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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. *Yawns*


    I imparted some traits into each of my characters.  But they also have other characters that I don't really have.


    Wilemi has my intelligence (when I'm not in my usual befuddled state), but she is timid and shy, which is most definately not me.


    Nenen has my temper and stubbonness, but she has the ability to understand battle, which is not really my style.


    Nesyer is the most like me, with her empathy and apathy...

  2. Hey Rahlian!  Welcome back to the tainted madfarmhouse!


    *runs around gibbering and foaming at the mouth, then spins Fire and lights a few of the Asha'man's houses off*



    I have some interesting ideas for my Tainting.


    You won't be tainted for too long...  The Cleansing's coming up soon...!

  3. Seyneru followed Neira's instructions, and along with Kemilor, the other Soldier, carried the spice boxes into the house.  The house, of course preventing intruders with wards, had not been used in what seemed like months.  The wards of course, did not prevent settling dust from entering, and so when they walked in, Neira started sneezing at the amount of dust that coated the floor.  Seyneru for his part, moved as smoothly as he could, trying to stir as little wind as possible, however much that was possible with a coat that was up to knee-length stirring air all over the floor.


    And so they began working again.  Seyneru was large for his age and strong as well, and he was able to handle much the work easily, without sweating that much.  Of course, that included the simple fact that it was snowing outside.  This year had had odd seasons, and blizzards were very common even this far south in the land.  Having been taught the trick of mentally distancing himself, Seyneru did not shiver in this cold, although his body was less able to do so.  But he was hardy, and he had not gotten frostbite yet, so he supposed he was all right, with snowflakes drifting down around him, coating his hair a pure white instead of its usual black.


    But the last straw came when he started sneezing uncontrollably the last time he went into the house.  The dust was immensely thick, and every sneeze generated more dust.  Finally, exasperated beyond measure, Seyneru simply embraced the source, Saidin filling him, life and the taint boiling through him, the Life wanting to make him weep, the taint nearly forcing him to vomit.  Seyneru's eyes flashed white, and he wove flows of Water and Fire, spinning them together labouriously, and channeled all the dust out of the room through the nearby window, where it was swept up by the wind and vanished.  He was about to dump the grain on the floor when Dashiva's wife came back and gave him other instructions.


    "What is your name?"  She asked as well.


    Seyneru gave her a slight smile.  "My name is Seyneru Yoshan.  May I inquire as to yours?"  Then suddenly, a slight movement caught his gaze.  A figure emerged from the snow that was swirling, that he recognized.  Seyneru blinked.  It was Linten, who had talked to him before.  He had become wary of the man, there was an aura of ... uncertainty about him.  Bowing slightly, he greeted Linten.  "It is good to see you again, Asha'man."

  4. As he watched, there was a sudden surge of Saidin nearby.  Looking around, he saw a gateway spinning in the air.  Arath stood framed in the gateway, and he looked tense.  No wonder, as Asha'man were regathering out of nowhere, and there had been several voices of dissent upon the new changes that had been quickly suppressed.  Seyneru looked from Arath, who stepped through and let the weave dissolve but still holding Saidin, to Dashiva, whose face was flat and unyielding.  Soldiers and Dedicated alike were looking warily at the two here.  They obviously knew each other from the older days.  The question was, would the two fight like Covai and Brent had previously?  Or would they settle their differences?


    As Seyneru watched, he began to feel more and more relax.  Obviously Dashiva wasn't going to attack or he would have done so by now.  His voice was also much more normal than previously, although he looked slightly disdainful at the Shienarian disaster.  Seyneru had not been there, he had not arrived at the Tower soon enough, but he had heard of horrors and atrocities the Shadow had inflicted upon the Weapons of the Light.  He had also seen the wounded being tended at the infimary.  He had not the Talent for Healing, and so he was running errands for the various people in charge then.


    But back to the present, Dashiva suddenly gestured towards him and another soldier.  "You two Soldiers," he barked, pointing at them. "Come over here, and help unload this wagon where my wife wants them."  He seized saidin, causing Seyneru to blink, and channeled at a house nearby, which Seyneru realized only now was warded with Saidin.  The wards were taken down, and Dashiva left for the Council chamber, while his wife looked at them, hands on hips.


    "The twelve boxes at the end of the wagon are all spices. They are labeled by origin. Take them to the storage room and mind you put them where Cook wants them! When you've finished with them the rest need to be taken to Dashiva's house. You may leave them in the front room."  Seyneru stared at her, face a bit blank.  It had took her three seconds to clarify and say,  "I apologize, I'm sure you don't even recognize Dashiva's name. When you've finished unloading the spices I will lead you to the house, of course."


    Seyneru nodded and went to the back of the wagon.  There, at the end, were several boxes, full of, sure enough, spices.  Exchanging glances with the other soldier, he took a box out of the wagon and put it on the ground, then turned around.  The other soldier gave him his box, and Seyneru put it down as the other soldier turned inside to take yet another.  And so the process continued, until they finally finished unloading the lot of them.  It was quite fast - it was only twelve boxes, and they stood around waiting for something more for them to do.

