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Posts posted by Terez

  1. It should be noted that Aran'gar could get into Egwene's dreams, and she clearly had very little talent for it.  She had to sleep right next to Egwene to do it.  Egwene makes it clear that this is a matter of both strength and skill; Egwene has the strength in the Dream to reach people who are far away, but she had to train this talent.  Demandred mentioned that the ter'angreal which require channeling are used to train beginners in Tel'aran'rhiod.  The logical deduction is that nearly anyone can be trained to access Tel'aran'rhiod and even the Gap of Infinity where the dreams are found, but some are more talented than others.  The Wise Ones probably have lost the ability to train those who are not born with a strong talent for Dreamwalking.  The strong talent for Dreamwalking is probably accompanied by prophetic dreams, though we've had no indication that Moghedien and Lanfear have prophetic dreams.


    Re: the 'into the heart' prophecy:


    Not as far as I recall, but given the words fit very neatly with what happened its more of a question of 'is there anything to make us think that's not the fulfilment of that prophecy'?


    I can think of a few reasons to think it might not be in reference to Callandor:


    1.  Rand simply assumed that he knew what the prophecy meant.  That's generally an indication that Rand is wrong.


    2.  The wording is vague enough that it could easily be something else.  Until Narishma does something special, we have no real reason to think that Rand was correct. 


    3.  There's nothing really special about Narishma in reference to grasping the fearful blade.  If it were Justice, then it might have some special significance.


    Even though Brandon has hinted that Gawyn might survive, I still have a tendency to think that the sword will be Justice, that Egeanin will draw it out, and that its eventual destination will be Tuon.  It's a good redemption scenario for Egeanin. 

  2. Yeah, but even after LTT sees more channelers, he obsesses over Taim in particular. Is this because Taim is nearly as strong as Rand?


    I think this is because Rand had a billion flashing arrows pointing to the fact that Taim in particular was not trustworthy.  But he found these thoughts to be inconvenient - he needed Taim to train his army o Asha'man - so those thoughts were expressed via the voice (like many of Rand's suppressed thoughts and emotions).

  3. Can using a Terangreal be sensed?  If i use the BF rod, can it be sensed?  If yes, how is it sensed?  by men?  by women?  by both?  how by both???


    also, do Terangreal use either the male or female half or both?  Or can each be possible?


    also, if the latter is the case, is making different terangreal dependant upon it being made with either half, or both together


    we know Elayne makes terangreal with the female half.  maybe the dream rings are weak b/c they should be made with the male half?


    I have always assumed that this is the case, particularly because she mentions the fact that she can't get the colors right:


    TITLE: Lord of Chaos

    CHAPTER: 7 - A Matter of Thought


    Elayne turned the ring in her fingers. What it did was simple enough to understand, but the "how" still escaped her. "How" and "why" were the keys. With the rings she thought the pattern of colors had as much to do with it as the shape—anything other than the twisted ring did nothing, and the one that had turned out solid blue just gave you horrific nightmares—but she was not sure how to reproduce the original's red, blue and brown. Yet the fine structure of her copies was the same, the way the tiniest bits of them, too small to see or even detect without the One Power, were arranged. Why should the colors matter? There seemed to be one common thread in those tiny structures for ter'angreal that required channeling to work, and another for those that simply made use of the Power—stumbling on that was what allowed her to even attempt to make original ter'angreal—but there was so much she did not know, so much she was guessing at.



    There's a theory that white cuendillar is made by women, and black cuendillar has to be made by men, which would mean that the seals had to be made with both saidin and saidar (possibly the seals were made before Latra Posae turned all of the women against Lews Therin; Ilyena herself might have helped to make them).  But all of the cuendillar we've seen made by women is white.


    @Random Man:


    TITLE: Fires of Heaven

    CHAPTER: 9 - A Signal


    She made her voice light. "Well, your mother is not in our dreams, Elayne, or she would probably snatch us both up by an ear." Moghedien would probably torture them until they begged for death. Or arrange a circle of thirteen Black sisters and thirteen Myrddraal; they could turn you to the Shadow against your will that way, bind you to the Dark One. Maybe Moghedien could even do it by herself. . . . Don't be ridiculous, woman! If she could have, she would have. You beat her, remember?


    That's the only mention I know of.

