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Everything posted by Cross

  1. that is actually the way in which you're supposed to meditate. its not about emptying your mind of all thoughts, but being able to recognize and dismiss them.
  2. 1000%! be a good thing to do in the yellows!
  3. Throughout my life art has been the constant space in which I’ve been able to deal, to process. Expressing feelings into pages, letting my line work speak the words I can’t. For a time even that had been taken from me. That joy and release because I’d been made to feel inadequate, lacking. And perhaps unironically my skill had dropped in tune with my mental state. Something I hadn’t realized until I began to miss it. Began to miss the confidence I had before. drawing, still provides part of my mental therapy, though more so for me, it’s storytelling. Writing, sequential art, expressing what I bottle up vicariously. I cant tell you how many times I’ve cried over my paper because what I was drawing allowed me to feel, allowed me to open that dam. The space between my hand, pencil and paper is sacred to me. aside from that, especially in recent years, I’ve come to cherish what few close friends I’ve kept through the years. My sister, my best friend, my cousin and my church family. People who genuinely care for me. (Which I still struggle with. Believing that people genuinely care) but I’m learning to lean on that, and open up to them more. It’s been a wealth for my mental health and strength. Privately also I’ve found that if I neglect my prayer life, my mental health begins to suffer. I need those quiet moments alone with God. also i make a point to spend one 24 hour period a week to not work. To disengage from that aspect of life and let my brain refresh oh also…my dog. Stupid awesome for my mental health.
  4. dear Narg there's a faction i wish to demolish. or at the very least humiliate for the heck of it. thoughts on how i should proceed? moridin
  5. hey narg, i dont want to work today. but if i dont the Dark One will be mad. what should i do?
  6. Dear narg i have a…..pet. It’s become quite attached, following me everywhere, all up in my business. How do I get it to stop? -Moridin
  7. there is a point at which both are true. when you both confront a wrong, stand up and not accept it then once that's accomplished you wipe your hands and be the bigger person in the terms Heavy meant. walk away from the toxicity because it'll only feed it. but i know you both know and exemplify this.
  8. 100% i fear/dread what i attempt all the time. partially because i know that that's the only way to grow. is to do the scary thing
  9. sounds like a topic for the Whites.
  10. No hobbies recently, though I am getting the urge to make another miniature
  11. MEAT'S BA__ ON THE MEN_ poorly guessed: i, d, l you unfortunately CAN have a b
  12. To everyone else, @Arie , @LilyElizabeth , @EirikDaude , @Cairos , @Azshaya , everyone, That is part of the Tower or has been, thank you for making this wonderful place as awesome as it is, and making me feel so welcome. You all are just so spectacularly brilliant I cannot believe my luck at being part of this community. Hugs and snuggles, Heavy.
  13. To Cross, Thank you for making me work to make you smile, and some times even letting me know when you do. Thank you for your kindness and your advice and all your help. I will always be in awe of your fluent ability in gif. You are awesome. Lots of snuggles, Heavy.
  14. To @Delenn , Thank you for all the chats on Discord, for always being there, and for not running away when things got a little odd. You have made me feel like a whole person. Even if you haven't spanked me in role as Mistress of Novices, you will always have a friend for all the caring, compassion and humour you have shown me. You are simply amazing. Lots of snuggles, Heavy.
  15. To @Elgee, Thank you for everything. From the first days of popping into my introduction thread, threatening to burn me to a crisp, recreating Bob's moat specifically for throwing me into it to flattering me about replies on the book discussion forums and slapping me on my birthday. You have always supported me, and everyone else in the Tower. You have been nothing but a joy and a source of strength every since I have been here. You are just wonderful. Lots of snuggles, Heavy.
  16. Dearest @Gentled Ben~ You have been a friend and mentor in the Whites since the moment I was given my first snowball-o-matic. We have always had you as an anchor and your posts are missed on the boards! But it's good to see your name light up on Discord. Send a message one of these days! Love, Del~
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