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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. DM Handle: Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai


    RP Character(s) + Guild + rank + current status of character + possible needs your character has for further development + link to your character(s) bio (start a seperate line for each character, please)

    Estean Aravell ti Shiwar + Freelander (Unaligned) + Inactive for a while + Needs someone to meet up with her +



    Average estimation of your activity for RP on DM: Quite active.  LOAs are usually announced.


    Previous position(s) or experience in the Division: NIL

  2. Her yell of anger and loss was swallowed by the light as it burned her to ash and picked her apart and tore her soul to pieces.


    Nesyer came walking out of the arch, her face cold and anger shining in her eyes.  "Is there nothing left in the world?"  she asked, her voice burning with heat.  "Is there nothing left but to betray those I love, again and again?"  Her anger burned with heat enough to sear any normal person to death.  Larindha Sedai stood in front of her, her face sympathetic.  "Many woman come out of the Arches, and many have said and asked the same thing.  But you have done well.  Remember your part, Nesyer."


    Nesyer looked around.  The Amrylin was there, as was a sister from every single Ajah.  They gazed at her with expressionless eyes.  The Grey Sister gave the Mother the chalice as Nesyer knelt reluctantly before her.  Cold water trickled for the final time around the hair, freezing her heart to ice, and her mind to stop.  Oh she was so weary ... so weary


    "You are washed clean of Nesyer Yoshan Aravell ti Shiwar of Caemlyn.  You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world.  You come to us washed clean in heart and soul.  You are Nesyer Yoshan Aravell ti Shiwar, Accepted of the White Tower.  You are sealed to us, now. Welcome, daughter."  Karana Majin said, taking the great serpent ring and slipping it onto Nesyer's finger, then kissing both sides of her cheek.


    "Welcome daughter, welcome."


    It was time enough.

  3. Nesyer ran as the shouting behind increased.  Behind, there were stones thrown that clattered off the invisible wall she had thrown around herself for her own protection.  Who would have guessed that the reach of the Whitecloaks would have expanded as far as Arad Doman?  They now held sway in several of the cities and towns near the border of Amadica, and their ideologies were spreading at an alarming rate.  Somewhere nearby, Wilemi and Nenen ran too, Wilemi was panting, face pale from physical exertion.  She was weak physically, and could not run for very long.


    Suddenly, they found themselves trapped as on the other side of the road, people came marching in.  "The Aes Sedai!"  came a howl from the crowd.


    Wilemi looked around desperately.  "There must be another way out.  We can't just sit here waiting for them like sitting ducks.  Its no good.  There are far too many of them."


    Nenen hissed as several more stones clattered against her own shield.  "Well, we can't just stand here deliberating on what to do.  Nesyer, lift us up onto the roofs.  NOW!"


    Nesyer turned to look at the crowd, then in a blinding flash, channeled cords of Air, and lifted first Wilemi, then Nenen, up onto the roof.  Then Wilemi embraced Saidar and lifted Nesyer onto the rooftop, and ran to the other side, where Nenen made a slide of Air for them to skid down, on top of one another.  Their lives came first.  Dignity came second.  Nesyer rushed around the corner, and found the end of the town in sight.  "Come on.  The way out is here.  Let's go!"


    Wilemi groaned, but ran along with them, matching them stride for stride as the gates grew nearer.  Suddenly, the gates were blocked by a swarm of people, who barred their way.


    Nesyer wove Air and Fire.  "Let us pass and we will leave now.  Do not attempt to hold us, or the wrath of the Tower will fall upon you and all who support you."


    "Darkfriends."  A woman screamed.  "Witches.  Rot in the Dark One's embrace.  Filth, scum!  Begone!"  And she threw several more stones as the crowd charged, waving poles, clubs and some even nocking arrows to bows as they fired.  Nesyer drew upon as much of Saidar as she could embrace without burning herself out, her head pounding with strain, and channeled Spirit in thick amounts.  People simply fell to the ground, exhausted, asleep before they hit the ground.  Beside her, Wilemi was weaving a complicated weave of Air and Water, with a touch of Fire, that caused a Wind to sweep the howling mob out of the way.


    Nenen then channeled Earth and Fire at the gates, which had been locked shut.  They exploded, the section of the wall crumbling and burying some more of the mob.  All three of them walked serenly down the street, out of the gates.


    Once out of the city, they breathed a sigh of relief.


