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Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai

  1. Nenen Kailadel sat in the Library, her table nearly buried by the number of books that were on it.  The table legs creaked ominously as she wrote down her essay that Eqwina Sedai required.  Only Wilemi among the Novices would be able to find so many books that were related to the dangers of the One Power.  She thought in exasperated amusement at the amount of books that she was reading.  She was a fighter, not a scholar.  But nevertheless, she potted on through her reading, and writing in flowing script.


    The One Power consists of Two Halves, Saidar and Saidin.  In this essay, I will be writing about the dangers of wielding Saidar, and the results of crossing those danger lines.


    The One Power is known to be an addictive source.  The One Power, when embraced, is said to fill the channeler with enhanced senses, like greater abilities in sight and hearing, as well as touch and smell.  The One Power is thus addictive.  Drawing on the One Power creates a desire for the channeler to draw more.  Drawing on more would cause the channeler to want to draw even more.  A vicious cycle.  This is not dangerous in itself.  What is dangerous in itself is the fact that drawing more than the channeler can handle will cause burning out, otherwise known as loss of the ability to channel, if not mental burnout, or maybe even death.


    After losing the ability to channel, the channeler loses the will to live.  He or she will usually survive only a few years before dying.  Not because losing the ability shortens a person's natural lifespan, but because the channeler does not want to live, and sooner or later, this will result in death.  A rare few have been able to survive by filling up the loss of the One Power via marrying, or another way that will help them leave behind the pain of that loss.  Whether anything is great enough is another matter.


    Thus, the rules the White Tower has implemented regarding Novices not being allowed to channel is to prevent them from accidentally burning out themselves due to lack of self control in their channeling.  However, this rule is in place for another reason.


    In the beginning stage of learning to embrace the source, the channeler has little control over what she can do.  She may be able to think about stirring out a wind, but will have little control over the wind itself.  This rule is implemented to prevent the Novices from harming themselves while channeling, and also to help protect others who might get hurt as a result.  Thus the importance of following the rules that were implemented by the White Tower regarding the True Source.


    The rule that states that Aes Sedai are not allowed to use the One Power as a weapon is not a rule.  It is beyond that.  It is an oath that cannot be broken.  Why is this so?  This rule/oath is important because this helps Aes Sedai to be trusted.  As it is, Aes Sedai are not trusted.  This rule was also implemented because although the One Power can be used in benevelont ways, the One Power can be also used destructively, as can be seen in the usage of Balefire in the War of Power.


    The One Power itself was used as a weapon in the Time of Madness, the breaking.  The male channeler's rampant usage of the Power heaves mountains from trenches in Oceans, spilled water into hills and valleys, created destructive weather patterns, causing volcanoes to explode, and generally causing remnants of civilization to fall into chaos, and this Oath was sparked from the fruits of the Time of Madness.


    Nenen studied what she had written with some satisfaction of having done a good piece of work.  Hopefully Eqwina Sedai would be able to accept this piece of work, and she woud allow her to start learning to channel.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  2. (OOC: This will come in three posts.  Altogether will be considered one reply)


    Nenen shrank back in her chair as Eqwina Sedai sat up straight and loomed over her.  Her arched eyebrow might as well have been a thunderhead.  “You will learn to control Saidar child when I deem you are ready. Part of learning to control the One Power is learning to surrender to it; since it is apparent you cannot even surrender to me I think it will be some time before we begin your touching of Saidar.”


    Face red with humilation, Nenen looked down at her lap and listened quietly as Eqwina continued.  “You may leave me for today. When you return tomorrow I expect you to have a one page report written for me detailing the importance of following rules. Especially where Saidar is concerned. I would also like words to convince me that you are responsible enough to be trusted with so great a Power. If the paper pleases me we can begin work on your first touch.”


    Nenen hurried out of the door as Eqwina pulled it open.  As the door closed firmly behind her back, she hurried on to the libary to begin her research.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five


  3. She had been at this for a few weeks already.  Rushing into the gardens, Wilemi dropped a stack of books onto a nearby bench and curtsied.  She was fustrated at how slow she was progressing, although Esther had been assuring her that she was making much faster progress than most other Novices this young.  She supposed it was because of prior experience that she had had before she had arrived at the White Tower.  She certainly was doing better than Nenen, who was still struggling.  But Nesyer was catchin up rapidly with her.  Nesyer's potential outshone hers by some, but Wilemi was determined that she would make her own name.


    "Now remember, Saidar is like a calmly flowing river, as long as you do not try to force it. You must remain calm at all times, and just guide. Well, once you are able to embrace the source at will. Let's try that now, shall we? You've come very close in the last few days. Imagine the rose bud. See every petal of the flower. You ARE the flower. Imagine the bud ope … well done!"