  5. Wilemi listened with avid interest as Carina explained some of what she knew about this topic.  But she was surprised at some of what Carina said.  There was no water without air?  Fire was totally used for heating?  Not all of it made sense.  How could there be no such thing as water without air?  Surely among all the bodies of water in the world, especially in the great Aryth ocean, that there was water without air?  But then, Wilemi reflected, if there was water without air, fish wouldn't be able to survive, especially in such a wide expanse of water.  And of course, different combinations of elements and thus their powers, would create an infinite number of possible combinations, with different results.


    As Wilemi took a sip of her tea while digesting this information, Carina asked her how many of the hundred weaves she had learnt.  "Well, Carina Sedai,"  Wilemi said, "I was only raised to the banded hem a few weeks back.  I have since learnt the first few weaves, up to about the tenth weave or so."  


    "Go ahead child."  Carina said smiling at her over the teacup.  "Demonstrate to me how well you have learnt them so far."  Wilemi nodded and embraced Saidar and channeled the first weave, a simple weave of Air, that she wove into a coin.  Then, Wilemi let go of the weaving, and channeled the second weave, a weave that was far more complicated.  But Wilemi had practised, and the weave fell into place after a minute or so.  The flows were woven so fast that it was almost a blur.


    And the third followed, and the fourth, and the fifth.  Wilemi was using all five powers with equal ease and dexterity.  She might not be strong in the elements of Water and Earth, but she was now able to weave them as fast and as dexteriously as she did the other three.  She had forced herself that far, at least.  Spirit, Earth and Air she channeled at one go, followed by Water and Air, then Fire, then Spirit, Water and Earth, then all five at once.  She drew on just enough of Saidar to make the weavings work.  The fifth weave fell into place, and there was a slight pop, nothing more.  That one had ben particularly tricky.  And the next was no better.


    This next one was a tricky combination of Spirit, Air, Water and Earth.  Two balls of light, and two balls of fire appeared, of different colours, and she made them dance around each other just so.  Weaving four flows at once required a strenuous amount of concentration, and her face now was starting to frown, just a little, eyes narrowing slightly in concentration.  Then, when that dance was completed.  Without pause, Wilemi channeled the next fours weaves.  They were complicated, but not so tedious.  Spirit and Earth, then Water and Air, then Earth, Air and Fire, then Fire and Water, then all the powers except for Spirit.  The threads came together, each flow positioned at precisely the right spot, sweeping down from the sky in coloured blurs.  The tenth weaving fell into place, with four threads sticking out, and she pulled at two, and the weaving took shape and vanished.


    Wilemi nodded.  "That is all that I have learnt as of yet, Carina Sedai."

  6. Nenen sat at the back of the room, hidden with a weave of Folded Light.  Air and Fire were not her strong points, but she had, since becoming Accepted, practiced with these two elements, her weakest, to ensure that she would be proficient enough at it no matter what happened.  She did not move around, for that would attract attention from the Novices who were now entering, alone or in groups.  She shifted slightly, as silently as possible, and waited until the last novice had filed in.


    "It is good to see you all in my class."  Nenen said, her soft voice cutting through all the useless babble that Novices usually talked about.  They started, and looked around for the seemingly disembodied voice that was coming from nowhere.  Standing up slowly and arranging the banded hem of her skirts, she released Saidar slowly, and her posture gradually emerged to view.  Several of the novices gasped, and others looked eager, perhaps to learn how to do what she had just done.  "My name is Nenen Kailadel, and I will be taking you through your Introduction to Saidar class."


    The novices stood as she made her way to the front of the class, and they curtsied as she nodded to them.  When they sat down, Nenen's face became serious as she contemplated what she had to say to them, and how to say it.  As her face darkened slightly at the thought, a few of the more timid novices shifted in their seats and looked uncomfortably at anyone but at her.  "First of all, before I say ANYTHING else, I must have your fullest attention.  What I am about to say next might determine whether you will be able to channel after the next few months, or even years!"


    Most of them looked up eagerly, as if they thought that she was going to say something that would help them in their quest to embrace the source, for it was a quest of sorts, to learn how to channel at will, in control of your abilities


    "You are NOT to channel without the supervision of an Accepted, or an Aes Sedai.  Know here and now that any Novice that I or any Accepted or Aes Sedai catch trying to embrace the source WITHOUT supervision, will wish that she had never been born when I and Larindha Sedai are done with her."  Most of the Novices shifted uncomfortably.  No doubt they had been trying to figure out how to embrace Saidar, to feel the ecstacy of it, to enhance their senses tenfold.  "Even if you have been successful, which I doubt, in learning how to channel in secret.  To anyone who has been doing as such, I am warning you, you had better stop NOW or face the consequences."


