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Posts posted by Terez

  1. Mat only remembers bits and pieces of the memories he got from the 'Finns, and beyond that, none of them were his past lives. In the WoT world, a soul has certain recurring personality traits, despite the differences in genetics and upbringing. As Rand says, they were not two men and never had been. Rand believes he is over four hundred years old for all he remembers childhood being not long ago. It's a strange and unique situation, but that doesn't change the fact.

  2. This is from








    Who was the Lord of Chaos that Demandred and Taim both mention? There has been tons of debate.




    Really? I thought that one was obvious. What's the debate about?




    It's Rand. Look in the BWB re: Feast of Fools.




    Why was Demandred and Taim saying, "Let the Lord of Chaos rule" if it was Rand? Sorry just read through series once so far :(




    Here's a quote for you:


    The Feast of Fools

    Celebrated in Tammaz (in Arad Doman and the Borderlands) or Saven (everywhere else), the exact day varying according to locality. A day in which all order is deliberately inverted; the high perform lowly tasks (running errands, serving at table, etc.) while the low do no work and give orders to their usual superiors. In many villages and towns the most foolish person is given a title such as the Lord/Lady of Unreason/Misrule/Chaos or the King/Queen of Fools. Not an honor sought, but for that one day everyone has to obey whatever orders, however foolish, are given by the chosen one. (Called the Festival of Unreason in Saldaea; the Festival of Fools in Kandor; Foolday in Baerlon and the Two Rivers.)




    I've always enjoyed this theory about the Lord of Chaos. It's fun.






    That is a good theory for people to be reading.




    YAY. OMG, that theory has been on the rocks for years because of contradicting tour reports.




    Also, your tour quotes were vague enough to allow it but most people didn't see it that way.




    I didn't say the theory was true, just that you should study it. :) But I would like to see those tour reports.




    Yes, yes. :) Also, your vague(ish) wording:


    And the contradicting RJ reports:





    Adding to Brandon's implications here is Sorilea's comment in reference to the balefiring of Natrin's Barrow, in The Gathering Storm Chapter 27: "We felt the world warping from here, but did not know what had caused it. We assumed it to be the Dark One's work." (Similar to the ripples Perrin and Faile experienced in Knife of Dreams.) This opens up the possibility that people have no idea really what they're talking about when they assume that the warping of reality is due to the Dark One's touch, just as Alviarin had no idea what she was talking about when she assumed that the rotting food was the Dark One's touch (Knife of Dreams, Prologue).


    (emphasis mine)


    BS' responses are vague enough to do an Aes Sedai justice..


    He does not state that 'the LoC is Rand', or indeed identify 'him' as any particular person; he merely says it's obvious.


    As for your emphasis...at that point he was clearly talking about the theory that Demandred is balefiring things.


    My own opinion is that the expression 'Let the Lord of Chaos rule' can be taken both figuratively and literally.


    Which is what I have been saying.

  3. Taim's rescue of Rand at the last minute is certainly consistent with the idea that Rand is the Lord of Chaos, despite the fact that it's obviously also a reference to chaos as a strategy. And the orders to leave Rand unharmed, as Sammael says, were part of Demandred's instructions (which came to Sammael through Graendal), which is also consistent with Rand being the Lord of Chaos (and letting him rule).

    RJ explained why Taim came to Rand's rescue: "On the Asha'man finding Rand in Lord of Chaos, he said that they knew where Rand was. How they did know he began with the following words: "Mazrim Taim is a paranoid S.O.B." [exact quote!].


    That was not to explain why, but how Taim found him.



    Rand being the LoC adds nothing here. I fail to see how the quote you posted helps your point in any way.


    That's because you don't want to see it, clearly.


    Regardless of when the plan started, Rand was not kidnapped until after it was decided to let him rule - there was time enough to stop the plan going ahead, if they wanted Rand to rule.


    Much better to let him suffer a little bit first, don't you think?


    There is, quite simply, nothing to suggest that Rand is the Lord of Chaos.


    That's BS. There's plenty to suggest it, including Brandon saying so, and the evidence you choose to ignore.


    Further, the uses of the phrase outside LoC are consistent with the theory that it is not a specific individual.


    Only if you're daft enough to believe that it must be one or the other: an individual or a general strategy of chaos.


    Given that he didn't say what he thought the obvious answer was, that's rather unhelpful.


    It's clear he believes it is a person, and that the identity of the person should be obvious, and that is quite enough.

  4. Who is the Lord of Chaos, been re-reading the book and perhaps just because I am skimming it/don't remember details of the book, but when the forsaken say let the lord of chaos rule, are they referring to the DO, or ?...
    Various threads debated this....


    And Brandon found that surprising because the answer is really obvious. To be honest, I was surprised too; it's not something we debate at Theoryland.

  5. how come the Seanchan likes ravens so much, when we know that ravens symbolise the Shadow?


    coincidence, or was Ishamael having a laugh?


