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About DojoToad

  • Birthday 12/10/1968

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    Martial arts
    Tumble polishing rocks
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  1. Definitely possible. I'm coming back up to that scene in my reading now. Will have to keep an eye out.
  2. You'll note I started my thought by saying I thought of the long gap as a disadvantage. But as I'm not a media person I was wondering if I might be overlooking possible advantages. Media is very different from when I was young and continues to evolve. Just wondering what others thought. You stated that very few people will re-watch multiple seasons of a show to catch-up/refresh, but I'm not so sure. Very many people on this site have re-read the book series multiple times every time a new book was released. That takes a lot more time and effort. Not saying you're wrong just that people are different. Some people have no problem taking 2 or 3 days to watch 8 hours of TV - especially if it is something they really enjoy.
  3. I thought of the gap between seasons as a disadvantage, but I'm wondering if there may be a benefit in the world of streaming. People may have forgotten much of the detail for WoT between seasons - not a problem, re-watch S1 and S2 in the weeks or months leading up to the drop of S3. Amazon boosts their watch numbers as folks prep for the new season. Not much difference between what many of us did with the books - re-reading all the previous books whenever a new one was published. But I think there is a bigger benefit to the streaming company as they still own the show. There is only one place to see it. Amazon controls advertising (if present) and folks are more likely to check out their other offerings due to convenience. Publishers give that up as we own the books and can re-consume them at will.
  4. @Rsmithboeing - I'll answer your title question the best I can. No, the writers will not 'fix' the issues you have with the show. They have had a decent amount of success with it as written and it appears you are asking for a 90 (if not a 180) degree turn after two seasons. Like you, I wanted a very different show than what was produced. But I'll need to wait for the next show, movie, or whatever. Rafe's version is not for me, but I also don't expect for him and his team to cater to me. I did my share of complaining over what I think is wrong with the show and now am back to reading the books. It is a great place to be!
  5. I never bought into the 'new turning' explanation. To me, it is very obviously Jordan's story - characters have the same names, major events are similar enough, and the world is very recognizable (except for the extremely undersized Ogier πŸ˜‰). That is where my comment comes from - it is Jordan's story with lots of changes. POV flips, added events and characters, missing or delayed characters, events shifting to other characters, etc. I like some of the changes, dislike more of them, and hate the show's execution in general - but it is the WoT as interpreted by Rafe and company.
  6. Correct. The show is telling the story from the books but from the perspective of minor and periphery characters. Changes the feel a lot.
  7. For sure. I like to own things, not rent/lease them. I think streaming may take the option away from us at some point - you have to pay a monthly fee to watch your favorite things instead of one and done.
  8. Huh, didn't even know that was a thing anymore with streaming... I haven't heard anything.
  9. Very true. I remember comments going back several years now in which some folks were just happy to get something (in the lead up to S1 and beyond). 'Better than nothing' was often implied and said outright. More WoT was automatically better - even if the product was garbage. At least that was the impression I got. I'm not saying the show was garbage, but it is definitely not for me. I watched the first 4 episodes of S1 (twice each) and the 1st episode of S2. In my case, I'd rather have nothing than this 'turning' of the wheel. Maybe next time will be more up my alley.
  10. That would be way too much for me. That level of dissection would suck all joy out of the story. Plus the finish Jordan envisioned in 1990 was probably significantly different than what he planned in 2000, and probably would have changed again had he been able to finish the series himself.
  11. I prefer ample bosoms myself. Boobies big enough to walk around might break the lore... πŸ˜‰
  12. Eucalyptus in endemic to eastern Cairhein... πŸ˜‰
  13. Yep. WoT may be back in a week. Streaming does make everything weird. Guess we'll see if they announce a S4 before S3 drops as is the pattern for this show. Then, of course, does S3 perform as well as the first two seasons. All that said, 'High Castle' has amazing staying power. I'll have to check it out.
  14. Probably because 'The Man in the High Castle' ran until 2019 and it is still getting Nielsen ratings 5 years later. There is something to be said for staying power - or lack thereof...
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