    "Having been in the Tower for nearly 6 years, I have seen things that I would rather have not seen.  We, as Accepted and Aes Sedai stop you from channeling alone, unaided, is for YOUR safety.  I had a friend, Yolari, whose Talent at Channeling was unsurpassed by any novice in the Tower."  She sighed mournfully.  "She was my best friend.  And she is now BURNT OUT."


    The words were like a slap in the faces of the novices.  Several gasped and put their hands to their mouths.  Other looked horrified.  "Well, she didn’t pay attention to this lesson, because she thought she could get away with channeling on her own.  She lost control, and the result you well know.  She was nearly killed in the process as well.  That can happen as well.  Know that I speak the truth, and if this happens to any of you, it will be of your own doing.  You - have - been - warned."


    "You do not have the discipline to control Saidar or to attempt to channel it safely.  The feeling is so immense and addictive that you might be tempted to take in more than you can safely handle.  This could result in a myriad of bad consequences, among them hurting or killing others, hurting or killing yourself, or even worse yet, Stilling yourself. Like Yolari."


    "However, with an Aes Sedai or Accepted there with you, they can moderate the amount you attempt to handle and ensure that your flows do not lash out of control. This is for your safety, and the safety of your fellow novices. Punishment will be harsh for violators of this rule. Consider it the most important rule you must follow while you stay here at the Tower. Now with that said let us move on. Control will come, and one day you will be comfortable with using the Power, and it will come when you need it. Someday. But that takes years and years of effort and discipline, which will start in this course and continue even after you are raised to an Aes Sedai."


    Nenen then smiled gently at them.  "But away from these topics for now.  And now it is time for something that is easier to listen to.  Now it is time for your first lesson.  Take out pen and parchment please.  You are going to have some copying to do."  Eagerly the novices took out pen and parchment at her instruction, and started copying down notes at her direction.


    "To know how to control the True Source, first one must learn what the True Source actually is.  The One Power is an ocean of energy, of life.  We, as channelers, are simply the conduits through which the Power does work at our direction.  To put it simply, imagine that the Power is an infinitely large ocean."  On the board, Nenen took a piece of chalk and drew a large circle.  "And imagine that by channeling the power, we are the rivers through which the water flows through.  When we draw on the One Power, imagine that the water in the ocean is flowing through the river, channeled and controlled by it.  That is what we are when we are channeling."  She drew several small rivers to demonstrate her meaning.


    "This, being only a model, is not totally accurate, however, it is sufficient for our purposes."


    "But more now.  The One Power is divided into two halves.  Saidin and Saidar.  Saidin is the half of the source that the male channelers wield, and Saidar is the half that the females use.  Both halves are very different, from all reliable sources.  Saidar is like a calm river, inexorable in its path.  To control Saidar, you must surrender to it, and guide it.  You cannot MAKE it bend to your will.  You have to GUIDE it to your will, or you will be overwhelmed by it.  This is also VERY important.  Failure to adhere to the constraints of Saidar will result in being burnt out as well."


    "You probably have also heard of the Five Powers of the True Source.  Know now, that the One Power can be divided into Five different Powers of different uses.  They are Air, also known as Wind, as well as Water, Earth, Fire and Spirit.  When you learn to channel, you most probably will find taht you exhibit a greater ability at one or two of these elements as compared to others, and that you will be weak in other elements.  Do not worry.  Most channelers are strong only in one or two elements.  Some few people will exhibit great strength in three, but they are not really so common that you will meet them if you walk down a corridor.  Those who are strong in four elements are few and far between.  Since the passing of the Age of Legends, no channeler has had great strength in all 5, and even then is was exceedingly rare!"


    Nenen smiled at them reassuringly, for some of them were looking downcast.  "I myself am strong in two elements, Water and Earth, which does make for interesting play.  I have an average ability with the other elements, though my Talent for Air is usually low.  There are several different permutations floating around the Tower.  Some Aes Sedai are strong in Air and Water, others in Spirit and Fire, and so on.  But we still are proficient channelers."


    "In most cases, men were more adept with Fire and Earth, while women were more talented with Air and Water.  Both are equally strong in Spirit it seems. Do not let this mislead you.  Many girls believe just because men are usually stronger in Fire and Earth that they are stronger over all?  This is not always true. As you will learn in future classes, the powers of Spirit, Air, and Water are formidable and should not be discounted."  Nenen looked at them, meeting their eyes.  "It is said that there is no rock so large or strong that wind and water cannot wear it away, that there is no flame is furious or so hot that water cannot quench nor wind snuff it out."


    She nodded impressively, her pale face shining in the light from the windows, and the lamps on the walls nearby.