    Wilemi had blushed at the compliment that Esther had given her, for she had thought that she was progressing rather slowly.  She was trying as hard as she could though.  That must count for something...


    Then, when Esther had told her to imagine the bud, the flower had immediately popped into her head, and sunlight had flowed through her.  She felt Saidar well up in her.  Incredulous, she was stumped for a few moments, then overjoyed.  She had finally done it.  After days, maybe weeks of hard effort.  She had done it!  She had embraced Saidar on first try, almost at once.  She was so elated, she twitched, wanting to jump up and down, dancing with the thrill of life that was filtering through her by virtue of her connection to the Power.


    A flame popped into her mind, right there and then, while she was staring at Esther, her eyes wide and rapturous.  And suddenly, something happened, some thread seemed to sweep down from the sky and hit Esther's dress, which immediately began to smoke.  Stunned, she watched as the smoke grew.  When Esther started noticing it, she started to shriek and tried to smother it out.  Wilemi tried to stop what she was doing.  She tried to release the source, but she did not know how.  She pushed it away, but it only served to make the flames bigger.  She started to panic, the flames had started to burn in earnest.  What was she to do?  How?  And suddenly, she felt something else happening, and something blocked her off.


    She fell off the bench she was sitting on in shock, when she had got up, Esther was glaring at her.  "Didn't I tell you not to try anything?  I can't walk back to my room like this!" Scuttling to the nearest bush, Esther crouched behind it, whilst fairly hissing at Wilemi. "Go fetch me a cloak from my room. And run, child, NOW!"


    Tears sprang to Wilemi's eyes in shame as she rushed out of the gardens and up the Towers, running past Aes Sedai, who stared in amazement as she rushed past them without curtsying.  She had not meant to do it.  She did not know what to do.  This wasn't fair.  Nenen started at the sight of her crying, but Wilemi brushed off Nenen and ran on to Esther's rooms, where she got a cloak, and ran back down, her sides burning, to the secluded gardens, to Esther.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five

    Confused and Frightened

  4. Wilemi hurried into the class, her arms just managing to hold on to the load of manuscripts and books that she had borrowed from the White Tower library. A roll of paper slipped off and fell with a thud to the ground.  Cursing mentally, she hurried to a nearby desk, grabbed the roll, and threw it on the table hurriedly and immediately curtsied to Esther.  She had liked Accepted Esther on first sight, and hoped to make a good impression in this first lesson, concious of the banded hem that Esther was wearing.


    "Sit down child."  said Esther soothingly.  “Before we get started I must explain to you a few rules. Do not, ever, touch the Source, or channel, without proper supervision. If you have already started channelling, you will stop today, unless told to do so by an Accepted or an Aes Sedai. If anyone catches you violating this rule, you will be sent to the Mistress of Novices, and your punishment will be severe!”


    Wilemi nodded inwardly.  That was one of the rules that Estean had ingrained in her.  NEVER channel or even attempt to embrace the source without guidance or permission, Wilemi.  This is for your own good and safety.  And I don't just mean punishment.  I know one girl who lost her ability by trying to embrace too much.  Estean had shuddered then.  Wilemi did not really understand the significance until she had had her first taste on the True Source


    To be permenantly severed from it did not bear thinking about after that.


    “There is a very good reason for this, Wilemi.  You don't have the discipline to control Saidar or to attempt to channel it safely. The feeling when you embrace the source is so immense and addictive that you can very easily take in more than you can safely handle. The consequences of doing so are bad … very bad … You could hurt or kill others, or yourself, or even worse, you could burn the ability right out of yourself! Only an Aes Sedai or Accepted can moderate the amount you attempt to handle and ensure that your flows do not lash out of control. This is for your safety, and the safety of everyone around you. Plus, Larindhra Sedai will strip your hide off you, even if by some miracle of the Light you have not done any damage! Control of yourself and your ability is the most important thing you will learn here at the Tower. It will take years and years of effort and discipline, which will start in this course and continue even after you are raised to an Aes Sedai. Learning never ends. Remember that and you will do well here, Wilemi."


    Esther gave Wilemi as smile that Wilemi took to be encouraging, and that started to lecture about the One Power.


    "The first thing you need to do, before you actually start learning how to Channel, is learn about what it is you are going to be dealing with. The One Power is classified in two ways. Saidar is the female half of the One Power, Saidin the male half. Only two to three percent of all the people in the known world have the ability to touch the One Power. When a person draws from the One Power and controls its flow to produce a desired result this is called channelling. What is Saidar exactly? Well, many people would give you many different answers to this question. What it seems to be is the very essence of energy in all things, in all life around us. A Sister channelling takes threads of that energy, the One Power, and weaves them to perform various tasks. The five threads of the One Power are Air, Water, Fire, Spirit, and Earth. Those people who have the ability to channel typically have a greater natural ability to deal with one or two of the different threads. Some rare individuals exhibit a great ability with three of the threads. Even during the Age of Legends, according to tomes we have, it was extremely rare to find someone who could handle four of the threads very strongly, let alone all five elements."


