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  1. I remember, we get Mat early, then we get Mat carrying the Dagger(you know the one i mentioned that destroyed an entire city of light that was a constant fighter against the shadow) and that dagger changed his personality, it would have happened to anyone. The fact that he carried it as long as he did is a testament to his character. But it this version we get a full on character assassination of Mat. You are right that the full blown Mat comes later, but I would say book 3, you know when he got up out of a sick bed after being healed by a full circle of Aes Sedai, and traveled to Tear to save Egwene,Elayne and Nyn from Black Ajah.. but I suppose that doesn't show any strength of character at all... There are things that are going to be changed, you can't put the entire books into a 8 episode series. It is some of the things they choose to keep that surise me, honestly the whole warder episode it doesn't advance the plot at all, and isnt really necessary(in a book its great, in the series it wasn't need(in imo)) Noone has to agree with me jsut my opinion, and im not saying the series is terrible, but there are some decisions that jsut do not make sense to me
  2. Well if you have read the series it comes out later that the Aes Sedai especially the Red Ajah have a metric ton of things to fear from Logain, hence the reason they kept him locked up
  3. See I always felt those 2 forsaken were important more for Rand seeing Nyneave,Egwene totured and well basically snapping which is how he ended up channeling the Eye, and basically being mad with grief explains how he did some of hte things, he honestly didn't know how to do at the time. On the other hand i can see how there is only so much screen time and maybe shortcuts are needed. I think they did the end of S1 wrong, because the army was killed, and no Shienarians had seen a man channel, which i believe made it easier for them to become dragonsworn when they did later. However that is not the end of the world. Mat's character is a totally change imo, he was a jokester/trickster but not someone who would endanger another until he started carring the dagger with a piece of what turned a stalwart city of light into a festering pit of suspiscion and evil. then he had a ton of holes in his memories, but still would help his friends. others have different opinions obviously, but the characterization of Mat and the end of S2 are the 2 biggestest misses in the series so far.
  4. Mat doesn't do anything in the books until Rhuidean?? that is just wrong on so many levels. Granted it's book 3 and not expected to be seen yet, but he gets up from a sick bed, travels to Tear, breaks into one of the most highly guarded citadels in the world, to rescue his friends(Elayne, Egwene, and Nyneave) from the Black Ajah. There are some parts fo the first 2 seasons I wasn't a huge fan of but can live with aka Rand end scene, but that had less to do with Rand losing it, and more to do with they let the Army die, and it was the first step to Rand's announcement. That an be changed, but it was part of the reason the Shienarian's who followed him to Falme became Dragonsworn so fast. Still not the end of the world as far as a change goes. S2 ending i won't go into cause of spoilers but that was worse imo
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