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Club Leader
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Everything posted by LilyElizabeth

  1. You didn't stay a Trolloc for long, did you?
  2. Kara!!!! *snuggletacklehugs* It's great to see you again. Lessa, it's great to see you too. *snugglehugs*
  3. Shhhh! Unlike some others around here, I don't overwork my Staff, except Cross. She has the hard job.
  4. The position of Shaidar Haran has sat vacant for a very long time. I've been doing double duty, but now I have a new sucker leader for that faction. Please welcome Heavy as the shiny new Shaidar Haran! *stabs Heavy multiple times*
  5. HeavyHalfMoonBlade has accepted the invitation to become a member of the Shadowspawn faction. He is our newest Trolloc. Everyone stab him and make him feel welcome! *stabs*
  6. Yes. Thank you, Cross. They are lovely.
  7. The Dark One laughs at the antics of the Moridin, but nods approvingly I'll keep playing. An E please.
  8. LilyElizabeth


    Today's cookie baking: Snickerdoodles Chocolate chip
  9. I have bad news. No more pointses. We are overwhelming our Moridin and I can't afford to lose her. So, now, just a fun game without points.
  10. I texted Min. She'll try to come by. Don't count on it, though. She's really busy these days. She owns her own business and is working on her Master's.
  11. *snuggles Delenn and Cairos* Hey, Cairos, how is your brother these days? I heard he's a nurse now, too.
  12. LilyElizabeth


    *Steals a couple of yummy cookies* They look delicious!
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