprise. And the curtsey, every bit as low as she gave to the two Aes Sedai. As she walked away she could hear the Accepted ask about the Green Ajah. Butter-headed girl. What makes you think they would want you? She giggled at the thought and walked over to the tea table.


She could feel Amadine’s eyes on her as she picked up a cup. Well, the girl was a relatively good friend, and Ray-ray did think she had pretty eyes…  Floral, it’ll be then. Ray-ray tipped a spoonful of dried rose buds into the cup and added a soft squeeze of lime. Then she poured in a spoonful of honey and topped it off with hot water. To be absolutely honest, she was hardly competent at making tea. If anything, judging by the extra spankings Lavinya Sedai gave her after a particularly funny afternoon of tea, she probably shouldn’t ever be allowed to make tea. How was  Ray-ray to know that Dried Jadeplant Roots had a laxative effect when added to honey? Well, because Cook told her so quite often, but Lavinya Sedai didn’t know that! Horrid mother suckling goat. I hope someone breaks her new chamber pot soon.


Anyway, Ray-ray strained the tea and sighed. If she was to make tea for everyone, this was going to be a rather boring afternoon. So, she might as well… And grabbed a piece of cake and stuffed it into her mouth, before walking back with the tea.



Amadine took the cup gratefully from Ray-ray. She smiled broadly at her friend and said "Thank you Ray-ray, i shall make you the next cup."


Amadine inhaled deeply, the scent of the tea was intoxicating, she sipped deeply enjoying the flavour of the tea Ray-ray had made. The Accepted, Saladrian, was one of their tutors and was now glaring at the pair of them. Amadine thought that the Accepted was very sure of herself, too sure of herself maybe, but then she had spent a lot of time with Saline Sedai who seemed to be a straight-forward woman. Perhaps the Accepted had adopted Saline's directness as her own.


Amadine was more used to taking a step back, prefering to observe and remain unobtrusive. She found she learned much more about people that way. She liked to think things through before she acted or said anything. Occasionally someone would think her a half-wit, but it only took one look into her almost violet blue eyes to see that she was taking in far more than she let on.


Amadine finished her tea and looked up to Loraine Sedai and Resheta Sedai. "Would you like me to make you a cup of tea Aes Sedai?" she asked, making a deep curtsey.


The Aes Sedai inclined their heads and Amadine set off to the table to make tea for the Aes Sedai and for Ray-ray. Amadine was thinking about that Accepted. She really had something against Ray-ray and Amadine had no idea what it could be. Sure the girl was a little wild, and willful, and stubborn perhaps but she really was a lovely girl. Idly Amadine wondered what could be keeping Knytiri, she was sure that Kny was going to be here today as well.


Amadine broke a honeycake in half and popped it into her mouth. After adding a dash of lemon and honey to the tea Amadine loaded the three cups onto a small tray, set out some napkins alongside them and placed a honeycake on each napkin. She popped the rest of her honeycake into her mouth and then picked up the tray and carrying it back across the garden to where the Aes Sedai stood making small talk with Ray-ray and Saladrian.


She presented the tray to the Aes Sedai first, but Ray-ray leaned around her and took the cup closest to her and the honeycake Ama had laid out for her too. The Loraine Sedai raised an eyebrow at Ray and then smiled taking her tea as did Rasheta Sedai. Amadine held the tray while studiying Loraine Sedai intently, deciding what question she should ask.


Finally she looked to Loraine and said "Loraine Sedai, if it pleases you, can you tell me what it means to be Green Ajah please?"


Loraine had to admit she was having far too much fun watching these three than was proper for High Tea. She'd be happy to admit it, too, only MUCH later! She smiled at Amadine and tilted her head a bit as she answered. "The Green Ajah is probably the easiest of all of them to understand. At least, I think so. Our job is to fight the Dark One wherever he may direct his attention. We send patrols of Sisters along the Borderlands with the Warders. We hunt down trollocs wherever they appear. We are the thorn in the Dark One's side and we stand ready for The Last Battle to fight alongside the Dragon and bring peace to our land again."


She paused and shook her head, a small chuckle on her lips. "The long and short of it is that we spend our days training and preparing for the battle that is to come. We study geography and filter information through the eyes of one looking for any indication of where the next fight will erupt. It is, indeed, our mission to fight alongside the Light to bring an end to the Dark One's control of anything in this world. We chase down those that do the Dark One's work and flush the trollocs out of hiding before they endanger anyone, as much as we can.  That's what it means to be Green Ajah."



sounding way too prophetic for a quiet afternoon tea...


