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Everything posted by Cross

  1. knowledge and the Browns. as an ajah both in the books and here on DM, we thoroughly enjoy expanding our minds, our experience, dedicating ourselves to understanding. be it understanding our jobs, our hobbies and interests, things that puzzle us and those that intrigue us. our small worlds or the universe as a whole. learning is our passion. because when you take the time to learn, to understand a thing, your scope, your world expands and you're better able, more capable of applying and handling it. i personally believe our collection of knowledge tends to the passionate more than the dispassionate. for we research what we love. as one should with the people they love, you get to know them, their quirks, their personalities, their likes and dislikes and truly the deeper sign of love is studying what makes them happy, understanding what they love, their passions. KNOWING them as completely as you can. that same passion can be applied to such a vast array of things it boggles the mind. it excites the soul of a Brown. is there overlap? most certainly. we are not knowledge consuming machines, rather ones that apply what we learn. discern its best uses, its value. but whilst we agree on the intermingling of knowledge/reasoning/logic in life and in our ajahs, i do challenge the presumption that reasoning leads to the collection of facts and knowledge allows further reasoning. when the initial 'reasoning' could well be nothing more than instinct. to use your example of the seasons, knowing when to prepare, to read the times etc. one does not need to apply logic to what they see to know a thing. to recognize a pattern and to act on it. instinct can do all that without the application of actional logic. to 'reason' after all is a verb. a choice. a willful application. knowledge CAN be innate. it can exist pure. and for that, there is no milk. and with that, let's open it up for discussion! have a thought? a question, a side? chime in!
  2. years fly by quick though.
  3. White vs. Brown: Knowledge vs. Reason and Logic welcome to Tea… with Milk! the show that brings you burning questions, delves into the deepest mysteries, is unafraid to go where pleading minds desire! hailing from two ajahs that may appear intwined in purpose, the Brown and White, the tea and the milk, may share a strong foundational bonding but our approaches and focus can be vastly different. Offering unique viewpoints, counterpoints and a thirst for both knowledge and its logical applications. My co-host and I may agree on much, may disagree on others, together discussion is had and growth stems from it which is the goal of TwM. stimulating your mind, broadening your scope. And ours in the process. (With perhaps a healthy mix of levity along the way) so to begin we thought it best to begin with a fundamental introduction, just who are the Brown and White Ajahs? What do we believe? And from there a discussion lies. and with that i hand it over to @Delenn to tell us about the Whites
  4. my first reaction was, 'fireplace!'
  5. thank you! its never a bad birthday when you get six books and sis made the horrible mistake of getting me a drone. muhahaha
  6. Birthday incident….indeed we must.
  7. LOL well no i feel like there needs to be an incident.... haha thanks del i totally do need it.
  8. oh my gosh! yes please! me doggy is coming to the Tower! muhahaha thanks everyone! *takes some of the noms
  9. Cross

    FoF: Siggies!