    "In most cases, men were more adept with Fire and Earth, while women were more talented with Air and Water. Both are equally strong in Spirit it seems. Do not let this mislead you. Many girls believe just because men are usually stronger in Fire and Earth that they are stronger over all? This isn't always true. As you will learn in future classes the powers of Spirit, Air, and Water are formidable and should not be discounted. Use of the One Power is addictive. Channelling makes the person feel more alive, such that life without touching either Saidin or Saidar seems only a pale shade of what life should be. It is for this reason that channelling is dangerous - drawing too much of the One Power can at the least sear the ability to channel out of a person, at the worst it can kill. The feeling is very sweet and powerful that you will experience. You must learn how to remain strong in the face of that temptation. That is why girls who can learn to channel are brought here. Even if they do not desire to rise to the shawl, or do not have the inner strength needed to gain it, they must still learn to control the urges lest they hurt themselves or those around them. There have been many times in the history of the Tower when Aes Sedai have been cut off from the One Power as a punishment. This process is known as severing."


    Wilemi then took a piece of parchment that Esther gave to her, and studied it.  It gave a list of names and actions.  She half listened to Esther while the other part was absorbed in reading it.  "These are the names of every Sister who has been Stilled in the History of the Tower and why. Memorize them. Go to the library, research each case, and write me an essay on them. Remember - only by keeping in mind our past mistakes can we succeed in not repeating them. Learn from them so you do not have to pay the price they did for foolishness. The day after tomorrow, we will meet here again for your first lesson in Saidar – you will hand me the essay then.”


    After that, Esther left.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five

  5. Estean walked into the room, concious that she was staring right at a man who could channel.  She was hiding her distaste behind Aes Sedai serenity, though she was not Aes Sedai, she was adapt at Aes Sedai serenity.  She had thought at the last moment what they would think when they found out that she was Seyneru's grandmother.  She looked nowhere near old enough.  She had no wrinkles, or grey hair.  She might even look younger than Seyneru.  Anyone who was knowledgeable enough would be able to tell eventually that she was a female channeler.


    So she tried not to shift uncomfortably when she heard Seyneru say  "My name is Seyneru Yoshan and this is my sister, Estean Yoshan."


    Looking around at her surroundings, Estean took note of the load of paperwork that was on the table and the floor.  This man was obviously an important person in the Black Tower, judging from the amount of administrative work that he had to do.  He seemed to be as busy as a clerk, though he apparently did not have a clerk's love of clerical work since she could see tiredness and resignation in his eyes.


    Estean Aravell

    Wise of the Five

    Aravell or Yoshan?  You choose.

  6. Wilemi walked in one of the Tower gardens, Nenen beside her, listening to the sounds of the waters splashing and gurgling merrrily in the rivers and fountains that were flowing.  Smiling at the sounds that they made, Wilemi enjoyed the scenery immensely.  It calmed down nerves stressed by the taxing Novice life that she had to endure before she could earn the Serpent ring.  Today was one of the rare days that she was allowed to enjoy company with Nenen.  Nesyer was busy elsewhere, but sooner or later, she would be able to see Nesyer again.


    Solace was easy to find here, in the company of nature.  Birds chirped and twittered in the rays of the sun, and a gentle breeze here and there filtered through the trees, helping to counterbalance the heat of the sun.  The trees cast green light on all that was there, making her hair green as a result.  Hopefully no Aes Sedai would think that she had dyed her hair to make it look nicer that way...


    A leaf wafted past her, and she smiled, her eyes following it all the way till it vanished behind the trees.  Smiling, Wilemi looked at Nenen, who was eyeing something down the path.  There was a Novice who was hurrying quickly down the road towards them.  But it was behind them that was alarming.  An Aes Sedai stood over another whose hands were covering her eyes.  An Aes Sedai showing emotion?  That was odd.  Pretending not to see, she concentrated on something else, as did Nenen.


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five




    Hurricane (Instantaneous) 12 10 7 6 9 37

    Linking is required to generate the power and precision needed for this weave.  A hurrican instantly forms in the area.  An increase in strength in Air would increase the size of the hurricane.  An increase in Water or Fire would increase the strength of the hurricane.  An increase in the skill used would increase the speed of hurrican formation.


