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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. Nesyer turned as she felt someone holding the power coming close, weaving several very nasty weaves, she turned to see an Aes Sedai, Janai, and her Gaidin, Readon moving over.  Readon was carrying Janai in her arms, and Janai's eyes were fainting, starting to mist over.  Continuing her attack, she ran over, flinging the weaves as the approaching horde, until she reached Janai.


    Cupping Janai's head, she channeled.  Weaves of Spirit predominated, whilst Air and Water were in there.  Taking advantage of the added strength in Earth and Fire that Seyneru gave her, she wove the Healing weave of the Age of Legends.  Janai's wounds closed, leaving pale skin behind, and her strength was regiven back to her.


    But in weaving those flows, she had abandoned her attack.  Now the hordes seemed to be astonishingly close.  "Help us Janai!  Join the link!"  she said frantically as she rewove Spirit and Fire to subdue the hordes again.

  2. Nenen Kailadel was hurriedly tidying up her room after she had woken up slightly late.  She had taken a hurried wash of the face, and hurried back to her rooms to straighten it out before Larindha descended with frightening fury with her again.  She had spent the last few days stirring boiling soap that she eventually used to clean out her room after the second time she had been caught in an untidy room.  Breathing hurriedly, and trying to shove that memory out her head before she did something stupid.  Accidentally dropping her bottle, she caught it with one hand and nearly squeaked a curse in the meantime.


    As she finished cleaning up the last mothball, the door slammed open, and Nenen squeaked with fright as a familiar presence filled the room.  Larindha surveyed the room with an eye and was about to speak when her attention was distracted.  Then, her gaze snapped back to Nenen, who shrank back against the wall, praying very hard that Larindha found her room satisfactory.  There was a nod of her head, and she sighed in enormous relief.


    “Nenen, come here child,”  she called.  Turning back, she spoke something that was out of Nenen's earshot.  Once she had reached the door, she curtsied to her, and after that, saw another Aes Sedai.  She jumped and curtsied yet again.  “Nenen, Eladari Sedai needs someone to set her rooms to rights. You’ll be excused from other chores until she is done with you. Do not disappoint me, child!  Eladari, my door is open to you if you need anything else. If you’ll forgive me now, I still have a few rooms to check here before I head back to my office. Welcome back, sister.”


    Her eyes growing rather wide, Nenen looked at Eladari Sedai, scanning her up and down.  She seemed to be Andoran, like Nenen, though her hair was brown, not gold, and her eyes were brown as well, in contrast to Nenen's blue.  And she was taller than Nenen, making her look rather intimidating.  She looked down on the floor, not sure as to what to do next, waiting for Eladari to make the next move before she did anything untoward.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


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    Thousands of years ago, in an age long forgotten, was a world filled with magic, dragons and Kings. Culture was thriving within ‘The Great Alliance’ and the Known World prospered from their great fortune. The people were happy and blissfully ignorant of any danger which might lurk in the shadows. One of the four great nations, a land across the mountains, had just celebrated it’s one hundred and fifteenth year of a peaceful alliance with the dragons when a dark shadow covered it in an eternal darkness, scattering it’s people across the remaining nations.


    Now Coai’ Orod lays in ruin and The Dark Lord bides his time in his Black Fortress awaiting to conquer the remaining ‘Triad’ and rule over the entire World. Sunrise and Mendula have already fallen under his influence and power. With each passing day the borders of Teras and Dorn are being attacked, lives are being lost and a few small villages have crumbled as more land falls into shadow. Victory seems like a weak flickering candle, wavering with each passing year, growing dimer as the wax melts away. More refugees are seeking shelter, forced from their homes and destitute....


    And yet, a beacon of hope remains! The people cling to a ‘Prophecy of Ages’ that promises a day when good shall smite the wicked, restoring peace to the lands once more.





    ((Current Events))



    In the world, an Alliance is in trouble, a nation has fallen, and darkness freely walks the lands. In the north the decay of the world has begun. In the south pirates roam free, destroying ships and towns.


    In Evora, the powerful families lie broken, Evora's future lies with the Princess and her consort, who's job may one day serve as King. Also with it’s council; who’s members seem less agreeable than usual.


    In Teras, there are rumors that the heir is sinking further into madness. Whether or not it is true remains to be seen… but there have been strange occurrences.


    In Dorn, there have been troubling reports of dark magic performed in the Towers. Of Shadow Mages infiltrating the high ranks and poisoning initiates to do the Dark Lord’s bidding.


