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loki redfern

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  • Member Title
    God of Mischief

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    spam, glorious spam
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loki redfern's Achievements

Spam Master

Spam Master (16/16)

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  • Eighteen Years In Rare
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  1. Breq from the Ancillary series - just very cool Tom bombadill -they always seemed so mysterious and I wanted to know more of their story And Locke Lamora - love a good heist/heist adjacent grifter
  2. Yesh, look at you Alex Honnold, scalene the heights of luxury there. Back in my day we didn't even have a second dimension, never mind polygons and your fancy smancy angles. Everything was right here, right now, and I tell you it was awful crowded.
  3. Yeah, I found a spreadsheet of mafia scores the other day, was good times (and evil times too!)
  4. Earth
  5. Heya, thanks for the welcomes! Ahah things do look a tad different but also kinda similar 😊 . I mostly used to be one of the degenerates that hung out in Fiddlesticks and the mafia games 😅
  6. Granted, now your neck is filled with other weird legumes I wish that all grapes tasted like candy floss grapes
  7. Mushy
  8. Perrin Aybara - 35 (+1) Egwene al'Vere - 13 Lan Mandragoran - 33 (-1) Logain Ablar - 2 Ba'alzamon (Ishamael) - 9 Out Alviarin Freidhen Moiraine Damodred Rand al'Thor Alanna Mosvani Leane Sharif Tam al'Thor Siuan Sanche Thom Merrilin Mat Cauthon Loial Nynaeve al'Meara Min Farshaw
  9. redstoning
  10. hi, I guess not a new hello, but its been so long it might as well be, so hi o/
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