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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. Novice Requirements


    • Novice Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before allowed to RP.
    • Arrival: Meet the MoN: - Rp where the Novice first meets the Mistress of Novices. Make it clear whether or not your character has been tested.
    • Novice life: - Organize an Rp with 1 or more Novices or Accepted about daily life in the Tower.
    • One OP Related RP taught by an Accepted or Aes Sedai (must be approved by the MoN)
      * Introduction to Saidar (may be done in 4 threads, 1 post of 250 words per thread)
      * One Power Weaving & Application
      * or Submit a different option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com
    • Choose 1 of the Following:
      * Meet the Roommate - RP where the Novice first meets Roommate. (note: There will NOT be an official list of roommates.)
      * Freeday - Organize an RP with 2 or more Novices or Accepted, about a specific activity that takes place during your Freeday.
      * Homesickness - Adjusting to life in the Tower, your character reflects on missing home. (How does she deal with the loss of her family?)
      * Chore RP - A chore given by either an Accepted or Aes Sedai - the chore must be role played.
      * Recovery - Your character must deal with a minor/major set-back or loss and must find a way to deal with it. (Will she approach a fellow Novice or Accepted, Mentor or another Aes Sedai?)
      * Prankage!  - You character has been involved in a prank of some kind! (How will you deal with it. Are you the prank-er or the prank-ee? Will your thread include an interview with the MON for punishment? (suggestion: you can do the Chore thread as a follow up on this.) Must be approved by Staff.
      * Create your own Character Centered RP - An rp that centers around your character and not someone else, in which you learn something important about yourself - Must be approved by Staff.
      * Introduction to Roleplaying Class - OOC - only once per person.


    and finally:


    • Three Arches - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked.


    Novice Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]


    Arrival: Meet MoN - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39393.0.html - [ 4 / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]

    Novice Life - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,39922.0.html - [ 4 / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]

    One OP Related RP - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,40222.0.html - [ 6 / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]

    Choice RP: Homesickness - Where's my Home? - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [Free Pass] Untitled-11.png


    Three Arches - http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,49030.0.html - Word Count - 4686 [Complete / Incomplete]

  2. Estean sat on one of the chairs that Larindha offered, and Nesyer sat next to her, while Seyneru brought chairs for the rest of them in the room.  When he returned, he arranged them in a half-circle around the desk.  Wilemi and Nenen sat on the other side of Estean, while Seyenru sat on the other side of Nesyer.  Estean sat and listened as Larindha Sedai asked her granddaughters questions.


    It was good to be back in a place that had shaped her life greatly.  How she had wished that she had not faltered her test to become Aes Sedai sometimes.  But she would also not have some joys that just simply did not mix with Aes Sedai, like children.  Her grandchildren would not be here for one thing, and the White Tower would not have three new Novices to train.  It was something she had noticed that was different from nearly 100 years back.


    Before she had left, there were many Novices still in the White Tower.  She remembered there being somewhere around 200.  Not nearly as many as at first, just after the Breaking and the founding of the White Tower, but still a considerable amount.  Now there were only 30 Novices or so.  Almost less than a tenth of the number she had remembered.  It was saddening, to say the least, that Aes Sedai numbers had dwindled so rapidly.  Now there were fewer than 1000 left.


    Estean Aravell

    Wise of the Five

  3. Character: Estean Aravell ti Shiwar (Member of a minor house in Saldaea, refused to join Kin after being rejected by the Tower, so considered a Wilder)

    WS: 0

    OP: Strength-26, Skill-33, Air-5, Water-5, Spirit-8, Earth-4, Fire-4, Potency-59

    Email: nathanaelwongzhixin@gmail.com

    MSN: nathanaelwongzhixin@hotmail.com


    Question: So we can have more than 3 characters for the Freelander div?

  4. Nenen squirmed slightly, a bit impatient at how slow that things were progressing, then after Estean gave her a sharp glance that conveyed meaning, Nenen tried to settle down, but it wasn't easy, especially since she was used to taking action rather than sitting around a table and waiting for things to happen.  But it seemed as though this was what she was going to be doing for the rest of her life.  Estean had mentioned that she was going to have to learn patience if she was to go far in the White Tower, and now seemed a good time to start practicing it.


    So, despite her inclinations and feelings, Nenen breathed in and breathed out, calming herself down from her usual brisk and hurried manner.


    Listening to both Wilemi and Nesyer speak as to why they wanted to become Aes Sedai, Nenen considered her own feelings.  Finally, when Wilemi had finished, she spoke, with authority and compassion.


    "I am good with wielding a weapon, and I would like to learn how to become Aes Sedai so that I can help fight the Shadow."  She remembered what Grandfather Yoshan had done to the family, and her heart tightened with both anger and sorrow.  "When the Last Battle comes, there will certainly be dreadlords who will wield the Power for the ends of the Shadow.  I mean to defend the Light and protect it against these channelers."


