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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. Seyneru was walking slowly down the road towards the dining hall when something to his right disturbed him.  Seyneru turned around to find out where the sensation of Saidin seemed to be coming from.  There seemed to be a rent, somewhere, opening.  He just couldn't see the opening.  Seyneru was showing great promise, his strength increasing greatly by leaps and bounds.  The problem was more of his skill.  He was far from dexterious, being rough in his weaving.


    Suddenly, a hole to blackness appeared in the grounds.  From his readings, and prior experience, he knew that it was probably called Skimming.  But what caught his attention was not so much the weave in itself, but who was weaving it.  Enormous amounts of Saidin were being woven.  Far more than any Asha'man he knew could managed.  So much so that it overwhelmed his senses and blanked out his mind.


    He turned to see a group of Asha'man emerging from the portal.  The first two were Arath and Covai, Asha'man who were well known and respected by the majority of the Black Tower, a stark contrast to the good for nothing M'Hael Brent.  However, the figure that attracted the most attention was the figure who Arath and Covai flanked like an honor guard.  Silence rippled as heads turned and mouths dropped.


    The man in between was Jarron al'Tanin, the Dragon Reborn.


    Seyneru saw a crystal shining sword blazing in his hands before the party went inside Brent's palace in the Black Tower.  But even from outside, distant as he was, half-trained as he was, Seyneru could still feel the power of the Sword of Callandor pulsating inside the palace.




    Balefyre 6 6 7 8 5 30

    The channeler weaves Air, Earth and Water, together with much larger amounts of Spirit and Fire together to form one great weave.  Balefyre shoots from the channeler’s upraised hand.


    Cutting Flows 2 0 2 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire just so, then slashes another weave, and cuts it.  An increase in the amount of skill used would increase the speed and ease of the cutting


    Cutting Flows (Spirit) 0 0 0 2 0 13

    The channeler weaves Spirit just so, slashing another weave laden with Spirit, cutting it.  Parameters are the same as those in “Cutting Flows (Spirit)”


    Cutting Flows (Fire) 0 0 0 0 2 13

    The channeler weaves Fire just so, slashing another weave, cutting it.  Parameters are the same as those in “Cutting Flows (Spirit)”


    Shielding (Normal) 0 0 0 3 0 15

    The channeler weaves flows of Spirit together and shoves it onto another channeler, buffering him or her from the True Source.  If the shielded is stronger than the shield by a ceratin factor (usually 1.2), the shield may break when the shielded exerts effort to break free.  An increase the strength used in Spirit would increase the strength of the shield, while an increase in skill would increase the factor by 0.1 for every increase of 10.


    Shielding (Severing) 0 0 0 7 0 28

    The channeler weaves thick and very sharp flows of Spirit together and shoves it onto another channeler, who will lose the ability to channel unless healed with the One Power.


    Trace 0 0 0 5 0 15

    The channeler weaves flows of Spirit onto an object.  The channeler will now be able to find that object until the weave is released.


    Travelling 0 0 0 7 (31) 0 20

    The channeler weaves thick flows of Spirit, a gateway to the channeler’s wanted destination appears.  An increase in the overall strength of the channeler would increase the size of the gateway.


    Skimming 0 0 0 4 0 10

    The channeler weaves flows of Spirit, and a gateway opens to reveal a platform and infinite blackness beyond.  The platform moves once a gateway closes, according to where the channeler’s will.  Once the destination is reached, the channeler weaves a gateway again to step on his destination.  Increase in strength of the channeler would increase the gateway size.


    Keeping/Preserving 0 0 0 3 0 18

    The channeler weaves pure Spirit around an object, preserving it for all time till world’s end or the release of the weave.  An increase in skill would increase the speed that the weave takes to take effect.

  3. Knocking on the door, Wilemi tried to balance a thick stack of books whilst waiting for Esther to appear.  Just Esther appeared, Wilemi dropped the thick pile of books onto the floor with a resounding crash.  Blushing, Wilemi hurriedly picked up the books, and did not return Esther's smile.  Not looking at Esther, her cheeks red, Wilemi put her things on another table while waiting for Esther to start.


    "Today we’re going to talk about the other three elements, Earth, Fire and Spirit. It’s going to be another hard lesson, but an important one.  So, let’s start with Earth. Earth can be used for helping crops to grow, finding mineral and ore deposits, detecting fault lines, and for destructive purposes. It also is used to search the ground for other things such as unstable areas that can be used to your advantage. Everything can be buried under Earth but you can also use it as defence by creating a wall to block an enemy’s path. Another thing you can do with Earth is Shaping things."