    Hurricane (Time Fuelled) 9 8 5 4 6 34

    This weave does not require linking.  But is left to grow in power and strength for over a weak before it is released to wreck havoc.


    Fly (UNDISCOVERED) 8 6 0 0 0 35

    The channeler weaves Air and Water to produce a funnel of wind that is guided by strong winds such that the channeler is lifted up by the funnel, and is pushed along by the wind.  This weave is costly to create and only slightly easier to maintain.


    The Burning of Summer 6 5 0 0 8 25

    Then channeler weaves flows of Air and Fire, with another weave of Water.  This weave causes moisture to be drawn away with Water while Air and Fire heat up the atmosphere.  Increase in Water strength would decrease the amount of moisture in the air, while increase in Fire would increase the heat.  Increase in skill increases the speed this takes place.


    The Storms of Spring 8 7 0 4 5 30

    The channeler weaves Air and Water, laced with Earth and Fire.  This weave causes moisture to be drawn towards the place with Air and Water, with Earth and Fire to draw electricity.


    The Heart of Winter 7 5 0 0 6 29

    The channeler weaves Air, Water and Fire in the atmosphere just so.  This weave causes the heat in the air to be drawn away by the flows of Fire.  Weaves of Air and Water bring the moisture that causes wind and snow to blow and fall, freezing the place instantaneously.   Increase in strength in Fire would decrease the final temperature.  Increase in strength in Air and Water would increase wind and snowfall instantaneously.  Increase in skill would decrease the time taken to freeze the area.

    ---More coming soon---




    Disperse Storm 6 6 6 0 6 32

    The channeler weaves Air, Water, Earth and Fire just so into storm clouds, causing the storm to fade and disperse.  The weaving is intricate and precise.  An increase in the size of flows would increase the size of the storm or the area of the storm that is affected.  An increase in strength of the weakest power would increase the effectiveness of the weave.  And an increase in skill would increase the speed at which the storm would be dispersed.


    Fire Storm 6 0 3 0 4 24

    The channeler weaves large flows of Air with Water, causing a storm to appear in the region.  He/She then touches the storm with a flow of Fire, causing the moisture in the cloud to catch fire and fall.  An increase in the size of the flows would increase the storm size.  And increase in strength in Air would increase the duration of the storm.  And increase in Water strength would increase the intensity of the rain.  And increase in strength in Fire would increase the intensity of the rain, while an increase in skill would decrease the time taken for the storm to gather itself.


    Fog 3 0 0 0 2 14

    The channeler weaves Air and Water just so, causing moisture to gather in the air, and collate, causing a fog to appear in the vicinity.  An increase in flows or strength in Air would increase the size of the fog, while increase in Water strength would increase its thickness.  An increase in strength in skill would incresae the speed of formation of the fog.


    Grounded Air Shield 5 2 3 0 0 14

    The channeler weaves Air, Earth and Fire, causing a grounded air shield to appear.  When lightning or static hits the dome, the charges travel via the flows of Earth and Fire that would lead it to the ground where it is dispersed.  And increase in the size of the flows would increase the size of the shield, and an increase in Earth or Fire would increase the speed of the grounding.  An increase in strength in Air would increase the amount of lightning that can be withstood, while and increase in skill results in an increase in speed of formation of the shield.


    Hover 7 0 0 0 0 33

    The channeler weaves flows of Air in a circle not unlike those used for a tornado.  A funnel of wind appears and is strong enough to lift a person or an object up into the air.  The channeler can only hover.  He/She cannot move the weave or will risk falling out to land painfully on the ground.  Height the channeler hovers at depends on the strength in Air.  Strength 7 in Air will allow the channeler to hover several feet from the ground.


    Lightning (Channel) 6 4 5 6 4 25

    The channeler weaves flows of Air, Spirit with lesser traces of Water, Earth and Fire around the target.  Lightning races around the target, striking anything that comes to close to it.  An increase in size of flows would increase the maximum area that this weave could affect.  And increase in strength in Air would increase the range of the lightning, while an increase in Water affinity would increase the channeler’s control over the lightning.  And increase in the amount of Spirit would prevent the target from being incinerated by the lightning itself.  An increase in Earth strength would increase the explosive power, while an increase in Fire would increase the number of lightning bolts


    Lightning Storm 1 7 0 6 0 4 22

    The channeler weaves flows of Air, Water and Fire to create a storm with charge.  Then the channeler weaves flows of Air and Fire with a touch of Water that stretches from the storm to the target.  Lightning would thus travel from the storm to the target along the weave.  An increase in amount of Air would increase the lightning range.  An increase in Water affinity would increase the size of the storm, while an increase in strength in Fire would increase the size of the bolt.  An increase in skill would help to confine the lightning to the weave.