    It was however, too soon.


    Three arrows, fired with precision, hummed in the air.  Nesyer spun around and deflected hers in time.  However, Nenen and Wilemi fell in limp rags among the ground.  A cheer went up from the city as the mob screamed curses at them.  Nesyer bent down over them, delving.  She did not have much time.  Channeling flows of Saidar, she was about to complete the weave when the glowing arch appeared to her side.


    The way will come back but once.  Be steadfast.


    She screamed with anger and loss as she hurled herself through the arch into the light, which swallowed her up.

  4. The light tore apart her very soul, and burned her to ash...


    Nesyer came hurtling out of the arch and fell onto the floor, sobbing with a broken heart as she recalled abandoning her grandmother to her fate, which would most probably not be good.  Estean would be far too dangerous to be controled, and she would be killed once she was restrained.  Nesyer let her face lie on the ground for sometime, sobbing herself out until a hand rested upon her shoulder.  Larindha Sedai stood there, her face sympathetic at Nesyer's broken heart and expression.


    "Can you go on child?"


    Nesyer hesitated, then nodded.  Larindha nodded in turn, then gestured the Grey sister forwards.  She poured cold water onto Nesyer's head, and she could not help shivering at the cold and at the musical chimes that rang throughout the room.  What sacrifices did the Aes Sedai in this room have to go through?  And what did they experience?  But Nesyer knew better than to ask.  What was experience in the Ter'Angreal was not to be mentioned.  Ever.  It was for her and her alone to know, and would apply to everybody who had gone through the Ter'Angreal.


    "You are washed clean of false pride. You are washed clean of false ambition. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul."


    With that, Nesyer stood up, and looked at the Third Arch, for a long time.


    Then, summoning up all her courage, she ran at the arch and threw herself into it, the Light swallowing up her figure and burning it to ash with its intensity.  The last thing she heard was Larindha Sedai speaking the ritual words, her voice piercing faintly through the light to Nesyer.


    "The third time is for what will be.  The Way will come back but once.  Be steadfast."

  5. Nesyer walked serenly down the lawns towards the mansion she was living in by virtue of being the granddaughter of Estean Aravell, a member of a house in Saldaea.  Nesyer smiled at those who worked, and in turn, they curtsied or bowed their heads in recognition of her.  She had been here for over a year now, after she had been raised to an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, which caused Estean to envy her, but not by much, for now Estean was busy advising the current Head of the Houses Aravell and Shiwar, which had been united by a marriage as both were waning in prominence.


    It wasn't too difficult to see why.  Nesyer had only arrived on the first day, and she had found the estate she was in in much disarray.  Settling in an inn, she had marched up straight to the mansion and confronted the Head of House, only to find him doodling on a piece of important parchment and drinking wine.  She had immediately summoned her grandmother Estean back here to sort things out, and even now, the mess that the Houses had descended into because of the incompetence of that idiot had not been straightened out.


    "Nesyer Sedai, the Lady Estean has requested to see you now."


    Nesyer sighed as she tramped up the stairs past the servant who had met her at the door, and strode in.  Estean had used her influence and experience to make that idiot take her as an advisor.  But there were still some things that she needed help in.  It was somewhat ironic that the advisor needed advice.  But the only one that Estean felt was qualified enough to make that sort of decision would be Nesyer.  Nesyer was of the Gray Ajah, and those who knew Aes Sedai knew to look for a Gray Ajah Sister over other Aes Sedai to give weight to her words in making decisions such as these.


    Nesyer knocked and entered.  Estean sat on the table, looking at a stack of documents, frowning in concentration.  Nesyer smiled and sat down.  It felt good to be needed, instead of just simply walking around, waiting for things to happen to affect her somehow.  "I need your help Nesyer.  I think he's going to rebel sooner or later.  Someone told him that I was making all the decisions in his name, and that I was upsurping his power.  I need the help of the White Tower to bring him under control."


    Nesyer blinked in surprise.  Both of them knew that to keep the estate alive, Estean would need to be the power behind the seat.  It seemed that their plans were going to fall apart altogether unless they did something drastic.  Which included maybe a little something in the idiot's wine.


    Suddenly the door burst open, and the idiot stood framed in the doorway.  "Guards!"  He shrieked.  "Seize both of them.  NOW!"


    Reluctantly, the Guards moved forward.  But Nesyer was ready.