    As Esther embraced the source, Wilemi watched avidly as Esther wove brown flows of Earth, weaving them until she obtained a sword of pure stone.  Wilemi noted Esther's look of concentration, and guessed that Esther was not really that strong in Earth.  When Esther finished, she turned and looked at Wilemi.


    "Now I don’t expect you to make something as large as this right now, but I want you to try to Shape something of your own."


    Nodding, Wilemi embraced the source and attempted to weave Earth.  To her appalled horror, she could not summon enough power to create anything decent, even a ball of stone was almost more than she could manage.  Maintaining the weave, she frowned harder at the weave and threw all her power behind her will, bearing down on that stubborn weave which wavered, and finally strengthened somewhat.  Changing the shape of the weave, she made a star of stone.


    Looking at Esther, who patted her reassuringly on her sweaty back, she smiled tremulously.  Esther smiled back and nodded.


    "The next element for today is Fire, it can be used to make campfires, for warmth, and for light, among other things.  The one crucial lesson about Fire is to never draw the heat out of a fire to extinguish it.  You would cook yourself alive. Instead, use a dome of air to seal it off, or water to douse it out." She picked up a small unlit candle and placed it in a candlestick holder. "Next, we are going to light a candle. Please watch carefully. You do not need to use a large amount of Fire. You simply take a tiny strand of Fire, wrap it around the wick until it touches itself again, and the wick should ignite. As soon it ignites you can stop the flow."


    As Wilemi watched, Esther wove red threads of Fire, very thin flows, and touched the candle wick, which lighted up immediately, the flame glowing bright and threateningly before settling down to a small and steady flame, then snuffed it out with flows of Air.  When it was time for her to try, Wilemi embraced the source yet again, feeling wonder at the hightened senses it gave her.  Bracing herself, she reached out for Fire, and Fire came, easily, nearly as easily as it had for Air.  Surprised, Wilemi threw as much Power into the weave and slammed it onto the candle.


    The candle lighted up, very brightly, then burst into flames, melting the candle up and down.  Wilemi shrieked, and, on impulse, wove Air and slammed it down onto the flames, which puffed out immediately.  Looking embarrassedly at Esther, who had sat, her eyes wide at the scene, she shrugged apologetically and took another candle.  Careful to weave little amounts of Fire this time, she touched the wick, and the wick immediately lighted up.  Esther then instructed her to use Water this time to put out the fire.  Blanching, Wilemi complied.


    It wasn't easy, she could not summoned enough of the Power to put out the candle wick properly, it kept spluttering back whenever she removed the weave.  Finally, she lost her patience and simply wove as much Water as she could and held it there.  The candle wick spluttered and went out.  But still she held it there.  And upon releasing the weave, the candle wick did not relight.  Smiling, she looked at Esther, who was tapping her lips thoughtfully as she watched Wilemi.


    "The last element of this lesson is Spirit. Spirit is the least understood and most underestimated of the five elements.  Many people think it is not a very useful element, but that is absolutely not the case.  It is used to bind together other elements in a weave, it can make the effects of your weaves strong and longer lasting.  Spirit is used in Healing weaves and with other weaves that affect the body.  It has also been used for mind control such as Compulsion, or Milking Tears.  You will not be taught weaves such as those last two because they destroy the free will of the victim.  Spirit is also used to Bond a Warder. The Bonding weave settles upon the body of both Warder and Aes Sedai, linking them physically and somewhat mentally as well. Additionally, it is utilized for wards, which are meant to guard anything from a campsite to a jewellery box.  Spirit is the only element that you can use while asleep, and you can even use it to guard your dreams from outside influence. Spirit is also a main element in the skill of shielding another channeler from touching the Source.  You will not learn that skill until much later, but it is essential you learn it eventually, as it might save your life if ever you are confronted with a male channeler.  Now the final thing Spirit can be used for is Severing. There are many names for this such as, Stilling or Gentling. This is the act of permanently removing the ability to channel from a person. Similar to being burned out, which can be done accidentally or as a conscious decision, Severing is only done for punishment or by force."