    Lightning Storm 2 5 0 6 0 3 18

    The channeler weaves flows of Air and Water with a separate weave of Air and Fire around it, causing an electrical storm to appear with sudden rapidity.  Lightning would strike at random.  An increase in amount of Air would increase the lightning range.  An increase in Water affinity would increase the size of the storm, while an increase in strength in Fire would increase the size of the bolt.


    Lightning Bolt 4 0 3 0 0 14

    The channeler weaves flows of Air and Fire.  Whenever he makes a throwing motion, lightning streaks from his or her fingertips in the direction the channeler wills.  An increase in amount of Air would increase the lightning range, while an increase in strength in Fire would increase the size of the bolt.


    Rain Cloud 3 0 1 0 6 16

    The channeler weaves Air and Water to create a cloud full of moisture.  A thin tendril of Fire touches the cloud and causes rain to fall.  An increase in strength in Air or flow size would increase the size of the cloud, while an increase in strength in Water would increase the amount of moisture in the cloud.  An increase in strength in Fire would increase the temperature of the rain, while an increase in skill would increase the speed of formation.


    Wind 3 0 0 0 2 10

    The channeler weaves Air and Water just so to summon up a wind.  Increase in flows increases the area the wind affects.  An increase in strength in Air and Water would increase the strength of the wind.  An increase in skill used would result in a decrease in time the wind takes to reach maximum speed.


    Weaving the Winds 4 0 0 0 3 15

    This is simply a more efficient version of “Wind”


    Tornado (Weak) 8 0 0 0 0 29

    The channeler weaves thick flows of Air in a circle.  The winds formed swirl around each other, gathering strength to form a Tornado that is just strong enough to fling debris everywhere.  An increase in size of flows would increase the size of the Tornado.


    Tornado 10 0 0 0 0 35

    This weave is actually the same as “Tornado (Weak)” except that this weave is strong enough to produe an actual Tornado.


    Tornado (Inferno) 8 0 6 0 0 33

    A Tornado of Fire that would cause massive devastation because of the Fire, setting fire to anything and everthing.


    Tornado (Waterspout) 5 0 0 0 3 25

    A very weak version of a Tornado that can travel over Water.


    Tornado (Dust Devil) 6 2 0 0 0 27

    A very weak version of a Tornado that has accumulated sand.



  9. Nesyer waited for a while to see if Rasheta was going to speak.  Then suddenly, she felt something happen.  Blinking, she tried to move, and found she couldn't.  Her mind whirled.  Obviously Rasheta was channeling.  But would she be trapped here forever?  She struggled, and found that she couldn't move a muscle around.  And suddenly, the weave was gone, and she nearly fell off a chair.


    “That was a binding weave; I use it to keep those in place who could otherwise kill me. Would you like to learn how to do that?”


    Nesyer nodded excitedly.  She could see where the weave could be useful in certain situations.


    “Before you can do any weaves, you first need to learn how to open yourself to the Source. Shall we start?”


    "Yes, Rasheta Sedai"


    “Note that they are in the three stages of development: a closed bud, a half-open one, and a fully open one.  I want you to study each one, until you can see them with your eyes closed, every single petal."


    For what?  Nesyer was puzzled.  But apparently this would serve a purpose in helping her embrace the True Source and channel Saidar.  So she studied it.  The petals were all purple in colour, and there were lines leading to the centre of the flower.  She studied it mentally until she could picture all the different flowers easily in her mind.


    “Just as the bud opens its petals to allow the warmth of the sun to suffuse it, so you will learn to open yourself to the light of Saidar.  Close your eyes, breathe in … hold that breath … now breathe out slowly … breathe in… that’s right, you are all doing well.  Now, every time you breath out, I want you to imagine your muscles relaxing – a little more every time you breath out.  Now imagine yourself as the bud. Allow your petals to open, slowly … ever so slowly … allow the warmth and light in …"


    Nesyer did not close her eyes, but imagined the flower bud in her head.  She concentrated on it until it drowned out all that she saw.  Imagination is a powerful thing.  She imagined that she was the bud, and that there was sunlight above streaming, but not touching her.  She imagined that she was attracting the light towards her.  Suddenly, the light flowed down, nearer and nearer, until it touched her...


    Suddenly, she felt some change come over her.  She opened her eyes and found everything clearer, sharper.  She saw much more than she originally did.  Then, she felt the air caress her.  Suddenly, she noticed that the air around her was suddenly rising in intenstiy and speed.  The winds rose and swept her desk clean of paper.


    She bent away from the wind that was howling around the room.  She gazed, panic striken, at Rasheta.  What in the light of the world was happening?


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

  10. “For this first part I want you to pay special attention to what I say. You will be asked to repeat it back and I do not allow a second chance on points that are missed.”