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five

  5. Wilemi waited patiently behind Nenen as Seyneru carried chairs back from the storeroom next to the one they were standing in.  As he put it down and arranged them, she studied the room, her blue eyes going to the mirror on the wall, and the slipper, strap and switch lying on top of the cupboard, just barely in sight.  Well, Estean did mention that Novice life was hard.  She thought, sighing.  But at least I'm prepared for it, and I will try not to make any trouble to shame my grandmother.


    She listened as Larindha asked why she would want to become Aes Sedai, and also to Nesyer's response.  For Wilemi, the answer came easily.  She wanted to learn, to experience.  She wanted to face the unknown, to know the unknown.  She liked intellectual challenges.


    Listening to Nesyer's response however, she felt slightly ashamed of herself.  All she wanted to do was to gain knowledge, and what for?  Her own benefit?  To be Aes Sedai meant that she would have to serve the common people.  She knew enough of the Old Tongue, for Estean had taught her, to know what Aes Sedai meant.  Servants of All, she thought.  I hope I can live up to that name.


    Then it occured to her, that she would become Aes Sedai in her own way, not by definition of what others had done.  "I would like to become Aes Sedai,"  she said, after Nesyer had finished.  "Because I want to learn.  I want to face the unknown, and know the unknown.  And in doing so, help better the world in whatever way I choose."


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five

  6. After Seyneru returned bringing chairs from the storeroom in the direction of hand of the Aes Sedai, he threw a wry glance at Nesyer, who had taken one of the two chairs offered to them, while Estean had taken the other, he arranged the other three chairs he had brought in neatly in one semicirle around the desk of the Mistress of Novices.  Estean was in the centre, Wilemi and Nenen to one side, and Nesyer and Seyneru on the other.


    Nesyer arched an eyebrow back at him, slightly indignant.  She was the eldest among them, and it was her right to sit first after Estean herself, or at least, that was the way that Estean had arranged matters back home before it had been blown up so unceromiously by that idiot dreadlord grandfather of hers.  Settling back down on her chair, and ignoring him pointedly, she paid attention to what the Aes Sedai was saying.  “Es … your grandmother says you can learn to channel. What do you know of Aes Sedai, and why do you want to become one?”


    Nesyer thought for a moment, sifting through her thoughts, and spoke out first, her voice soft, yet somehow conveying a confidence beleying her youth.  "I am Nesyer Yoshan.  What I learnt of Aes Sedai, I have heard from others.  However, it has been only recently that Estean had told me of what she knows of Aes Sedai.  I was a healer back in Caemlyn, potentially one of the best healers.  But even the skills and herbs I have, they cannot compare to the healing that the Aes Sedai use, that I myself have experienced.  I want to become Aes Sedai so that I can heal and help the people when and where I can."


    Looking back at Estean, she met her grandmother's gaze, and there was approval in it.


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

  7. This is just a note to tell the staff that I have submitted my bio for Seyneru Yoshan.  I also would like to add that all White Tower bits have been approved by the WT and that the characters are actually being played.


    Also, can I have his grandmother (who is a channeler, btw) to stay here to look after him?

  8. When Nenen had first glimpsed Tar Valon, she had been impressed at the immensity of the city, and especially at how high the White Tower seemed to reach.  It literally seemed to reach the sky, its top narrowing to a fine line.  But now, striding into the Tower, she considered her situation.  She ahd not wanted to come to Tar Valon, for, she had argued, she fighting and the One Power just did not mix.


    But Estean had obliterated any such notions on Nenen's part.


    Estean had stretched out her hand there and then, and Nenen had not been able to so much a twitch a muscle.  Lifted up into the air, Nenen had struggled furiously but had been unable to free herself.  Instinct told her to stop struggling then, and wait for her situation to improve.


    Then, fire wrapped around her, so close that she could feel her hair crackling away from it.  Her skin dried up, her lips parched.  She could not make a sound.  Then, she was released, and the fire vanished with a puff of smoke.


    Wilemi, Nenen, Nesyer and Seyneru had stared at Estean, who then proceeded to shoot lightning into the sky, summon winds strong enough to flatten her against the wall, and then did many other feats that Nenen had deemed impossible.  After which, she turned to ask Nenen whether she still thought that the One Power was useless as a weapon.


    Nenen considered this memory.  While Estean had demonstrated this, Nenen had learnt that Estean had possessed a side that was unknown to anyone currently surviving in the family.  Estean was a channeler of strength enough to become a considerable Aes Sedai, and she was much older than at first glance, over a hundred and fifty years of age.  But she barely looked as though she was forty.  They had not known that Estean was a channeler untilthat fateful day that Namell had confronted Estean.  Even more was it reinforced whjen Estean had demonstrated usage of the One Power.