    Wilemi's eyes widened in fear at the subject of male channelers.  She, like all others, had heard of the tales of the Breaking of the World, where male channelers, tainted by the Dark One, maddened by Saidin's corruption, had gone mad and changed the world irreversably.  She sighed as the subject moved on to cutting one of from the True Source forever.  What would it be like?  Wilemi shuddered at the thought of not being able to experience the joy of Saidar after being severed.  But she could not, not ever since her first touch.  Sighing, she looked down on the floor.


    Then, Esther spoke, and Wilemi's head came up.


    "That’s enough for today. Why don’t you go take a walk in the gardens before your chores?"


    Wilemi nodded, curtsied, and picked up her books, whilst Esther walked out of the classroom.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five

    Depressed yet Intrigued

  4. Nenen frowned as she watched Eqwina weave flows of Air and Fire that were much thicker, and seemingly more real than her paltry flows of Air.  After observing Eqwina make the ball of light twice, Nenen embraced the source again, with some slight difficulty as she was tired this time, and attempted to weave the flows of Air and Fire.  The difficulty of Air she was prepared for, but as she attempted to weave Fire, she found to her dismay that it was not much better.


    Frowning at the threads that had moved into place, a ball of light winked into being, small and pale, very dim.  Embracing as much of the source as she could, she pushed as much power as she could through both the threads.  But it did not do much good.  The balls of light did grow in size somewhat, and they did become brighter, but not by much.


    Then, Nenen maintained the weave while watching Eqwina show her how to pass balls of light from one person to another.  Starting slowly, Nenen and Eqwina passed balls back and forth, at increments, increasing the pace so as to increase the difficulty.


    When she was so tired that she felt that she could do no more, Eqwina sent her off from the lesson, telling her to get some rest before the next lesson.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  5. Hearing Janai's concerned thoughts, Wilemi looked up as Estean and smiled as Estean shifted her stance.  Standing on a rock, she saw the light cut a path between the Aes Sedai, Asha'man, the Gaidin, and their group.  Trollocs fell over themselves vomiting and the other circle finished them with one blow, while trollocs rushed in to fill the gaps again.  Turning back to Janai, she smiled reassuringly.  "Estean does know.  She is helping them."


    Raising her hands to the sky, for she had not rejoined the circle, she channeled, and suddenly, masses of clouds were flying about in the sky, growing ever darker and darker.  Lightning lanced in them as the clouds grew ever darker.  With a rumble and a crash, lightning blazed down and crashed down among the trollocs that were advancing.

  6. Nenen was tidying up the rest of the rooms and was about to leave when Jagen Sedai entered the room, her face a mask of serenity, with the light of anger burning in her eyes.  Nenen, deciding to try and ignore the fact that Aeryn had just entered, curtsied, and was about to leave to fetch dinner, was ordered to pour tea for both Jagen and Aeryn.  Puzzled inside, she remained her outward smooth composure, while she heated the tea over the fireplace until she judged the time was right to let it cool off, then took two cups and poured tea for both Jagen and Aeryn.


    Opening her mouth afterwards, she said,  "Jagen Sedai, I am going to get dinner now."


    Opening the door, she hurried down the stairways and past corridors, to lower levels of the Tower that were not underground.  Moving into the main kitchen, she told them that she had orders for dinner by Jagen Sedai.  Waiting in a corner, she sighed inwardly and thankfully that she did not have to clean dishes or stir steaming pots while someone else goosed her, or tried to.


    Finally, after 15 minutes of waiting, a dish was thrust into her hands.  Sighing with longing at the meal that was on the tray, she carried it up to the Red Quarters yet again, her legs becoming rather sore and her arms tired with the attempts at balancing the tray without spilling anything, which included soup.  Finally making her way through the winding corridors and dodging serving woman and Tower Servants, she arrived outside Jagen Sedai's quarters and went in.


    Setting the tray down on the table, she turned to Jagen Sedai.


    "Is there anything else that you would like me to do Jagen Sedai?"


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  7. (OOC: Its fine.  I understand.  I myself am quite the busy at the moment)


    "Well child," Eladari Sedai said, brushing her skirts after survey Nenen, "As Larindha Sedai said, I am Eladari Menaka, Sister of the Green Ajah. I have returned to the Tower after a significant absence and I would very much like to get resettled as easily as possible.  However I find that my rooms need setting to rights, a little bit of dusting and reorganizing, and of course my bags unpacked."