    “Attend. The One Power is made up of two parts. Saidar which is channeled by women and Saidin which is channeled men. Where Saidar is a pure clean pool ready to do your bidding if you can only submit to its power; Saidin is a torrent of fire and ice that must be struggled with every waking moment.  But that torrent is not the reason men who channel always go mad, it is the taint of the Dark One that drives them to the brink of madness often before the wasting sickness can kill them. Since only men can touch that vile pool we will focus on Saidar.”


    “With in Saidar there are 5 elements in which you can work. Earth, Fire, Wind or Air, Water, and Spirit. It is most common to find that women are strong in Air and Water and men in Fire in Earth, Spirit is shared equally. Why this is? Not even the scholars can say, needless to say it is a fact. While Saidar is much safer to channel it is not without its own pitfalls. It is possible to be seduced by its charms which can only lead to disaster in the end. It is possible to burn yourself or even kill yourself by drawing too much. That is why from this moment forward you will always be regulated and watched when you are using Saidar.”


    “From this moment forward you will not so much as think of the Source without a Sister or an Accepted present. I do not intend you to burn yourself out before I have finished my lessons with you. Now, repeat back what I said and tell me one fact about Saidar that you knew before my talk.”


    The sudden deluge of information left Nenen stunned, then realizing what was happening, she tried to remember what was being said.  Without too much success.  She could only hope that she could touch on all the points, without revealling that she had made any mistakes.  But she had been given a briefing by Estean, her grandmother, and so the chance of making mistakes was not too large.


    "The two halves of the One Power are known as Saidar, the female half, and Saidin, the male half.  To control Saidar is to surrender to it, while to control Saidin is to struggle against it from consuming you.  The reason why the males that channel go mad is because of the Taint of the Dark One on Saidin."


    That was the first part.  Considering what she said, she could not find anything that was different from what Eqwina had said, except that it was just phrased differently.  Thinking on, she closed her eyes and recited on what she could take from memory.


    "Air, Water, Spirit, Earth and Fire are the Five elements of Saidar.  Women are usually strong in Air and Water, while Men usually have the greater strength in Earth and Fire.  Strength in Spirit is shared equally among men and women."


    "Drawing too much may lead to burning out of the One Power, and possibly death.  This is made possible by the fact that Saidar is addictive.  Thus, a Novice would not be allowed to channel the One Power without supervision from an Accepted or Aes Sedai."


    Nenen finished quite out of breath.


    "When will I learn to control Saidar?"


    The question blurted out of her before she could stop it.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Fighter of the Five




    Arrows of Fire 0 4 5 0 0 17

    The channeler weaves flows of Fire and Earth just so.  Needle-like flames shoot out from the channeler’s fingertips, incinerating anything it hits.  An increase in Fire would increase the heat of the flames.  An increase in the strength of Air would increase the distance the flames can travel.


    Blossoms of Fire 2 4 5 0 0 28

    The channeler weaves flows of Fire and Earth with a sliver of Air.  A tall thin column of fire appears with a shrill whine, and explodes, blasting and cutting through anything in its path.  An increase in Fire would increase the heat of the fire of the column.  And increase in Earth would increase the force of the explosion, and an increase in Air would increase the size the column could expand to.


    Branding (1) 0 2 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves minute flows of Fire in any design.  This design, when it settles on the target, burns a mark on it.  Air may be woven to prevent the target from starting to burn in truth, instead of being just scorched.  An increase in flow size will increase the size of the branding.  An increase in Air strength will decrease the likelihood of the target burning.  An increase in strength in Fire will increase the visibility and appearance of the branding.  An increase in skill used will increase the maximum complexity of the design possible.


    Combust/Immolate 0 0 2 2 0 8

    The channeler weaves Spirit and Fire into the target, causing it to explode in flames.  An increase in size of flows will increase the area that starts burning.  An increase in Spirit strength will increase the time the flame lasts after the weave is released.  An increase in strength in Fire will increase the size of the flames.  An increase in skill will decrease the time taken before the target starts burning.


    Create Fire 0 0 2 0 0 4

    The channeler weaves Fire just so, creating a flame in the air from nothing.  An increase in flows will increase the size of the flame.  And increase in strength of fire will increase the intensity of the flame.


    Cutting Lines of Fire / Laser Lines of Fire 6 0 6 0 0 27

    The channeler weaves thick flows of Air and Fire just so intricately.  Red lines of fire burst out from the fingertips of the channeler, cutting and slicing anything in its path.  An increase in size of flows will increase the size and number of the lines.  An increase in strength in air use will increase the penetration ability.  An increase in strength in Fire will increase the intensity of the fire.  An increase in skill used will increase the speed of the lines.