    These 3 countries make up the Triad. Whispers of whispers about assassins for the north insinuating themselves with the kingdoms have reached the ears of the rulers. They sense night is falling on them, unless they find a way to stave it off.



    In the country of Mendula, greed and corruption lie at the heart of their nation. Clinging to their precious gold mines, they suspect all and therefore have made a treaty with the dark believing he shall protect their precious metal.


    In the land of Estreas, a land of magic and beauty, there are rumors of a foul magic trying to gain entrance to this paradise and poison it’s healing waters.


    In peaceful Rudaia, a small outbreak of plague has begun claiming the lives of young children and elders. No cure has yet been found.


    And on the island of Sunrise, where perpetual darkness lies, the vampires plot, having already given their allegiance to the Dark Lord for the promise of more power, land and humans to feed on.



    So what will you choose? To save the world or help sink it further into oblivion! Or perhaps you wish to remain neutral, unaffected by the strife... The choice is yours.



    ((What we Provide))



     Legendary Tales, a world of possibilities!! You can be anything from a human to a fairy. Dozens of different races, dozens of different ranks and 11 different nationalities creating thousands of different possible characters to create. Have a desire to be a Dwarven exotic dancer? Or a Myrmidon Pirate? Well at Legendary Tales you can be just about anything.


     Fun, Friendly, Helpful, Caring and Kind Admins!


     A world of fantasy RP full of magic, knights, dragons, elves, mages and kings


     A helpful guided tour to get you started


     We accept characters of all races, colors, creeds and romantic preferences


     A Chat Box for discussions, questions, ideas and general OOC info



    ((Just a few of the Available Ranks))


    In Evora:

    King Frederick II

    High Seat of Syra

    High Seat of Devanshire

    High Seat of Atrah



    Thieves Guild Master


    In Teras:

    Warrior King

    Prince of the Realm





    In Dorn:


    All Zulkier

    All Heads


    In Coai' Orod:

    The Dark Lord

    Shadow Knight (Daemon's Apprentice)

    The Dragon Slayer

    Sword of the Twilight (General)

    Mother of the Shadows (The Witch)

    Daughter of the Shadows (Witch's Apprentice)

    The Black Shadow (Assassin)

    Shadow Assassin (Apprentice Assassin)



    Interested? If so, please click on our link at the top of our page and it will lead you to our main page. Or you can click the link below which will lead to our informative and helpful guided tour!



  4. Estean battled, laying about with her staff, bashing as many darkfriends that managed to slip between the forks of lightning that Wilemi was blasting.  Suddenly, she noticed that Wilemi had tied of the weave, and she had stopped weaving.  Immediately, Estean attempted to assume control, and Wilemi let her, possibly she had wanted someone else to assume control.  Eshara immediately drew on the strength of 5, concious of Wilemi hovering in the air, battling off arrows with her staff as fast as possible.


    Weaving weaves of Spirit and Earth, she cast her hands and staff towards the trollocs.  Immediately a whining sound was heard, and the bauble on her staff pulsed green, growing brighter, then dimmer.  But every pulse grew brighter, until suddenly, a circle of green light radiated out with every pulse, moving towards the trollocs faster than they could run.  When the first circle of light reached them, darkfriends and trollocs alike fell in a heap, some accidentally spearing themselves with their own weapons.


    They struggled to fight, vomiting and heaving, trying to regain their sense of balance from the dizziness they were suffering from.  But Estean gave them no chance, immediately weaving flows of Fire that incinerated trollocs on the spot, as more came and fell to her weaving.  Tying off the weave and inverting it, light continued to pulse from her staff as she passed control over to Nenen



    Nenen assumed control of the circle after it was passed from Eshara to her.  Weaving Earth with small traces of Fire just so into the ground, she steadied herself with her sword point with was black with blood just as the local ground began to shake, first lightly, then with increasing force.  However, the main threat was not to the forces of the light, but to those darkfriends and shadowspawn, who were now stumbling over one another in a vain attempt to find level footing.


    Weaving a flow of Water in the bargain, Nenen sweated as she focused all her anger and the Power she held at them.  There was a rushing sound as water flowed up from the ground, moisture in the ground being drawn up hurriedly, to create lakes and puddles of water that grew and grew, to form a border.  Trollocs hated water, and they stumbled on the other end, while those darkfriends who tried to cross were drowned in large waves.