    Nenen's eyes widened.  Cleaning!  So that was what it was about.  Nenen sighed inwardly.  She had had quite enough of cleaning, but refusing an Aes Sedai while you were an Accepted was simply not done.  So when Eladari Sedai went off down the corridor, she rushed to keep up, trying to match Eladari's stride with her own.


    "From what I gather of these novice halls," Eladari Sedai continued, "organization and cleanliness are key, so I expect you have some practice in that.  When we arrive in my quarters you will find there are sheets on all my furniture.  I would appreciate if they be gone by the end of the day, and your priority today should be the linens.  I would certainly prefer to sleep in my own bed this evening, and not in a guest room of the Tower.  Do you have any questions about your task?"


    Nenen considered the torrent of information.  Sheets on furniture?  What was that?  But never mind that, she would find out when she got there.  "Umm, no.  Not at the moment Eladari Sedai, though I will know when I get there."  Eladari nodded and continued on, leading her into the Green Ajah quarters.  Nenen noticed the swords decorating the doors of the Green Ajah.  What significance they held, she did not know.  But Eladari continued on until she came to a stop right in front of a door, which she pulled open, and creaked rustily on its hinges.


    The floor was covered in dust from head to foot, and Nenen started to sneeze repeatedly as the wind stirred the dust in the room up.  Staggering out and waving a hand to clear her nose, she sniffed tentatively.  Holding her breath, she went in again, treading carefully.


    This place needed some serious cleaning.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  8. Some of your scores are inaccurated.  I've modified them accordingly.

    Janai Elensar - Sister of the Green - Strength: 30, Skill: 32, Air: 7, Earth: 5, Fire: 5, Spirit: 5, Water: 8

    Serick Kerani - Asha'man - Strength: 33, Skill: 30, Air: 4, Earth: 9, Fire: 10, Spirit: 5, Water: 5

    Halen Kerani - Sister of the Green - Strength: 29, Skill: 33, Air: 7, Earth: 4, Fire: 6, Spirit: 5, Water: 7

  9. Estean panted as she regained control of her weaves from the trollocs, behind her, she could hear her grandchildren panting behind her.  Wilemi had fallen off the tornado, and was nursing a bruised arm.  Touching it, she wove the healing weave and the bruises faded immediately.  Estean stepped into the tornado, and fell herself being lifted up into the air.  It was an exhilerating sensation.  But her attention was now on the trollocs that were rushing towards them, howling and screaming.  300 metres and closing in again.


    Directing her staff at them, she rewove the weaving.  The whirring sounds started up again, and the lights emanating from her staffs this time were blinding green.  The air itself seemed to warp around it as it descended on the trollocs and darkfriends and dreadlords yet again.  This time, she was alert to any shiftings in her weaves.  Countering the weaves of the dreadlords at the same time, who were fumbling, trying to weave at the same time while vomiting on the ground.


    Her attention was diverted somewhat by the feeling of channeling around.  Looking out at the corner of her eye, she saw an Aes Sedai, an Asha'man and a Gaidin battling towards them, incinerating trollocs with fire that was wielded with semblances of ease.

  10. Estean poked Nenen in the shoulder, and she looked questioning at Estean, then passed the link.  The amount the circle was drawing grew less as Estean did no wield as much as normally did.  Wielding a lot was tiring after a while.  Going around, she washed away first Nenen's weariness, then Seyneru's, then Nesyer, who had returned to the ground, then Readon Gaidin and Halen's.  Then, passing control of the circle to Nesyer, who healed her, then passed the circle back to her.  Trollocs were now rushing again, after the attack ceased, having finally gained enough courage, and since the water had died down and seeped back into the earth.


    Redoubling her Vertigo efforts, which were starting to fade as the weave started to unravel, she cut the weave and wove the weave again with all the Saidar and Saidin she possessed.  Now with Halen's strength added, the amount of Earth she could wield was increased, and her weave became more effective, especially considering Seyneru and Nenen's strengths in Earth, which were now added to her own because of the link.


    The whirring sounds started up again, and the lights emanating from her staffs this time were blinding green.  The air itself seemed to warp around it as it descended on the trollocs and darkfriends and dreadlords.  She felt no pity.  Darkfriends and trollocs condoned senseless killing and murder.  She did not.  This did not count, not when she was fighting for her life.


