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Everything posted by LilyElizabeth

  1. *snuggles Delenn and Cairos* Hey, Cairos, how is your brother these days? I heard he's a nurse now, too.
  2. LilyElizabeth


    *Steals a couple of yummy cookies* They look delicious!
  3. I don't speak to her often. She's so busy! But I shall try. Cairos, I will.
  4. The Executioner's word was guessed: HeavyHalfMoonBlade only gets 10 points! Cairos, Rhea, Arie, LilyElizabeth, Delenn and EirikDaude participated: They each get 15/6 = 2 points Delenn solved the puzzle: She gets another 15 points for a total of 17 points.
  5. LilyElizabeth


    They sound great! I'll be baking cookies today. First off, Snickerdoodles, which are my favorite, followed by chocolate chip, by popular demand. Tomorrow, I hope to make molasses cookies. The fourth kind remains to be seen.
  6. I am fantastic! I have a job that I love, and adore my three grandsons. I'm also engaged. So much has happened since we talked last.
  7. Oh, Elgee, we'll find a way!
  8. You were raised with Minuet? She's my sister and the reason I joined DM. She wouldn't stop with the stories and I finally had to check it out. She probably mentioned you to me. Were you one of the Seven Deadly Sins, too?
  9. I'll have some tea, please. Mother. *eyes the moat wistfully, remembering the old days* My not-yet Warder who flirted with me incessantly, while I was totally innocent and didn't return any of his advances, was appalled at my skinny dipping. I hit a boundary of his, apparently. I miss Sam.
  10. I forgot I asked for that one. Thanks, Boopsy!
  11. I'd like to bond Lan. I'd love to have that man in my, um, head. Yes, that's it. My head.
  12. *sneaks in and swipes a pie from Arie, then throws it at her face. Arie turned away at the last minute and it hit her in the side of the head. Lily melts back into the shadows.*
  13. Hi Hero and Matalina. It's nice to meet you. I joined in 2009. Sadly, my only escapades involved handcuffs and skinny dipping.
  14. I never went streaking when I was a novice the first time, but I did go skinny dipping in the moat.
  15. Where do I go to get a novice sig? I'm ready to wreak some havoc have some wholesome fun!
  16. Remember your audience, dear. We don't want to be positive in that way, and seduction is our way of life. 😛
  17. BOOPSY!!!!! *snuggletacklehugs*
  18. They just keep going... The Executioner's word was guessed: EirikDaude only gets 10 points! Cairos, Rhea, Arie and HeavyHalfMoonBlade participated: They each get 15/4 = 3 points HeavyHalfMoonBlade solved the puzzle: He gets another 15 points for a total of 18 points.
  19. Bumping this for our new members to see... The position is still open.
  20. You girls were BAD!!! *dances with Delenn and Rhea*
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