    Releasing the weave, the water soaked back into the ground, leaving a large patch of mud and many trolloc and darkfriend bodies half buried in the ground.  Nenen wove Fire and incinerated the whole patch yet again.  What was left was simply burnt and blackened ground.



    Nesyer felt control pass to her as she started to tire physically.  She was now relying more on Seyneru's physical capabilities to help her.  Drawing on the power of the 5, she stepped into Wilemi's minature tornado and felt herself being lifted up into the air as a fresh mass of trollocs boiled onto the scene.  Weaving Spirit and Fire again, she sent a wave of pyschic fire at the Shadow.  The victims either clutched their heads in pain, all thoughts of battle forgotten, or dropped to the ground, brain dead, unknowing.  Still alive physically, but mentally incapable on anything.

  5. "You," she said to Nenen, "go to my room in the Ajah quarters and prepare a fire for me. And have dinner delivered, I'm getting hungry. After that, come back to us here, if Aeryn plans on keeping us that long?"


    With that, Nenen curtsied fully, spreading her skirts so wide and so deep that she nearly fell on her face as she spun around and ran out of the toilet, to the Red Ajah quarters where Jagen Sedai lived.  After a while, she slowed down.  She did not precisely run, it was more of a slight canter.  She did not want to make herself any more untidy as was neccesary.


    After obtaining directions to Jagen Sedai's rooms, she hurried inside, closing the door behind her.  There was wood in the fireplace, but how to light it?  The obvious solution was to use the One Power.  But the problem was that Novices were not allowed to use the One Power except under Accepted or Aes Sedai supervision.  Never mind that, she thought.  Jagen wants the fireplace up, and I will have to use whatever means I can to do it.


    Embracing as much of the One Power as she could, she channeled a flow of Fire, thin and pallid as it was.  She could embrace very little of the One Power, but she had some small ability with Fire, though not as much as Water or Earth.  The flow of Fire touched the wooden logs, and smoke started to rise.  Then, a flame flickered and burst into flame on the logs, heating up the room.


    Releasing the True Source, Nenen considered the room.  Where to put the tray of food if it was to be delivered there?  Looking around, she saw a table that was cluttered with papers.  Moving over, she rearranged the whole pile neatly to one corner, trying not to read its contents, so that there was enough space for the tray later on.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five

    Calmed Down

  6. Visla walked down when she suddenly decided to go to the library to check out something that she thought she might have missed.  Excusing herself and extracting herself from Nenera, she strode down long corridors, down staircases, and past beautifully sown tapestries towards the library.  As she reached the corridor, she frowned.  Someone was channeling in there.  And the combination was one that she had used before.  Spirit and Air.  Hurrying, she slowed to a stop and peered round the corner.


    Her eyes went wide.


    Nicolia, a detestable red sister, had bound Jenai, a Blue, to the wall, and was striking her again and again with flows of Air.  Jenai was shielded, helpless, unable to do anything but accept what came.  Visla immediately struck out with flows of Air and Water.  As Nicolia was still responding, a wind blasted her off her feet and pinned her to a nearby wall.  Visla slammed a shield onto her while Nicolia was still fumbling.  She was stronger than most sisters in the White Tower.  Over the years, she had only met a few that had matched her in strength, or bettered her, and she was confident that Nicolia was no stronger than her.


    "What on earth do you think you are doing, Nicolia?"  she snapped, "What has she done to you to deserve such?"  She released the weave of Air and Water, and Nicolia fell to the ground, the support the wind pushed against her gone.  But the shield was still there.  So as not to attract too much attention, Visla lessened the amount of Saidar put into it.



    Sister of the Green


  7. Up on the winds of the air, Wilemi could see very clearly the dreadlords and dreadladies that were attacking in full force.  To her relief, they were not linked, apparently not trustful of each other by the sidelong glances they shot.  Weaving pure Spirit in a knife sharp formation, she drew upon the full strength of the circle of 5, and slashed at their weaves, satisfied after seeing them recoil at the back lash.  Before they had fully recovered, she changed the weaving and slammed knife sharp shields into them, stilling them one by one.


    Her attention turned back to the Trolloc Horde that was now pushing the forces of the Light back.  The weaves of Spirit disappeared, and Air, Water and Fire was woven.  Lightning thundered and rumbled across the sky as she lifted her staff towards the sky.  The orb on top of the staff glowed with a light that was suddenly threatening.  Sweeping her staff down, lightning followed her gestured, blazing from her staff to the masses, throwing trollocs back.  A wind, hot as flame, blasting from the south, hit the whole chaotic group.  The forces of the light staggered at it, but the wind was avoiding them.


