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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. (OOC:  He might be able to do that to me for a time ... until Seyneru realizes what his motives are.)


    The power that Seyneru held in him infused his senses.  He brimmed with it, almost overflowing with it.  But he could also see and hear things more clearly.  It might be just a trick of the shifting lights that the snow caused as it streamed down around them from the shield that he had created, but it seemed that Linten tensed when he had embraced Saidin and woven the weave.  Had the man thought that Seyneru, a mere soldier, was going to attack Linten?  Seyneru blinked once, and that was it, and dismissed it into the recesses of his brain.


    He listened to Linten with one ear, whilst he moved and adjusted himself such that he was leaning against a tree as the power flowed out from him.  Holding the weave was a slight strain.  He had been here for nearly two months, and now he was quite adept at weaving the power he held in his hand.  He was gaining strength fast.  Even now, he felt a slight difference between the amount of power he could have held last week and what he was currently holding.


    Then Linten's last line caught his ear  “How about your bunk mates? …. Have you gotten to know them very well?”


    Seyneru considered this last bit.  "Well, they are all right, I suppose.  There was one irritating jerk however, who was a lord and assumed that he could lord it over us all by giving us orders.  I shielded him and held it for a few minutes while he futily tried to break it, until I released him."  He snorted as he recalled that time and place.  "He pretty much left me alone after that."


    "Oh, and by the way,"  Seyneru asked, recalling a particular offer that Linten had made earlier on.  "Could you help train me one of these days?"


    Seyneru Yoshan

    Crafter of the Five

  2. (OOC:  What IS Linten's goal?)


    Even now the cold was mounting, and Seyneru knew better than to chance the risk of frostbite, even with the special mental trick that they had been taught.  Weaving a barrier of Air around both him and Linten, he focused his mind and sent forth his power, only a part of it.  However, it was enough to keep away the snow, lessening the chill somewhat, though it did not lessen the cold.  "I suppose we could always continue our discussion here."  he said, considering the sky.  "I love being out and about in the open."


    "As for visiting my grandmother, it would be nicer if she could come here to stay, if Covai and the Storm Leaders would agree to it."  he said, tentatively.  "But I won't push for it."


    "So far, I have not had a specific mentor to help me train my strength and my power."  he said, in response to Linten's last question.  "I have been trained by a spontaneous amount of random dedicated and asha'man who I never see again except in passing.  However, despite this, my strength seems to be increasing.  What I have learnt, I have attained through dribbles of information and careful experimentation."


    "The Power, I have never felt anything much like it."  Seyneru said, a note of wonder and amazement in his voice.  "The sense of life and joy embedded in it, yet there is that taint, a layer of oil and muck on top of it, make me want to vomit.  If only there was SOME way to remove it completely, that would solve the problem, of us going mad, and of Aes Sedai trying to gentle us, though I doubt they could try with so many of us here."


    Seyneru Yoshan

    Crafter of the Five

  3. Wilemi took one look at Larindha's calm face, and burst into tears again.  Surprisingly, Larindha took a pot of tea and added in honey, and something else Wilemi couldn't name.  "Drink up."  She said, softly and smiling slightly at her.  Wilemi drank the tea.  It was hot and helped her to think straight for a while.  Sniffing slightly, she looked up appealingly at Larindha, who looked solemnly at her, and ask the question that Wilemi had been dreading.  "Why don't you think you are worthy, Wilemi? You have been doing quite well at your studies ..."


    Wilemi sniffed again, and her confession tumbled out.  "I am a coward, Larindha Sedai.  My family was killed and I hid and did nothing.  One who is worthy to become Aes Sedai would not have done so.  She would have gone out to face him, like my sister Nenen."  Wilemi started to cry again.  "I am unworthy.  I hid under the bed, and my cousins and parents were killed around me."  She started to cry.



  4. Its goody for both!


    Elgee, after this Freeday RP, can Nenen and Neyser be raised to Accepted?


    I will leave Venca to NPC Nenen and Nesyer for her punishment rp if that's fine with her...  Otherwise, I will rp them as Novices in that thread.

  5. Seyneru noted that Linten's face neither changed, and admired the control in his voice as he spoke about woman who channeled.  Aes Sedai especially.  In Linten's place, Seyneru would not have been so sure that he would have been able to keep any emotion from his voice in the first place.  But Linten seemed all right to talk to, and Seyneru trusted Linten to not tell anyone without Seyneru's approval.


    "Hmm.  The Ajahs my sister and cousins chose?  I suppose that it would be quite easy to tell.  They have very distinct personalities.  My cousin Wilemi is studious, intelligent and she loves to read.  She wouldn't mind coming over to study how a man channels Saidin.  She specializes in research on the One Power, so I heard last, a few months back, just before I came here.  However, I am not so sure as to her Ajah, but I think that she has been hinting so far that she is either Brown, White or Green."