    "Use of the One Power is also addictive, and that is what makes it so dangerous.  Channeling makes the person feel more alive, such that life without touching either Saidin or Saidar seems only a pale shade of what life should be.  It is for this reason that channeling is dangerous - drawing too much of the One Power can at the least sear the ability to channel out of a person, at the worst it can kill.  The feeling is very sweet and powerful that you will experience. You must learn how to remain strong in the face of that temptation.  That is why girls who can learn to channel are brought here.  Even if they do not desire to rise to the shawl, or do not have the inner strength needed to gain it, they must still learn to control the urges lest they hurt themselves or those around them.  This is why that there is such a rule in place to prevent Novices from channeling unaided as well."


    Nenen bent down and from the bottom of the table, picked up several copies of paper.  "Throughout history,"  she said, her voice now changing from smooth to whip-like in an instant, "there HAVE been Aes Sedai who have committed heinous crimes.  They have been stilled, purposely cut off from the True Source, and put outside the Shining Walls of Tar Valon.  Each of you now has a piece of paper."  Nenen distributed them to the girls, one each.


    "You are to memorize this list.  These are the names of every Sister who has been Stilled in the History of the Tower and why.  Memorize them.  You may be asked later, at random, to tell me about them.  I expect you will know them inside and out.  If you'd like to know more you can find more information on each in the Tower library.  I encourage you to research them extensively.  Only by keeping in mind our past mistakes can we succeed in not repeating them.  Learn from them so you do not have to pay the price they did for foolishness."


    A sober silence descended upon the lot of them.  Nenen decided that they had had enough information loaded upon them for now, and anyway, she had covered all that was neccesary for this class.  "Does anybody have any questions?  Don't be shy, feel free to ask."

  7. Today's lesson would be in the gardens of the White Tower, and though the day was gusty, with winds bordering on gales howling down the corridors, rattling doors and jerking windows.  As she walked down corridors, Nesyer noted several novices scurrying throughout some part of the corridors, chasing down pieces of paper and parchment, trying to catch them while curtsying to Accepted and Aes Sedai alike.  Some novices had stopped to help and joined the melee, sometimes nearly causing a mass blockage on the corridor before an Aes Sedai or Accepted put an end to it.  Nesyer shifted her white cloak such that the wind would not touch her as easily, but her face was a rose-red after the chill winds over the past week, as was with many of the other Accepted, and the novices of course.


    Her long hair streamed down behind her as she went through the side gates in the Tower, towards the gardens, where she had at times been tasked to rake leaves from the pathways.  Nesyer remembered those times well, and had treasured her time in the gardens too.  They were a place to be serene, calm, with only the rythimic scratching of the rakes to disturb the peace and quiet, the trickle of streams winding their solitary ways through the gardens, the crystal clear ponds, glass-like under the calm sky, with lapping waves when a stray breeze filtered through the trees, causing them to bend and sway, with rustling leaves, music to her ears.


    And so she saw Lavinya, seated on a bench, with an emerald green cloak around her, with last week's basket beside her.  Sniffing the air slightly, Nesyer smelled tea and bread, and smiled gratefully inside.  She would need tea sooner or later out in this wind, although the bright sun did warm up the place somewhat, whatever warmth there was was usually snatched away by sporodic bursts of winds and gales that tossed twigs and branches.  Curtsying to Lavinya, she was waved to sit beside Lavinya, who started to teach at the moment.  "The first weave I’ll show you is a raincloud. First you’ll find the moisture in the air with threads of Water," Lavinya channeled to demonstrate, strands of Water emanating from her in a complex and intricate weave, "and thicken it so it isn’t vapour any more, but pure water, and gather it with Air and Spirit. That’s how a cloud usually forms."  Air and Spirit swept out and mingled with the flows of Water.  The air around Nesyer seemed to grow damp and moist, and despite the cold, Nesyer started to break out in humid sweat.  Mist began to form over Lavinya's palm, then coalasced into a small cloud which hovered.


    "You’ll then use Fire to release the moisture in the form of rain."  Lavinya said, channeling thin threads of Fire into the cloud, which then turned grey, seeming to chill, and drops of water started to patter down from it onto her upturned palm.  With a flow of Air, she sent a tiny breeze that wafted the cloud over to Nesyer, causing the rain to drip onto Nesyer's feet.  The moisture soaked through the slippers she wore and soaked her toes before Lavinya banished the cloud and looked at her seriously.  "You have to be careful with this weave, and not just because you’ll get soaked, but because forcing rain will affect the weather of this area for a long time. This weave should not be used on a large scale as results could be devastating to everyone. Affecting weather causes nasty side effects you have no control over when your weaving is through." Lavinya paused and shrugged, "That’s why I made a tiny cloud of my own instead of causing one of those monsters overhead to rain. Practise this weave please. Keep your weaving small and remember to try to keep your clothes partly dry at least. We won't be returning inside for quite some time and it’s needless for you to catch a cold."