    Fireball (Normal) 2 0 3 0 0 7

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire.  When he/she makes a throwing gesture, a fireball appears, speeding towards the target.  When it hits, it explodes with furiousity.  An increase in flows will increase the size of the ball.  An increase in strength in Air or skill will increase the distance the fireball can travel.  An increase in strength in fire will increase the intensity of the fire.


    Fireball (Shrinking) 2 0 5 0 0 25

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire in a complex weave.  When he/she makes a throwing gesture, a fireball appears, speeding towards the target, slowly shrinking.  When it hits, or when it shrinks down to a point, it explodes with furiousity determined by how small it has shrunk to. The more the ball has shrunk, the more powerful the explosion.  Parameters are the same as above


    Fireball (Stationary) 2 0 3 0 0 6

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire just so, causing a ball of fire to appear in the air.  Parameters are the same.  Colour of ball can be changed at will


    Firering (Normal) 2 0 3 0 0 9

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire.  When he/she makes a throwing gesture, a firering appears, speeding towards the target.  When it hits, it explodes furiously.  An increase in flows will increase the size of the ball.  An increase in strength in Air or skill will increase the distance the firering can travel.  An increase in strength in fire will increase the intensity of the fire.


    Firering (Stationary) 2 0 3 0 0 8

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire just so, causing a ring of fire to appear in the air.  Parameters are the same.  Colour of ball can be changed at will


    Firering (Shrinking) 2 0 5 0 0 27

    The channeler weaves Air and Fire in a complex weave.  When he/she makes a throwing gesture, a firering appears, speeding towards the target, slowly shrinking.  When it hits, or when it shrinks down to a point, it explodes with furiousity determined by how small it has shrunk to. The more the ball has shrunk, the more powerful the explosion.  Parameters are the same as above


    Fire Blast (Heat) 3 0 5 0 0 17

    The channeler weaves Air and greater amounts of Fire, then pushes the weaving out.  When this weave touches anything, it heats it up greatly.  The thing may or may not explode depending on how combustable it is.  An increase in flows increase the length of the blast.  An increase in strength in Air increases the greater the area the blast can reach.  An increase in strength in Fire increases the chance anything will explode into flames.  An increase in skill increase the speed the blast travels.


    Fire Blast (Fire) 5 0 9 0 0 24

    The channeler weaves thick flows of Air and even thicker flows of Fire, the pushes the weaving out.  When this weave touches anything, it causes the thing to blast into flames.  Parameters are the same as above.


    Heat 0 0 1 0 0 6

    The channeler weaves Fire and touches an object, heating it up.  Increase in flow size will increase the area heated.  Increase in strength in Fire increases the intensity of the heating.  Increase in skill will increase the eveness of the heating.


    Ironing 2 0 2 0 2 10

    The channeler weaves Water on a piece of cloth, wetting it.  Then, Fire is used to heat the object, and Air to iron it flat.  Increase in flow size increase the area affected.  Increase in strength and Water and Fire increase the effect of the iron.  Increase in skill decreases the chance the cloth will burst into flames by accident.


    Phantom Fire 1 0 1 0 0 5

    The channeler weaves minute flows of Air and Fire around, and sparks of electricity appear in the air, causing people’s hair to stand up.  However, if touch, the shock given is nowhere near fatal.  Increase in strength of Air increases the length of time the display can last.  An increase in strength of Fire would increase the size and heat of the sparks.  Do note that when the amount of Fire goes past 3, the shocks would become very hard.  Anything past 5 could be fatal.


    Put Out Fire (Female) (Air) 2 0 0 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves flows of Air just so around a flame or fire, and it goes out in a puff of smoke due to the fact that the oxygen in that area has been replaced by oxygen.  An increase in the size of flows woven would increase the amount of fire that would be put out eventually.  An increase in the strength in Air increases the speed at which it would be put out.


    Put out Fire (Female) (Water) 0 0 0 0 2 12

    This weave is the same as “Put out Fire (Female) (Air)” except that instead of Air being used, it is Water.


    Put out Fire (Drawing Heat) 0 0 3 0 0 12

    This weave is the same as “Put out Fire (Female) (Air)” except that instead of Air being used, it is Fire.


    Razor of Fire 0 0 1 0 0 15

    The channeler weaves a thin sliver of Fire so that a hot razor is formed.  It is invisible.


    Smoke 2 0 2 0 0 9

    The channeler weaves flows of Air and Fire onto a flame, causing it to produce more smoke than normal.  The greater the strength in Air, the longer the distance the smoke can travel, while a greater strength in Fire would give a greater amount of smoke produced.