    Weaving Air, she summoned the winds and pushed them to one side as behind, in the doorway, archers stood, arrows knocked to bow.  They loosed, but Nesyer's winds deflected them.  Nesyer looked at Estean.  Estean was not bound by the 3 oaths, she could do more here.  Estean nodded, then channeled.  As another shot burst from the archers, Estean's fireball tore through them.  However, it missed the arrows, and one of them struck Estean in the shoulder, and grazed Nesyer's leg and tore her skirt.  Nesyer turned, furious, but the anger in her eyes died as a solid white arch stood where the doorway had been a moment earlier.


    "Nesyer, please..."  a sob came from Estean.


    Nesyer screamed and hurled herself through the arch and into the light.

  6. Nesyer strode out of the arch, tears shining in overbright eyes as the light bathed her, as if trying to bring redemption after betrayal.  Nesyer stepped forward, her mind almost a blank as the Gray sister from previously, took a chalice from nearby, and poured cold water on her head.  The water was like ice, freezing the very soul of her heart.  Nesyer nearly broke down.  She had left the life she had dreamed of previously, left it to become Aes Sedai.


    “You are washed clean of what sin you may have done and of those done against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have committed, and of those committed against you. You come to us washed clean and pure, in heart and soul.”


    The words ate at Nesyer's very being.  Washed clean...  How could this be...


    Looking over at the Mistress of Novices, she searched Larindha's face for any scrap of emotion.  There was sympathy on her face, and she glanced towards the second arch, then back at Nesyer, as if questioning if she would continue.


    Nesyer turned her head slowly, and looked at the arches.  They glowed, hues shifting throughout the Ter'Angreal.  A beautiful display, beckoning, enticing.  Nesyer looked back at Larindha, who returned the stare.  Getting up, Nesyer walked slowly towards the second arch.  Surely her heart couldn't be any more broken then it was now?  Could it?


    "The second arch is for what is. The way will come but once. Be steadfast."

  7. Nesyer worked in the herbal garden outside the Mansion as she pulled out weeds, humming contentedly in the garden.  She loved her life, as one of the best Readers for miles around, maybe even in Caemlyn.  Her reputation had grown slowly at first, but when she managed to cure people who Estean had given up on the brink of death, her reputation had grown.  As a result, she earned more money, which she used to buy some land for a herb garden.  She had bought an adjacent empty house and demolished it, for it had not occupents and was dilapedated, and used the small piece of land to expand her herb garden.  It was neccessary, for many more people came to her nowadays.


    Nesyer however, was slightly uneasy.  Those times, she had sat on the people's deathbeds, not knowing what to do, when something had changed in her and she had cured them, miraculously, without doing anything except touching them.  Nesyer had been too scared to admite anything to anyone save Estean, after the third time, who looked worried and had done something to her.  But Nesyer couldn't really tell what, and thus Nesyer continued her life as it was.  It had insofar as of yet unaffected her, except that something seemed to be blocked from her.


    The way will come back but once, be steadfast


    The voice rang in her mind, and she started.  What was that?  The thoughts were whisked away like leaves on a wind.


    However, there was nothing she could do.  So she continued her work and her life as per normal.  Now married to a man named Kalo, she was as happy as she could expected to be, and more.  They had a child, a son, named Seyrun, after her uncle, Seyneru, though she changed the ending to make it sound shorter.  And like the end of his name, he could run, very fast for a two year old.  Once it took Kalo and Nesyer half-an-hour to run him down all over the house when he refused to come for dinner because it was brussel-sprouts for dinner.


    Nesyer smiled and sat down on the nearby bench, surveying her handiwork.  Most of the weeds had been cleared, and her herb garden was ready to be watered.  Taking a watering can from nearby, filled up with water from nearby, she sprayed it on the plants, walking to and fro among the different herbs and patches.  They seemed to freshen when sprayed with it, more green and vibrant, more alive, more real.  This was her life, and she was perfectly content with it.


    Then Nesyer saw a silver arch shimmer and form, and she knew what she had to do.


    But she loved her life here.  This was a livelihood.  She would be abandoning her husband and her children.  Her precious family that meant everything to her.  And she would throw it all away in an instant...


    Nesyer looked regretfully back at her family, her tended garden, and the house, and walked through the arch, tears shining in her eyes.

