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Posts posted by TheSmurf

  1. 58 minutes ago, Cranglevoid said:

    They've ruined machin shin. It was supposed to be this primevil being hell-bent on tearing you apart in the most horrific way. Something even trollocs and myrdraal feared. Now, it's just a stereotypical "whispers your biggest doubts in your head" thing. What on earth is it going to tell a trolloc? "You're not nearly as hairy as your brethren" or "Your smell barely brings tears to my eyes"?


  2. 40 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:

    A number of reasons.

    1: Perring has shown no romantic attraction or feelings towards Egwene what-so-ever.  He looked at her and Rand in the ways and turned away which could be a number of emotions and is the only thing Nynaeve saw since she was separated from Perrin since episode 1.

    2: Nynaeve has a history of jumping to that wrong conclusion after assuming the same for Lan and Moraine in episode 4.

    3: Perrin and Egwene both flat out say that it's not the case.

    4: Rand jump on the point to drive a wedge between him and Perrin, then completely lets it go with only a little bit of explanation.  (Almost as if he's deliberately trying to drive his friends away from him based on a dark secret he knows of himself).  In this series, characters taking solid reasoning and backing down?

    Those are the reasons that jump to my mind offhand.

    Laila not attending Egwene's ceremony


    Her and Perrin's dialogue implying a strained marriage 


    Perrin given Rand and Egwene a debated look (Wistfulness? Jealousy?) 


    Machin Shin preying on Perrin's fears of not being completely his Wife's


    The village wisdom making a comment that goes with the above 'flow' 


    Nothing to see here, folks.


    Am I saying this clearly indicates Perrin loved Egwene? 


    In fact I'm not (and certainly would prefer it to not be the case).


    But how someone can categorically state it's clear Nynaeve is 'wrong' is beyond my understanding. 


    Edit: Just to be clear, this is stemming way more from my criticism/frustration of the plot / writing choices rather than someone's interpretation of them. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Deviations said:

    I was going to post in the ep6 thread how much I hate this expression on this actress.




    Then I realized it was probably a good copy of my face when I'm watching the show.  Fair is fair.

    The directorial choice to have Leanne Sedai have this facial expression is a prime example of my issues with many of the changes... 


    But I'm sure there's a reason or deeper meanings for that face, that I missed. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Reader said:

    Just when all hope is lost, Mat (who we only see from behind) arrives out of nowhere and stabs the "Dark One" with the dagger.  The resulting explosion melts his face.  Nynaeve heals him as best as she can, but he'll never look the same again.

    Genius ?

  5. A question about Moraine setting the Red Ajah on Mat... If I remember correctly (hectic day) she didn't know if Mat was the Dragon Reborn or not at that point..? 


    So that means she was taking a chance with one of the remaining four being the DR. 


    But she knows it's a 80% chance, and that it might still be Mat. 


    So basically, if he had turned out to be the DR, she believes 100%, stone cold guaranteed he'll join the Dark One... Because if he can channel, gentling is a death sentence, whether he commits suicide or not. 

  6. Ugh... I can just see it happening now (Tam killing her) and they'll use it to justify Rand's upbringing to never harm a woman... 


    Reasonable? Ugh, yeah.

    Desired? Hell no. 

    Just have him see she's pregnant, yell NO to his colleagues a split second before they stab her (she kills them). He convinces her to let him help deliver the baby before she dies.


    Before the wheel pooped me out again, I was clearly a screen writer ?

  7. This is one of the changes (that the prophecies could be misleading that a woman could be the Dragon) is not one of my issues with the show. They explain it well and it's totally reasonable. I'd prefer that Moraine / Siuan would be more confident in the Foretelling, but again, it's not unreasonable that in such a crazy situation, with two such powerful channellers popping up, there would be doubt.


    Would prefer they would stick to their guns re the 4 others only. Having so many little changes... Well, straws, camels comes to mind, for me.

  8. 2 hours ago, RextheDog said:

    ....why is the waygate closing? and if so, why doesnt she just reopen it from the inside and discuss with Mat his reasons for hesitating?





    Moraine: So Mat, why don't you want to come? Is the possibility of death? The hard traveling? The Ways?


    Mat: Nah I'm good with all that... It's just.. I can't go into detail but lets just say 'I've been recast' and leave it at that m' kay. 


    Moraine: Recast? That's shocking! After Steppin, Logan, Nyneave, Lan and myself, you were my almost kind of favourite member!

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