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Everything posted by Cross

  1. @HeavyHalfMoonBlade - You have been such a breath of fresh air around here. Thank you for being you. -Lily
  2. Cross - Simply put, thank you for being my friend. -Lily
  3. @Wayward_fool Boopsy - There are no words to express how much I love you and how glad I am to see you back home. -Lily
  4. Dearest @HeavyHalfMoonBlade, You have been such a delight to have around the Tower! Thank you for everything you do and just being a wonderful you! Love, Del~
  5. Dearest @HeroAndros, Welcome to the team! It should definitely be interesting! And I am certain lots of fun. Love, Del~
  6. Dearest @LilyElizabeth, Your sweet and gentle spirit has been a light ever since I arrived here. I can't wait to get to know you better. I mean... Oh, Great Mistress of the Dark you outshine them all! Love, your sparkliest trolloc!
  7. Dearest Cross~ Thank you so much for all you do and for how you have been here, helping to support the Tower. You are invaluable to us all and I am loving getting to know you! Love, Del~
  8. Dear @Azshaya~ I am so glad to get the chance to know you. And thank you, for everything. Love, Del~
  9. Dearest @WintersTeeth~ My Wolfkin Warder, I hope this gets to you. Late night music mixes and long conversations may not be the norm anymore but you are such an important person in my life. Never doubt it. Your pup, Del~
  10. Dearest @Kara_J ~ You have been a Sister, a mentor and dearer than any friend through the years. I hope that there are so very many more! Love Del~
  11. Dearest @Elgee~ It's been entirely too long without you! It really has been like something just clicked back in place being together again, Sis. I treasure you so much and you only ever need call and I'll be here. Love Del~
  12. _E_T'S ____ _N THE _EN_ poorly guessed: i muhauahah finally! a large stone slab stained crimson from the blood of all the fated that had gone before appears in front of Lily.
  13. Yeah it’s called a greenhouse also I did add life/spirit in there too 😛
  14. honestly it could be as simple as a form of fertilizer. enriching the earth with life, providing weaves of warmth
  15. the books! the tiny chocolate books!
  16. @Kathy Campbell Thank you for providing us all this wonderful space to relate, be more than a little whacky, and develop precious relationships. Everything that goes on behind the scenes can be stressful and we all appreciate you and what you do. -WT/W
  17. @SinisterDeath Thank you for doing the thankless job here at the boards. we know its tough and want you to know it's all appreciated -WT/W
  18. @Delenn Good luck as the MoN. From what I've seen the aspies are in good hands! -Hero
  19. @LilyElizabeth Thank you for the warm welcome, and reminding me what makes DM so much fun. -Hero
  20. @Elgee Thank you for inviting me back. It's good to be home. -Hero
  21. @Mirshann Uuranor I miss you! Hope you see this 🥰 - Elgee
  22. @Cairos Little Brother, what can I say? Your company is like being hugged by the nicest, most loving cloud of serenity ever. Love you long time! Elgee
  23. @Siera Thank you for stepping up to help out at the Blue Ajah! You are such a lovely addition to our boards, and especially to the Blues. *snuggles*, Elgee.
  24. @Wayward_fool Boopsie, It's so good to see you back on the boards! Your unique brand of insane humour, naughtiness and compassion just makes my heart light up. Lots of love! Elgee.
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