  8. Nenen's scream seemed to echo in the whiteness with sorrow, loss and betrayal.


    When Nenen came flying out of the arch, her eyes wide and her face contorted.  Her skin was pasty white, and when she collapsed on the floor and her sobs died, The Mistress of Novices, Larindha Sedai, bent down and clasped her on the head, and Nenen felt the chill of being delved, not for the first time, and certainly not for the last.  Nenen lifted her head, her head slightly cleared with the chill on her head.  "I'll ...  I'll be all right."  Grasping the floor, she pushed herself up with her remaining strength, and somehow stood upright.


    Looking around, she moved slowly towards the Amrylin Seat, not so much from the pomp needed for ceremony, but more from tiredness then from tiredness.  Seven sisters stood in a row behind her with expressionless faces, measuring, weighing.  The Amrylin Seat took a chalice from behind her, and poured cold water over her head, and dripped from her chin and trickled down her body, onto the floor, mingling with the tears on her face.


    “You are washed clean of Nenen Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar from Caemlyn, Andor. You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world. You come to us washed clean in heart and soul. You are Nenen Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar, Accepted of the White Tower.”


    She paused a moment and smiled the most kindly, benevolent smile that Nenen had ever seen.  That smile was hope.


    “You are sealed to us, now.”


    “Welcome, Daughter.”


    She kissed first one of Nenen's cheeks, then the other.



  9. Nenen stumbled and stopped, almost crashing into a thick tree trunk.  The she shook herself and started to run again, through bushes and leaping over hidden tree roots.  There was a buzzing sound, and a stick, sharpened until it resembled a lance, came whistling out of nowhere.  Nenen ducked in time, and embracing Saidar, threw a shield of Air that was not very strong over herself.  She and Wilemi had been in the region when the White Tower had sent a message by pigeon, that there was a renegrade Wilder nearby who was using the Power to terrorize a nearby village, who could channel conciously, without a block.  She had been an Accepted who had been put out of the Tower quite a whilst back.


    Thus Nenen and Wilemi were tasked to capture this renegrade Wilder.  They had split up in a pincer movement, and would corner the Wilder.  However, they had underestimated the guile of the Wilder.  She had sensed them and had long sinced prepared for such a happening.  The Wilder was also aurprisingly clever.  She had learned the weave of throwing lightning by herself.  Nenen had nearly been killed, and would have been had it not been for Wilemi sensing the weave and throwing up a far stronger shield than the Wilder could not penetrate.


    And so, the Wilder was now on the run, and without any Aes Sedai nearby, they were on their own.


    They was another whirring, and a thump as several odd spears clattered against her invisible barrier.  Nenen spun around, seeing a skirt disappear around the corner.  Running towards the spot, Nenen heard a scream, and emerged back onto the main square of the village.  Wilemi was lying, hair all over her face, her skin a pasty white.  The Wilder was standing over her, a triumphant smile on her twisted face.  She turned to Nenen.  Gesturing, she wove Air, bringing the anvil from a nearby forge.  She had Wilemi shielded and bound on the centre of the square.


    The Wilder stood on one end of the square, and Nenen on the other side.  On Nenen's side, the villagers gathered, eyes wide with horror.  The Wilder had beaten the Aes Sedai.  She had captured one and was holding her hostage.


    "Give it up Aes Sedai, or she dies where she stands."


    Nenen looked at Wilemi, who shook her head.  "Don't give in Nenen, take her.  Do it."


    "Are you willing to sacrifice your sister, in rank and blood?"


    "No.  Nenen!  Don't"


    Nenen gathered herself, and embraced the Power and immediately channeled a complicated weave of Spirit, Earth and Fire.  Unconciously, she was a bit surprised, because she had actually never seen this weave before.  But then, she suddenly saw the anvil move back, and something stirred in her memory.  Earth for metal, Fire for energy, Spirit for usage of personal strength of mind, body and pure will.  Then Nenen focused her concentration and channeled the Power she wielded into the weave, and the anvil moved back towards the Wilder, with a whir in the air.


    The Wilder raised her arms, and her weave glowed stronger.  The anvil moved back as Nenen realized that the anvil was stopping, now moving back.  Drawing on all the power she could muster, Nenen poured it all into her weave.  The anvil hovered in the air halfway between Wilemi and started to look crushed, between two powerful forces that it could not stand holding out against.  Years of more experience and practice however, allowed Nenen an edge.  She had more stamina, and Nenen slowly wore her down.