    "So far, as I recall, my other cousin Nenen was definately a fighter.  She wrote to me and said that she had chosen the Green Ajah.  Nesyer however, is another matter.  She is like me, tall, pale and dark at the same time.  She even mirrors me in other ways.  Compassionate and determined, she is excellent at using the One Power to heal.  She is a Yellow Sister, and is proud to be one."


    He listened further and answered questions when and where he could.


    "As for my grandmother, I am not really sure about that, but it appears, and she has hinted that as long as she keeps a low profile, and that she does not claim the appearance of an Aes Sedai, the White Tower will leave her alone as long as she does not meddle in Tower affairs.  Some of the sisters in the White Tower would be verging on obstinate in that their views are always correct, however, and it my grandmother has been sighing over that folly for over a hundred years now."


    "Tower history however,"  Seyneru frowned.  "It appears that the Seven Ajahs were created because the White Tower was formed by seven main groups dedicated to helping the world and the coalition of Aes Sedai power.  And although Sisters can channel,"  Seyneru went on, his voice growing passionate.  "They are like us, except that we have this different talent that sets us apart.  We are all different, we have different abilities.  It is just that the White Tower emphasizes this because of the different Ajahs."


    Seyneru Yoshan

    Crafter of the Five


  6. "My name is Seyneru."  Seyneru said quietly.  He turned around and faced Linten Asha'man.  Surveying Linten, he noted the sword and the pin on his collar before bowing.  "I was born in Andor, but I have Saldaean blood in my veins, from my grandmother."  He smiled, wistfully remembering the days of his youth in Caemlyn, where he had lived for half of his life.  "My sister and cousins are now in the Tower, full Aes Sedai, and I have not seen them for nearly two decades now."


    "Despite the fact that they are Aes Sedai, and would probably still me on sight, they are still my relatives, and I am sure that they would still think of me as of their blood."  Seyneru looked at Linten directly in the face.  "I would welcome them into the Black Tower still.  My grandmother was a channeler as well, and she voluntarily brought me here.  In fact, she suggested it, so that I could better prepare myself for the coming storm.  She is gone now, wandering the lands, with no roots to bind her."


    Studying Linten's face, he asked,  "Linten Asha'man, what are your feelings about Aes Sedai, and about the fact that someone you know has Aes Sedai for relatives and a channeler for a grandmother?  I understand if you do not want to talk about it."


    The snow swirled about them, and clouds gathered towards the west as another of those flash freeze blizzards was building up in the clouds.  And it was moving their way.  "Perhaps we should move back to the Farm." he suggested.


    Seyneru Yoshan

    Crafter of the Five

  7. (OOC: Hey Linten, if you wish you could inquire about Seyneru's background..)


    Seyneru trod out of the house he lived in, his boots scraping on the snow.  This was one of the rare free days that he had ever since he had moved into the Black Tower.  Life was busy, what with the amount of Saidin training that he was going through.  The life of a Soldier revolved pretty much around learning how to use and control Saidin, and the struggle to do so was very tiring at times.  It was thus that whatever free time a Soldier got was earned and treasured.


    Seyneru thus meandered around aimlessly, nodding to fellow Soldiers whom he recognized, his black coat swirling around in the snow, causing some minor air currents.  He felt not the cold, as he had learnt how to mentally distance himself from the elements, and the heat or the chill.  However, because this thing was new, he had some severe lapses in concentration, causing the chill to rush in at odd moments.


    With a smile to himself, Seyneru wandered around near the edges of the wall, where construction was ongoing.  Wandering out of the perimeter, he ventured near the edges of the forest.  It had been long since he had been growing his own vegetables and his own meal.  He had been here for a month or so already, yet he felt a pang of heartache for his family that had died, and his sister and cousins that were now training to be Aes Sedai in the White Tower.  His grandmother had left, unable to cope with the rising tensions in the Black Tower, and the prejudice against woman who could channel, even though they did not know about her abilities.


    Seyneru leaned against a nearby tree, sighing mournfully, looking towards the north, where his sister and cousins were.  He had not seen them in a long time.  Hopefully he would soon.


    Seyneru Yoshan

    Crafter of the Five

  8. Wilemi sighed and rubbed her eyes wearily, trying to immerse herself in her studies.  But recently, memories of home had come flooding back to her.  A home that was no more, a home that no longer existed, even if she remembered where it was.  Her home was now and forevermore the White Tower, and even if she did not choose for it to be her home, she would have no home to go to but a home she would have to make for herself.  However, however hard she tried to distract herself, it took only one distraction to let those memories pour in, to drown her vision.


    She remembered Voronwa, her cousin, coming to consult her in pursuit of information.  Of her relatives, Voronwas most closely matched Wilemi in pursuit of knowledge.  She remembered Voronwa's brother, Abelle, learning swordplay at the hands of her grandfather.  Estean sat, next to the hearth, her loom spinning as she wove a carpet for the floor.  It was beautiful.