    The Trollocs howled as the winds roared around them, sucking all moisture from their skins, withering it as though the wind was hot flame.  But more rushed in to filled the gaps as they died.  Lightning blazed again and again, thunder rumbled blast after blast.  But there were just too many.

  8. Visla stood in her apartments in the Green Quarters, smiling to herself as she looked out of the balcony of the room that she had.  She had handpicked this room herself, high up in the Green Quarters, as close to the sky as she could go, and the ground shrank such that men and women moving below looked like mice to her.  As a Cloud Dancer, she naturally prefered to be higher up in the White Tower as it was as close to the sky and clouds as she could naturally go.


    Embracing the Power, she wove Air and Water, and clouds billowed and gathered in the sky, obscuring the sun.  Releasing the weave, she surveyed the skies, this time without interferance from the sun itself.


    "I thought you would be in one of the higher rooms."  said a voice from behind her.  Visla spun around, her dark hair flying around her hair, making her look like a ghost as her dress flared around her.  She put hands on her hips, and frowned at Nenera.  "Don't sneak up on me.  You scared the hell out of me doing that.  Where did you move your things to, by the way?  Where's Kemai and Nareoai?  Somewhere near the bottom floor of the Quarters?"



    Nenera smiled in satisfaction as she watched Visla jumped like a scared cat, and did not care about the resultant frown and lecture.  She herself had moved her things near to the middle floor.  She was not very confident about heights, but neither did she mind being some height above the ground.  It added spice to life.


    "As to Kemai and Nareoai, Kemai is, yes, at the bottom floor, as close as she could be to her natural element.  Nareoai is still moving her stuff up this level.  She's got a lot to carry, and she is going to stay in the room next to you.  She hopes that you don't mind.  Do you?"  that last was a question.


    Visla shook her head, and Nenera smiled.  "Lets go help Nareoai, shall we?" she asked, moving out, hoping that Visla would follow.


    Visla and Nenera

    Air and Water

    Aes Sedai of the White Tower

    Sisters of the Green Ajah

  9. *beams*  We have another list




    Breaking 0 9 8 4 0 33

    This weave is a combination of the weaves ‘Earthquake’, ‘Lava Flow’ and ‘Spinning Earthfire’

    Cantrips 0 4 0 0 0 6

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth into the ground, then modifies the shape of the weave such that there are spikes in the shape of the weaving.  This brings up the ground into spikes that are called cantrips.  An increase in size of flows would increase the area affected by the weave.  An increase in strength in Earth would increase the relative cantrip size as compared to the weaving, while an increase in skill would increase the speed of formation of the cantrips.


    Create Heartstone 2 7 4 0 0 17

    The channeler weaves flows of Air, Fire and Earth as a case around an object, then weaves large amounts of Earth interspersed with Fire penetrating the case and touching the object, which slowly turns to cuendillar/heartstone.  An increase in skill would increase the speed of change into cuendillar.

    NOTE: The object MUST be made of iron


    Extracting Metal 0 7 0 0 0 23

    The channeler weaves great flows of Earth down to around the metal ores that are needed just so.  The metal ore travels along the weaves to the surface.  An increase in flows would increase the area affected.  An increase in strength would increase both amount and speed of extraction, while an increase in skill would increase the purity of the ore extracted.


    Earthquake 0 6 2 0 0 20

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth around oneself, mingling it with flows of Fire.  The earth starts to shake in an earthquake.  An increase in strength of Earth would increase the area affected by the weave.  An increase in strength of Fire would increase the amount of shaking of the earth, while an increase in skill would decrease the time taken for the earthquake to build up.

    NOTE: If the ratio of Fire:Earth is more than 1:2, the earth will split apart, forming fissures.


    Earth Projectiles 5 7 0 0 0 14

    The channeler weaves Earth just so into the ground, and brings it up into projectiles that are caught with Air and thrown at the target.  An increase in the ranged of the flows would increase the area from which the projectiles come.  Greater strength in Air would increase the maximum distance that the projectile can be thrown, while an increase in strength in Earth would increase in the size of the projectile.  An increase in skill would increase the refines of the shape of the projectile


    Earth Wall 0 5 0 0 0 12

    This weave uses the same concept as “cantrips”.  However, instead of bringing the earth up in spikes, the earth is brought up as one solid wall.  Parameters would be the same as Cantrips.


