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Everything posted by Elgee

  1. Also, I will start flooding the WT/W with the results of my latest project soon 😛
  2. Is this something any of you think about, and or do something about? It's not something that's ever really been in my lexicon, but long story short I've been going through a tough phase mentally and emotionally. I haven't even wanted to be on DM, even though I want to be on DM. Can't explain that contradiction, really. My world has just grown more insular by the day. Classic burnout / depression, I suppose? Anyhoo, I've always loved artwork and pictures, and I'm sure most of you are aware that I love posting pretty pictures at the various sections of the WT/W. Lately I've been messing around with an AI app type thing called Smile (don't hate me, Cross). I've found it soothing and even energising mentally. Never really thought about it but there was mention on the radio news of some tennis player who took a 2 year mental health break and then it dawned on me - that is what I do for mental health. I withdraw from everything except 1 or 2 things that bring me pleasure. That helps me to ride the wave until I come out at the top again. It also dawned on me that I should stop feeling bad and guilty about this. If it's necessary for other people to take mental health breaks, then why not for me? So ... who can relate?
  3. Oh Boopsy, I'm so sorry! *hugs gently*
  4. Well I'm really glad you're here now, @William Heigh! Talk to us 😁
  5. Are you also from South Africa, Wynand?
  6. I've also found that section to be quite confusing, time-wise. Unfortunately my Book 1 is lying at my office so can't check 😞
  7. Yes. Yes we do. It was so much fun to watch! From a distance.
  8. Good to see you here! Are you finding your way around? If in doubt, just scroll down ... LoL
  9. I would fully agree with you, if people meant it as you explained there. Unfortunately people usually mean "be the bigger person" as things like "just walk away". It's that type of reaction which I'm referring to, but yah it should be made a bit clearer, heh?
  10. I'm now in agreement with this. "Being the bigger person" just allows abusive people to continue being abusive not just to oneself, but to others. In other words, it's actually a cowardly cop-out. It took having some of my people getting abused in order for me to realise this, and break the chain. We live and learn.
  11. Would she have needed to tell them about the bag?
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