    unless you have it saved somewhere so you can place it back if you want to
  10. that thought helped me with my own mom's passing. also the idea that 'grief is love with nowhere to go'
  11. hearing the noise, the music, seeing the enticing lights. its far too curious a thing to pass by without even a little investigation. slipping through a window, following the shadows to a protected and hidden corner to settle and watch these strange wetlanders rituals
  12. Mary had just arrived in Tar Valon, and was not surprised to see the streets packed with people for the Feast of Fools celebration. She wore her feastday best and peered excitedly into each stall she passed. Many were delightfully covered in array of colors and lights, each as vibrant as the next! The smells and sights were wonderful, but her stomach rumbled loudly letting her know it regretted her haste in leaving before breakfast - but wait, was a that pie cart up ahead? As Mary quickened her pace toward the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pies, her excitement mingled with the infectious revelry of the Feast of Fools, the air filled with laughter, music, and the occasional burst of fireworks, creating a kaleidoscope of sensations that enveloped the City of Tar Valon in a joyous fervor; however, as she approached the pie cart, the bustling crowd seemed to part inexplicably, revealing a shadowy figure clad in dark, hooded robes, their piercing gaze fixated on Mary with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, an unexpected foreboding that whispered of hidden dangers lurking beneath the festive façade, and as she reached for a delectable-looking pastry, a furtive movement caught her eye – a glint of steel emerging from the folds of the stranger's cloak, signaling a perilous undercurrent beneath the merriment that threatened to unravel the festivities into a tapestry of danger and intrigue. Mary had always bathed her time between the folds of her books, swimming the depths of fictional intrigue and squirreling her time away. Time that had the unfortunate side-effect of over-acting both her imagination, andcuriosity. Really if she had been blessed by the Power, Mary would have made a lovely Brown Sister. However, this day, facing this threat, her warning instincts met her immovable curiosity and froze her feet to the ground as the shadowy figure flashed towards her, short dagger raised, all ready for a strike. Mary could only watch aghast as the raised dagger fell, her active imagination already experiencing the dull, bludgeoning pain - stab wounds did not feel sharp she knew from her reading - when suddenly the dagger flew away in a burst of motion. An object rolled to a stop at her feet. A pie dish! She had been saved by a... The dark robed figure was knocked onto the ground by a short bosomy woman, who leapt over the pie cart, cannoning into the figure. This unexpected saviour whipped a wooden spoon out and started towards Mary's assailant who was already scrabbling backwards, looking for an escape. Adept at wooden spoonage, Mary's savior beat back the assailant, stirring up a heavy dishing of bruises, however in the shadows of the space between shops a second hooded figure emerged, sword glinting as they came up behind the utensil wielding hero. As the blade glinted in the sun, Mary noticed a cloaked woman just aside of her. She was wearing a serpent ring. Just as she noticed, so did the assailant who turned and quickly went the other way fading into the crowd. Of course, this is Tar Valon and Aes Sedai would be among the crowd. Why were assailants trying to murder her? She was just a simple young woman The answer to that was quite simple, the simple woman Mary had been attacked to draw out the Aes Sedai in the crowd. The crowded streets were rapidly becoming less crowded as people became aware of the commotion, leaving Mary, her spoon-wielding heroine and the cloaked Aes Sedai were alone beside the pie cart. then, one of the pies began to move.
  13. my favorite from my fifth grade teacher. a young recruit steps in to get his gear before going off to war, having to wait in a long line as weapons are issued he finally comes up to get his. but looking around there are no more guns, his commanding officer says, "dont worry, when you see the enemy far off just point your finger at them and say 'bangitty bangitty bang.'" concerned the soldier asks, "what if they're too close to shoot?" "well, then you jab your finger forward and say 'stabbity stabbity stab.'" his commanding officer instructed. dubious but with no recourse he's fitted with a helmet and marched off to war. finding himself near the frontlines the soldier managed to avoid direct conflict, armed as he was, but soon he was separated from his group and sighting the enemy on approach. nervous he raised his finger, aimed at the oncoming soldiers and said, "bangitty bangitty bang!" to his surprise the enemy soldier he'd pointed at fell down dead. thrilled he pointed his finger at the next soldier, yelling, "BANGITY BANGITY BANG!" again the enemy fell down dead. now, however he was faced with a soldier rushing at him, too close to shoot, he jabbed his finger forward and yelled, "stabbity stabbity stab!" yet again, the enemy soldier fell down dead. amazed, his attention went to an approaching enemy walking down the road in his direction. raising his finger the soldier said, "bangitty bangitty bang." but nothing happened. trying again he shouted, "bangitty bangitty bang!" still the enemy approached. now closer, the soldier jabbed his finger forward yelling "stabbity stabbity stab!" to no avail. the enemy soldier just kept walking, right over the young man who himself fell down dead. the last thing the young soldier heard as the enemy soldier walked over him was the marching man saying, "tankity tankity tank"
  14. you mean failing at it
  15. so your mind IS fully warped then. well from here on out, the executioner HAS to execute. rules: -you may kill how you please but every wrong guess is a step closer to the grave -a wrong guess at solving the puzzle is immediate death. -kill people
  16. this is Heavy's offense. making a guess of the solution, complete or not. also the evil little trolloc edited so i die in protest!
  17. its better than being cookpitted BELIEVE me
  18. well yeah because you cant ever get the stink out.
  19. is why i'm here besides i hardly think SG is the place to tolerate failure
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