    Probably Ishamael having a laugh, same as the Towers of Midnight. There are 13 of them, and it's another name for the Forsaken.


    Who is the Lord of Chaos, been re-reading the book and perhaps just because I am skimming it/don't remember details of the book, but when the forsaken say let the lord of chaos rule, are they referring to the DO, or ?...

    Let the Lord of Chaos rule doesn't refer to a specific person (or entity, in Shai'tan's case), so much as an instruction to spread chaos.

    There are pretty convincing theories that the 'Lord of Chaos' does mean Rand as the king of fools. Making him unite the world when there was seemingly no reason to almost broke him with just the stress, so it was a pretty good plan and it frees up the shadow's forces to plan elsewhere.

    The idea that Rand is the Lord of Chaos - and thus the Shadow's directive is to let Rand rule - is not consistent with any of the uses of the phrase in the series. In LoC we see the attempt to kidnap and control Rand...


    The plan for the kidnapping was already in motion when Demandred went to Shayol Ghul in the LOC prologue; there were seventeen days in between the time he went there and the time he met with the other Forsaken, and in that time we had Gawyn's and Katerine's POVs, when the Aes Sedai were making a deal with the Shaido. Part of the reason we know Demandred was involved with the Black Tower at the time is this quote:


    "I have a few questions of my own. I never thought you would keep your truce with al’Thor any longer than you must, but this...?"


    The watcher’s eyebrows rose. A truce? A claim as risky as it was false, by all evidence.


    "I didn’t arrange his kidnapping." Sammael gave her what he probably thought was a wry look; his scar made it more a snarl. "Mesaana had a hand in it, though. Maybe Demandred and Semirhage as well, despite how it ended, but Mesaana certainly. Perhaps you ought to reconsider what you think the Great Lord means about leaving al’Thor unharmed."


    Taim's rescue of Rand at the last minute is certainly consistent with the idea that Rand is the Lord of Chaos, despite the fact that it's obviously also a reference to chaos as a strategy. And the orders to leave Rand unharmed, as Sammael says, were part of Demandred's instructions (which came to Sammael through Graendal), which is also consistent with Rand being the Lord of Chaos (and letting him rule).

  6. Ishamael and Lanfear can 'read the Pattern' in some way, and apparently the other Forsaken can too, though they can't read it as well. That suggests that it's a Talent related to Dreaming. Ishamael was both a Dreamer and a renowned philosopher, and he probably had a great deal to do with the fact that some of these things were common knowledge in the Age of Legends, not that he was necessarily the first Dreamer/philosopher. He wrote some books during the period of time after he'd sworn to the dark but before he declared so publicly, which was a period of almost a century, when he was in the prime of his life and career just as Lews Therin and Barid Bel were, but his ideas about the Dark One wouldn't have been included in that because historians only knew of those ideas from letters, and most of those were lost except to secondary sources. And many have pointed out that Lanfear's Dreaming ability might have been an important part of the team she was working on.


    That being said, there are definitely some widespread misconceptions floating around, as you see in the catechism:


    The Dark One and all the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, Lan recited the catechism in his head, bound by the Creator at the moment of creation. May we shelter safe beneath the Light, in the Creator's hand.

    The Forsaken weren't there at the moment of creation; they were only there at the Strike on Shayol Ghul when the Bore was imperfectly sealed.


    The idea of the Creator probably predates the drilling of the Bore, but the Dark One had been completely forgotten at that point and no one knew of his existence until the beginning of the War of Power, aside from Darkfriends who were laying low until then. Of course, there are some contradictions in the text on that point. Coumin is 16 on the day of the Strike, and he says the War was old when he was born.

  7. Universal has the rights for a feature film, and they won't expire for a few more years from what I understand (RJ signed for 7 years before he died). Likely that won't go anywhere, since Jason saw their script and he thinks it's horrible...and no one wants a feature film anyway. Though I personally think theater serials would be an even better format than a TV series; it might provide the budget necessary to do it right. People act like theater serials are a thing of the past, but I don't see why.

  8. I don't think so. The language spoken in Randland has its roots on the Old Tongue, which hardly resembles english.


    Yeah thought so, but i was rereading SR the other day, and a comment by Faile about Loial being loyal by name and nature got me thinking(sorry).

    Plus i have noted other english play on words in the series.


    Toh/toes is another one (I just read that one). But RJ did claim to have 'translated' the story into English for us.

  9. Right, even in KOD Galina still didn't know whether the Oath Rod in the Tower would work.


    Perhaps the Oath Rod in the Tower could lift that oath from her as well as the nearly identical rod in Therava’s possession, yet she could not be sure. The two were not identical. It was only a difference in marking, yet what if that indicated that an oath sworn on one was particular to that rod? She dared not leave without Therava’s rod.


    It never occurred to Therava to make her forswear her Black Ajah Oaths, and apparently she hasn't asked Galina to do anything that violates them, or Galina would likely be dead.

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