"Battle Ajah?" Ray-ray raised an eyebrow. Prettily, of course. She had her bun and was seated next to another Novice who had just turned up. Yantamore Tanikiraro or something. Light, these Novices have names from the Dark One! "Aes Sedai, I do not quite understand. Did the rest of the Ajahs decide that the Last Battle was not important? Did they choose to ignore the omens and the signs that most people will not survive Tar'mon Gai'don?" Ray-ray's eyes flashed as she asked. "The Green Ajah prepares for the Last Battle, but why shouldn't everyone? I know the White debate Logic, and the Brown collect knowledge and the Gray mediate, but surely at the point of Battle they would all simply drop all these things and fight? Otherwise what would the point be?"


The others seemed rather shocked at her outburst, but Ray-ray was never one to care about the thoughts of others. "I personally like the Blues. Out in the world, doing things to make the path smoother for our victory at Tar'mon Gai'don. But surely that would not be the last of it? Would they sit back and let the Greens take over when the world has been set in motion? If not, then what? What difference would the Greens have from the others. " She tapped her nose thoughtfully. "And inversely, what does the Green do while waiting? I understand you prepare and train and Bond Warders like no tomorrow, but what do you do presently? What would a day to day function of a Green be? Say if the Dragon won the battle, what then? The Yellow continue Healing and the Red continue to study Male channelers, but what do the Green do?” She took a deep breath and took another sip of tea.


Ray-ray felt like her day was about to get interesting.



Amadine listened intently to Loraine Sedai as explained how the Greens sought out trollocs and darkfriends and would be ready to battle against that Dark One at the last battle. They stood ready ready to fight, always ready and training to defeat the shadow.


Ama shivered, it sounded perfectly horrendous to her. Fighting trollocs?! Until coming to the White Tower she had always just thought the stories of trollocs and myrddraal were just that, stories. Fairy tales told to scare small children into behaving themselves. Ray-ray was sitting across from her munching on one of her favourite green currant buns, she swallowed a mouthful and started asking questions. She asserted that she thought the Blues were best. *Uh-oh! What will they make of that!?" Ama thought to herself.


Personally, and she would never say it outloud - she was after all only a novice - she favoured the Yellow. Healing. It had become a personal repayment of a debt after her employer, her mother's best friend had been Healed by a Yellow Sister. It was the whole reason she was in the tower to begin with. She couldn't wait for the day that she was raised to Accepted so that she could begin learning some of the easier Healing weaves.


Amadine gave herself a shake. She sipped her luke-warm tea and nibbled on a honeycake that sat on a small plate on her lap and turned to listen to the responses of the Loraine Sedai and Rasheta Sedai to Ray-ray's comments.


"What brought you to the Tower? Aside from the obvious talent, of course..." Salandrian couldn't help but blush at that. She forgot all about the horrible tea and the novices' pranks. She had never had an Aes Sedai complement her so directly before. She wondered if Loraine Sedai meant it earnestly, or was simply trying to lure her into some complicated Aes Sedai plot. Did she mean that Salandrian had potential? Or was simply one of the few girls who could channel? She knew she was fairly weak by Tower Standards, but she felt that she was accomplished with what she could use.


"Loraine Sedai, you're flattering me." Salandrian said with a twinkle in her eye. "I chose to come to the Tower to study the world, the way it works, why rulers act the way they do. I felt that getting away from Ebou Dar was the only way I could do that. My family had a high respect for Aes Sedai, and when Yalara Sedai told them I had the potential, they encouraged me to go. At the time it seemed like a life-changing choice, and it was, but I look back and can't imagine doing anything else."


Salandrian Faerhind

Accepted of the White Tower


Amadine arched an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Ray-ray when the Accepted Saladrian suddenly began gushing under the Aes Sedai's praise. Was this really the same girl that had been so mean to them in their Introduction to Saidar classes? It was a true turn around in her attitude. Wondering if the Accepted used her brusque manner as a mask to hide a feeling of uncertainty, Amadine listened to her responses thoughtfully. Maybe the girl wasn't so bad after all.


Seeing that the Aes Sedai and the others had finished their tea, Amadine thought she would make a fresh round. She quietly collected the cups and plates and moved back to the table off to the side of where everyone now sat in a circle chatting. She made a cup for each in the circle and herself. When she placed the cups back on the tray she added a small cookie to each saucer and headed back to the circle. She offered the trya first to the Aes Sedai, then to Saladrian and then to the other novices. If working as a handservant for a rich merchant's wife had taught her anything it was that you always make you offer to the highest ranking guests first.