    Suddenly, her weave was turned against her.  She had forgotten to invert it.  She had one moment of shock before she was on the recieving end.  Grasping her head, she was only partially aware of trollocs rushing towards her, and Readon, Halen, Seyneru and all of them doubling over and emptying themselves.  Her head was on fire that grew and grew and grew...


    Suddenly, she lost control of her mind.




    She lashed out with the One Power, and suddenly the weave of Vertigo stopped.

  11. FYI


    Wilemi Kailadel - Sister of the Brown - Strength: 27, Skill: 40, Air: 8, Earth: 1, Fire: 8, Spirit: 4, Water: 6

    Nenen Kailadel - Sister of the Green - Strength: 29, Skill: 31, Air: 3, Earth: 7, Fire: 6, Spirit: 5, Water: 8

    Nesyer Aravell (Yoshan) - Sister of the Yellow - Strength: 34, Skill: 34, Air: 7, Earth: 6, Fire: 6, Spirit: 8, Water: 7

    Seyneru Aravell (Yoshan) - Asha'man - Strength: 36, Skill: 28, Air: 6, Earth: 10, Fire: 8, Spirit: 7, Water: 5

    Eshara Aravell - Wilder - Strength: 31, Skill: 32, Air: 6, Earth: 2, Fire: 9, Spirit: 8, Water: 6


    Do post up your OP strengths that you will be using in this RP (It can be different from your DM scores)

  12. Nenen sat down as per request and waited for Eqwina to teach, with a serene expression on her face.  Eqwina Sedai was not a nice Sister, but neither was she outright unpleasant.  It was just a thing about teaching, Nenen supposed, that tired Eqwina.  She had some slight circles under her eyes, and they betrayed some weariness about her.  As she watched Eqwina weaving, she divided her attention between memorizing the weaves and trying to see the glow around Eqwina.  First Eqwina dumped a cloth into water and then used a weave of pure water to drain out or the water.


    When it was time for her to try, she embraced the source readily, and was shocked when she found that she wove Water with a semblance of ease.  Wilemi had described weaving Water as nothing less than torturous.  Wilemi said that she had weakness in water, and earth.  Nenen had not understood the difference then, but now she did, after doing some small semblance of research in the library.


    Draining the cloth easily, she then proceeded to creating water right out the air.  Water dripped down from the end of the weave to into the fountain, faster and faster until a literal stream of water was running down from the converging points to the fountains.  Smiling in pleasure, she then to Eqwina Sedai, who nodded approvingly.


    Then Eqwina went on to demonstrate how to use Air, lifting up several leaves at once, holding them and causing them to float up onto her hand.  It was then that Nenen spotted the glow around Eqwina.  Shocked, she gasped.  Eqwina looked up, irritated at first, then became pleased when Nenen explained that she had seen the glow around her.


    When Nenen was allowed to try, Nenen tried to weave Air, and found to her dismay that it was much more difficult than Water.  So this was what it was like to weave something you were weak in.  She had to literally push the threads to wrap themselves around the leaves, and then tug hard mentally to force them to move towards her.  Sighing, she tried again, this time making them hover and hang in the air.  At least she did not have to make them move so much...


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  13. Nesyer watched the class as it progressed with interest.  She felt her eyes widen as she was snared in flows of Air and lifted.  But a thought cheered her up.  One day I'll be able to do the same.  I hope.  She thought.  She observed the weaves with interest.  They were intricate, a combination of thick weaves and thin, all of one element.  She was a little disappointed, having hoped to be able to have her hands on trying to weave multiple elements at once.  But she supposed that she was not experienced or skilled enough to try it as of yet.  So she shoved that aside for until later.


    Now it was her turn to try to weave.


    Embracing the Source, she first tried the weaves of Water that were shown, with some trepidation.  Wilemi had progressed furthest.  But during freedays, she was always spending her time under Accepted Esther's supervision with remedial Water.  She complained that her strength in Water was comparitively paltry, and that she had nearly no ability with it as of yet.


    But as Nesyer tried to channel Water, she found to her astonishment that she was able to, with some slight difficulty, but not really anything much.  First she dipped the hankerchief into the Water, then, holding the wet cloth by the hand, she wove the required weave of Water, moving it down, and the water dripped back down into the bowl.  With some ease.  Then, she tried gathering more moisture into the near empty bowl.  It was not too difficult, but neither was it really easy.