    Earth Wall (Stone) 0 5 3 0 0 15

    This weave uses the same concept as “Earth Wall”.  However, because the element of Fire is woven into it, the earth and soil is backed and hardened into stone.  The completeness of the hardening would increase with the strength of Fire uses.


    Encasement 0 4 0 0 0 25

    This complex weave of Earth uses the same concept as “Earth Wall”.  But the earth this tme rises around a selected target, and closes above it, encasing it in earth.


    Explode 0 2 2 0 0 13

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth and Fire into a target, causing it to explode.  An increase in size of flows would increase the size of object that exploded.  An increase in strength of Earth would increase the speed of explosion, while an increase in strength of Fire would increase the violence of the explosion.


    Fixing Weapons 3 4 2 0 0 19

    The channeler weaves Air to hold the pieces of the weapon together, then Fire melts the edges of the broken pieces, and Earth joins the pieces together at the appropriate places.  An increase in size of flows would increase the size of the weapon that could be melded, while an increase in strength in Earth would increase the speed of melding.  An increase in skill would increase the fineness of the melding.


    Foundations 4 6 0 0 4 24

    The channeler weaves thick and intricate weavings of Earth interlaced with Air and Water into a building, reinforcing and strengthening it against weather, water and earth effects, as well as explosive weapons.  An increase in size of the flows would increase the area that is reinforced.  An increase in the strength of Air would increase resistance to weather, lightning and rain.  An increase in Water strength would protect against rain, floods and mud, while an increase in strength of Earth would increase the resistance against earthquakes.  An increase in skill would decrease the number of weak spots in the reinforcing.


    Grenade 0 1 1 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth and Fire and settles it onto a target made of stone or metal.  When the target next falls, it explodes where it hits with great force, leaving smoke and a crater.  Parameters would be the same as “Explode”.


    Lava Flow 0 7 7 0 0 28

    The channeler weaves large, cable thick flows of Earth and Fire, and casts it onto a surface of Earth, which begins to seethe and boil, with magma rising up onto the surface.  An increase in the size the flows cover would increase the size of the area melted.


    Lock (Open) 1 1 0 0 0 14

    The channeler weaves flows of Air and Earth, into a Lock that is locked.  The lock springs open.  An increase in the skill of the channeler would increase the complexity of the lock that can be unlocked.


    Lock (Jam) 1 2 2 0 0 8

    The channeler weaves flows of Air, Fire and Earth into a lock, melting the inside of the lock permanently.  There are no requirements for this weave.


    Mud 0 2 0 0 2 8

    The channeler weaves flows of Water and Earth into an area of soil.  The ground fills with water and turns the soil into mud.  An increase in the size of the range of flows would increase the area affected.  An increase in strength in Water would increase the muddiness of the ground, while an increase in strength of Earth would increase the speed the ground is affected.


    Pitfall 0 3 0 0 0 8

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth into the ground.  The ground opens up into a pit.  An increase in the size of the flows would increase the area affected.  An increase in strength would increase the deepness of the pit.  An increase in skill would increase the speed of formation of the pit.


    Polish 0 2 0 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth just so onto an object of metal of stone, polishing it.  An increase in the size of the range of flows would increase the area affected.  An increae in the strength of Earth would increase the speed of the polishing, while an increase in skill would increase in the amount of polishing.


    Quagmire 0 2 0 0 2 5

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth and Water into a patch of soil.  The area turns into quicksand, causing anything that lands onto it to be sucked in.  An increase in flows would increase the area affected, while and increase in skill would increase the speed of formation.


    Quake Subside 0 5 0 0 0 26

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth, cable-thick, into bucking and shaking ground, stilling the earth within the range of the weave.  An increase in size of flows would increase the area affected, while an increase in strength would increase the completeness of the stillness of the ground.


    Ripple 0 4 0 0 0 11

    The channeler weaves cable-thick flows of Earth into the ground in a circle around the target, and then pushes the flows outward.  The ground around the target heaves and falls in a concentrating circle outwards.  An increase in the number of times the weave is pushed and drawn repeatedly increases the number of ripples.  An increase in strength in Earth would increase the size of the ripples, while an increase in speed could potentially decrease the time between individual ripples.