    Suddenly, the shield around Wilemi dissolved as Wilemi broke through the shield that the Wilder could no longer hold.  Hope stirred in Nenen's breast as they face the Wilder.  The Wilder's green eyes were pale, and she was sweating furiously.


    The way will come back but once.  Be steadfast.


    Nenen jumped, and wavered.  The anvil shot back as the weave that she held faltered, and hit Wilemi hard on the chest as the glow around the Wilder simultaneously winked out, her strength gone.  Nenen immediately slammed a shield onto the Wilder and tied it off, as hard as she could, then turned to Wilemi.  She was bleeding from her nostrils, and coughing painfully.


    The way will come back but once.  Be steadfast.


    A glittering arch appeared, right beside her.  Nenen looked at it, then at Wilemi, who was stirring painfully.  Nenen needed a few seconds to heal her.  She needed...


    With a scream of anger and pain, she threw herself through the Arch and into the whiteness.

  10. When Nenen came hurling out of the arch, she tumbled over a sister who was sitting on the floor.  Nenen squeaked and fell on the floor, body hitting the bare cold floor with a loud thump.  Footsteps came close, and water drenched her hair and wet the floor as the Green Sister spoke in musical chimes.  "You are washed clean of false pride. You are washed clean of false ambition. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul."


    "I left her again.  Why.  Why?"


    Shrugging her shoulders up, she straightened them, and looking at the third arch again, ran forward and threw herself into the arch.  Behind her, she heard Larindha's voice fading into the distance.  “The third time is for what will be. Be steadfast for the way back will come but once.  Come back to us.”

  11. Nenen was practicing swordplay with her uncle, Abello, and beside her, Wilemi her small stomach full and contentedly reading one of the books she had taken out of Estean's library in the house.  The metallic rings of the swords however, were as distant as that of the everyday noises issuing from out of the window.  They were Wilders, having manefested the spark not too long ago, and was being trained by Estean in secret, guided till today, where they now could channel.


    Suddenly, the main door burst open, and her grandfather stood in the doorway, looking half-mad as his eyes spun round the room, and settled on Estean, who met his gaze with cool defiance.  Nenen looked from between her grandfather, to Estean, who sat, arms folded, looking at him with an expression of deepest contempt.  "So, the moment has finally come, Namell.  What are you going to do now?  Are you going to kill me?  Darkfriend."  She said that last with a sneer.


    Nenen's eyes widened, and everybody else stared at Namell.  He snarled in anger and fustration, and his hand shot out as Estean embraced the source.  With surprising agility, Estean dived away as the chair spun and hit the wall, its legs broken off.


    As Abello charged Namell, the door was torn off its hinges and flew towards him and Nenen.  Immediately, Wilemi channelled, her book falling from her lap, and the door crashed against the shield she wove around Abello with a force so great the chimes reverberated around the whole house.  Namell howled again in anger and locked eyes with Estean, who channeled at him, and lashed back, as she cut at something, and he jerked.


    But it became all too apparent that he was too powerful.  As Nenen watched, her eyes wide with terror, Even the combined forces of Wilemi and Estean could not combat the power of Namell.  He picked off everybody one by one, with great explosions and fireballs.  Seyneru was a charred heap of the floor, and Nesyer was draped over him like a limp cushion, her eyes blank and unseeing.  Abello was pinned to the wall by his own sword in his stomach, his eyes already glazing over.


    Everywhere was a scene of chaos and explosions and screams.  Nenen had to do something.  She could channel, she had to help.  She was the fighter of the family.  She had to do something


    But even as she embraced the source and started to weave, a voice chimed in her head.


    The way will come back but once.  Be steadfast.


    Nenen looked at Wilemi and Estean, who gazed at her, their eyes desperate.  She had to do something.  She had to


    With a scream of loss, and despair at her betrayal, she hurled herself into the arch.  Her scream was swallowed up in the whiteness, and went on, and on, and on

  12. The light swallowed her sob that turned into a scream.  The light burned into her very soul as Nenen screamed on and on and on.


    She was still screaming as she ran out of the arch.


    A sudden splash of cold water shocked her to her senses.  “You are washed clean of what sin you may have done and of those done against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have committed, and of those committed against you. You come to us washed clean and pure, in heart and soul.”


