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Desert Island Disks - BotRH Style!


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The song: Don't Worry, Be happy! 


The Book: Cub Scout Manual


Luxury Item: A Swiss Army Knife


The knife is a given for its many, many uses....especially the tweezer for my nose hairs.  The Cub Scouts know how to ruff it in the wild, and I don't mean with their councilors.  And the song....that is my attitude to life...I can last for decades on a desert island so long as I have that song to remind me to be happy!!!  :D

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Nose hair removal products are very important and very overlooked.  :D


Very nice list m'dear, and I thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.  You have been fantastic and your answers hilarious.  Now it's your turn to choose a victim person to interview.

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  • 4 weeks later...

*saunters in fashionably late*


(A PM would have helped, I had no idea about this!! lol)


*takes a comfy seat looking completely unladylike, crosses booted feet on nearby table and takes a slug of Guiny*


Ok all yours, ask away !!  ;)

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Well, I found RJ purely by luck back in 1990/91 time. I'd been given gift vouchers for my birthday and was just browsing through sci-fantasy section. The artwork and the synopsis appealed to me, so I bought the first one and the rest, as they say, is history.  :D


I didn't find DM till a lot later... half way through 2006 to be precise. I joined in with the Debates board for a while and finally ventured into the Wolfkin Org. Then Manny found me and, with Twinny's help, dragged me to the Band.  :) Hard to believe it's just over 2 years now lol.

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Fabulous! Truly Fabulous!  Now, if someone were to write a story about your online alter ego here, what would your character be about?  Would it be Wheel of Time based? Lord of the Rings based?  Or something we have never heard of?


Oh, and what is your favorite fruit?

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*chuckles* Favourite fruit is strawberries though I'm very partial to kiwi fruit too.


*ponders* online alter ego... well, I think that'd be a 3 way mix. Bander/Blademaster, Wolfsister and, more recently, Elf. So a blend of Wheel of Time and LotR.


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  • 7 months later...

Hmm, yes. Mr Connery is indeed a staunch Nationalist but I'm not certain his face attached to the campaign does much to help. More of a hinderance since he's not resident in Scotland and hasn't been for many years, instead choosing to live in a tax haven. Not that I blame him really, taxes here can be prohibitive if you're in the higher tax brackets but it doesn't look good when you're spouting your political position.


As to my own, I'm also a Scottish National Party supporter, purely on the issue of Independence. I consider myself rather a contradiction apart from that, I have strong socialist tendencies when it comes to things like our National Health Service but I'm more right of centre and capitalist when it comes to the economy. Having said that I dislike both Labour and the Conservatives and if Nationalism wasn't an issue then I'd vote Liberal.


I think Scotland would be a darn sight better off on its own. I'm not even going to attempt to explain that, you'd need to be familiar with Scottish history, Scottish politics and simply living here to understand it.  :)


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  • 2 months later...

Wow, Frankie Miller that does take me back.  I loved his work on Sin City too.  Great graphic novel. 


Now then, as we are both not only fans of Wheel of Time but specifically Mat Cauthon's Band of the Red Hand, what would you say is the Band's greatest strength:


a) its relentless loyalty of its members to each other and to its core values

b) its defiance against oppressors, like the White Tower, who wish to bend them to their own self-serving wills and desires


c) the integrity of all its members, including its leadership, never going back on their words?

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Interesting question my dear Mynd. I'd have to go with the first option. The members of the Band have an unswerving loyalty to Mat in the books, though it takes them a while to find that same loyalty to each other... after the first major battles I'd say. There were so many disparate elements that made up the Band but they do come to realise that if you're fighting beside someone, you better be sure they have your back.

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Alright!  A little DMB with Santanna, gotta love that....now then, what is your luxury item that you can bring with you and only this one thing that is an item of luxury, in that it is something luxurious and not common on deserted islands, such as the one you are on.......hypothetically?

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I'm reliably informed by my personal consultant that my luxury item should be a hot air ballon... the complete, fully functioning variety that is.  :D


My piece of music would be the last one I posted and my book would be Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" which I never tire of reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am taking on the position of host for the next interview, and an invite has been my guest. Now it is time to wait for them to appear and the next interview to begin!

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Ah, so here is my guest! A huge welcome to Sam, a fellow Bander and ORG Leader! Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to spend some time here answering questions and sharing your favourite music with us.


Like most of these interviews start, how did you find Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and what drew you to the madhouse that is Dragonmount?

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