    However, she ultimately remembered the fateful day which drove all of them from the home they had lived in for years.  She remembered Namell killing all her family members one by one with blasts of lightning and fire, she remembered being pulled roughly up on a horse by her sister, Nenen, she remembered fleeing down the road as the house collapsed behind her as Estean deflected whatever was flung her way in terms of lightning and fire, scattering people who ran screaming as Namell blasted fire, and ultimately, her grandmother and the Aes Sedai combining forces to bring down Namell.


    She also remembered she did nothing to help stop her grandfather, but instead hid under the sofa until Nenen dragged her out of the house whilst Estean defended who she could.  Tears came to her eyes as she remembered everything during that fateful day.  She was not brave enough to become Aes Sedai.  A true girl of Aes Sedai material would have stood in her grandfather's way and sacrificed herself to save her own family, whereas she just hid, without attempting to help anyone escape.


    She then made a momentus decision.  She would go to Larindha and confess her cowardice, even though it would mean she would have to give up her quest to become a Sister of the Tower.  Crying silently, she made her way to Larindha's office, knocked, and entered.


    "What is it child?"  Larindha said, putting aside her things and looking concerned at the emotions on Wilemi's face.


    "Larindha Sedai,"  Wilemi said, curtsying.  Then suddenly, she burst into tears and flung herself onto Larindha.  "I don't think I'm worthy to become Aes Sedai.  But I want to."  she wailed in despair.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five


  9. “Today we will be talking about Earth. Do not feel bad if this is a hard day for you. All of us have strengths in certain areas and weaknesses in others”


    Nenen nodded, then looked at the what Eqwina Sedai was doing.  Tendrils of Air scooped up soil and dirt from the ground, the bottom, and a lump of dirt was formed.  But Eqwina wasn't done.  She wove a simple weave of Earth, into something shaped like a bowl, and presto, the lump of dirt became a bowl, hardened and packed into a claylike substance.


    Impressed, she watched as Eqwina demonstrated again, this time to do something like a small sword of Earth.  With a smile, Nenen eagerly awaited for Eqwina's permission to start weaving, when she did, Nenen embraced the source almost immediately.


    To her surprise, weaving Earth did not seem to pose much of a difficulty to her.  She found in relatively easy, considering what Eqwina said about Earth being one of the male elements, and thus usually harder for a woman.  She found it almost as easy to work with as Water.  Scooping up a small amount of dirt, she wove with all her might and her skill with a determination she had rarely used before, and the small ball of dirt morphed into stone.


    It then became a dish, maybed with a few cracks here and there, but satisfactory all the same, considering the difficulty involved and that this was her first time attempting it.  She tried again and again until sweat drenched her dress with effort and she had managed finally to make the perfect plate.


    Then she was dismissed.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five

  10. It was a few days after the explosion, and Nesyer was now summoned to the Mistress of Novices office.  With a inward sigh, Nesyer trooped her way down the corridor to the nearby office.  Her white dress seemed too thin an armour to face the seeming wrath of the Mistress of Novices.  She was literally trembling as she reached the door of the Mistress of Novices' office.  Straightening her dress and steeling herself, stopping herself from shaking, Nesyer straightened her shoulders and knocked on the door of the Mistress of Novices.


    "Come in, Nesyer."  came the sharp voice of Larindha Sedai.


    Steeling herself, she entered the office to see Larindha patting a cat and letting her drink milk from a saucer.


    "Sit down child."


    Nesyer sat, feeling very apprehensive.  When Larindha was satisfied that the cat had drank its fill, she left the cat to her own devices and turned to look at Nesyer, who looked down, her eyes fearful of the wrath that Larindha could muster.  Larindha studied her, measured her, from the top of her hair to the bottom of her shoes.  When she was satisfied that Nesyer's appearance was in order, she sat back on her chair and surveyed her over steepled fingers.


    "I understand what you are going through child."


    Nesyer's eyes jerked up towards Larindha.


    "I know its not easy to be second best to someone child."  Larindha continued, not seeing Nesyer's reaction, and if she did, ignoring it.  "But you sometimes have to accept the fact that you will not be the best at everything you do.  Wilemi has told me that you worry about being second best to her at channeling, Nesyer.  I think that you have been channeling on your own without any guided supervision, and I will have to punish you for that."


    Nesyer nodded silently.  "I understand Larindha Sedai."  she said reluctantly.


    Larindha Sedai looked at her closely.  "I'm not sure about that, child."  she said, with sad smile.  But anyway, I have gone through the same position as you.  I myself have known that sour taste of jealousy and the bitter taste of defeat before.  It is not pleasent.  However child, you have to accept that though you may try your best, there are just some things that you cannot be the best at."


    "You are dismissed child."


    Nesyer sat there, listening silently.  Sighing mentally, she decided to keep up with Wilemi as best she could.  Hopefully over time she could prove to everyone that she was just as good as Wilemi was.  Upon hearing the dismissal, she stood, curtsied silently, and left.


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

  11. Umm, in DM, the WT section uses this weave to dissapate the heat into elsewhere.  Its the same weave, but modified such that the heat does not go to the body, but to elsewhere.  I think.


    Maybe Jade or any of the admins can clarify?

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