    Nesyer nodded, and then wove the flows required.  Water fanned out as far as the eye could see, and moisture gathered, concentrated, and Nesyer felt her skin almost start to break out in sweat as she wove Air and Spirit, duplicating that of Lavinya's, gathering all the moisture, thickening it further, until it formed a large cloud over them.  Nesyer realized that if she released it above them, they would get soaked, and so, with the remainder of her ability in Air, pushed and wafted the cloud towards the nearby pond.  When the cloud was over it, Nesyer unleashed her ability with Fire.  Lightning crackled throughout the cloud, striking the surface of the pond, and Nesyer flinched as the cloud opened itself into a downpour, static crackling throughout the cloud, and hitting the pond, causing drops of fizzing water to hit the ground near them.  One of them landed on her knee, and static shot through it.  She flinched and lost control of the source involuntarily.  The cloud thinned, then a sudden freak gust tattered the wind and tore the cloud to shreds.


    "That was a nice display of your abilities, Nesyer, but do try to exert fine control over the cloud."  Lavinya said, not a bit wryly.  "Try again, with more precision this time."


    Nesyer blushed, although Lavinya had not said it in a cutting manner.  But she did it again.  This time however, the threads of Water were not so prominent, and the moisture gathered with Air and Spirit was only just enough to make a cloud of any significance, though it wasn't as large as the previous one.  However, she outstretched just a trickle of her ability for Fire, and the result was a thin release of mist.  "Try a stronger flow, Nesyer."  Nesyer looked at the flow of Fire with trepidation, then thickened the flow of Fire.  Immediately, the amount of rain increased until it became a steady downpour.  The pond was now swelling with the increased rain, overflowing until it nearly touched Nesyer's shoes before she released the weave and waves lapped, just touching her slippers and soaking her toes.  She lifted them and wriggled them as Lavinya watched with some barely concealed amusement.


    Nesyer looked at the pond, then wove a flow of Water, and then, as the lake churned and boiled, it rolled backwards along with the weave.  Another flow of Fire created a cloud of steam from the pond that hissed and boiled.  The white steam floated upwards, hissing and dissapated fast, cooling rapidly in the chill autumn afternoon.


    Lavinya nodded approving.  "That cloud brings us to our next weave.  The next weave I’ll be teaching is creating fog. Watch closely! I weave Water and Air into the atmosphere around me, making it thin and spread out," Lavinya channeled thin threads of Water and Air for a distance around her, "and add a tiny amount of Fire to cool it, creating fog."  Nesyer watched, smiling in wonder as tendrils of mist swirled and coalaesced in lower air, thickening rapidly, aided by the chill temperature, yet at the same time, being torn to pieces by the wind, bits of it breaking off and churning and disappating in the wide expanse of air.  Nesyer also marvelled at the intricacy of the weaving.  Skill was more important here, especially in a thin fog like this.  The fog was small, but not inconsiderable.  If it grew larger, it could probably be used as a tool to hide people.


    Nesyer knew that now it was her turn, and so she duplicated the weave, with thin tendrils of Air and Water shining faintly in the air.  It was as delicate and as intricate a weave that she had learnt as of yet during these lessons.  Nesyer smiled as she spread the moisture out, distributing it, thinning the atmosphere until it was almost more difficult to breath.  Then, she channeled Fire, thin strands, barely visible.  Around her immediate vicinity, small tendrils began to coalesce and form, and merged together, to cover her form with a grey sheen.  Lavinya's figure faded to an indistinct shadow.  Nesyer's face broke into a smile that no one could see through the fog.  Then, she poured more and more power into the weaves of Fire, and the fog spread out, she could feel it encompassing more and more, growing larger and larger as the Fire chilled the air and increased the reached of the fog.  However, the winds that blew against the Fog penetrated quite some distance inwards, bringing clear cold air to Nesyer's face from time to time.


    "Very good Nesyer."  Lavinya said, her voice sounding hollow through the mist.  "Now try to thicken the mist.  I think you can figure out how to do so."


    Nesyer nodded and said, "Yes Lavinya Sedai."  Then, she studied her weave.  Increasing Fire only seemed to increase the size of the Fog.  However, to thicken the fog...  More moisture!  Nesyer knew that that was the key.  But how to increase the amount of moisture in the air?  That was the problem, until she saw the flows of Water and Air.  That was it!  She had to increase the amount of Water in the weave.  Drawing on more of the Power, she channeled it into her flows of Water.  Immediately the area chilled further, and Nesyer felt damp sweat break out on her forehead.  Whiteness swirled and thickened as the fog grew heavier, seemingly pressing down on her shoulders.  Even the frequent gusts of wind could not break it apart.  Finally, she could see nothing but pure grey.  Lavinya's voice rolled through the fog.  "Good work Nesyer.  That's enough practice for Fog weaves."