    Riven Earth 0 2 2 0 0 10

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth and Fire into the ground, which roars up in showers and explosions of dirt, earth andfire.  An increase in the size of the range of flows would increase the area affected by the weave, while an increase in Fire would increase the power of the explosion.


    Rust 1 2 0 0 2 14

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth to remove any layer that prevents oxidation, then channels larger flows of Air tinged with water and wraps the weave around the metal object made of iron/steel, causing it to rust.  An increase in the size of the flows would increase the area of the rusting, while an increase in strength in Earth would increase in the amount of rust.  An increase in the skill used would increase the speed of the rusting


    Shaping Earth 0 3 0 0 0 5

    The channeler weaves flows of Earth just so in whatever shape depending on the will of the channeler.  The earth thus molds itself in accordance to the weave.  An increase in the size of the range of the flows would increase the size of the object made.  Greater strength in Earth would increase the solidness of the object, while an increase in skill would increase the possible number of details.

  10. Nenen whirled her sword above her head and jabbed it onto the ground, point downwards.  Weaving Earth and Fire just so, shockwaves emanated from the sword towards the trollocs.  Shockwaves that threw them sideways and up.  Trollocs flew everywhere, trashing, still alive, just thrown wily nily by the bucking ground.  She was standing next to Estean, her golden hair flying as she felt the force of the winds that Wilemi was summoning with some difficulty.


    Next to her, Nesyer and Seyneru were linked.  Nesyer was using Seyneru's power in Fire and Earth to her immense advantage as she spun web after web and flung it at the trollocs.  Trollocs fell, clutching at their heads in pain as Nesyer's weave burned into their minds, attacking them on a mental level.  Spirit and Fire were woven with immense complexity for this, and Wilemi's winds blew back the Trollocs to whence they came.


    Wilemi had now changed her attack.  Hovering in mid-air, she raised her arms once more, and wove all the Air and Fire she could managed, in one complex weave.  She let loose all her fury, and the winds died, and changed to lightning that crackled from her hands and blazed among the trollocs.  Each strike blasted through around two trollocs each.  But there were so many, it seemed as though the earth was growing trollocs.  As soon as she struck down one another would take its place.


    Suddenly Wilemi heard a cry.  "Kandor and the Red Horse!! Kerani and The Blue Doves!!"  Looking around, she saw an Aes Sedai, Green Ajah, battling to reach an Asha'man, who was battling to reach her.  But innumerable trollocs seperated to two, and though they came closer, it was slow.  Lifting up her hands, she pointed.  Lightning rippled and crackled as it tore through the trolloc band.


    But suddenly, she found that she and the rest were on the defensive as Dreadlords started attacking them.  Her lightnings were turned back against her, and she had to release the winds that held her up, falling to the ground with a thump.  Looking at Estean and Nenen, who were fighting off attacks from both Dreadlords and Dreadladies, she got their attention, and linked with them.  Nesyer and Seren slipped into the link as well.


    Saidar and Saidin roared in her, pushing against each other as she rewove the winds that carried her up into the air yet again.

  11. The Five channelers were battling fast and furious on the battlefield as Trollocs and Darkfriends swarmed and threatened to swallow them.  Estean was weaving copious amounts of Spirit and Earth, directing the weave at the Trollocs.  There was a humming sound as green and turquoise circle-lights spread from her hands and over the hordes, fading out of existance only at a distance of several feet.  All the trollocs who were affected by the weave clutched their heads as they found that they could not tell up from down, left from right, and fell over themselves, giving some breathing space to the people beside her.


    Next to her, Wilemi was weaving enormous amounts of Air in circles.  She gestured, lifting her arms up, and a column of wind whirled into being around her, lifting her up several feet into the air.  Her dress swirled and her cape rose parallel to the grown as she was picked up like so much dirt.  Soon, she was visible over everyone, and it was clear that she was hovering.  She could not move anywhere except up and down though, or she could skewer herself by falling off onto an upraised pike or something.


    She tied off the web of Air and looked down at the advancing horde, moving forward despite Estean's best attempts.  She looked again at the sky, dark with black clouds, with the winds.  Creating a strong blast of wind would not be too difficult, she decided.  She raised her staff, pointing it to the sky, and a tongue of fire grew from the air, shrieking and whirling.  There was a blast, and the trollocs were thrown back by a sudden burst of wind.  Quite a few were skewered by other people's weapons, but most were just disorientated.  The soldiers took the opportunity to wipe out as many as they could before they could recover.