    Perhaps she would be able to last several years before unable to resist taking up weapons training again.


    But her musing was interrupted by the sound of Estean knocking on the door, and entering.  They apparently had arrived at their destination.  As they filed into the room, they saw an Aes Sedai at the desk, presumably the Mistress of Novices that Estean had said that they would be taken to.


    "Girls."  Estean said, just a touch sharply.  Spreading out her skirts, Estean then curtsied deep.  "Larindha Sedai,"  she said, "It is good to see you again."  Wilemi, Nesyer and Nenen curtsied as well, while Seyneru bowed deep.  "I am Estean, and I have brought my granddaughters here to become Novices.  An Aes Sedai has tested them and found the potential to channel in them."


    Nenen Kailadel

    Unusually thoughtful

  9. Nesyer rode over the bridges, sitting on her horse and hating every minute of it.  Horses always seemed to want to buck her off.  She shuddered as she looked at Nenen's stallion.  Horrible untamed animal.


    In front of the doors leading to the White Tower, the group dismounted and were led through the doors while their horses were taken to the stables in the Tower itself.  Glad to be off her horse, Nesyer chatted animatedly whilte Seyneru, her brother, provided a listening ear and talked back.  Estean led the way, ignoring the stares that followed them.  It seemed, to Nesyer, that five people, all carrying staffs, and tramping around the Tower wasn't a common sight.  Nesyer however, was distracted sometimes by flares of Power that she detected from the rooms beside her.  Those flares, she concluded, meant that someone was channeling the female half of the True Source, Saidar


    And this was what she was going to be learning in the years to come, what she had given up being a healer for.


    She remembered what Estean and the strange Aes Sedai at the Palace of Caemlyn, had done after Namell was defeated.  Shielded and stilled on the spot.  Then, Estean had healed Nesyer's wounds without so much as a trace of a scar.  Nesyer had rubbed that spot in wonder.  The herbs she used had not worked half so effectively.


    But, Nesyer decided, now walking up a flight of stairs, trailing behind the group somewhat, that she would not be overly dependent or reliant on usage of the One Power.  She would elarn as much as she could about Healing, and more besides.  But she would not be overly dependent on it. That promise she made to herself


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Determined and resolute

  10. Cloak ruffling, Wilemi sat comfortably on her horse, a relatively calm and placcid version of the stallion that Nenen was riding on, and controlling with some difficulty.  Her calm face, pale that it was almost white, was framed by long golden ahir that was streaming back in waves due to the wind that was roaring across the plains.  Her eyes a piercing sky-blue, roved unceasingly, taking in all and forgetting nothing.  Only the sparkle in her eyes betrayed her nervousness and excitement.


    Her grandmother, Estean, rode forward.  "The White Tower awaits, daughters.  You know you have talents that must be used, and it would be a waste if you were unable to do so.  As for your worries Nenen," she said, her eyes settling on Nenen, who scowled slightly, "you will be able to retake or relearn how to use a staff as a weapon when you become Aes Sedai."


    As they crossed the bridge and entered the city, Wilemi gazed in awe at the White Tower itself.  It seemed almost to reach to the heavens above, nearly touching the clouds, narrowing to a point to small to see.  Looking back at Nesyer and Seyneru, she saw that their eyes were wide with awe.  Seeing twin emotions in them unsettled her somewhat, for they were the least excitable amongst them all.  Even including Estean herself.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Elatedly nervous

  11. The Wheel of Time turns and the Ages come and pass, leaving memories that fade into legend.  Legend turns to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave birth to it comes to pass once more.  In an age, called the Third Age by some, an Age long past, an Age yet to be, a great wind rose and blew through Tar Valon, moaning through its streets, even infiltring into the White Tower.  It blew across the plains and rivers, hills and valleys.


    It also blew through a group of 5 people

  12. Handle: Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

    Real name: Huang Zhixin (Call me Zhi Xin)

    WT Characters Played: Wilemi Kailadel, Nenen Kailadel, Nesyer Yoshan.  (ALL Novices)

    Other Characters (If Needed): Estean Aravell (Failed Accepted), Seyneru Yoshan (Soldier)

    email: nathanaelwongzhixin@gmail.com

    MSN: nathanaelwongzhixin@hotmail.com

  13. I would love to have the characters I created (Wilemi, Nenen and Nesyer) to participate.  But I have only just gotten approval, which means I can only RP as Novices.  Unless you can get the Admins to allow me to RP as Aes Sedai in this RP, I can't participate.


    Unless, I create a character for Estean (A once Accepted who did NOT join the Kin), and somehow she winds up in the RP...

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