    Nenen wiped the water from her face, glad it concealed her tears.  Larindhra stood next to her and helped her onto unsteady feet.  "Did I really just ... Was that ..."


    "Was it real?  Almost every girl who comes out of that arch asks the same thing.  But we do not know.  It may be.  It may only be a reflection of what could have been.  It is impossible to say.  But it can be endured.  It must be endured."


    Nenen blinked more tears from her eyes and looked back at the ter'angreal.  "I left her alone, to die.  She ..."


    "It will pass in time child.  Are you ready to go on."  Nenen nodded numbly.  "The second time is for what is.  The way will come but once.  Be steadfast.”


    Nenen stepped forward and let the light burn her to ash.

  13. Nenen jumped as realized that she was walking suddenly right into the middle of the road.  Looking around, Nenen realized that if she didn't move, she would be run down right there and then by an approaching wagon.  The driver was screaming curses at her while gesturing frantically and trying to move his horse at the same time.  Nenen ran one way, but unfortunately the horse swerved into the same time.  Nenen then rushed the other way, but the horse swerved there as well, it was almost on her.  With only a second or so to spare, Nenen dived forward, just as the horse trampled on the spot where she had been a second before.


    The wagon driver rolled past, shouting and yelling curses and threats at her.  Whilst Nenen at first felt apologetic, the driver's yells and shouts angered her, until she was matching him shout for yell, curse for insult, until both of them walked away, feeling somewhat satisfied with themselves, having shouted themselves until they were hoarse.  This was the life she knew and liked.  She didn't want anything else.  She felt at home in the streets, with the cursing and the swearing, with the hustle and bustle and what not.


    "Nenen!  Nenen!" a voice called.  Nenen turned.  Wilemi stood there, hands on hips, her eyebrows raised.  Nenen blushed sheepishly, but all Wilemi said was, "Estean wants you in the house now, supper's ready!"


    Wilemi then turned and walked back towards the direction of their house.  Nenen started to run.  It would never do to be late for supper.  Turning a corner, she just turned around in time to see in horror, a galloping horse that had gotten free of its holder run straight into her and knock her, stepping on her.  Wilemi screamed in anguish and pain.  Nenen ran forward, cradling Wilemi in her arms.  Wilemi was holding her side, and when Nenen touched it, Wilemi cried out in pain.


    Immediately, despite Wilemi's groans of agony, Nenen immediately did the only thing she could think of.  She gathered Wilemi up in her arms, and ran towards the mansion, with Wilemi in her arms.  She had just ran past the gate and was nearly at the door, when Nenen heard the voice in her head.


    The way will come back but once, be steadfast.


    Nenen turned, Wilemi still in her arms.  A glittering arch formed, right where the gate had been previously.




    But she had no choice.  Looking at Wilemi, she put her down at the doorstep, and kicked open the door before she ran over towards the arch.




    That sigh of pain and anguish tore at Nenen's heart as she ran into the arch with a sob, and the light from it swallowed her up and her sob with it.

  14. The scream went on and on, and she was still screaming when she stumbled out of the arch, pain on her face.  I lost it when I just began to know it.  Never again would she take for-granted the human emotion of love.  She finally closed her mouth, and started to cry, collapsing on the ground, her hair masking the pain on her face.  She was touched gently on the shoulder by the Mistress of Novices.  Larindha had multiple expressions on her face, pride and sympathy.


    "You did incredibly well Wilemi.  Now, remember what must be done."


    Wilemi did.  Looking up, she saw Karana Majin, the Amrylin Seat, staring impassively at her, with a sister of each Ajah at her side.  Brown, Green, Gray, Blue, Red, Yellow and White.  All were there.  And all were looking at her impassively.  Picking up her feet, she walked, tiredly towards the Amrylin Seat, and knelt in front of her, her long hair covering her face.


    The Amrylin Seat took the last chalice of water, and poured the cold water down Wilemi, as she tried hard not to shiver.  “You are washed clean of Wilemi Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar of Caemlyn, Andor.  You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world.  You come to us washed clean in heart and soul. You are Wilemi Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar, Accepted of the White Tower.”


    “You are sealed to us, now. Welcome, daughter,” Karana said.  Taking the Great Serpent Ring, she put it onto Wilemi's left finger.  “Welcome, Daughter”, she said, kissing Wilemi on one cheek, then on the other.  “Welcome.”


    They said the ring was worth any price you had to pay ...

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