    Nenen, Nesyer and Seyneru battled on on Estean's other side.

  12. Due to school life, and the amount of homework and projects I have, the time I can spend on the computer may be reduced.  Also, I have my Track and Field season coming up, and I will be collapsing onto my bed without going on the com for some days.  Sorry about this.  It will end at around June.


    However, I will still be around quite often.  But its just that the times during weekdays will be reduced somewhat.

  13. Visla

    Strength: 33, Skill: 38, Potentiate: 71, Air: 10, Earth: 4, Fire: 6, Spirit: 5, Water: 8



    Strength: 29, Skill: 34, Potentiate: 63, Air: 5, Earth: 7, Fire: 3, Spirit: 5, Water: 9



    Strength: 26, Skill: 29, Potentiate: 55, Air: 2, Earth: 10, Fire: 7, Spirit: 4, Water: 6



    Strength: 34, Skill: 32, Potentiate: 66, Air: 7, Earth: 7, Fire: 10, Spirit: 4, Water: 6

  14. The group of 4 Aes Sedai entered the newly founded city.  The centre of Aes Sedai power.  Tar Valon.  Made of white stone, and reinforced with the One Power, it was somehow gradiose and beautiful.  Visla, Nenera, Kemai, and Nareoai had helped in the beginning.  But other duties had called, and they had been pulled away from the task of completing the city to hunting down renegrade Aes Sedai.  They had been back to the same place several times, but this was the first time they were looking on the newly completed city.


    It was a wonderous sight to behold.


    All of them were of the Green Ajah, sworn to battle the shadow and keep it at bay.  And they had done so for the past decade at the borderlands as well while hunting down renegrades.  A circle of 4 was far more deadly than simply adding up the strengths of 4 sisters.  And they specialized in different areas.


    Visla was a Cloud Dancer of immense skill.  Much of what she had learnt was through constant experimentation, especially on trolloc hordes.  Nenera was a Wave Dancer, due to her strength in Water.  Kemai was an Earth Singer, and had talent in Earth, while Nareoai was good at Fire.  Together they were more powerful than the sum of the parts.


    And they were the Sisters of the White Tower.


    Visla, Nenera, Kemai and Nareoai

    Air, Water, Earth and Fire

    Sisters of the Tower

    Of the Green Ajah

  15. Nenen's heart sank as Larindha Sedai spoke.  "Whatever it is, Jagen, I am sure you can handle it. I'm simply too busy with other things right now. If I recall correctly, you used to teach and punish novices yourself? Though, I suppose I can deal out something in a moment if you need it..."


    "Indeed." A slick smile actually appeared on Jagen's lips before it was replaced with a firm frown. "Well, I will not waste your time any longer; I will gladly teach these two girls as I believe needed. You two, come with me. Now." Her voice was very firm.


    Nenen's heart dropped to her stomach.  Jagen Sedai was famous for her intolerance of missteps of any kind.  Whatever punishment Larindha Sedai would have dealt out would be like eating cake as compared to the punishment Nenen would be receiving from Jagen Sedai.  She wanted to run off if she had not been sure that Jagen Sedai would simply have bound her and doubled her punishment.


    Nenen's mouth nearly dropped open as Jagen Sedai led them not to her rooms, but to the bathing quarters for the Novices.  Jagen Sedai embraced the One Power, the glow surrounding her, nearly blinding Nenen with its brilliance.  A bar of soap floated to Aeryn's hands.  Ordering Aeryn to lather up the soap, Jagen Sedai spoke in a self-satisfied tone, "Did you not learn that you are to never, ever speak that way to Aes Sedai? We're going to clean those manners right out of your mouth."


    Nenen's mouth really did drop open this time round.  Mentally, she prayed that she would not suffer the same fate as Aeryn.  What had possessed the girl?  She wondered.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  16. Eqwina pressed on. “To control Saidar you must be able to identify the weaves you are working with.” Weaving delicately she formed a loose ball of Saidar with one strand of each element. It appeared to be a colorful skein of yarn, but so loosely wound a wind could break it apart.  Nenen saw five colours in the weaving that she guessed must each represent each of the Five elements.


    Each thread was also giving off an emanation, which might be describing its personality.  Her attention was drawn first to the green thread.  This thread gave off a feeling which reminded her of the rivers flowing, it seemed to hold power that would and could wash away anything that stood in its path.  "The green thread is Water."  she said, looking up at Eqwina Sedai, who nodded.


