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Everything posted by Elgee

  1. I'm right-handed, and it did not go well either ... rofl
  2. @Cross I used Krita for a while but you really need to use a "pen" with it, which I don't have.
  3. Now that's a sensible arrangement!
  4. *Goes to cry with Shawlee* Don't get me wrong, she'll be excellent playing any character, but she's been such a fan-favourite for the role of Cads for so many years, to the point where she even approached Rafe about it. Why not just go with that flow??
  5. That is just so weird, looking at "myself" ... LoL Are we messing with your work schedule? *grins*
  6. I do agree with you about Ceara - she looks the part and more importantly, acts the part. And I suppose above all, the writers managed to get this character right.
  7. I hear ya, and I feel your pain!
  8. A dog? Where? Spins around spin me right round baby ... errr ... wait I saw a pawprint? 🤔
  9. @Cross I need to know what that mug says. I. NEED. TO. KNOW. 😅 Oooooh what are we working on, in that painting? Lordy you're so organised and clean! Ah shoulda known, though, judging by your DM work *grins*
  10. Yah no these are all rescues from around the area. And then they breed. Like little rabbits. Only slower.
  11. Hahahaha speaks the voice of wincing experience, heh? *grins* Is that Maple?
  12. Welcome to the White Tower and Warders, Shawlee! I'm so glad that you made your way here 😁
  13. This was witnessed from my office a few weeks ago. You have to enlarge it, but it's a Father Christmas carrying a dinosaur and pulling a shopping trolley. Early deliveries?
  14. Some office flowers - I just didn't catch the office gecko that flitted past behind them, chasing an office mosquito:
  15. Spreadsheets! I could see so many spreadsheets!! *swoons* Well they're the boss's tortoises (over 20 of them) and the neighbour's cat, but I'll take 'em hehehe.
  16. LMAO we're in a loop! Love it. Also seriously in love with your monitors.
  17. The big one, Bean, likes to sneak up on me and come and snuggle up to my foot quietly. First thing I know about it is when I get the loving warm feeling. I dunno ... maybe he p's himself from the sheer joy of seeing me? 🤪 Oh and lately he also likes to bite my toenails. Do you have any idea what a 15kg plus tortoise's bite-force is??? 😮
  18. Had to let the office cat (Skippy, featured above) through (from front door to back door), then had to barricade the back door with water bottles so Skippy could still skip over, but these 2 and their friends would stay out:
  19. So what did you do at your office today? Was supervised:
  20. It's sad that the SGs have morphed so that they're almost indistinguishable. I suppose it's because so many people are now members of so many groups. Back when I was Chosen here at the BT, they were definitely very different. The BT was much more "hard-core" in their attitude, whereas the WT was (and still is) more laid-back in one way but also more "polite". It's not so much WHAT they do, but HOW they do it. They could both be talking about the weather, but you could immediately tell which person was the BT and which the WT. Anyhoo, just my 2 cents, as an old-timer. I love this place. Would be hard to see it go into mothballs, but I would very much look forward to it being revived once the Show gets to this part of the story.
  21. *Le Gasp!!* 10 points from Gryff ... err ... Heavy 😮
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