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About bringbackthomsmoustache

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    Pedantry, myomancy.
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    Oh Moustached one!

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  1. Are these comparable figures? I suspect these are inclusive of the payment to secure the licence (very big in the case of RoP) rather than just the costs of wages, set and costume design, writing, CGI etc. The licence payment should be stripped out if the aim is to compare the production achievement against budget.
  2. When Verin discusses the excavated male Choedan Cal statue with Rand in TGH when they meet up in Cairhein she explicitly states that the female of the pair is on Tremalking and of current sisters only Moiraine, Siuan and Elaida are strong enough to survive using it. Of course that could be an unreliable narrator or otherwise false (and clearly she discounted Cadsuanne being still alive). Even with a buffer preventing burnout the channeller appears to experience amplified fatigue such that a lesser talent would perish from exhaustion when using it.
  3. Except that in book cannon none of the dark sisters are strong enough to survive using it. Also the one taken could prove to be the damaged one found in the Panarch's collection in the books, presenting no issues if it falls into the wrong hands.
  4. The only individual I recall defeating more than one fade at once in close combat is Lan, in the final book. More than one dies in the battle of Emond's Field (mostly to massed longbow fire) but most of their edge is wasted in a daylight mass charge - their role there is to force the trollocs to attack.
  5. At the start of book 3 Perrin has the skills to beat a fade single handed after being significantly injured by a trolloc, and later to take on several whitecloaks at once and impress an Aiel with his skill - appears to be a substantial jump in proficiency from that described in book 1 and early book 2, even allowing for time training over the winter camping in the mountains.
  6. I sincerely hope not. In the books going to Rhuidean was Rand's first sensible reasoned decision to advance his cause as the dragon reborn - taking away his agency in this would further weaken his development.
  7. The sparring weapons described in the books are wood, training weapons can be overweight (although still with the correct balance) - this could be something of that kind.
  8. Strange though that the damane are not allowed to speak publicly while Seanchan nobility refuse to speak directly to underlings (other than those of immediately inferior rank), instead expressing themselves thorough their "voice of the blood". Similar results with very different cultural meaning.
  9. Although they just showed Ny protecting Eg by blocking Eg from providing more power (and providing more herself, thereby reaching the point of burnout). As you say it should all be impossible while in a circle but if one can do it so can the other.
  10. It appeared to me more like a (poorly depicted) version of what Asmodean did for Rand after he overstrained his channeling during the battle of Cairhien - pushing some raw Saidin (so in this case Saidar) back into the channeller to prevent burnout (in this case fatal burnout rather than losing the ability to channel). So not an unprecedented action.
  11. My point is that letting Nyn read it when Elayne is right there is not a relevant point as Elayne had no particular ability in the books to know what a ter'Angreal does - only an interest (and perhaps a talent) in learning how to make ter'anreal - it was Aviendha who found she had the talent to know what an existing ter'angreal does (and much later). Nyn got the sense of suffering when touching the male adam, in general if a male who can channel touches an active adam he and those wearing it suffer great pain, if the bracelet is put on a male who can channel while a woman who can channel is wearing the collar then both die from it. The male adam was designed to allow one or two females who can channel to control a male who can channel, there is no general adverse effect from females touching it, only Nyn got the impression of suffering.
  12. Nyn was the one who got impressions from objects in the books (e.g. the male adam equivalent in Tanchio), although Aviendha was able to read the purpose of the ter'angreal from the Ebou Dar horde.
  13. In the books they are no more threatening than the Saxville-Baggins' in LOTR. In the show they have added heavy drinking, womanising, gambling and an implication of Mat acting as a thief or gigolo (depending on your interpretation of how he got the jewelry he sells to Padan Fain). Overall a far more gritty two rivers compared to the shire-ish view in the books.
  14. Not merely meeting him, having a foretelling (which as ever she signally misinterpreted in line with her own prejudices).
  15. Since you are not watching it you probably do not care but it was Liandrin not Elaida and a random male channeller not Logain (who would have crushed 3 average Aes Sedai). I agree that the speech was rubbish.
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