Placing the tray beneath her chair Amadine sat and quietly listened as the Aes Sedai asked each girl what had bought her to the tower. When it was her turn she said "My employer's life was saved by an Aes Sedai Healing and when that Healing allowed her to get with child after being barren for 20 years I decided that that was what i wanted to do with my life. I want to Heal people. I want to bring joy to people's families and lives by Healing them where others, who heal with herbs, have failed."



Loraine's lips quirked up in a smile at Ray-Ray's response to her explanation. She knew a few Blues who would eat this child for breakfast and not bother picking their teeth clean afterwards. It would entertaining to watch, either way. She turned her attention to the Novice and tilted her head. "Naturally, I can't speak for the other Ajahs, but I would like to think they're all preparing for the Last Battle in their own way." She lifted her eyebrow slightly. "I'm sure the Blues would be grateful for such a staunch supporter."


"And don't judge me or my Sisters based on stereotypes, my dear. I have only bonded one warder in my entire life and I shall die the second after him, if not before." She smiled, taking the bite out of her tone. "As for the rest of your questions, I believe I've already answered them. Day to day life is spent collecting information, keeping your eye out for any hint of movement that seems out of the ordinary, and then training. Quite a bit of training, actually."


She turned her attention to Salandrian, her smile still tilting her lips. "I never flatter anyone, dear. I'm truly not your average Aes Sedai, and I quite pride myself on it. I was raised in Carhien, which means I've had my fill of back stabbing and hidden meanings. I can play The Game when I need to, but I much prefer a quiet afternoon tea." She nodded her thanks to Amadine and smiled. "I love hearing stories about what drew people to their choices. It's a fascination for me, I think. I am glad your reasons seem to be pleasant ones, too. I would be quite intrigued to see how your lives turn out, after such an assorted collection of reasons for being here."


Her smile was wide and she was truly glad for them. Her reasons would sound like the poor little rich girl scenario she'd been avoiding for most of her life.




Refreshing indeed! Salandrian stood up, rather abruptly and decided it was time for some real tea. "Loraine Sedai, let me get you another cup of tea." She stood up, looked Regalia square in the face, gave the child her best attempt at a smile, then went to the table with the tea and such. A chamomile tea might calm her down a bit. Yes, that was exactly what she needed. And for Loraine Sedai, a jasmine tea. Refreshing yes, but with a bit of bitterness as well. She noticed that Rasheta Sedai had been quite. After handing Loraine's tea to her, she left her in the company of the two novices.


"Rasheta Sedai, I have noticed you've kept quiet. May I be so bold as to ask you what brought you under the banner of the Green Ajah?"


Salandrian Faerhind

Accepted of the White Tower


Kasi was running late. Oh, so very late! She had wanted so badly to attend the tea that was being hosted by the Green Ajah. She wanted to learn more about all of the ajahs and this was her chance, a chance that she was missing. The skid through the hallways of the Tower in a mixture of a quick jog when there were no Aes Sedai around, which wasn't often enough for her haste, to a brisk walk when they rounded the corner. Making the appropriate acknowledgments as she sped through the Tower towards the garden where she was supposed to already be. Late, late, so very late!


Kasi had to pause twice as she wound her way through the tower to catch her breath. The last time was right outside the gardens and she took stock of her appearance quickly. Her hair had luckily stayed braided down her back, the golden white locks still tightly held together a skill that had taken her awhile to master. Her white dress had acquired a small stain of floor wax from when she had been waxing a hallway that had unfortunately gotten scuffed up from the pots that she had been tasked to move and had instead managed to drop right in the center of a bunch of Aes Sedai. It had been one of those days, but hopefully it might change now. She still was quite proud of the bands of color that were new to her outfit. They defined her new position of Accepted and her ability to get past her fears. She was still battling with some of the aftermath of her Arches, but she knew that would pass with time as well.


Taking a deep breath she opened the doors to the gardens and wound her way through the pathways until she found two Green Sisters with their shawls wrapped around them and a handful of girls in Novice white. No other Accepted? Am I that far behind what I should know? Am I supposed to be here? Doubt started to wrack her as Kasi approached the group cautiously. One of the girls, Salandrian she though but she was horrible with names and with the seemingly infinite people around the Tower that wasn't good, had just asked one of the Sisters why they joined the Green Ajah.


Steeling her reserve and clearing her throat Kasi made her way into the picture, "Aes Sedai," curtsying as deeply as she could do without looking like a fool she continued, "May I still join you? I would like to learn more about all the Ajahs still if it is permissible." She straightened up and awaited a verdict, fidgeting slightly with her dress with her left hand.



OOC: Hope no one minds a late comer to the party? :D

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