    Nesyer beamed, releasing the source.  As the weave dissappated, now the fog was no longer sustained.  The winds that tore and battered at it punched a hole through the core of the fog, from one end to the other, sweeping her black hair as though attempting to pull the roots of it out from her head.  Her accepted dress fluttered in that angry blast, the banded hem being fluttering obviously as the gardens gradually came into focus.  Lavinya sat there serenly, her eyes giving Nesyer a sense of approval.  "Come here child.  I supposed the Fog has chilled your bones.  Have some hot tea.  Here."  Lavinya poured a steaming mug and handed it to her.  Nesyer nodded, and took the cup.  The fog had indeed chilled her, and the steaming mug was an appropriate remedy, to prevent her from getting a cold in the wind.  Nesyer shuddered with the heat of it, and sighed, her breath turning into white mist in the cold.


    When she had sufficiently warmed up, Lavinya smiled at her.  "Now it is time to show you how to Weave the Winds."  Lavinya walked to a large maple tree and indicated Nesyer should follow, which Nesyer did, standing under the shade of the tree, leaves fluttering down. "Watch carefully."  Nesyer watched as Lavinya embraced the Source and channeled.  Flows of Air were melded together with a skill that Nesyer marvelled at and envied.  They shifted while being woven, and through them Nesyer could see some flows of Water intermingling with the Air, less than the flows of Air, but still prominent enough in the weave.  As Nesyer watched, the winds rose to Lavinya's beckoning, following the weave's each and every shape and move, swirling around, forming eddies, blowing leaves of trees and picking up twigs.  Lavinya shifted the weave to become a circle around her, and the winds whirled about in a column, totally surrounding her, from head to toe.  Lavinya channeled further, and a great blast of wind blew half the leaves off the tree, and surrounded her, obscuring her vision.


    Then Nesyer felt more than saw Lavinya release Saidar, and the winds died, and the leaves fell into a pile surrounding her up to waist high.  Nesyer looked at Lavinya, stunned, whilst Lavinya smiled at her gently.  "It takes strength in Air to make strong winds. You may not have that strength at the moment or perhaps will never have that strength. When you practise, don’t make it any stronger than I just did lest you hurt yourself."  Nesyer nodded in understanding, then embraced the One Power


    Stretching out her arms, she drew upon all her strength in Air, then threaded them together delicately, occasionally calling upon threads of Water as well.  As she wove, weaves sweeping down from the sky, the winds twisted themselves to her beckoning.  The winds howled and moaned around her, but they touched her not, for she controlled their each and every moment, and they touched nothing she did not want them to touch.  The spinning was slightly more complex and required higher dexterity and skill, and precision, otherwise the winds might react in a way that no one could predict.  Nesyer's eyes narrowed as the weaves swept down and the leaves were swept up by the wind.


    She realized that her wind, however, was chilling her, even though it did not touch her.  It bore the faintest traces of winter, which was a season she dislike for its lack of warmth and its harshness.  Frowning, she improvised and added thin strands of Fire to her weave just so, at the same time completing her weave.  The winds grew stronger and with more substance, but the wind was now warmer, as she had known that it would be.  She surveyed her handiwork with obvious satisfaction bright on her face.  Nesyer smiled as the winds tossed up leaves, twigs and larger branches, as they followed the winds, dancing in a complex pattern through the trees.  Laughing slightly at the pure joy of being in the open, feeling the caress of the wind on her cheeks and tugging at her hair, she tweaked the weave, changing the direction of the wind, and the leaves danced along with the breeze as it howled and moaned through the treetops.  With an outstretched hand, she took one of the Angreal in the basket, drew through it, and channeled all the power into the weave.


    The weave flared in existance, far brighter than before, bright enough such that she had to look away from it.  But that was the least of her problems.


    The wind, which had from now been blowing gustily at her skirts, became a howling gale far stronger than the winds that Lavinya herself had summoned.  She suddenly felt herself bearing the brunt of a wind so strong that she had never encountered the like of it before, although there were several occasions over her years that had come close.  Gasping, Nesyer released the weave and Saidar with shock, then sighed, looking down dismally at herself.  Her skirts were now quite rumpled with the force that it had been blown, and several twigs and branches had scratched it slightly.  Her hair, when she felt it, was not in much better condition, with leaves and thin twigs tangled in it.  Lavinya watched her with a slight smile of amusement on her face, and when Nesyer saw it, she blushed a scarlet crimson that would have outdone any sunset.


    "We’ll be moving onto more Air weaves now. The first one we’ll tackle is Bridge of Air."  Lavinya said, pointedly ignoring Nesyer's blush, which made Nesyer slightly more embarrassed still, but she shrugged it off and returned the Angreal to the basket.


    Lavinya lead Nesyer to the pond.  "This is where we’ll be practising. I’ll dry out your dress at the end of the lesson if you’re soaked."  Lavinya grinned Nesyer, who looked back at her, startled by this outburst of friendly emotion.  "This weave is comprised entirely of Air."  As she spoke, Lavinya spun out several thick threads and began to lay them into a pattern.  "Everyone does this weave differently. You have to find a way that comes easiest to you."  Nesyer nodded as the weave fell into the place over the pond.  Then Lavinya looked at her, a smile tugging at her lips.  "Care to try?"  Nesyer looked at the pond dubiously.  How could something that she could not see hold her above water.  Especially since a mistake might leave her sick with cold in this chill autumn season.