    Then, Nesyer attempted to weave Air.  Weaving Air, and not moving her hands, she attempted to lift the feather off the table.  To her surprise, it floated up gently and smoothly.  It was not difficult.  She supposed that either this task was easier than the first one, or that she was stronger in Air than in Water.  Looking over at the rawnball, she wove Air and attempted to lift it up.  To her immense astonishment, she could lift it up several inches into the air.  But as hard as she tried, she could not move it up any further.


    The last activity, was to try and see the glow around Rasheta.  Studying the Aes Sedai who walked around the room, she suddenly saw a faint glow around her.  She smiled as the glow became more visible, more tangible, and brighter.


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

    Elated and Pleased

  14. Seyneru was channeling with skill he had not known that he had possessed.  Earth and Fire, then some slight threads of Water, then Fire and Air, then Earth and Fire again.  The weave formed, and he jammed it into the ground right in front of him.  Rocks, Water, Fire and Mud exploded into the air as the mud blew up itself and the water right on top of it.  A large shield of Air covered the whole group while it bounced of another shield Wilemi had created.  The winds that she had summoned (it had to be, for she was the only one not in the link), were effectively keeping the enemy at bay as they staggered against it, and were thrown back again and again by the boulders and obstacles that were being tossed like toys at them.


    Nenen touched his shoulder, and the link passed to her.  He watched as she wove Air and Fire, touched with water, and placed it onto the water surface.  Static rippled from where the weave touched the water, and screams arose as lightning flashed throughout the water, electrocuting and burning all in its wake, leaving only charred remnants behind.  There were very few darkfriends in the vicinity due to the ferocity and efficiency of their attack.  They were an isolated island in the sea of trollocs.  Seyneru smiled fiercely.  Even if the dark had superior numbers, the light had skill.

  15. Nesyer stood, stunned.  Then she turned to Seyneru.  "Assume the link.  Do whatever you wish, but keep those Trollocs back.  We need space."  Seyneru gave her a level look and assumed the link, drawing more of Saidar, through Janai.  Turning to Janai, Nesyer smiled, "If that is what you wish, then yes, I will do so."  She turned to look at Janai.  "Do you, Janai Sedai, of the Green Ajah, pledge your soul and your life to this man?"  She said, looking at Readon.


    "By the light and the hope of my rebirth and salvation, I do."  said Janai, with fervour.


    "Do you, Readon Taydin, Gaidin of Janai Sedai, hereby pledge your soul and your life to this woman?"


    "By the light and the hope of my rebirth and salvation, I do."


    Nesyer smiled.  This was such an odd place to marry two people, with people dying all across as far as the eye could see.  "I then hereby, under the light by the hope of my rebirth and salvation, do pronounce you man and wife."  She looked at Readon.  "You may kiss the bride."


    Then, her attention was distracted as fire, stone and earth erupted with a loud boom underneath the trolloc heap.  Debris rained down, some large, but blocked by the shield of Air that Seyneru had created.



    Wilemi was busy defending herself from arrows shooting past her from the trolloc hordes.  She thanked the light that in the months before the battle Nenen had drilled into her defensive moves with staffs.  Even so, she was not unscathed.  Her skirts were torn, and she had several minor grazes.  Due to some miraculous luck though, none of them were poisoned.  Then suddenly, she felt Seyneru channeling Saidar.  That was impossible unless...


    One look down confirmed what she suspected.  Seyneru was now leading the link.  And her attention was disrupted when an arrow caught in her hair, and yanked her almost out of the tornado.  Cursing inwardly, she turned her attention back to the seething mass of black in front of her, yanking out the arrow in the process.  Rocks, fire and mud flew up in an explosion as Seyneru channeled Riven Earth.


    "Seyneru,"  she called down, "let me defend the group.  Release me from the link."


    Seyneru looked up at her questioningly, then nodded, and Wilemi suddenly felt the source leaving her.  She pulled free of the link and channeled Air and Water in massive flows, tying it off, and waited..


    The wind rose, gentle first, a breeze, insignificant, moaning softly.  Then it became louder, a chorus of voices across the plains, uncertain at first, then threatening, becomeing long howls of rage.  The winds rose and rose, bending down the hordes, which were now kneeling in face of the wind, clawing at purchase, screaming as the wind tore boulders and dirt through the air.  Leaves flew and fluttered so that it became hard to see.  The trollocs were now moving back in the area, forced back by the raging winds that blew them over and over, that dropped boulders and tossed trees like so much matchsticks, back into the waters that Seyneru was causing to rise again.

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