    Wall of Fire 0 0 5 0 0 12

    The channeler weaves flows of Fire, and a wall of fire appears.  Increase in strength of Fire would increase the intensity of the flame, while increase in size of flows would increase the size of the wall.


    Warm 0 0 1 0 0 8

    Simply a weaker version of “Heat”

  12. Nesyer withdrew her hands and looked at the White dresses that Larindha handed to them with some distaste.  She had noticed several girls wearing White, and assumed that they were servants.  Now it seemed that she was mistaken, and that Novices had to do chores.  However, life would not be so bad for them as, with a rush of joy, she realized that she could meet up with Wilemi and Nenen on Freedays.


    She undressed herself and took the remaining piece of dress that was left to her.  To her surprise, it was rather comfortable, although a bit rougher compared to Estean's weaving.  It also was a too small for her, tall as she was, though quite thin.  Nesyer undressed again, and selected another dress, a bigger version this time.  It fit her quite well, but not perfectly.  But, she supposed, Novice lives were not made to be comfortable.  Which was to be expected.


    Then, after they had all finished, Larindha then brought them all down to a secluded courtyard, where she proceeded to burn their clothes.  The flames were so hot that Nesyer had to put a hand to cover her face, which was tightening uncomfortably from the heat.  When the burning was finished, not even soot was left, only a few particles here and there.


    Then, they made their way to their rooms, a new place, and a new life.


    Nesyer Yoshan

    Healer of the Five

  13. Nenen wiped away her tears and waited as Nesyer finished speaking to Larindha Sedai.  Upon hearing that she would be able to visit Wilemi and Nesyer during the Freedays, she grinned alightly.  At least they had not lost each other as they had so many other people.  The last few months had been trying and troublesome for all five of them.  But listening and thinking about Larindha's last words, she realized that she would be having different schedules from them most of the time.


    But there was nothing to be done about it


    Larindha then selected 3 dresses and allowed them to try on the dresses.  Nenen kept an eye on Wilemi, and she herself quickly found a suitable dress that fit her, though slightly loosely.  As she had thought previously, the past few months had been tough going and trying for them all, especially Wilemi.  She then helped Wilemi change to a more suitable white novice dress, and after that, immediately went to a secluded courtyard, where Larindha turned to face them, her eyes serious.


    “What I am about to do is a symbolic gesture of the end of your old life. Once this is done, you enter a new life, breaking all bonds with the past. The White Tower is your life, your future.”


    Fire roared around their clothes, buring them all to nothing.  There wasn't even soot left, or much of it anyway.


    “Nesyer, Nenen, Wilemi … welcome to the Tower. These girls will take you to your rooms now. I will assign each of you Mentors to help you adjust to life in the Tower. Go now, in the Light.”


    Nenen followed one of the Novices, who then started to lead her along the corridors, into a new place and life.


    Nenen Kailadel

    Weapon of the Five

  14. Wilemi had finally managed to dry her tears without new ones springing from her eyes just as Larindha Sedai finished speaking to Nesyer.  She listened to Larindha and managed another watery smile as Larindha gave them the luxury of being able to visit each other during the Freedays.  It seemed that they would all have different schedules at different times, so that they would not be reliant on eeach other.  It made a kind of warped sense.


    Then, she undressed and took one of the sets of clothings that Larindha handed out to them.  It was too big.  She then passed it on to Nesyer.  Going over to the rack, she selected a noticably smaller dress of White, and wore it on.  It was a slightly tight fit, but because she was rail thin, it did not really matter that much.


    But Nenen just had to take that moment to pull the shirt over her head, and give her a slightly larger one.  Wilemi glared at Nenen, who grinned sheepishly.  Taking the shirt Nenen offered, she wore it over, and discovered to her astonishment that it fit her perfectly.  Giving Nenen a grateful look this time, she, Nenen and Nesyer went down into a seemingly secluded courtyard.


    “What I am about to do is a symbolic gesture of the end of your old life. Once this is done, you enter a new life, breaking all bonds with the past. The White Tower is your life, your future.”  Said Larindhs Sedai solemnly.


    Then suddenly, Fire roared around the clothes, consuming them.  When all the fuel was consumed and the flames vanished, there were only a few specks that remained of their clothes.  Wilemi's tears suddenly overflowed.


    There is a priced for everything.


    “Nesyer, Nenen, Wilemi … welcome to the Tower. These girls will take you to your rooms now. I will assign each of you Mentors to help you adjust to life in the Tower. Go now, in the Light.”


    Wilemi left as serenly as possible, trying to keep the tears from her face.  And succeeding somewhat as she walked through the corridors to her room.  Nenen and Nesyer seperated from her as soon as they reached the dormitories as they were led to different places


    Wilemi Kailadel

    Scholar of the Five

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