    Lavinya then glided onto the pond, and stood just over the surface, her skirts swishing, then walked right over the pond to the other side, all while nearly touching the water, but not quite.  Her shoes, Nesyer noticed, were perfectly dry, and not a thread of Saidar had been used to clean them.  Nesyer considered the weaving before Lavinya let it go.  "Your turn. Try bridging one corner of the pond or if you feel like risking it, make it all the way cross, but just remember you will have to walk on the Bridge to see if it holds."


    Nesyer nodded, then wove the weave as dexteriously as she could, covering on corner of the pond.  She tied off the weave, then stepped on it cautiously.  It held.  She put more of her weight down on the foot slowly.  The invisible bridge held.  She then stepped onto the bridge, her full weight on the bridge.  It held.  She jumped up and down on it, hard, her feet making loud thumps on the invisible bridge, causing a few small ripples in the lake.  The bridge held.  She walked over to the other side.  The bridge didn't move at all.  It didn't shifted.  It just stayed.


    Nesyer's eyes brightened in elation, then her eyes fell upon the pond again, and she considered it with bright brown eyes.  Then, releasing the first bridge, she wove another bridge, but this time is spanned across the whole pond instead of just a small corner.  Sure of herself, she smiled and stepped on the bridge.  But just as she was at the center, the bridge started to drop.  Panicking, Nesyer ran over to the other end and jumped as the bridge collapsed.  Instinctively, she curved her body into a dive, and she hit the water, which cleared her head immediately.  She came up, gasping and freezing, as weaves of Air solidified around her and she was raised onto dry land, where she stood, water dripping from her dress making a puddle on the ground and soaking her already drenched feet further.


    Lavinya looked amused.  "That was a nice attempt child."  she said, weaving Water and draining all the moisture out of the clothes and her shoes.  Her hair too was now dry.  In fact, the weave had gotten rid of all the extra moisture.  She looked at the weave and memorized it for further usage.


    "The final weave we’ll be covering today is Air Shield.  This is a very flexible weave.  For instance it can be used to block a punch," Lavinya flung a small shield of air on top of Nesyer’s face and threw a punch at her.  Her fist never hit Nesyer, but Nesyer drew back, somewhat apprehensive.  "It can be used to block an arrow, a fireball, a collapsing house if you’re strong enough- and so on.  The weave is adaptable and can be done in many ways but this is the basic framework."  Lavinya wove a large shield such as she would have used against a mounted opponent and allowed the Nesyer to examine it.  Lavinya showed it’s worth by kicking and punching it once more.  "Let’s see you practise this."


    Nesyer studied the weave for a few more moments, then spinning the flows rapidly, cause the flows to fall into place perfectly into the weaving.  A cool feeling spread rapidly through his body as the air chilled slightly, and a shield appeared, tinged slightly blue.  With a smile, Nesyer touched it.  It held.  Then she wove a fireball and threw it at the shield.  The fire skittered off the shield and disappeared with a hiss.  Nesyer smiled and looked around.  Then there was a thunderclap and a shower of rain.  Nesyer yelped and threw the shield over herself, protecting herself from the rain.  Then the rain ducked around, controlled by Lavinya, and started to rain on another part of her, her back.  Nesyer adjusted the shield accordingly, looking at the rain cloud, until all Lavinya's attempts to make the rain cloud rain on her.


    "That's for today.  Let’s get you warmed up and inside from the cold before it’s too late. I’ll see you next week again!" Lavinya hesitated a moment, before smiling warmly, "And Nesyer, you are doing well child, keep up the hard work and you will do well."


    Nesyer started, then beamed at Lavinya's compliments.  Curtsying deeply to Lavinya, she hurried off to her studies.

  8. Accepted Requirements


    • Choose 3 of the Following:
      * Aes Sedai RP - RP with a sister(s) from any Ajah, while traveling (must have a plausible reason, and must have staff approval), in an intrigue or anything else of substance. Does not have to be the Ajah you are aspiring to.
      * Turning of the Wheel - A character specific roleplay where your character changes in some manner due to an event.
      * Create your own Character Centered RP - Must be approved by Staff
      * Transition - is similar to Homesickness, except adjusting to wearing the banded hem, the new rights and responsibilities that go with it.
      * Teach a class* - Min of 4 Classes (total of 1500 words). Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * Take a Class* - Must be taught by an Aes Sedai. Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * One Open Rp - Where a Random Rp is started and others are invited to take part, be it a Prank or a Free Day.
      * 100 Weaves RP - Practice & Application.
      * Introduction to Roleplaying Class - OOC - only once per person.
    • Accepted Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before RPing as an Aes Sedai.
    • Three Oaths - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked. Link to information: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=23




    "Reqs for ACCEPTED: Nenen Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar"


    • Choice RP:
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Accepted Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Three Oaths - URL - Word Count - [Complete / Incomplete]