  4. It was in the books.  Egwene saw it in her Accepted test, and when she came out of the arch, she asked Sheriam about it, and Sheriam explained it.  Later in the book, Liandrin (who heads a group of thirteen Black Ajah) tells the girls that they are sending for Myrddraal, so there is an implication there that it was going to be used.  Sheriam said it hadn't been done since the Trolloc Wars.  It hasn't been mentioned much since then.

  5. I don't think anyone addressed this post:


    My Questions:


    1) In TGS how much time passed when Rand left Tear to go to Ebou Dar and finally to Dragonmount?

    WoT Chronology.  More to the point, he went to Ebou Dar, spent the night with the Tinkers, and went to Dragonmount the next day. 


    2) In the EotW prologue Betrayer of Hope says that "men" gave LTT the name Dragon, do we know why? (I thought I saw someone else ask this but didn't see an answer)

    • Also when was he given this name, before or after he sealed the bore?
    • Did the Dragon name/symbol have some other meaning before it was given to LTT? (I guess I'm trying to figure out what it means)


    We don't actually know the answer to any of these questions except that he was named that before the sealing of the Bore (he earned the name Kinslayer then), but apparently, the mythological creature - the dragon - was known to people in the Age of Legends, and they named Lews Therin so because he breathed fire upon their enemies during the War of Power, or some such. 

  6. I always assumed that because the Forsaken know how to mask their ability to channel' date=' wouldn't it stand to logic that Mesaana would therefore mask her ability to channel? she could be any one in the tower, even a man, (though doubtful because men do not have any real authority there and the Forsaken are attention ho's) if she used the power to weave a disguise and inverted that as well... I for one have always been suspicious of the Head Cook lady whose name I cannot recall right now.[/quote']

    Graendal states that Mesaana is disguised as a sister.

    Furthermore, Brandon essentially confirms it on the TGS book tour (which is good, since Graendal's speculations on the subject are weak-ish evidence), and he also confirmed that Mesaana is not Laras.


    Better yet, RJ confirmed years ago that strength as well as ability to channel can be masked, so Mesaana is apparently posing as a sister who is (of course) weaker in the Power than Mesaana actually is, and that most Aes Sedai don't know these tricks are possible.


    [response to post about the other male sa'angreal stronger than Callandor' date=' which we know about from Lanfear']


    Yep.. once again, I stand corrected. She did indeed infer that. Seems some speculation has it that it's a 2 foot tall man with a book statue that is in the pile Elayne has in Caemlyn.

    That is an old faction from Theoryland (Tamyrlin is trying to figure out how to retire factions, but for now I still get members joining factions of mine that have been proven wrong, which amuses me).  RJ RAFO'd the question at signings and actually put it in the books (what that ter'angreal was, not what the other male sa'angreal is).  He confirmed on his blog that the ter'angreal - a stout bearded man with a jolly smile and a well-stocked WoT Kindle in his hands - was a cameo of himself.

  7. Did Rand ever tell anyone specifically that he used the True Power, or just 'i killed them' and then go about banishing caddy to the far reaches of his peripheral?


    LTT obviously knew what the True Power was, and mentioned it a bit amongst the ramblings when Rand used it against Semi and Elza, as well as a few other times I believe when Rand was wrestling between it and the CK.


    So Rand should have been able to guess that it was -something- other than the One Power from LTT's ramblings, but if he didn't, depending on the extent of what he knows of LTT's memories after his 'love is the answer' epiphany on the Dragonmount, he should know from that.  But aside from that, I doubt that anyone's sat down with him and told him "What you used is the TP, this is what it does", since the only people who would know are the Forsaken.

    Actually, Rand figured out that Moridin was using the True Power at Shadar Logoth in Knife of Dreams, when he first recognized Moridin's face in the sickness visions.  From Lews Therin's memories, obviously, but Lews Therin didn't 'tell' him anything - he just remembered.  He knew enough about it then to know that it can't be sensed.

  8. When Tam is talking to Rand, he mentions that Morgase is alive and with Perrin.  I don't recall reading about Perrin finding this out.  Am I missing something or was there just absolutely no set up for that particular revelation?  I was really curious to find out what would happen if/when Perrin found out about Morgase and it was treated in a very cavalier fashion.  I think that disappointed me more than anything else.  Except maybe Rand's little mountaintop love-fest.

    It's simply an issue of overlapping timelines.  We will see the revelation on screen in the next book, when Brandon catches up Perrin's plotline.  I don't feel like it's been ruined just because Tam mentioned it, though....we all knew it was going to happen.  It will be fun to read the scene regardless.

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