    Turning her attention to threads of other colours, she spotted one which was tinged red.  She studied it as hard as she could.  This thread seemed to be giving off heat.  All the time.  Unleashed, it could burn everything it touched.  Given power, it would.  But she was attracted to it somehow.  She knew that she herself would be able to control this particular thread.  However she knew, she did not know.  It was just a bone deep certainty that she could.  "The red thread is Fire."


    Eqwina Sedai nodded appraisingly.  "Very good!"


    Concentrating her attention onto another weave with a different feel, she saw that this one was a pale brown.  It gave her a passive impression, whereby she felt that it would not move no matter how hard she pressed.  Like stone.  "This one's Earth."  she said.  Eqwina Sedai nodded serenly.


    There were only two elements, and thus only two more types of threads to sort out.  The one her eyes fell on first was pure white, with no tinge of colour at all.  At first thought it seemed to be Air.  However, she felt no emanations.  It just sat there serene.  This did not corraborate to what she had deduced so far.  "This thread is all calm and still.  It is Spirit?"  she said, half questioningly.  Eqwina Sedai nodded.  "Why yes it is.  You're doing very well so far.  I think you can guess what the last one is."


    "Air."  Nenen said without thinking.  Looking at the last type of thread, she saw that it was a light blue, like that of the sky.  It felt loose, floaty.  But it also gave her the sensation that it was powerful in its own way.  She closed her eyes, and she almost felt the winds stirring in the room.


    "Excellent.  Now that you know the elements and the colours of the thread that represent them, I am going to ask you to point out the elements in each different weave."


    And the weave before Nenen's eyes disappated.  And was replaced by a new one.  It contained large amounts of green, some blue, and white.  But there was little of brown and red.  "There is Water, Air, Spirit, and some traces of Earth and Fire here and there."  she said, pointing to the respective threads.


    And they did this over and over again.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  17. "Well, congratulations.  You can channel.  Or condolences, however you want to look at it.  Your first classes will be this afternoon.  You'll have a little time before then to acquaint yourself with the grounds and find yourself a bunk in the soldier barracks.  You might want to enjoy a hot meal at the inn too, since it might be your last for a while."  Finding a decent coat, Arath turned and tossed it to him.  "If you have any questions," he paused, considering Estean, "If either of you have any questions, now is the time for them."


    Taking the coat, Seyneru put it on over his other clothes.  It was not so bad.  Although it would be stifling hot in this permenant heat, it could be pretty comfortable if not for that.


    Seyneru cleared his throat embarrassedly.  "Ummm...  Thank you Arath Asha'man.  But would my sister be allowed to stay in the Black Tower?  I mean, she is the only family member I have left who stayed beside me when I decided to go to the Black Tower."


    Shifting his foot from side to side nervously, he stood to attention and waited for the Asha'man's answer.


    Seyneru Kailadel

    Strong of the Five


  18. Nesyer walked along the hallways, being just released from her classes to do whatever chores awaited her, or whatever any passing Aes Sedai wanted her to do.  She had been learning about the History of the White Tower, from before the Trolloc Wars.  It was a fascinating subject, about the White Tower since its founding, and how several different bands of Aes Sedai came together to form a collation of Aes Sedai, the central authority of the One Power.  Nesyer had absorbed it all with fascination and delight, and could not wait to return to the next lesson about the history.


    "Girl, please come to my rooms. I have a task for you."


    Nesyer jumped as an Aes Sedai whom she had not even seen before loomed out of nowhere.  Following the Aes Sedai, she resigned herself to another hour of chores.  She followed the Aes Sedai into the room.  By the musty smell of unaired rooms, this Aes Sedai had just returned.  From where was none of her buisness.  But Nesyer could anticipate the chore coming.


    "Those bags on the table, they need to be unpacked and the clothing in them put away in one of the wardrobes. When you happen across items not clothing, leave them on the table. And when you are done with that, I need some fresh water in my pitcher."


    Nesyer curtised and walked hurriedly to the bags on the table.  Opening them, she saw an array of clothes and other personal belongings.  Unfolding her clothes, Nesyer took them and hung them in one of the closets.  Then, she arranged the remaining objects on the table neatly, and set the bags on the floor before rushing out to refill the pitcher in the kitchens.


    When she had returned with fresh water, she set it on the table and curtsied again to the Aes Sedai.  "Is there anything else you want me to do, Aes Sedai?"


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

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