  9. Accepted Requirements


    • Choose 3 of the Following:
      * Aes Sedai RP - RP with a sister(s) from any Ajah, while traveling (must have a plausible reason, and must have staff approval), in an intrigue or anything else of substance. Does not have to be the Ajah you are aspiring to.
      * Turning of the Wheel - A character specific roleplay where your character changes in some manner due to an event.
      * Create your own Character Centered RP - Must be approved by Staff
      * Transition - is similar to Homesickness, except adjusting to wearing the banded hem, the new rights and responsibilities that go with it.
      * Teach a class* - Min of 4 Classes (total of 1500 words). Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * Take a Class* - Must be taught by an Aes Sedai. Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * One Open Rp - Where a Random Rp is started and others are invited to take part, be it a Prank or a Free Day.
      * 100 Weaves RP - Practice & Application.
      * Introduction to Roleplaying Class - OOC - only once per person.
    • Accepted Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before RPing as an Aes Sedai.
    • Three Oaths - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked. Link to information: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=23




    "Reqs for ACCEPTED: Wilemi Kailadel Aravell ti Shiwar"


    • Choice RP:
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Accepted Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Three Oaths - URL - Word Count - [Complete / Incomplete]

  10. Accepted Requirements


    • Choose 3 of the Following:
      * Aes Sedai RP - RP with a sister(s) from any Ajah, while traveling (must have a plausible reason, and must have staff approval), in an intrigue or anything else of substance. Does not have to be the Ajah you are aspiring to.
      * Turning of the Wheel - A character specific roleplay where your character changes in some manner due to an event.
      * Create your own Character Centered RP - Must be approved by Staff
      * Transition - is similar to Homesickness, except adjusting to wearing the banded hem, the new rights and responsibilities that go with it.
      * Teach a class* - Min of 4 Classes (total of 1500 words). Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * Take a Class* - Must be taught by an Aes Sedai. Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * One Open Rp - Where a Random Rp is started and others are invited to take part, be it a Prank or a Free Day.
      * 100 Weaves RP - Practice & Application.
      * Introduction to Roleplaying Class - OOC - only once per person.
    • Accepted Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before RPing as an Aes Sedai.
    • Three Oaths - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked. Link to information: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=23




    "Reqs for ACCEPTED: Nesyer Yoshan Aravell ti Shiwar"


    • Choice RP:
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 6 ] [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Accepted Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Three Oaths - URL - Word Count - [Complete / Incomplete]

  11. According to the new requirements, all novices are to complete at least ONE OP RP, taught by an Accepted, or an Aes Sedai.  With Lavinya's permission for me to teach a OP group class, I have offered up my Accepted Nenen as the teacher for this group classes.


    Nenen's bio is here for your reference


    The OP class Nenen will be teaching is the Intro to Saidar Class


    So here's how it will work.


    There will be a total of 6 threads, with each thread being a lesson, so there will be a total of 6 lessons for this requirement.  After all the signups are done, I will put up the first class ASAP, and I will tell you OOCly what the gist of your reply is supposed to be.  You will each post one reply in each thread, but you can post more if you want to.  This will bring you to a total of 6 posts at the end of the Class, more than enough to fulfill your Novice Requirements.


    Each of your posts MUST be at least 250 words.  You're welcome to post more than once in a thread, but it's not going to count towards anything (ie. you still have to participate in the other classes).  You will have 2 weeks to post in each thread, and the threads will be put up whenever each lesson is done.  Please take your time to write it up, rather than rushing through it.  Quality over quantity, though the minimum requirements must be met. Remember that you are in Randland, and use appropriate language.  No modern day technology like computers and such.


    Use this opportunity to explore your character, interact with your fellow novices, and above all ... HAVE FUN!



    1.  Introduction to Saidar.  Nenen will be telling you about the One Power, Saidar, Saidin, and the Five Powers.

    2.  Embracing the Source.  You will be guided through a step-by-step process on how to embrace the True Source.  (Psst.  Accidents CAN occur)

    3.  Controlling the Source.  You will learn how to control the amount of Power that you embrace, how to lessen the amount and such.

    4.  Identifying the Five Powers.  Here, you will learn to identify the Five Powers and their different colours.

    5.  Learning to Weave 1.  You will learn to weave Air and Water in this lesson.

    6.  Learning to Weave 2.  You will learn to weave Earth and Fire in this lesson.



    Kalinde Yarrah (perine) - 5 7 6 2 6 26 38 64

    Iraleia Temarelin (Elliara) - 8 8 6 3 4 29 30 59

    Dyrum Alede (DarthRand) - 7 5 6 5 6 29 30 59

    Serey Dorrin (Serey) - 6 5 8 5 5 29 30 59

    Ykoria Eranyame (Kelitor) - 8 6 6 5 5 30 30 60

    Rytali Basim (Visar Falmaien) - 5 5 7 3 3 23 33 56

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